Chapter 44

"Ah, I'm bored."

I sigh as I sit on the bench on the deck. There wasn't a single person around.

The reason is simple: it's 1:30 pm and most of the people are discussing how to spot preferential treatment, which is one of the test items.

There are a total of 160 first-year students, and about 130 of them are participating in the exam, so it's only natural.

"Ah, that's right. I'm taking the opportunity to call Arisu."

I also want to hear Arisu's voice sometime. If that's the case, I'll hurry.

I operated my cell phone and dialed Arisu's number, which connected immediately.

"Hello? Do you need something, Hachiman-kun? "

What? It sounded like she was angry about something, but did I do something?

"What's wrong, Hachiman-kun? Do you have something to say to me?"

"Ah...I just called because I wanted to hear your voice, but if you're in a bad mood, I'll hang up, okay?"

That's a shock, but I don't want to make Arisu unhappy.

"No. I also wanted to hear Hachiman-kun's voice.''

Arisu then makes a slightly irritated voice, but I'm sure her face is absolutely adorable now, so I'd like to see it.

"So how are you doing? I heard from Hashimoto-kun that there will be another special exam, right?"

Even if she is absent, she probably has information as the class boss.

"I'm done. I mean, I am pretty confident."

This is serious. I already have over 5 million private points, but I am confident that I can increase them even more.

"Is that so? It seems like you can get a lot of private points depending on the results, so you're thinking of buying a big room and living together with Masumi-san...? "

Arisu says so, but it seems like Masumi has already consulted Arisu.

"Well, just in case I have to ask, is it okay if I add Masumi as well?"

"If it's something Hachiman-kun has decided, I won't complain. By the way, it true that you kissed Shiina-san and Masumi-san?"


I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Arisu's words.

Hey, why does this girl know?!

"...Judging from your reaction, it seems like it's true."

Arisu's deep voice can be heard from the phone. Something feels cold.

I decided to answer honestly because I was scared of what would happen if I told a lie here.

"...Ah. The two of us did."

"I see... (It's really frustrating that Masumi-san is actually ahead of me.)''

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't catch the last part, so I'll ask you to repeat it again."

The last part was a mess and I couldn't understand what she said.

"It's nothing. And Hachiman-kun. After the trip is over, there is a fireworks festival on the 20th, so would you like to go together?"

Ah... I see, there's a summer festival. I mean...

"Two people? Aren't you going to invite Hiyori and the others?"

"Isn't it good? I'd like to spend some time with you.''

Don't say it clearly like that. I can't help but feel embarrassed.

However, going to a fireworks display with just the two of us is a little embarrassing.

"If you say no, there's nothing  I can do about it.'' I have no choice but to talk to my classmates and say, "Hachiman-kun won't accept my first (invitation to go to the fireworks festival).'

'...This bastard.

If I refuse here, there'll probably a riot.

"...Okay, I'll go. However, you need to think of a way to be alone."

In the end, I decided to accept Arisu's invitation even though I don't like noisy places.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it."

After saying that, the call ends and I put my phone in my pocket. The last time I went to a fireworks display was when I was in my second year of junior high school, and with the help of my stupid sister, I went with that shitty bitch.

However, unlike back then when I didn't like it because it was a hassle, but I don't feel embarrassed about Arisu's invitation.

This is probably because the person who invited me was a human.

"Anyway, we still have about 20 minutes until the discussion is over…huh?"

As I was thinking about that, Horikita and Hirata came out from inside the ship and onto the deck. They probably have too much time on their hands, just like me, since Ryuen finished the Dragon Group exam.

Then Horikita seemed to notice me as well and glared at with sharp eyes. I expected this, but I don't really care.

Horikita and Katsuragi from Class A have good grades, but that's just how smart they are.

To be honest, she's just an idiot in  front of Arisu and Ryuen.

Ichinose isn't a strategist, but she has great brainwashing skills, so she's the type of person you don't want to fight in a different way than Arisu or Ryuen.

Well, in her case, she's fighting for the B-class, so unless Horikita messes with the B-class, she won't make a big move.

As I was thinking, the three of them approached me and Hirata spoke to me.

"Hikigaya-kun. I have something to ask you. Is it true that you told Ryuen-kun that Kushida-san was a preferential treatment?"

"That's true. But I have permission from Horikita for this."

Peep :

"Well then, Horikita. Even if I tell Ryuen who's getting preferential treatment and it turned out to be true, don't complain, okay? "

"Good. Isn't that just a lie? I'm not childish enough to complain about stupid nonsense.'' I played the audio again and Horikita glared at me.

"Is that why you're going to betray your classmates? You lack common sense!"

"Anyway, I'm planning to move up to class A as an individual, so in a sense I'll be betraying the class."

This is a famous story. And that would be a betrayal of the class. Well, it doesn't matter.

"So? Did you come all this way to complain? If that's the case, then I am going back to my room".

"But that's not all there is to talk about, but could you please tell me about the law of preferential treatment?"

Well, it's pretty much what I expected. However, whether or not to teach it is another matter.

"...What are you going to do after hearing that? Are you going to raise your class points and use it as a stepping stone to move up to A class?"

"Of course"

"If you rely on me, you won't be able to rise to A-class. Arisu, the leader of A-class, is several steps smarter than me."

I'm serious about this. In fact, I don't think there's anyone who has the brains to beat Arisu in a year.

Ryuen, who combines violence and strategy, may have a chance of defeating Arisu, but if his strategies simply collide, he will likely lose to Arisu.

"Besides…I still refuse."

I decline Hirata's request.

"...Can I ask you the reason?"

"It's simple. Because I can't trust you stupid people."

When I say that, Horikita narrows her eyes in displeasure.

"Is it because I didn't tell you about our leader on the deserted island? If that's the case, you're quite a small minded person."

"Small? I think it's only natural that if you can't trust them, I can't trust them either, right?"

"Okay, you two. Calm down!"

Hirata tries to arbitrate, but...

"I'm telling you, I can't trust a clown like you more than Horikita, okay? You didn't do anything and let Karuizawa, Shinohara, Matsushita, and Sato use points without permission when they were living on a deserted island, right?"

At my words, Hirata's expression suddenly becomes bitter.

Since living on a deserted island, I've had relationships with timid girls like Inokashira and Mii-chan.

So...I guess I'll make a contract with them to receive points on the condition that I tell them the names of preferential treatment.

If you do that, you'll make more money.


"Well, if I reveal this story, it will probably cause a lot of trouble, so I'll keep it quiet, but if you try to disrupt the peace by interfering too much with my actions, I'll do even more damage after I reveal the story. I'll crush Karuizawa and the others mentally and put them in a state even worse than Totsuka from Class A that they'll voluntarily leave the school,  okay?"

I hate it when someone I don't get along with interferes with my actions or insults Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi.

If Hirata persists, I will feel free to lash out, break this stupid clown who wants 'everyone to get along' and become 'superficial friends.'

I'm pretty sure this guy'll explode, if their was too much mental damage and they quit school.

There are too many time-bombs in my class.

When Hirata heard that, his face turned pale and he nodded. Judging from his reaction, he probably won't interfere too much now.

Having made that decision, I try to enter the ship, but Horikita opens her mouth.

"Wait. Lastly, I would like to say that you should stop telling Kamuro-san from A-class and Shiina-san from C-class the rules of preferential treatment."

"It depends on the situation. Basically, I won't tell them, but if Arisu contacts me, I might tell them."

Well, that's a lie. Since Hiyori is a preferential worker, I won't particularly interfere, but I plan to tell Masumi about being a preferential person.

To make my dorm room bigger.

"Well, if you have any complaints, find out the law of preferential treatment and control it. There's a hint inside the explanation"

There's a hint that the teacher gave. You will be able to solve the problem if you understand the true meaning of what the teacher said.

While saying that, I entered the ship and headed to the place where I would meet up with Hiyori and Masumi, who were about to finish their discussion.


"Ah, Hachiman-kun. It's finished."

When I was sitting on a bench at the observation deck at the meeting place, Hiyori came towards me.

Then, as soon as I got up from the bench, she hugged me and started loving me completely. It's still the same...

A while ago, I would have been shy, but now that I am gotten used to it, I pats her on the back with a wry smile.

"So? How was it?"

Ask a question, stepping away from Hiyori.

"Yes. Three of the four A-class members abandoned the discussion to avoid betrayal. The remaining one, Kito-kun, did not abandon the discussion, but he hardly spoke."

Are you angry that if you talk about it, you'll become suspicious and there's a possibility of betrayal, so you won't let it happen by not talking about it?

And since the preferential treatment will be distributed equally to each class, I think you should think about the points earned for each class...

Katsuragi came up with this defense-specific strategy. Arisu would definitely look for the law of preferential treatment.

However, since I know that the recipient of the preferential treatment is Hiyori, I appreciate that strategy.

Certainly, with Katsuragi's strategy, there would be less information, so the possibility of betrayal would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, the probability of finding out that Hiyori is a preferential recipient also decreases.

"By the way, how many people agreed?"

"At first, my classmates and D-class wanted points, but I agreed with the idea that it would be impossible for them to find out who was giving preferential treatment through discussion and get points, and I didn't want to be betrayed. However, B-class, Classes C and D also withdrew their support, arguing that this approach would not close the gap with Class A."

Tsk, it looks like B members aren't all little angels.

In some cases, this may become troublesome.

"For now, just participate in the conversation as much as possible. You'll be less suspicious than not doing it at all."


While we were having this conversation, the elevator door opened and when I looked, it was Masumi.

When Masumi notices us, she comes over.

"Yo Masumi. How's it going?"

"My classmates are so calm that they won't betray. Although Katsuragi suffered quite a bit of damage during the exam on the deserted island, many students were convinced that the plan he came up with was reasonable.''

"Well, I guess so. The plan itself isn't bad but there are already traitors."

Masumi is already in the mood to betray him. To raise funds to enlarge my room in the dormitory.

"Class B was against it, right?"

"Yeah. They don't like not being able to close the gap with A-class."

"I guess that's the policy for Class B. However, in this test, at least two people in Class B would be find out as a preferential person. "

"From what you said, does that mean that the preferential students in my group is class B?"

I nod at Masumi's question. Since Hiyori and Kushida were the preferred recipients, my opinion is probably correct.

"So if you're going to set it up, why don't you wait until the night's discussion is over?"

"Yeah. However, if there's a problem, it's Hiyori. It would be troublesome if the B-D class guys launched a special attack saying, "Let's check everyone's cell phones.''

Well, that possibility is low. If that was the case, it would become known that Hiyori was a preferential student, and the students other than Class C would send Hiyori's name all at once to the school, leading to a crushing battle.

"That's right. Therefore, before the evening discussion, I would like to talk to my classmates in the same group and counter the strategy that Hachiman-kun mentioned, if 'everyone showing their phones to each other.'"

That's the best. There are three C class members in Hiyori's group, but if they share the information of the preferential giver and all three show their phones, other classes will be able to tell that there is a preferential giver in the C class, and it'll be game over.

It's possible.

After all, the probability of winning is as low as 1/3. And if you miss, 50 class points will be deducted from the class, you betrayed.

At least I would never betray them without proof!

"By the way, Hachiman-kun. If that strategy you told me earlier is successful, I will have to give some of the 500,000 points I earned to my classmates for cooperation, is that okay?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. Otherwise, it will cause problems in your future school life."

"I'm sorry...I was thinking of using the funds for Hachiman-kun's new room..."

Hiyori seems apologetic and apologizes, but there's no need to apologize.

"Hiyori. You don't have to apologize. You've been contributing to me by doing housework every day, and if you can give me even a few points, I'll be happy."


While saying this, I lightly pats Hiyori's head, and Hiyori narrows her eyes as if tickled.

It's really cute...

Then I felt someone's eyes on me, so I looked to the side and saw Masumi staring at me. What? Are you angry?

"Hachiman. I'll give you points too, okay?"

"Eh... ah, ah. I heard that before..."

However, Masumi pats herself on the head without looking away. Maybe...

In response to Masumi's reaction, I pat her on the head like I did with Hiyori.


When I stroke her smooth hair, Masumi narrows her eyes as if she's tickled, just like Hiyori from earlier.

It seems like I made the right choice to pat her on the head because her glaring eyes have disappeared.

"I've always thought that, but you're also good at patting me on the head."

"I've been doing it every day since Hiyori came to my room, and I've been doing it to Arisu every day, too."

"Oh... now that I'm thinking about it, what size room should I buy?"

Masumi asks. Regarding the price of the rooms, a room 1.5 times the standard size costs 2 million points, a room twice the size costs 3 million points, and a room three times the size costs 5 million points...

"I'm thinking of a room twice the size."

I plan to pay 3 million yen to buy a room twice the size. If it is 1.5x, it will only go from being narrow to a little cramped, and 3x is a bit big and too expensive.

Therefore, I am planning to buy a room that is twice the size of the middle one.

"Well, that will be after the trip is over. In the meantime, I'll tell you about Masumi's group fav person tonight or tomorrow morning, okay?"

"I know. I believe in you."

"Leave it to me. Now that we're done talking, would you like to go get something sweet?"

I love sweet things.

"I don't mind though."

"I'm fine too."

The two of them gave their consent, so we left the observation deck. Then I took the elevator to the floor where Suipara was located, and as I was about to head to the Suipara store, I felt a lot of presence right next to me, so I turned around and saw Ichinose with several girls.

"Hello, Hikigaya-kun. You're with, Shiina-san and Kamuro-san."

"I didn't participate in the discussion. Someone in my group finished the exam ahead of me."

For the time being, I tell lies as a check to prevent information from being exposed.

"No, no. Hikigaya-kun was the one who finished the exam, right? I heard everything from Ayanokoji-kun."

That slut... Come to think of it, he was also there when I was talking to Ryuen.

"It can't be helped if they find out. It's true that I betrayed the Snake group."

Those words caused the B-class members to make a fuss. At that time, I caught a glimpse of Shiranami and saw that she was shaking a little, but judging by her reaction, it was bingo.

"As expected. But it's surprising."

"What? Did you betray us before we even had a chance to talk?!" Someone shouted.

"But Hikigaya-kun was irritated by Horikita-san's harsh words, so he told Ryūen-kun about the Dragon Group's preferential treatment, right?"

"What if I was?" I was definitely on guard against the two-faced Ichinose.

"What was surprising was that Hikigaya-kun was irritated? You get really scary when Sakayanagi-san and Shiina-san are made fun of, but you're the type of person who doesn't care if he himself is made fun of. Then depends on the content of the conversation, did Horikita-san say something really cruel?"

Ah, is that a surprise in that sense?

Well, it's true that I was made fun of a lot when I was in middle school, so I don't generally get that angry about people saying bad things about me.

As Ichinose says, if there is someone who insults Arisu and the others, I will crush them without mercy.

Regarding Ichinose like that, I...

"No, Horikita said that she was displeased when she heard that my words were nonsense, and even if a different person said the same thing as Horikita, I might be a little irritated, so I said told about the preferential person to Ryūen."

I'm not telling a lie. Most people would probably say that I was making a fool of myself when I said that I could tell who was getting preferential treatment before we actually had a discussion.

Still, I got irritated and gave the information to Ryuen. If there is a reason...

(I guess it's because Horikita looks exactly like the woman I had serious murderous intentions for when I was in middle school.)

Whenever I look at Horikita, that woman comes to mind even though I don't like her.

The woman for whom I had the most murderous intent, Yukinoshita Yukino.

She insults me for no reason like she's breathing, she insults me when I get a request, and she insults me even when I say hello.

Then, just when I thought the request had come, she started cursing in all directions.

Moreover, there were times when she would abuse her clients, but I was too stunned to say anything.

She has a habit of not giving a single opinion and just rejecting other people's ideas, which is of no use to her.

To be honest, she's one of the top reasons why middle school was the worst. I gets irritated just remembering it.

Well, it seems like the Yukinoshita family has been torn to shreds recently by the power of the Arisu's family, so it's looking good.

Quiet topic...

As for Horikita, she does curse a lot, although not as much as Yukinoshita, and she doesn't have much skill.

Horikita is said to have played an active role in the desert island incident, but I think it was that slut Ayanokoji, who Arisu is interested in, was the one who did it.

As a result, I get irritated with Yukinoshita.

Well, she's atleast better than Yukinoshita, so I'm not thinking of crushing her yet, but I'm going to do it with all my might since she keeps coming at me.

To be honest, I won't be much surprised if the Yukinoshita family and Horikita family are related somehow.

While I was thinking about it, my clothes were pulled, so I looked to the side to see Masumi giving me an unusually concerned look.

"Hachiman, I don't know what you were thinking, but please don't show your murderous intent."

When she said that, I looked around and saw that everyone in the hallway, including the B class girls except for Ichinose, was stunned.

Hiyori looks worried, just like Masumi,'s over.

"It's too bad. I was unconsciously irritated. Also, I'm leaving Suipara alone for now."

With that said, I bow my head to everyone around me and leave this place, even though I am filled with self-loathing.

It seems like the hell from middle school still remains in me.