Chapter 32

After using the toilet and changing into my jersey, I am waiting leisurely at the edge of the deck.

At the same time, I felt someone's presence, so I turned around and saw Ichinose coming with some B class guys.

"Ichinose? Is there something you need?"

"Hmm, it's not a big deal, but I heard that Hikigaya-kun got into a fight with an A-class guy at a restaurant and got hit... Oh it's really swollen."

"Well, thanks to that monkey, I got 2.56 million yen, so it's a cheap purchase."

When I answered that, a commotion was heard from Class B. Even Ichinose's eyes widened.

"2.56 million...that's a lot of money."

"Well, I'm grateful to the Katsuragi faction. As a thank you, I'm going to give them a lot of success in the special exam that's about to happen."

"That's not a thank you, it's a form of harassment, right?"

"I won't deny that. Will Ichinose and the others ride in Class B? To be honest, the Sakayanagi faction will do various things to crush the Katsuragi faction depending on the content."

"As usual, the faction between Sakayanagi-san and Katsuragi-kun isn't on good terms. Does that mean that Hikigaya-kun will also make moves?"

"That's my intention. As soon as the person who insulted Hiyori belongs to the Katsuragi faction, the Katsuragi faction is my enemy."

Absolutely on this one. At the very least, Totsuka will definitely be expelled.

"Hmm. I understand what you're saying. I want to close the gap with Class A, but I don't know what will happen from now on, so I guess I'll put it on hold. I don't want to put my classmates in a pinch."

Well, I guess so. It would be foolish to accept my invitation when you don't know what will happen. If Ichinose had accepted the invitation, I would have hung up immediately.

"That's fine for now. Well, if you want to beat A-class, please join us."

"Yeah. But Hikigaya-kun!"

Just as I thought I was saying that, Ichinose pointed her finger at me and yelled at me.

"No matter how much Shiina-san is made fun of, don't get too angry. Some people will get desperate and attack you, okay?!"

It's embarrassing to be treated like a child, but I can bear it. Are you a mom?

Time passes, even though I am nervous, and Mashima-sensei, the homeroom teacher for Class A, begins speaking using a loudspeaker.

"From now on, I will ask the students of Class A to disembark in order. Also, it is prohibited to bring mobile devices onto the island. Please submit them to your homeroom teacher and disembark."

"Yes, that's right. You're class B, so get ready to get off."

"Yeah. See you then. Even if we end up bumping into each other, I won't lose."

Ichinose said that and left, so I absentmindedly looked at the stairs and saw the A class students starting to descend.

At that time, Hashimoto laughed and waved towards me, and I thought Kamuro looked at me, but then turned away, which left an impression on me.

However, it is not even allowed to bring in a cell phone. With this, I can't contact Hiyori and the others, and I can't play games or look at erotic sites.

As I watched the B class students handing their phones to Hoshinomiya-sensei, feeling a little shocked, I saw Hiyori running towards me.

I thought she had something to do with me, but she suddenly hugged me.

As a result, the surrounding students--C class students and D class students--looked at me all at once.

"W-what happened all of a sudden?"

"...I don't have a reason, but I feel like I won't be able to spend time with Hachiman-kun for a while, so I want to be nice to him for now..."

While saying this, Hiyori tightens her grip on me, and I have the same idea.

I feel like I won't be able to see Hiyori for maybe a few days. So I put up with my embarrassment and continued to receive hugs from Hiyori.

However, time is limited, and the B class students will soon finish disembarking from the ship.

"Hiyori. It's almost C class's turn..."

"Yes... then Hachiman-kun... I'll go."


She kisses my forehead like always. At this, the boys of C and D classes let out a roar, and the girls cheered.

"Hachiman-kun. Please give me a kiss before I'am gone..."

When I was excited by Hiyori's natural behavior, Hiyori moved away from me a little and went into full sweet mode and begged me.

These words cause an uproar between Class C and Class D, but what are they going to do about it?

That's what I was thinking at the time.

"Hey you guys. Starts shouting!"

Ryuen seems to be having fun saying that...wait a minute.

I instinctively try to rush into Ryuen, but it's already too late...


"…Kiss Shiina-san!'

"Kiss, Kiss! Kiss! ! "

"Kiss! ! Kiss! ! ! Kiss! ! ! "

The kiss calls come out with great force. There, all C-class and almost 70% of D-class, regardless of C-class or D-class, were kissing and calling.

(You're seriously kidding Ryuen! Shut up, already!)

While I was poisoning Ryuen, I became half-desperate...


I hug Hiyori and kisses her forehead.

"Ooooooooooooooooooo! "

This causes a huge cheer. No more. I haven't even gotten off the ship yet and I'm tired...

When I let out a sigh, Hiyori looks up at me happily.

"Thank you. I'll fine, now"

After saying that, she headed towards the C class. At that time, Ryuen grinned and gave me the middle finger.

I will definitely kill him. Whether he touches Arisu or not, I will kill him.

I waited for the D-class to descend with a strong determination to kill Ryuen.

About 20 minutes later, we handed our phones to Mr. Chabashira and lined up on the beach with the other classes...

"So? Hey Hikigaya, how was your kiss with Hiyori?"

Coincidentally, the student next to me was Ryūen, started talking to me with a big smile.

To be honest, I want to kill him right now.

"Shut up, Ryuen. I'll destroy you before you challenge Arisu, okay?"

"Then it would be interesting. I want to see if Sakayanagi will go mad if I destroy you."


Mashima-sensei, the homeroom teacher for class A, appears in front of me, so I shut my mouth. Perhaps I expected that Ryuen would also be penalized, so he became silent.

"First of all, I am happy that we were able to arrive here safely today. However, it is extremely disappointing that one student was unable to participate in this event due to illness.''

That must be Arisu . I can't help but take this as a souvenir and bash the Katsuragi faction.

At the same time, adults wearing work clothes begin setting up special tents. What the hell are you going to do?

"Now, we will begin the first special exam of the year."

"So, a special exam?"

Mashima-sensei's words caused a sense of confusion to arise from those around them. "The period is one week from now. It will end at noon on August 7th. The content of the exam is to live in a group on this deserted island for the next one week. This is also practiced in real companies. Let me start by saying that it is realistic and practical."

"Living on a deserted island...does that mean you'll be spending the night on this island?"

"That's right. During this time, you will need to secure everything by yourself, from a place to sleep to food and drinking water. During the exam, you will not be allowed to board the ship unless there is a valid reason. At the start, each class will be provided with two tents, two flashlights, and a box of matches.In addition, each student will receive one set of toothbrushes, sunscreen, and unlimited sanitary products for female students. Please make a wish to your class teacher. That's it.''

"Ha, ha!? Is this really desert island survival? I've never heard of such a thing! It's not a manga world!

There's no way everyone can sleep in the first two tents!

What do you mean, being self-sufficient in food!?'' Ike yelled loudly enough for everyone present to hear.

Well, suddenly you have to live a survival life.

I understand how you feel.

However, Mashima-sensei responded as if he was taken aback by that voice.

"You just said you've never heard of it before, but that just means that the life you've led has been shallow.I probably explained it to you at the beginning. This is actually done in corporate training as well. If there is one."

"I-Isn't that just complete random nonsense?"

"Don't do any more unseemly things. What Mr. Mashima said is just part of what he said. This is something that even well-known companies that everyone knows have adopted."

Chabashira-sensei dismisses Ike's words, but many students are not convinced.

"But, teacher, it's summer vacation right now, and the name of this event is supposed to be a trip. I don't think they would do something like this in a corporate training program,'' one student questioned .

That's one of the things that caught my attention.

Another thing that bothered me was that the supply of supplies was only half-hearted.

It's good to be self-sufficient in food and not have unlimited access to sunscreen and sanitary products, but as Ike said, with two tents there isn't enough space for everyone to sleep.

Corporate training cannot create such inequality.

"I see, it's understandable that you would be dissatisfied with that point. However, even though it's a special exam, you don't have to think too much about it. You guys are free to do whatever you want for this week. It would be nice to talk with friends around the campfire.The theme of this exam is "freedom.''

"Huh? Eh, it's an exam and we're free? I'm starting to get a little confused..." The students begin to get confused.

"For this special test on a deserted island, we will first give 300 test-specific points to all classes. By using these points wisely, you will be able to survive this test. It has everything you can buy with points. Not only food and water, but also countless playthings."

"Does that mean I can buy whatever I want with those 300 points?"

"That's it"

"B-but since it's an exam, there must be something difficult about it…"

"No. There will be no negative impact on the second semester and beyond. I can guarantee you that."

Mashima-sensei says that there will be no negative impact, but I guess that means there will be a positive impact.

Otherwise, there is no need to test it.

While I have a bad feeling in my heart...

"At the end of this special exam, the points remaining in each class will be added to the class points and will be reflected after the summer vacation."

Majima Sensei's words blew across the beach with the wind, sending dust flying up.

After all, it's a troublesome topic, isn't it?

At the same time, a shock runs through all the students. This is a test aimed specifically at plus. It is also different from anything I have experienced in the past; it is a test that tests not my academic ability or athletic ability, but also my patience and ability to adapt to the environment.

Moreover, since it is a plus-specific purpose, even if you defeat it for fun, your class points will not be negative, but the difference between you and other classes will widen and it will be difficult to improve your class.

As a result, every class will be motivated. Well, I don't know about Ryuen next door.

"We will be distributing manuals now. If you lose them, they can be reissued, but points will be consumed, so please make sure to keep them. Also, classes with students who retired due to poor health or other reasons during the exam will receive 30 points. The absentee on this trip is in class A. Therefore, class A will start with 270 points.

Arisu is absent, but is there a penalty for physically weak students? Isn't it a little harsh?

There was no surprise in Class A itself, and the students in other classes expressed their joy as the gap with Class A had been reduced by 30 points.

With this, Mashima-sensei's talk ended, and the remaining students were instructed to receive an explanation from each class's homeroom teacher, and they began to gather in groups.

At that time, Ike will get 30,000 from next month! The girls are happy and are discussing what they should buy once they get the points, but if it were that easy, they wouldn't have to worry about it.

Otherwise, there is no point in special exams.

While I was on guard, Chabashira-sensei began to explain.

"From now on, we will distribute wristwatches to everyone.During the exam, you will not be allowed to remove this watch without permission.This watch is equipped with various functions, including not only the time, but also GPS function, body temperature, pulse rate, etc. In case of an emergency, there is a way to notify the school.In case of an emergency, don't hesitate to press that button.''

We're given watches, but the fact that they have GPS on them means things can go wrong depending on the situation, right?

"I don't think there will be any bears in an emergency situation…"

"Even if this is in the form of an exam, you won't be able to answer questions that will affect the results."

"I think it's okay. I'm sure the school is doing their best to eliminate danger. Maybe this watch is meant for our health management." Hirata says so, but this school is out of line.

Difficult to judge.

"Can I go into the ocean with it on?"

"Don't worry, it's completely waterproof. In the unlikely event that something breaks, the person in charge will immediately bring a replacement." After all, the preparations must have been lacking.

"Sir, do you mean we have to do everything on our own unless we use the points?"

"That's right. It's not my place to think of solutions for this exam."

"It's okay. Just catch some fish and fruit, and sleep on some leaves. Even if you get sick, you'll be able to manage.'' Ike said, but that would be difficult.

If you think about it normally, I think there is a penalty.

"Unfortunately, Ike, your plan is off. Look at the last page of the manual."

When everyone looked at the manual, there was an item for negative evaluation as a warning.

According to that...

If a person becomes seriously unwell or suffers a serious injury and is deemed unable to continue, he or she will receive a minus 30 points and will be forced to retire.

If you discover an act that pollutes the environment, you will receive a minus 20 points.

Minus 5 points for each person who is late for the twice-daily roll call at 8:00 p.m.

In the end, if a class engages in violence, looting, or property damage against other classes, that class will be immediately disqualified and all private points will be confiscated.

The three rules except the last one were created to avoid it becoming a simple test of patience.

For the time being, it says that violence is prohibited, but I wonder if that means physical violence such as punching and kicking, and mental violence such as swearing is prohibited.

If it's OK, I'd like to ridicule the Katsuragi faction and provoke violence.

If that's not possible, it would be great if you could steal the calm.

"It's up to you to force yourself, but remember that if more people retire, your efforts will be in vain."

Well, if 10 people retire, you'll lose all 300 points, so you can't force them.

"So, doesn't it mean that you can't help but spend a certain amount of points?"

"I'm against a fighting style that compromises from the beginning. You should hold out until you can."

"But if you get sick, you're in trouble."

"Don't say that. The test is all about patience, right?'' Opinions were immediately divided.

That's quite troublesome.

Girls who become like this will become selfish.

"Teacher, please answer if possible. If a student retires after using up all 300 points, what will happen to the minus points?'' Horikita raises her hand and asks.

"In that case, the number of retirees will only increase. Points will not be negative.'' Mashima sensei said that there would be no negative impact.

However, if you take it seriously and throw out all the points, the gap between you and other classes will widen after the summer vacation, and it will only have a negative impact.

In that respect, it can be said that the D class has the least impact, because it's already at the bottom.

"May I ask? Where is the roll call held?"

"The homeroom teacher of your class is supposed to set up a base near the base camp of your class.Once the base camp has been decided, please report.Roll call will be held there.Also, once the base camp has been decided, the base camp cannot be changed without a valid reason. Please be careful as you cannot change the location."

In that case, a place that is not exposed to direct sunlight is best. It would be a shame if I retired due to sunstroke.

"Hey, Sensei, I'm sorry to say this, but where's the bathroom? I drank some juice earlier and couldn't hold it back anymore."

Sudo says so. Did this idiot not hear the announcement?

No, it can't be helped because you're a monkey, right?

"Toilet? I'll explain now. The restroom is unisex, and each class is provided with one. Use this," Chabashira-sensei said, pointing to a cardboard box. that really it? That's what you use in times of disaster, right?

"Oh, are you using cardboard like that!?"

"Even though it's made of cardboard, this is an excellent product.'' Chabashira-sensei smoothly assembles the toilet and begins to explain it, but most of his classmates, especially the girls, have expressions of rejection on their faces.

"M-no way!

Absolutely impossible!"

"Let's just stick to the toilet, Shinohara."

"It doesn't matter to boys, right? There's no way we're going to use a cardboard toilet.''

They immediately begin to argue, but if it's like this from the beginning, I'm worried about the future.

While I was sighing inwardly, Chabashira-sensei continued speaking.

"Also, I will explain the additional rules from now on."

"Eh, well, is there anything else…?"

"Soon you will be given time to freely move around this island, but there are places called spots in various parts of the island. There is a right to occupy those spots, and only the class that has occupied them can own those spots. The right to use is granted. However, the right to occupy is only valid for 8 hours, and the right is reset every time. This means that other classes have a chance to occupy the property each time. 1 bonus point will be given to you. However, please note that this point cannot be used during the exam. The bonus point will be added at the end of the exam."

"Oh, isn't that really important! It even gives you points! Let's get them all!" According to the manual, there seems to be a special device near the spot.

According to that... a special key card is required to occupy a spot.

Earn 1 point for each occupancy.

Occupied spots can be used freely

If you use a spot occupied by another class without permission, you will receive a 50 point penalty.

• Only the reader has the right to use the key card .

• The leader cannot be changed without a valid reason.

That's what it said.

Furthermore, at the roll call on the final day, you will be given the right to guess the leader of each class, and you will receive 50 points for each guess of the leader of another class.

On the other hand, if you are guessed by another class or if you miss, you will lose 50 points and any bonus points you had up to that point will be taken away.

This is a rule that reveals the school's personality.

"Make sure to choose one leader. If you don't try to force yourself to occupy the spot, you won't be able to find out. Once you have decided on a leader, please let me know. At that time, I will give you a key card with the leader's name written on it. Also, if it is not decided by today's roll call, I will decide on my own. That's it.''

Does the fact that the leader's name is engraved mean that we can spy on it?

"We'll decide later who will be the leader. First, we need to decide where we'll set up our base camp. We have to decide whether to stay on the beach or go into the forest and find a place."

While I was thinking about this, Sudo, who had been wanting to go to the bathroom for a while, started assembling the toilet, and after a while, Ike and Shinohara started arguing over whether or not to buy the toilet, which turned out to be extremely ugly.

I get irritated when I see the idiots in my class making a fuss.

The other classes have already moved away from the coast, but that alone makes it clear that Class D is inferior.

Should I retire by pretending to be sick?

Or rather, I want to be healed by Hiyori.

Seriously, this class is full of shit.



"Shiina, stop making me sigh with sadness from the beginning."

"It's impossible, Ibuki-san. Hachiman-kun and I can't imagine spending time in a place without books...sigh."

"Shiina, how in love are you with Hikigaya?"

"I love him more than anyone else. We usually kiss each other good morning and kiss each other good night, but to think we haven't had one for a week from today...sigh."

"Ah, yes, yes. If you're living with him, you probably won't be able to handle it."
