Chapter 17

"So that's it for today."

Chabashira-sensei said that and left the classroom. At the same time, some of my classmates headed towards Hirata, and Horikita, Kushida, and Ayanokoji left the classroom with the three idiots from their class, Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi.

Recently, Hirata has been holding a study session in class, and Horikita, Kushida, and Ayanokoji have been working on behalf of the three idiots in the class.

Aside from the former, the latter was unexpected. Kushida aside, I didn't think that Ayanokoji, who seems to be even more troublesome than me, would break his back.

Well, maybe Horikita is partially forcing him to participate.

I don't participate in any study sessions, but study with other class members in the library.

Because I don't really have anyone to talk to in class. I only occasionally talk to Hirata and Kushida.

I get ready to go home and exit the hallway. And as I was walking down the hallway...

"Oh Hello, Hachiman-kun."

"Ah, Hikigaya-kun. I'll be participating today too, so please join us."

Hiyori and Ichinose are in front of me.

Since the test study period started, I've been studying at the library every day, but the person I study with changes every time.

Hiyori is with me every day, but Sakayanagi and Ichinose come to class once every few days.

Since Sakayanagi isn't there, it looks like the three of us will be doing it today.

"Nice to meet you too. The test is just over a week away, so let's do our best."

While saying this, we walk towards the library. At this time of year, the library is crowded and seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so you have to hurry.

"That's right. The scope of the test has changed, so we have to be careful."

When I arrived at the shoe closet and was changing my shoes, Ichinose said something like that...

"Wait a minute. Has the test range changed?"

I've never heard of the test scope changing, have you?

"All subjects have changed little by little."

"I was also told about the change in scope. Haven't you heard about it in Hachiman-kun's class?"

"I'm sorry for not asking, but if you have a paper with the new range written on it, could you show it to me?"

When I say that, the two of them take out papers from their bags and hand them to me. At the same time, I took out the paper with the test range written on it from my bag and compared it...

"They've changed a lot, Ichinose-san..."

I couldn't help but complain.

The scope changes by about 4 or 5 pages for each subject. Even if it was only 4 or 5 pages long, it would be a big deal for someone who was close to the red mark.

After all, if each subject has 4 or 5 pages, there will be a difference of 20 to 25 pages between 5 subjects.

For now, let's check with Sakayanagi. I took my cell phone out of my pocket and called Sakayanagi, who connected immediately.

"Oh, Hikigaya-kun. It's rare for you to call me. Are you inviting me on a date? "

"There's no way I'd invite you during the test study period. I called you because I wanted to ask you something. Has the test scope changed?"

"Yeah. The number of pages for each subject has changed. What's wrong with that? "

"Actually, my class was the only one who hadn't heard about it."

What is Chabashira-sensei really thinking? I don't understand the point of telling Horikita that it's necessary for me and Ayanokoji to get to A, but not telling us the scope of the test.

"That was a disaster. Well, Hikigaya-kun won't have any problems since he won't be doing anything outside of class."

"I guess that's true. It was my fault for going out of my way to check."

"If you're in Hikigaya-kun's position, I can't help it. I have to show my face to the class today, but please study hard."

"You should do your best in teaching as well. Well then... I'm sorry, Ichinose. Please lend me that paper."

"O-oh, right!"

After saying that, I hung up the phone and asked Ichinose.

Ichinose, on the other hand, nods and hands me a piece of paper, so I make another call with it in hand.

However, this time my opponent is not Sakayanagi, but Kushida, the only person in my class whose contact information I have.

"Hello. It's rare for Hikigaya-kun to contact me. what's wrong with you? "

That's right. I don't want to have anything more to do with a woman who clearly wears a mask than necessary.

In any case, I have no intention of hiding information this time. If it were to come to light that only D-class students were not informed about the changes in the test range, the people in that class would be upset, especially those in the red-point group.

If that happens, there's a possibility that they might blame me for interacting with students from other classes, such as Sakayanagi, Ichinose, and Hiyori, saying,

"Why didn't you tell me about it?'' If that happens, it will definitely be troublesome, and the best way to protect my peaceful days is to let them know as soon as possible.

"Actually, the scope of the test has changed, but only the D-class was not informed of that."

"eh? ! Is that true?!"

Kushida-san was shocked and shouted on the phone, and a moment later, I heard noise coming from her cell phone. There was probably someone who was in speaker mode and heard what I was saying.

"I've already gotten confirmation from Sakayanagi from A, Ichinose from B, and Hiyori from C. For now, I'll tell you the areas that have changed, so get your notes ready, Kushida-san."

"'s done."

"Then I'll start by explaining the mathematics..."

After taking a breather, I begin explaining the new test scope. I mean, seriously, the D class is way too harsh to handle.

It feels like shit...

"Thank you. It would have been difficult if I had tried to take the test without knowing anything about it.''

"Well, that's right. Also, if you want to tell others about the current scope, I'll leave the contact to you. In that case, don't mention my name."

"What? why?"

"I don't want to stand out."

"But Hikigaya-kun. It's already noticeable enough.''

Kushida says strangely. I don't deny that.

I have been with Sakayanagi and Hiyori almost every day since I entered the school, and Ichinose has recently been added to the group.

I can't deny that I stand out from the crowd with three beautiful girls.

"I don't want to stand out any more. Besides, I don't know any of my classmates' addresses other than yours."

The only people registered in my phone book are Sakayanagi, Ichinose, Ryuen, Hiyori, and Kushida, and I don't know the addresses of my classmates.

Or rather, 3 out of 5 are leaders of other classes...


Hey, don't really sympathize with me there. I don't have any problems even if I don't have the addresses of my classmates.

"That's why I left it to you to contact someone else. Goodbye."

With that said, I hung up the phone and returned the paper to Ichinose.

"Thank you for lending it to me."

"They say it's good. But the school is also mean. They don't teach it only to D class students."

Or rather, Chabashira-sensei is probably being mean. If it weren't for this school, she would have been fired without any questions asked.

It would be a problem in itself to suddenly change the scope of the test significantly before that.

"Well, since Kushida, who is popular in the class, has been informed, it won't be too much of a problem, so let's go too."

"That's right. It took longer than I expected, so let's hurry."

Not at all. The library fills up quickly at this time of year, so you'd better hurry.

We headed to the library while nodding at Hiyori's words...

"It's full."

"It's full."

"It's full."

The library was full.

There were one or two vacant spots, but there were no three vacant spots. It seems like I spent too much time on the previous issue.

"It can't be helped, so let's change places. Where should we do it?"

"Well...I've used a lot of points this month, so I'd like to avoid going to cafes, so how about Hachiman-kun's room?"

"Huh? Hikigaya-kun's room? I don't mind."

"...Why would you choose that as my room?"

"I thought you wouldn't have to worry about the closing time if you were in a dormitory. If Hachiman-kun doesn't want to rent a room, you can use my room."

"If you're going to do this in the dormitory, do it in my room. Please refrain from entering the girls' room."

I've only been in a girl's room once, but I feel like I'm losing concentration due to the girl's unique scent.

"Then please."

"Yeah, Let's go Hikigaya-kun"

"Okay. There's no need to stay long, so let's go."

After saying that, the three of us left the library. Maybe we should go and study sooner rather than staying here any longer.

After Hachiman and the others left, in the library...

"...Did you hear that?"

"Ah. It turned out to be a study session in Hikigaya's room."

"Neither of them are particularly shy about it, and I'm sure they're used to going there."

"Does that bastard not only study for the test, but also study at night?!"

"That's possible. After that, he called Sakayanagi over and said something like, "Written exams are important, but don't neglect the practical exams. I'll train you on your practical skills in health and physical education,'' and I'm sure he'll deal with the three of them. ..."

"Is this really a 4P?! I'm so jealous I want to kill him...!"

"Damn it...why are D-class rotten eyes so popular?"

"He seriously got in my way!"

"Stop it. If you interfere with Shiina, you will be in violation of the contract that Ryuen-san made."

"I know, but..."

A commotion arose from all over, and the librarian became angry.

"Stop talking, or I'll ban your whole class from coming into the library again!"

Ishizaki groaned.


"Let's put it in. I'm going to make some tea, so I'll take care of that for you, Hachiman-kun.''

I understand."

When I get to my room, I try to boil some tea, but Hiyori cuts in before I can, so I decide to leave it to her.

While I take Ichinose to the living room, Hiyori prepares tea, but her movements are cute. Even better if you wear an apron.

"Is Shiina-san in charge of Hikigaya-kun?"

"Yeah, Hiyori is repaying me in this way for making a deal with Ryuen"

"Is that the 500,000 point contract?"

"Do you know?"

"It's not known to the entire school year, but there are quite a few who know that Hikigaya-kun paid Ryuen-kun 500,000 points."

That's true. At that time, Hiyori proudly hugged me and spoke to me in the middle of the classroom. No matter how much Ichinose is in a different class, there will probably be a chance to hear about it.

"Well, I said it was fine, but she didn't accept it, so I guess I can't help it."

"That seems like it. But if you raise 500,000 points, which isn't cheap, you think you care about Shiina-san, don't you?"

"...I won't deny it."

Whether it was Hiyori or Sakayanagi, they reminded me of what it felt like to have fun for the first time in a while.

I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I think it's important.

"What are you talking about?"

Then Hiyori brings tea and sweets, but Ichinose betrayed me with a big smile on her face saying, "Hikigaya-kun is saying that he values Shiina-san very much!.''

Ichinose! Don't be so stupid and say outrageous things!

"Oh, that's it...I also care deeply about Hachiman-kun."

Hiyori fidgets as she says that, but it's just too damn cute. I was just about to confess but reluctantly stopped myself mid-way.

I don't do it because I'll probably get dumped.

"...Thank you. I'll study my real job instead."


I see that the two of them nod, so I take out my study tools and start studying. I was a little nervous at first, but since Hiyori was serious, my nervousness quickly melted away and I felt at ease.

In the end, I studied until 11pm with Sakayanagi, who met me at 7pm.

For the time being, I was relieved that there were no witnesses when the three of us left the room.


"Good day, Hikigaya-kun. I'll be participating from today onwards, so please take care of me."

After school, with less than a week until the test, I finished class and headed to the meeting place to go to the library, as I always do, and today I found not only Hiyori and Ichinose, but also Sakayanagi.

"From today onwards? Is A class better?"

"On Saturday and Sunday, I gathered all the participants and spent the time from morning until night explaining the main points of the midterm exam. From now on, from today until Friday, each student studied independently, and on the Saturday and Sunday just before the test. I plan to hold another large-scale study session."

"I see"

"However, I've been thinking for a while that Hikigaya-kun is very motivated. I thought you'd be satisfied as long as you got an average score."

"I've been wondering about that for a while too. Is it for class points?"

Sakayanagi and Hiyori, who have known each other for a long time, ask about this. Ichinose is a bit taken aback, but that's probably because she hasn't figured out my personality yet.

"That's because I previously asked Chabashira-sensei to give me bonus points if I did well on the midterm exam, and she agreed."

"Huh? Is that possible?"

"Once upon a time, in swimming class, the physical education teacher told me that if I competed and won first place, I would receive 5,000 points as a bonus. From that, I thought that private points would be flexible depending on the teacher, so I asked and they said OK."

"I see. But my homeroom teacher, Mashima-sensei, is very serious, so it's unlikely that he'll give it to us."

Sakayanagi says so, and I think so too. I've been taking Mashima-sensei's classes, but he's relatively straight-laced.

Well, he's not as sloppy as Chabashira-sensei, so I have nothing to complain about.

"By the way, Hachiman-kun. How many points can I get?"

"Up to 200,000"

"You can get that much money. It's quite generous."

"That being said, that's only if you get first place in five subjects and the overall subject."

"Well, unless you do that much, you won't be able to get 200,000 points. Due to my position in the class, I can't cut corners and I might become a nuisance to Hikigaya-kun, but I'll support you."

Sakayanagi says so, but since Sakayanagi is the class leader, it can't be helped.

If I were to get first place in class D, it would affect the morale of the class.

"Thank you. But instead, let's go."

After saying that, we started walking at Sakayanagi's pace, changed our shoes in the shoe rack, and headed to the library.


"Bastard, don't get carried away!"

As soon as I entered the library, Sudo, a problem child in class D, was grabbing a boy I didn't recognize by the chest.

Ayanokoji and Kushida try to stop him, but Sudo won't listen.

(Wait, is this guy trying to commit violence in a library with surveillance cameras? How stupid is he?)

If violence is to be committed at this school, it should be done in the blind spot of the surveillance cameras. If you don't, your class points will decrease... Well, D class doesn't have class points.

"Oh, hey. Are you trying to be violent? You'll get negative results?"

"I don't have any points to lose!"

Don't hit him just because you don't like it, okay?

Think about the possibility of being expelled if you don't have any points.

Where is this guy's common sense?

While Ichinose was inwardly stunned, she tried to walk towards the commotion.

"Are you going?"

I asked without thinking and Ichinose nodded.

"If you don't stop it, everyone will be in trouble."

After saying that, she quickly started walking and got in between Sudo and the other boy.

Stop, stop!'

"No, get out, outsiders shouldn't interfere!''

"Outsiders? As one of the students who uses this library, I can't overlook the commotion. If you really want to cause violence, could you do it outside?'' Sudo was horrified, but Ichinose was completely unfazed and calmly told the truth.

Sudo flinches at this and lets go of his hand. And this time, she speaks to the boy.

"Also, aren't you guys being too provocative? If you continue any longer, we'll have to report this to the school, but is that okay?"

"I-I'm sorry. That's not what I meant."

If you are told to report to school, you will have no choice but to be quiet. Well, in Sudo's case, he may have remained silent this time on a whim.

"Come on, let's go. If you study in a place like this, you'll become an idiot."

"No, no..."

Saying that, the boy who was having trouble with Sudo and another boy stood up and came towards me...but when they met my eyes, they glared at me disgustingly.

"Are you studying with three girls serving you? You're in good standing, Hikigaya."

"I don't have any intention of letting them serve me. After all, you shouldn't be making a fuss in the library."

"Huh...Are you feeling good about yourself because Ryuen-san likes you? As a D-class, you have no right to be involved with Ryuen-san or Shiina, and from now on, you won't be involved."

Oh... it's one out.

Having made that decision, I took out my cell phone and spoke to Hiyori while operating it.

"Hiyori, what's this guy's name?"

"Yamawaki-san, what's wrong with that?"

"No... ah, maybe Ryuen?"

When I call Ryuen, the two boys in front of me turn completely pale, but I ignore them.

"What is it, Hikigaya? Does calling me mean a one-out happened? "

"Yeah. There's a guy named Yamawaki inside the library. If you think it's a lie, you can ask  Hoshinomiya-sensei to check the surveillance cameras."

Normally, it is impossible for students to view surveillance camera recordings.

However, Ryuen and I signed the contract in the presence of a teacher, so if you ask Hoshinomiya-sensei, who is the witness, you can check the recordings from the surveillance camera.

"No, I don't think you would lie about the contract. Give phone to Yamawaki"

"Okay. Hey Yamawaki. Ryuen wants to have a chat with you."


This freaks Yamawaki out, but how much of a tyrant is this Ryuen guy in his class?

"Ryu, Ryuen-san. I'm a C-class and he's just a D-class…heh! Ha, yes! I'm sorry for breaking the contract! Ha, yes. I'll pay…huh?! 100,000?! The contract says it's 50,000 yen...I'll pay it! I'll pay it, so please ignore that! Yes, I understand!"

After saying that, Yamawaki hands me back my phone.

"This idiot caused trouble. As per the contract, Yamawaki had to pay 50,000 yen, but I decided to make him pay 100,000 yen as a warning for the future and as a demonstration to the C-class. Is that okay? "

If Yamawaki is made to pay double the amount he originally paid, he will definitely not violate the contract in the future, and the other C-classes will also be made aware that things will be dangerous if they break the contract.

Well, I can get 100,000 instead of 50,000, so I'm all for it.

"No problem. Let's hope your next classmate breaks the contract."

"Unfortunately, that's not the case. I'll crush Yamawaki tomorrow in front of everyone in the class and make him realize the seriousness of his breach of contract.''

When I say that, the person on the other end hangs up. Are you going to let Yamawaki pay twice as many points and still destroy him? As expected, Ryuen is a dangerous existence.

Well, anyway...

"So, just pay me 100,000 yen. I have to study."


"Hey, hey. It seems like Ryuen-san told him to pay 100,000 yen, but I feel bad for him"

"Yeah, I remembered I had something to do with Ryuen.''

"Yeah, me too. Let's go!"

Yamawaki's friends betrayed him, when he tried to ask them for points.

I feel sorry for this guy.

As I was thinking about this, Yamawaki held out his cell phone even though he was trembling, so when I pointed it at him, 100,000 points were transferred to me.

After confirming this, I nodded and the two of them (especially Yamawaki) trudged away from the library.

There is a feeling of sadness on his back.

"Okay then, let's reserve a seat."

However, I don't think there are seats for 4 people.

"Is the situation that bad in class C?"

"There's no need to worry about random people, Ichinose-san. Besides, It's an official contract."

While saying this, I showed Ichinose a copy of the contract in my bag.

Ichinose, on the other hand, looked at the contract and mumbled, and then she gave a small nod.

"I see. It's certainly according to the contract. But Hoshinomiya-sensei is the witness."

"It wouldn't be fair if the incharge of classes C and D were involved."

"I'm still surprised, you got our sensei involved!" Ichinose was shocked.

"Hachiman-kun, there's room for four people over there."

As Sakayanagi pointed out, there were seats for four people, just as I had been told. No problem then.

"Let's go there."

"Also, if you're going to study, please be quiet."

That's what Ichinose said to Sudou and the others, so we were about to head to the four-person seat to secure a seat.

"Hang on!"

Horikita calls out to me. What? Are you asking me to help teach the 3 idiots about studying? Or I see.

"I promise I didn't tell anyone about that incident, Horikita-san!" I immediately said.

Horikita-san stared at me for a moment, and then sighed, "Could you please show me the contract from earlier?"

Huh? What did you say all of a sudden... Ah, are you worried that there is something in the contract that will have a negative impact on D-class?

"Here you go."

I haven't signed any contract that would be harmful to D-class, so I'll hand it over to Horikita. Then, other classmates other than Horikita also come to see them.

"500,000 points just for the right to be involved? No matter how much money you make, you're still a rough spender."

"Unfortunately, 500,000 points for the right to interact with Hiyori is a bargain in my opinion."

It's been a long time since I paid 500,000 points for Ryūen, but I have never regretted it.

"Thank you again Hachiman-kun for doing that...I'm really happy."

Next to me, Hiyori was fidgeting and looking so damn cute. I want to hug you right now, but I won't because I'll probably be expelled from school.

"Also, class points are impossible, but this school has some private points, so you can easily accumulate 500,000 yen."

There are bets, bonus points, etc., and I plan to try my hand at buying and selling information in the future.

"That's just a bonus point. You seem to be very motivated, but I'd like for the class to see that motivation as well."

"You've already published the information about the change in the scope of the test without concealing right?"

"Yeah, that's normal."

"There are quite a few people in my class who don't do that obvious thing."

There are quite a few students who have plenty of time to prepare for midterm exams, but there are only about 5 or 6 who are contributing to the class.

"Anyway, I'll let you go now. There's nothing more to talk about."

"Ah, wait! I want Hikigaya-kun to cooperate too..."

"Please do you work honestly, Kushida-san instead of trying to slack off by asking me for help."

"....."  Kushida-san.

"..." Ichinose.

She stared at Hikigaya's back.

I shrugs off Kushida's request and starts walking with Sakayanagi and the others.

"Is that really okay?"

"Of course, Kushida's probably trying to be lazy"

Ichinose didn't look convinced, but there is no problem at all. I don't think the three idiots in the class will listen to me even if I teach them.

"...I guess it'll be full before you know it." Hiyori said to us.

It seems like it was taken away while we were chatting.

"It can't be helped. Let's do it in Hachiman-kun's room."

Sakayanagi says so. When the library is full or closed, I do it in my room, so I guess it's appropriate.

"Right. Well then, let's go."

With that, we head out to the library. It hurts that I wasted my time, but I've got 100,000 points in my pocket, so I guess it's okay.

In the end, we ended up studying in my room until the very last minute before the day changed.

"Damn it...why is he so popular?"

"All three of them went to Hikigaya's room..."

"Ayanokoji-kun, are you that depressed?"

"Isn't that what a normal high school boy would think?"

To be honest, Ayanokoji was just holding a grudge against Hikigaya since he was accused of impregnating Horikita.