Chapter 39

"Wow, you were suspected too? I can't believe it, the guy who have no interest in anything other than Sakayanagi and Shiina-chan's underwear, would also be suspected."

"I don't deny that"

On the fifth night, I was chatting with Hashimoto while fishing in the sea at night.

"You're really not going to deny it, are you? You're really stuffy, Hikigaya?"

"Leave me alone. So? Was there any event at your place?"

"Not at all. Katsuragi isn't interesting, and he forces the Sakayanagi faction to do menial tasks like stake out spots."

Well, I guess that's normal. From the Katsuragi faction's point of view, the Sakayanagi faction is just a lump in the face.


"From the looks of it, it doesn't seem like Katsuragi had the slightest idea that both his own executives and Sakayanagi faction are betraying him openly."

The Sakayanagi faction is not seeking victory in this exam, but rather is trying to inflict a major defeat and deal a major blow to the Katsuragi faction.

"Well, it would be troublesome if he found out that you were having a secret affair like this."

"If it doesn't matter whether you're an A class or a D class, all I have to do is say that I was spending time with my friends."

"Well...this is the third one."

"Seriously? Hikigaya is looking hot today."

However, I've already eaten dinner, so I'll release it.

"Well, I destroyed the shower as instructed, and as I promised, I'll come to your room during summer vacation."

"I heard that from Masumi. Do whatever you like."

When I replied that, Hashimoto had a shocked expression on his face. What's that expression?

"Huh? When did you start calling Kamuro by her name?"


I thought it was the same pattern as with Hiyori and Arisu, and when I called her by name, Masumi asked me to continue calling her by name.

"Hmm... that's something I don't see that often."

Hashimoto says this while grinning wildly. I feel the urge to slam my fist into his face, but I resist.

"It's great that you've become friends. Tomorrow is actually our last day living on a deserted island, so you should become even better friends."

As Hashimoto says, tomorrow will essentially be my last day living on a deserted island.

Today is the 5th day, but the exam will end at noon on the 6th day, so I'll spend the morning sorting out my luggage, tent, etc., so I just need to get through tomorrow.


"Every class is going to be nervous if tomorrow is actually the last one. I don't know if I'll be able to meet Masumi, so I want to spend tomorrow in peace."

Well, I guess it won't be possible in my class because of the underwear incident.

(Should we create a better environment by crushing arrogant girls like Karuizawa and Shinohara?)

It will probably take quite some time to accumulate 20 million private points and move up to class A, so I'll have to stay in my current class for a while, but by then some of the girls will have already turned against me.

If you want to live a peaceful life, you have to think about destroying it.

Well, anyway, I'll do it tomorrow as well since I can get food and search for spots so I won't have to stay at the scorching base camp.

I fished like that until the last minute of roll call, thinking about tomorrow's schedule.

The Next day...

6th day of life on a deserted island.

Today, which was actually the last day, the sky was gray and cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain at any moment, so I gave up on searching and occupying spots and decided to gather enough food for the day.

Well, most of the students are just trying to get through it with one more day, so it won't be that big of a problem.

(However... if things continue like this, it's going to rain.)

I think about this while putting the fruit into the bag on my back. I'm acting alone as usual.

Normally, this might not be possible, but since I already know the structure of the island, has an adversarial relationship with some of the girls, and has a proven track record, I got approval from Hirata, so it's not a problem.

With this in mind, I head back home, but suddenly it starts to rain.

(Tsk, maybe I'm a little late)

While I was clicking my tongue inwardly, the rain gradually started to get heavier.

It will be difficult to return to base camp like this.

Therefore, I head to a nearby hut with a spot. I already know the locations of important points such as huts and caves.

If there's a problem, it's a spot occupied by A-class, so if they're found, they'll incur a penalty, but I don't think the conservative Katsuragi will update their spots in this weather, so it's probably okay.

Then, I found a hut, went inside, took off my jacket, pants, and undershirt, and placed them next to the spotting device.

My boxer shorts weren't wet, but everything else was wet. Even though it's summer, it's quite cold to be honest, probably because of the rain.

If you look at the spot, there is no A class character on the screen, so it means that it is not occupied by any class.

As expected, Katsuragi doesn't seem to have any intention of attacking forcibly, probably because he is sure of victory.

In any case, it would be troublesome if someone occupied the place with a plastic cover over it, so we need to take measures.

So I locked the door in the hut and took out a towel from my bag.

If you wrap it around yourself, you can distract yourself from the cold even if it's just a little bit.

"...Huh? Has anyone come?

If you look at the hole in the door with a question mark on your face...


Masumi was there. Why is she in a place like this... I have to open the door for now.

When the door opens, Masumi rushes in.

"I knew you were inside... Wait! why the hell are you naked?!"

Masumi looks at me, blushes, and turns away.

No, I was wearing just a pair of panties.

"It can't be helped. Both my jacket and pants are wet."

"I... can you really stay here?"

"Of course, it is no longer an A-class occupied land or any class of occupied land."

"Okay...Are you also procuring food?"

"Yeah. Then it rained, so I'm taking shelter here. Are you"

When I talk about that, my eyes end up looking at Masumi's chest. Masumi isn't wearing a jersey, she's wearing thin gym clothes, but since they're soaking wet, she's inevitably see-through, and you can see the pink fabric.


At the same time, Masumi crossed her arms to hide her chest and looks at me while turning bright red.


"Well, wait. It was my fault. I'll do anything, so please forgive me."

Masumi gets behind me as I apologize. I was nervous that she was going to kick me...


There's a sound like something falling. I tried to turn around to hear what the noise was, but before I could...

"If you're going to do anything, just lend me the towel you have over there. Once I take off all my clothes, I'd like to wrap it around myself."

Huh?! What did you just say?! Or rather, was that sound just now the sound of clothes falling to the floor?!

While my heart was pounding inside, I heard the sound of Masumi taking off her clothes behind me, and finally I heard the sound of her taking a towel from the floor and wrapping it around her.

(Never look behind you... it's seriously dangerous if you do)

Just the fact that she's undressed is dangerous, but seeing Masumi wearing just a bath towel is enough to make me lose all sense of reason.

When I think about it that much, my head gets dizzy and I stumble. It was crazy, maybe all the fatigue I had been feeling hit my rain-soaked body all at once.

"Hachiman? Are you okay?"

Masumi makes a worried sound from behind me, but to be honest, I'm not okay.

"...It's okay. Take a break..."

While saying that, I lay down on the floor, turned my body away from Masumi, and slowly closed my eyes.

"Hachiman?...Did you really fall asleep?"

Masumi, who was wearing only a bath towel, looked shocked when she saw Hachiman sleeping, but soon returned to a serious expression.

It's because Hachiman looks pale.

When Masumi touched his body, she felt cold.

"You came here and fell ill...? It's not impossible."

Living on a deserted island takes a toll on his physically and mentally more than I expected, and getting caught in the rain also drains stamina.

Therefore, it may be unavoidable that Hachiman is not feeling well.

"But what can I do... my clothes are soaked and there are no blankets here. All I have is a plastic bag."

However, wearing a plastic bag doesn't really change anything; it's just like water on stone.


Then, a certain idea occurred to her, and at the same time, Masumi's face turned bright red.

She came up with the best idea she could do right now, but if she did that, Masumi would be so embarrassed that she could have died in agony.

She was wondering what to do...

"Huh...ha, ha..."

"Oh, already!"

Seeing Hachiman sleeping in pain, Masumi becomes half-hearted and locks the hut, takes off the bath towel from around herself, wraps it around Hachiman's body, and then hugs Hachiman's body.

In order to warm Hachiman's cold body even a little, Masumi wraps a towel around Hachiman's body and tries to transfer as much of her own body heat to Hachiman's body as possible.

However, from Masumi's point of view, there is nothing more embarrassing than this.

After all, right now Masumi is hugging Hachiman without any clothes on herself.

(This is a medical procedure, so there's no need to be embarrassed. There's no need to be embarrassed. There's no need to be embarrassed...)

Masumi blushed bright red, but inwardly shouted that she wasn't embarrassed, but the feeling of embarrassment never went away.

(If Sakayanagi saw me in a place like this, it would definitely be a big deal...)

Masumi hugs Hachiman while trying to escape reality.

''I'm worried about Hachiman-kun because it's raining here.''

"Unaccustomed life in an unfamiliar place, plus bad must be hell for the students."

Arisu Sakayanagi is in contact with Hiyori Shiina in Hachiman's room in the student dormitory of Advanced Training High School.

Hiyori, who is already retired, has her cell phone so she can contact Arisu.

"Well, Shiina-san, please greet Hachiman-kun kindly when he returns. I'll make him a delicious meal the day he returns from his trip."

"I'm looking forward to it."

"Thank you. Now..."

With those words, Sakayanagi hangs up and hugs the pillow on Hachiman's bed.

"I want to meet Hachiman-kun as soon as possible..."

Arisu says that while wearing Hachiman's shirt. While she was cleaning, she suddenly saw his shirt in the closet and put it on without thinking.

She liked it, so Arisu started wearing Hachiman's shirt when she went out.

"I'll ask you to take responsibility for making me feel lonely like this..."

While saying this, Arisu tightened her grip on the pillow.



Let me explain what just happened.

When I woke up, Masumi was completely naked and hugging me.

Forehead? What the hell is that?!

I was completely surprised, but when I checked the situation, I found that my body was wrapped in a bath towel.

I'm sure this is the one which I lent it to Masumi, right? Why am I wearing something and Masumi is completely naked?!

"You're finally awake. How are you feeling?"

Then Masumi, who was hugging me, started talking to me. As for my health... oh, by the way, I got sick so when I went to bed?

When Masumi asked me that and I checked my body...

"It's still a little cold and I'm feeling lightheaded."

Apparently, living on this deserted island had accumulated quite a bit of damage without us even noticing, and now it seems like it's all coming at me all at once.

"Yes. Well then, rest a little more."

Masumi said that, her cheeks turning red, and she tightened her embrace. No matter how much it is through the bath towel, it is dangerous to see Masumi's raw breasts against my chest plate.

Additionally, there was no towel wrapped around her legs, so my legs and Masumi's were tangled together.

Honestly, if I wasn't feeling unwell, I'm confident that I would have pushed Masumi down and crossed the line.


"Don't talk. I'm embarrassed too."

"Then you don't have to force it..."

"It's bothersome. I can't leave a sick person alone whose body is cold."

Masumi looks away from me and hugs me. Judging from what Masumi is saying, she's probably doing that thing where naked bodies warm each other up.

And the reason why she wraps a towel around me is to raise my body temperature even a little.



"Thank you very much. I'll pay you back in some way."

Since I was feeling unwell, she handed me a towel even though she was probably cold too, and eventually stripped naked to warm me up.

I have nothing but gratitude.

"Hmm...well then. If you have any idea why Hachiman is in Class D, please tell me."

Masumi makes such a proposal. Wow...

Masumi continues speaking while I am taken aback by the unexpected request.

"I've always thought that, but I can't believe that Hachiman is a D-class. To be honest, your potential exceeds that of most of the A-class. When you get angry, I think you're comparable to Sakayanagi.''

"That's an overestimation, but...well, it's okay, let's talk."

If you want to know, just tell her.

I have no reluctance to talk to Masumi. If I were to be rejected, I would only be a little shocked.

Having made that decision, I told her like Hiyori and Arisu about my time in middle school.

At that time, Kamuro opened her eyes...

"Hachiman, did you accept a request without compensation?"

"Wait, that's the first thing you ask!?"

That's the first comment!? It's true that I was dissatisfied with the lack of remuneration in the service department, but was that the point where I first got into it?!

"Was something strange?"

"No, I'm really talking about cultural festivals and school trips…"

"Ah. Well, I was a little surprised, but that's it. I think Sakayanagi said that there was no problem since you were able to complete the request, and I feel the same way."

I see. I guess Masumi is also the type who doesn't value the process.

"In fact, I don't understand why Hachiman is with me. You know that I shoplifted, right? I don't have time to shoplift because I'm being bullied by Sakayanagi now, but I did a lot of it when I was in middle school."

I see. The reason why Sakayanagi is so hard on Masumi is probably to prevent Masumi from shoplifting.

Even if it's off-site, if you shoplift from a store inside the school, you'll be found out right away, and the damage A-Class will suffer will be enormous.


"I haven't been harmed by you, and I don't know who you were in middle school. I'm just hanging out with you because I think you're cool and blunt, but kind and cute, and I think you're fun."

" idiot"

As soon as I said that, Masumi tightened her grip on me even more.

Perhaps because her embrace suddenly became stronger, the towel wrapped around me came undone, and as a result, Masumi's chest hit my chest.

(Wait, wait, wait! It can't get any worse than this!)

Reason is blown away. What kind of erotic game is this where you blow away your rationality and cross the line in a hut on a rainy deserted island, even a hut far from the base camp?!

"Well, Masumi. Calm down..."

"It's annoying. Stepping into people's hearts and disturbing them...I now understand why Sakayanagi and Shiina were disturbed by you as well."

Despite saying this, Masumi shows no signs of leaving. This is seriously dangerous, so stay away!

"No, I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

"Even if that wasn't your intention, I heard that Sakayanagi and the others disturbed you."

"I-I understand that, so please just stay away from me. If you continue like this, I'll seriously lose my sense of reason..."

"...It's fine. I've already kissed you on the lips."


She said some outrageous things again?!

I've been kissed on the cheek and forehead many times, but the kiss between our lips is the one that really sticks in my memory...ah.

"Maybe right before I hit my head and passed out..."

"Yes. Koenji called me a maid girl, and when I asked him why he called me that, he said it was because he saw you and Sakayanagi watching a video of me in the cafeteria, which made me angry. I was about to hit you, but I fell down..."

"You rolled me up and kissed me while I fell down, and I hit my head and passed out?"

When I confirm, Masumi nods slightly. Seriously...I'll just watch the maid videos in a private place from now on.

"That happened...I can't help it. I'll do whatever I can to help, so please forgive me."

It all started when Arisu and I watched a video of a maid in the cafeteria, then I give her a challenge.


"Hmm...then kiss me."

"Well then... huh?"

What did she just say again? If I'm not mistaken, didn't you tell me to kiss you?

"Um, Masumi. Did you just ask me to kiss you?"

When I ask a question, Masumi nods. It seems I didn't hear it wrong.

"Um... can I ask why?"

"Hachiman passed out so I don't remember, but I was so embarrassed at that time. It's unfair that you're the only one who doesn't feel embarrassed."

No, even if you say that,

"If you refuse, I'll kiss you again in front of Sakayanagi'' Masumi! You are thinking such terrible things!

If you did something like that, I would be teased for the rest of my life!

I received such a threat...

"...I understand. I'll do it."

I decided to follow Masumi. If you're going to be embarrassed about kissing her, it's much better to do it here, out of sight.


Masumi nods, closes her eyes, and juts out her lips...but I can't take a step.

I have kissed Hiyori and Arisu myself, but I have never kissed Masumi on the forehead but now it is suddenly on her lips.

(Is it really okay to do that? You can't sue for sexual harassment after doing it, right?)

I think it's okay since Masumi suggested it, but I'm a little worried.

While thinking this, Masumi opens her eyes and whispers, "After all, in front of Sakayanagi in the cafeteria...''

(Stop talking, Masumi-san!)

Even though I was half exhausted, I grabbed Masumi's shoulders and gently brought my face closer to her...


Gently press your lips together.

Instantly, my face felt like I had never experienced heat before. This was actually my first kiss since I had passed out last time and didn't know that we kissed.

I-I'm so embarrassed...this is so hard.

At the same time, I was really glad I didn't do it in front of Arisu.

"... it's embarrassing"


Masumi also turned redder than ever. She'd rather not make such a request than turn red herself.

"But were you okay? The last time was an accident, but this time..."

When I say that much, Masumi's finger pokes my lips.

"You don't need to say anything more. I don't regret what I did with you."

If you ask me that, I don't have anything to say in response. All I could do was nod, trying to hide my embarrassment.


After several hours...

"It's already 7:30 p.m. What are we going to do now?"

Masumi asks while looking at the watch on her wrist. We're still dressed the same as when we first woke up, me in just my boxers and Masumi completely naked, but I have gotten used to it since we've been together for several hours.

"Wait a clothes are dry."

In my case, it didn't take that long after it started raining until I went into the hut.

It's still raining outside, but I have to go because my classmates will be bothered if I don't participate in a roll call.

"Not at all for me. It might not be dry until tomorrow morning."

That's bad. If that happens, Masumi won't be able to get out of the hut. She is very likely to catch a cold while walking in the rain wearing a soaking wet jersey.

"Then, Masumi. If you don't mind taking a break from a roll call, how about I bring you my spare jersey as soon as our roll call is over?"

I have a few days worth of clothes to change into, so if I don't mind wearing clothes once, I can wrap them in plastic and take Masumi's clothes with me.

"...Is that okay?"

"Ah. If only you were okay."

"Then please. To be honest, it's cold."

"Okay. Then I'll go back to base camp, so lock the door and wait. When I get back, I'll knock four times."

I guess it would be uneasy if she didn't lock it.

While saying this, I remove my towel, hand it to Masumi, and quickly change my clothes.

"I'll be back as soon as the roll call is over."

I confirmed that Masumi nodded at my words, so I left the hut and ran as fast as I could. It's better than just before I entered the hut, but it's still raining quite a bit, so I'm sure I'll be soaking wet by the time I get to base camp.

While thinking about this, I was quickly heading towards the base camp...

"Is that Katsuragi?"

I see Katsuragi walking alone a little far away. It's probably his intention to meet Ryuen, who is hiding on the island. A and C classes have a contract.

I thought for a moment about whether to follow him, but decided to ignore it since it would be troublesome if Ryuen found me.

Even if Ibuki could see through the leader of our class, they would just have to retire the leader.

Besides, regardless of whether they retire or not, I have accomplished most of my goals of harassing the Katsuragi faction, so for me, this special test has already been a success.

Having made that decision, I took one last look at Katsuragi and then sped up toward the base camp again.


"You're late, Hikigaya. What if you don't make it in time for roll call?"

When you arrive at the base camp, Sudo yells at me, but this time I doesn't get irritated and apologizes.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. The river near where I got food flooded and I couldn't get back home."

It's really my fault for this. If you don't show up for a roll call, the entire class will be penalized, so it can't be helped that Sudo is angry.

"Tch... By the way, have you seen Suzune and Ayanokoji?"

"Horikita and Ayanokoji? I haven't seen them, but aren't they here?"

Were they also caught in the rain and unable to move?

"Both of them aren't here. Maybe they're just the two of them and having fun..."

"No, no, even that pervert Ayanokoji isn't that stupid to do it in this rain."

"I don't know. Maybe in a cave or a hut..."

Ah, that's it. No wonder they are missing.

Besides why this monkey is calling Horikita by her name? Does he want to get beaten up by that pervert?

It also reminded me that Just a moment ago, I hugged Masumi, who was completely naked, and we kissed.

Well, even if I die I won't say it.

If I were to talk about that, not only Sudo, but the D-class guys would probably blow me away and say,

"So, that's why you got late for the roll call, you scumbag!''

But Horikita and Ayanokoji... If they're not playing in a hut then...

My instinct is that Horikita is the leader, but is Katsuragi, who I saw earlier, related?

If that's the case, Ryuen's subordinate Ibuki, who is connected to Katsuragi, I become suspicious, so when I look around, I noticed that Ibuki isn't there.

Judging from that, it's possible that Horikita was the leader, and that she knew about Ibuki and stole the key card as evidence.

Then Horikita chased after her, to get back the key card, but it's useless when Ibuki already saw the name of the leader? So, is that girl more stupid than I thought?

It also makes sense that Ayanokoji, her boyfriend isn't here because he's searching for Horikita.

However, there are some things that don't make sense with that idea. That means why the leader was found out.

The policy was not to search or occupy the spot today, so there was no need to take out the key card, so there was no way Ibuki would find out who the leader was.

(After all, if I'm not present at the scene, I can only make vague speculations...well, that's fine. If my speculations are correct and Horikita is the leader, it will be convenient.)

If that happens, Katsuragi and Ryuen will probably nominate Horikita as their leader, but there will be no problem as long as she retires before the appointment is made. On the contrary, the Katsuragi faction will be dealt even more damage, which will be the best result.

However...the atmosphere in the class is strangely bad. Yesterday's underwear incident was bad, but this time it's even worse.

What the hell happened while I was gone?

As I was thinking about it, Chabashira-sensei came over. It looks like it's time for the roll call.

"We'll start the roll call now, so gather around."

They gather together, but the men and women are separated. It seems like something happened while I was gone.

"I have to report before the roll call. Horikita recently retired because she lost consciousness. Also, Ayanokoji is not here because Horikita was in an emergency and he took her to the doctors near the ship. According to the assessment. 35 points will be deducted from class D."

Those words cause a lot of uproar, but from my point of view, I'm lucky. Since Ayanokoji handed over Horikita to a teacher near the ship, the leader should inevitably be Ayanokoji.

If Katsuragi or Ryuen thought Horikita was the leader and nominated her, they would receive minus 50 points.

Regardless of Ryuen, I'm happy for Horikita to retire as long as I can do more damage to Katsuragi.

Now, if the A-class result falls below 50 points, I will ridicule Katsuragi in front of Totsuka, and if I can provoke another violent act, the Katsuragi faction will be destroyed, and the Sakayanagi faction will win a big victory.

I can get more points!

That's the future I want. I'll drill into your bones what will happen if you insult Hiyori in front of me.

Even so, I wait for my name to be called at a roll call. I'll be in trouble if it isn't finished soon. Masumi will be waiting for me in the mountain hut, cold, and I need to get her clothes quickly.

"...Hikigaya Hachiman"


"Hikigaya is here. Yosuke Hirata."


Hirata, who was next to me, was stunned. He doesn't look like his usual Hirata, but seriously, what happened while I was away...

As I was thinking this while sighing inwardly, the roll call ended and I was free to act.

At that time, some girls were ridiculing Horikita and Ayanokoji, but to me, I think the guys who haven't done anything are being bossy.

After all, there are too many idiots

in this class with low civility.

To be honest, I seriously thought it was better to retire with Koenji, on the first day.

(It would be really good to move from D class to A class as soon as possible...)

With that thought in mind, I returned to my tent, took out my spare jersey and gym clothes from my bag, packed them in a plastic bag, and left the base camp.

My clothes are soaking wet so I want to change them, but even if I do, they'll be soaked again by the time I head to the mountain hut, so I have to be patient.

I ran quickly through the forest, and as soon as I climbed the mountain, I found a mountain hut, so I walked even faster.

Then, when I stood in front of the door and knocked four times, I heard the lock open and Masumi came out with a bath towel wrapped around her.

"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Masumi. Please change your clothes for now."

"Thank you...don't watch me change."

"I won't look"

Even though I've already seen her naked, that was an accident. At least I don't intend to watch her.

"Yes. Then let's turn our backs to each other and change."

While saying this, Masumi turns her back to me, so I turn towards the door and begins to change my clothes, but my face is hot.

(That's crazy. I'm getting embarrassed thinking about Masumi changing clothes behind me.)

I happen to see Hiyori and Arisu changing clothes, but it turns out they were in my room.

Hiyori lives with me, so I can stand the feelings of embarrassment.

However, the location was a mountain hut on a deserted island, and the person was not my live-in partner, but Masumi, who had just hugged me naked and kissed me.

I think the embarrassment is several times greater than when it was Hiyori or Arisu.

However, I don't want to stay soaked like this, so I quickly change my clothes.

Then I hear the sound of rustling cloth from behind me, so I cover my ears.

After a while, I was tapped on the shoulder, so when I turned around, I saw Masumi wearing my gym clothes...


"No, it's nothing."

When I see a girl wearing my gym clothes, something indescribable fills me up.

My gym clothes are commonplace, but they're amazing.

"Are you going to sleep now?"

There's not much to do on a deserted island, but we're in an empty cabin. All I have to do is chat or sleep.

However, as for the former, neither Masumi nor I have much to talk about, so it will probably end soon.

"That's the only option. There's nothing else to do."

"I see. Then I'm going to sleep."

As I said this, I turned off the light and lay down, but after a while I heard a rumbling sound and saw Masumi hugging me.

"What happened all of a sudden?"

"It can't be helped because it's cold. Besides, I was hugging you naked just now, so it's too late now."

Well, I guess so. To be honest, I was slightly surprised, but that's it. Until just now, I was hugging a completely naked Masumi, so I don't feel that embarrassed.

"I thought you were going to ask me for a goodnight kiss or something"

"Now that I think about it, Sakayanagi and Shiina do it every night, right?"

"Well...I don't think so, but do you want me to do it too?"

"Are you an idiot? I don't really care about you..."

No, you wouldn't ask me to kiss you if you weren't thinking about it, right?

Well, I won't say that because I'm afraid I'll be blown away if I say that.

"I see. I heard something strange and said, "But..."


"If you want to kiss me goodnight... you can."

She says things like that. What is this kid?

She's just cute, isn't she?

But how should I answer this? I don't have a reason, but I have a feeling that if I refrain, I'll get blown away.

There's no reason though.

But that doesn't mean you can't just say stupidly that you want to kiss her.

What is this contradiction?

"Well... if you want me to do it, I'll do it, and if you don't want to, I won't. I'll leave that to you."

When I said the same thing earlier, Masumi told me that I was an idiot, but since what's important is the person's will, I decided to leave it up to Masumi.

I replied, and when I was lying on my back, my clothes were being pulled, so I looked to the side...

" it"

Masumi blushes and sticks out her forehead. It's crazy, there's a gap between her and the usual Masumi, and I can't help but feel nervous.


I bring my face close to Masumi's forehead and kiss her forehead. Then Masumi twists her body as if tickled.

Her reactions are different from Hiyori and Arisu, so it's natural that it looks very fresh.

"Good night, Masumi."

After saying that, I slowly closed my eyes.


"I'm so nervous that I can't sleep at all, and yet he can sleep this early...this swindler must be too used to being asleep with a girl."

When Masumi sees Hachiman falling asleep, she can't help but feel poisoned.

Hachiman fell asleep less than 30 minutes after kissing Masumi goodnight.

From this, Masumi concluded that Hachiman was used to sleeping with Hiyori and Arisu because he slept with her.

"You're a true swindler, not only disturbing Sakayanagi and Shiina's hearts, but mine as well."

Masumi hugs Hachiman tightly even though she is angry. Masumi is simply hugging him because she wants to.

At the same time, heat builds up on my face as I remember what happened earlier, when Hachiman kissed me.


"... You're really an idiot... You've disturbed my heart to this extent, so please take responsibility..."

After saying that, Masumi brought her face close to Hachiman's...


Gently press your lips together. Even though I knew it was no good, I wanted to reconfirm the feeling I had earlier.

"Good night Hachiman. I said earlier that I don't care about you, but the truth is..."

Finally saying that, Masumi closed her eyes in preparation for tomorrow.