Chapter 21

Damn, it still hurts Kamuro-san!

I couldn't help but complain.

"Hachiman-kun, are your points increasing?"

"Hmm?...Ah, today is July 1st, the day the points are transferred. Wait a minute."

On the morning of the first day of July, after eating Hiyori's breakfast as usual and getting ready to go to school, Hiyori says something like that, so I open the terminal...

Hikigaya Hachiman

1853680 ppt

That's how it's displayed. There are more than 1.5 million private points due to various factors such as mid-term bonus points, gambling with the chess club, and recently, challenging bonus problems that the teacher occasionally asks during class.

However... it hadn't increased compared to yesterday.

"It hasn't increased. My class points are probably 0."

Even though I got a high score on the midterm exam and eliminated lateness, absenteeism, and self-talk, we still get 0 points.

It seems that this was a negative point because it was invisible as a result of making too much noise in April.

"It wasn't transferred to my device either."

Hiyori says so. According to Hiyori, class C has a lot of rough classmates, but there seems to be some order in class, so I don't think class C has 0 class points.

If that happens...

"There may be some problem on the school side and not all students have been remitted. If you don't have enough money, I'll lend it to you, okay?"

I have no qualms about lending money to Hiyori without a contract. It's been less than three months since we entered the school, and Hiyori is already an important person in my heart.

"No. I have over 100,000 points, so it's okay. I was just curious, so I asked."

"Well, you'll be contacted when you get to school. Let's go."

"Hm. Let's go."

After confirming that Hiyori was hugging me in her arms as usual, I left the room, walked down the hallway, and waited for the elevator.

After a while, the door opened and when I went inside, Sakayanagi was there.

"Good morning, Sakayanagi."

"Good morning, both of you. I would like to ask, were your points transferred?"

"No, it hasn't been transferred to Hiyori either. Sakayanagi from A class hasn't been transferred either, so I guess that's the case for everyone in the first year, right?"

"However, it's impossible for a school that monitors student behavior through surveillance cameras to forget to transfer points. In other words, either some kind of incident occurs on the school side and we can't resolve it, or our class points change significantly. I'll put it off until later.''

got it. Something like Sakayanagi says is possible. Maybe there will be a special exam that I've heard rumors about.

"Well, even if you don't have any class points, you can still earn private points."

"I'm sure Hachiman-kun is right. For the time being, you're going to ask for bonus points again for this month's final exam and aim for a perfect score, right?"


During the midterm exam, I didn't earn as much as I expected, but this time I started studying immediately after the midterm, and I want to aim for a perfect score in each subject.

"Greedy is above all else. Hikigaya-kun, if you're aiming for A-class, if you promise to join my faction, I'll ask my friends to lend you points."

Sakayanagi makes such a suggestion. The fact that they are making such a proposal means that the Sakayanagi faction already has a lot of trust in Sakayanagi.

"It's an attractive proposal, but I'm not good at group activities."

"Well, I thought Hikigaya-kun would respond that way. However, you're always welcome, so if you have any dissatisfaction with D-class, please let me know right away."

"Thank you."

In response, we head to school. There's only a little time left until summer vacation, and I want to spend it peacefully.

When I arrived at the classroom, I was playing chess problems as usual when a chime rang and Chabashira-sensei came in.

"Good morning, everyone. You seem more restless than usual today."

When Chabashira-sensei says that, Ike stands up.

"S-Sae-chan-sensei! Could it be that we had zero points again?! When I checked in the morning, it hadn't been transferred!"

"I see, that's probably why.''

Yes, in the end, the points were not transferred to the students in my class. But it's not just my class, it's every class. Just to be sure, I emailed Ichinose from Class B to ask about it, but it seemed like the money hadn't been transferred.

While thinking this, Ike complains, and Chabashira-sensei calms him heart down.

"Don't jump to that conclusion. The school is well aware of the efforts of Class D," she says, taking out the huge piece of paper he had brought with him and pasting it on the blackboard.

"Now, I'm going to announce this month's class points.'' Looking at the unfolded sheet of paper, there were 1004 in Class A, an increase from when they entered the school.

For D will receive 87 class points, or 8700 private points.

"Does 87!? Okay!" Yamauchi exclaimed with joy, and the whole class erupted in excitement.

Well, for the students other than me, this is the first point in about two months.

There's no way I wouldn't be happy.

"It's still too early to celebrate. Look at the points of other classes. They've probably increased points the same as you guys, or even more. This is like a reward for you guys who survived the test. It was simply a matter of giving a certain amount of points to all classes.

That won't narrow the gap.

"Horikita doesn't seem happy at all."

"No, that's not true. We learned something from this result."

"Eh, what is that?'' Ike wondered at the way he said it.

However, even though people around him were looking at her, Horikita showed no signs of responding.

So, Hirata spoke instead. "I guess it means that the debts we have incurred up until now, such as through private language, have not turned into invisible negative points."

"I see. If it's an invisible minus, it should be zero this month as well.'' Hirata, who is smart, makes his predictions come true and convinces Ike with an easy-to-understand explanation.

"Oh, then why aren't the points transferred?" That's the problem.

Even though the paper posted in front of us says 87 class points, 8700 private points have not been issued to our terminal. In addition, it is not provided to other classes of devices.

"There's a bit of a problem. There's just a delay in receiving the points. Please wait a little longer."

Ah, it's the school's fault. That's good, that's really good.

"Well, since it was the school's fault, aren't they going to give me extra points as an apology?"

"It's the school's decision, so you don't have to ask, Hikigaya. As soon as the problem is resolved, the points should be transferred without any problem. That is, if there are any points left.''

Wait. Don't leave any meaningful words at the end.

"That's what happened. Judging from Chabashira-sensei's conversation, someone in Class D caused trouble. It may be the school's mistake to transfer the points, but it may not be transferred to my class."

"It's mostly Sudo. He got into a fight with a two-year senior on his first day of school, and he got angry right away."

During lunch break, while eating a sandwich in the cafeteria, I was complaining, and Hashimoto, who was sitting across from me in Class A, voiced his most likely opinion.

After the maid incident, I became friends with Hashimoto. Last week, the two of us went to a cafe, and when we came out, we ran into Kamuro and we both laughed and got punched.

"I knew it would have been better to abandon that monkey at that time!"

"Well, it might have been better to just abandon him. Your class points may have gone negative, but even if you don't get expelled, it seems like your class points will continue to drop."

Hashimoto and I suspect that Sudo is involved. Sudo gets angry immediately when he doesn't like something, is selfish, and is completely out of place in class.

"I don't really care what happens to my class points, but I just want to live a quiet school life. This is seriously hilarious."

"Then I'll make you laugh."

As soon as I said that, Hashimoto took out the device and started operating it, but then he pointed it at me...

"Oh, it looks pretty good. Wait, what are you doing, Kamuro-san?!"

"Buck! Kuku, kuku..." A video starring Kamuro turns bright red and points a heart symbol at the omelet rice with her hand.

No, no. I can't stop laughing even though I've watched it dozens of times!

"That was hilarious."

"I guess it was forced. Well, it was funny."

"That's right. I can't stop laughing even though I've watched it dozens of times."

Oh, have you seen this dozens of times too? Well, I know how you feel. Because it's interesting. I think Sakayanagi has also been watching it a lot as well. Every once in a while she look at Kamuro and laugh.

"Ah, I remember from the maid cafe, it seems like it has a new menu, so why don't we go after school?"

"That's bad. I went there the day before yesterday,  it's no good. Actually, it's quite greasy, so I don't recommend it."

"Seriously? Then let's do it another time."

"Oh. By the way, Hashimoto."

While saying this, I took out my device...

"Oh, it looks pretty good. Wait, what are you doing, Kamuro-san?!"


I was allowed to repeat exactly what Hashimoto had done earlier. It's not my hobby to keep making fun of Kamuro-san.

If Kamuro saw this, she would probably kill me.


After school, HR was over as usual, so I was about to leave the classroom as usual.

"Sudo, I have something to say to you. Would you please come to the staff room?"

Chabashira-sensei stops Sudo, who is about to go to club activities.

Instantly, the conversation I had with Hashimoto during my lunch break came to mind. I have a bad feeling.

"Huh? I'm going to practice basketball now."

"I have spoken to the advisor. You are free to come or not, but I will not be responsible for you later."

What's that disturbing conversation? This chilled the atmosphere in the class.

"What is it? It'll be over soon, right?"

"That depends on your attitude."

When Chabashira-sensei says that, Sudo clicks his tongue and follows Chabashira-sensei. At the same time, the frozen air begins to melt, creating a commotion within the class.

"It seems like he's changed, but he hasn't. Wouldn't it have been better if he had been expelled back then?'' I can hear the conversation going on.

The guys in the class are probably worried about getting into trouble and losing class points.

I understand how you feel, but the malice starts to spread in the class, so I quickly leave the classroom.

Even if it's not directed at me, I don't want to be in a place where malice is widespread.

Well, how shall I spend my time after school today?


On July 2nd, in the morning homeroom, Mr. Chabashira conveyed a message that was painful to hear.

"I have a report for you guys today. It seems that there was some trouble between Sudo and a student from Class C. To put it simply, it's a fight.'' Hearing Chabashira-sensei's words, the class became noisy.

I had predicted it after yesterday's incident, but I guess Sudo is the cause of the trouble.

While they are stunned, Chabashira-sensei explains that Sudo will be suspended from school and his class points will be reduced depending on his level of responsibility.

If class points were to disappear due to this, I think there would be a riot.

"Why hasn't a conclusion been reached?'' Hirata asks Professor Chabashira. "The complaint came from Class C. It seems that the beating was one-sided. However, when I checked with Sudo, I heard that a student from Class C called me out and tried to pick a fight with me."

"It's self-defense. I did nothing wrong.'' At Sudo's words, his classmates turned their cold eyes on him.

Here he says,  "It's not my fault,'' and sticks a screw in it...what the heck.

"But there's no evidence. Am I wrong?"

"Who needs self-evidence?! I'm telling you it was three guys!" Sudo screamed at the teacher.

"In other words, we don't know the truth at this point. That's why the conclusion is pending. The treatment and response will vary greatly depending on whether one of them was at fault."

"I'm innocent and want to get some compensation!"

"He said this, but it's not very reliable. If there were witnesses who said they thought Sudo was there, the story would change a little. I wonder if there were any students in this class who witnessed the fight? If you are there, could you please raise your hand?''

No students responded to Chabashira-sensei's question. Well, even if they were there, they probably wouldn't be worth much in the same class.

"Unfortunately, it seems there are no witnesses in this class."

"It seems..." Sudo lowered his eyes, looking bored. "

"The school is looking for witnesses, so each homeroom teacher should be giving details."

"Huh!? You told other classes!?"

No, it would be natural from the school's point of view. If a student causes trouble, the information will be shared with the teachers.

"That's all for now. The final decision, including whether there are any witnesses or not, and whether there is any evidence, will be made next Tuesday. Then we will end homeroom.'' Chabashira-sensei leaves the classroom.

Sudo then left the classroom as well. '

"Isn't Sudo's just the worst?'' Ike was the first to complain. "and he even wants compensation..."

"It's all ruined because of Sudo!"

"I guess it would have been better if I had been expelled from school."

Maliciousness begins to form, just like yesterday after school. Should I evacuate until the first hour starts?

That's what I was thinking at the time.

The classroom door swings open. I thought it was too early for the teacher in charge of the first period to come, so I looked at the door...

"Is Hikigaya there? I have something to ask of you."

The person there was not the teacher in charge of the first period, but Kamuro. Seeing this unexpected visitor, my classmates erased their malice towards Sudo and turned to look at me all at once.

Even though I feel a pain in my stomach, I head towards the door.

"What do you need? If you have any questions, please email me."

"That's too bad. And can you lend me your math textbook? I have it in the first period, but I forgot it."

It's true that if you forget your textbook, it will affect your class points. I guess Kamuro asked me because she doesn't really interact with other classes.

"I don't mind, but I'll use it in the second period, so please return it as soon as the first period is over."

After saying that, I took out a math textbook from my bag and handed it to Kamuro.

"Okay. Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. But you forget things too."

"I left it there after studying yesterday. So when I overslept in the morning and panicked, I went to school without putting it in my bag."

"I see. So your clumsy attribute has been activated."

"You're also making fun of Sakayanagi for being clumsy."

"I don't deny that, but in your case, you're usually cool, so there's a gap between her and you, Kamuro-san looks cute."

"You're so annoying. Don't say Something strange!"

Kamuro glared at me and tried to approach me, but it seemed like she slipped on something and fell towards me, so I reflexively grabbed her.

"Is that a ballpoint pen that's fallen? Are you hurt?"

"No. It's okay now, so let go of my arm."

"Ah, that was my bad."

I leave in a hurry. To a third party, it may look like they are hugging each other.

It was quite noticeable, but I had already had a similar experience with Hiyori, so I didn't break out in a cold sweat.

Why does it always happen with me?

Kamuro, on the other hand, turns her back on me, acting like she doesn't really care.

"Then I'll go... thank you earlier."

After saying that, she left Class D, but I was shocked by that last word.

However, with Kamuro gone, the classroom time begins to move.

"Well, there's plenty of room."

"I don't think people who have private points and girlfriends don't care about class points."

"Ah, no, no. If he has the luxury of doing so, it would be nice if he could help me."

The target of the class's malice changes from Sudo to me. Unlike Sudo, I haven't done anything wrong...

As I was thinking about it, I heard the sound of clapping hands, and when I looked, it was Kushida.

"Everyone, Hikigaya-kun did nothing wrong, so let's talk about Sudou-kun. Actually, Sudou-kun might have gotten into a fight like the teacher said."

Due to Kushida's words, the focus of attention was now directed from me to Kushida.

She didn't talk to me after that day in the library, so it's been a while.

"I heard from Sudo-kun yesterday that he was just involved,'' Kushida said, and began to explain the details.

According to her, Sudo was about to be chosen as a regular member of the basketball club, and a group of C-class basketball club members who were jealous of that called Sudo out and threatened him with leaving the club.

As a result, a fight broke out, and Sudo apparently punched him in defense.

"I'll ask you again. If any of your friends or seniors in this class have seen it, please let me know. Thank you.'' After Kushida finished speaking, she sat down quietly, but there was no proof that they were in the same class.

It would be weak. It would be a different story if he had a photo or something.

While I was thinking that, Yamauchi opened his stupid mouth.

"I can't believe what Sudo just said. He said he used to get into fights all the time in middle school.'' 

"I saw him grab the chest area of another class he bumped into in the hallway before.''

"I saw him get mad at an upperclassman.''

Even though there are no witnesses to this incident, there are many witnesses to Sudo's misdeeds...

Yeah, this is a losing battle.

"I want to believe.'' Then the class leader, Hirata, stood up. "Isn't Sudo-kun a classmate? I think it's wrong to doubt him from the beginning. Let's believe in Sudo-kun."

That's what he's saying, but I can't believe Sudo at all.

"I believe him too," said Hirata's girlfriend, Kei Karuizawa. She said as she took care of her bangs.

"If it's a false accusation, wouldn't that be a problem? If he's innocent, then I  feel sorry for Sudo." Like Kushida, Karuizawa is also a leader among girls.

As a result, women began to express their support. As a result, it seems that Hirata, Kushida, and Karuizawa will move to prove Sudo's innocence.

There's no way I'd do it, it's such a hassle.

In other words, Sudo was also the perpetrator when he hit them.

Despite this, I don't care about idiots who think it's not their fault.

I learned about the preparations for the first period while listening to my classmates' conversations as background music.

Time passes by and after school, it is decided that a search for witnesses will begin, with Hirata, Karuizawa, and Kushida acting as leaders.

However, some of the students, including Koenji and Horikita, tried to leave the classroom quickly, so I followed.

At that time, Horikita was captured by Kushida, but most likely she would not cooperate.

Well, today Hiyori is in the tea ceremony club and Sakayanagi is going out with a group from her class, so it's been a while since I have been alone.

In that case, there are many options: read a book at the library, play the game you bought from Ike in the dormitory, or go to the shopping mall to eat something sweet.

...No, I don't want to use too many points, and I'm tired today, so I'll go home and sleep.

With that conclusion, I headed to the dormitory, and when I entered the room, I jumped straight into bed.

It couldn't be helped that the next morning, Hiyori was in my bed in her pajamas and started screaming.


The next morning, I went to school with Sakayanagi and Hiyori as usual, and I said goodbye to them and headed to the vending machine. And that's when I tried to buy MAX coffee.

"Hey, Hikigaya-kun~" I heard a cheerful voice. This voice is Ichinose.

When I looked to the side, Ichinose was running towards me at a small trot.

At that time, I looked away and whistled quietly because the melons were shaking.

"Good morning, Hikigaya-kun. I'd like to ask you something. Is that okay?"


"It's about the commotion. Yesterday, it seems like D-class people came to B-class when I wasn't there." Ah, it seems like they interrogated other classes when I was gone.

"You're looking for witnesses, right?"


"Isn't Hikigaya-kun participating?''

"There's no way I would. Not only has he shown no remorse, he's acting like a victim, so I don't feel like cooperating.''

Or rather, it's simply troublesome.

It would have been better if Sudo had been expelled during the middle school period.

"...I haven't heard the details from my teacher or friends other than that there was a violent incident. So, could you please tell me?'' Ichinose asked.

I, on the other hand, decided that there was nothing to hide, so I explained everything I heard in class to Ichinose.

"That's what happened. So, they went all the way to class B."

"Well, that's about it. I don't know what the outcome will be, but I'm sure our class will be punished in some way."

"That's true"

The fact that they went out of their way to sue means that there is a high possibility that the C-class guys were seriously injured.

Sudo, on the other hand, was not injured as far as I could see today.

I don't know what kind of personalities the C-class students have, but when I compare the severely injured C-class student to Sudo, who has the worst behavior and is uninjured, it's clear that he's at a disadvantage towards Sudo.

Despite this, Sudo doesn't seem to understand the situation and insists that it wasn't his fault at all, even though he punched him.

Regardless of the true intentions, if there is no conclusive evidence, we will lose.

Additionally, my hunch is that Ryuen is behind this incident. If there is, Sudo will definitely lose.

I've only met him a few times, but it's clear that he's a dangerous man.

"Well, I don't know what will happen to him. I'm not going to care about an idiot who almost got expelled from school once and then immediately committed a violent incident."

"Huh? Sudo-kun, was he almost expelled from school before?"

Come to think of it, only the D class knew about that incident.

"He couldn't reach the borderline red point in intermediate English. At that time, he was able to buy points and narrowly avoid it."

"Hmm, it's true that you can buy everything at the school with points. By the way, how much does it cost?"

"One point is 100,000 points."

"It's expensive."

Is that it? 100,000 points per point is a complete rip-off.

As I was thinking about this, the bell chime rang. It seems we talked for too long.

"Hurry up and get back to the classroom. If you don't get into the classroom before the teacher comes, you'll lose points."

As I say this, I mutter to myself with a can of Max in one hand. Ichinose is popular in her class, so even if she's late, her classmates will forgive her with a wry smile and a slight warning,

"Hey, be careful.''

However, if I'm late because I'm the one who's hated in class, there's a good chance I'll be criticized by someone who says,  "Hey, you've got points and four girlfriends, so being late is natural for you, isn't it?!''

"Ah, that's right."

Ichinose nods and starts walking quickly, so I follow suit. That's when I entered the school building and started walking quickly up the stairs.

"Oh! Kyaaaah!"

"What! How!"

Ichinose, who was walking in front of me, misstepped, lost her balance, and fell down the stairs, and I, who was right behind her, got caught up in the fall and crashed into the ground.


Fortunately, I had just started climbing the stairs, so I fell from a low place, so I wasn't seriously injured, but it hurt quite a bit.

While thinking that, I tried to move my hand to raise my body...

"Yay... Anh!"

I feel a soft touch in my hands, and Ichinose, who is on top of me, lets out a gasp.

This feeling...I can't believe it!

When I remembered the feeling I had before...


"You have the nerve to indulge in such fornication inside the school building. Hikigaya Hachiman."

When I heard such a voice and looked up, I saw a handsome man wearing glasses looking at us with cold eyes.

I know this person. he...

"Come to the Student Council room during lunch break."

The student council president, Manabu Horikita, said that and left.

It's awful...

It's not even my fault this time. I looked at Ichinose with narrowed eyes.

"....." Ichinose.