Chapter 52


On the night of August 30th, while absentmindedly watching the nightly news, Arisu looks happy as she looks at the ring on her left hand - more precisely, on Arisu's left ring finger.


At the same time, Hiyori and Masumi were staring at me, so I looked away while sweating.

Ever since I went to the fireworks festival with Arisu, Arisu would sometimes look happy and look at the ring I gave her, and Hiyori and Masumi would stare.

I've already experienced this dozens of times... but I can't stand it anymore.

It was at that time.

"Hachiman, are you free tomorrow?"

Masumi says something like that. What happened all of a sudden?

"I'm bored, but what's wrong with that?"

"Then why don't we go to the pool tomorrow? I'm sure the pool will be open at the end of summer vacation, so why don't go for a swim?"

That's surprising. I didn't expect Masumi to ask me to go to the pool. I don't think she would be interested in the pool given Masumi's personality.

"...I can see what you are trying to do, Masumi-san!"

Arisu then said that with a wry smile, but her eyes weren't smiling.

"...That's cheating. I'm going too."

Hiyori, on the other hand, looks at Masumi with envy. Why do these two people react like that? In fact, Hiyori going to the pool was so unexpected.

Doesn't she hate exercise?

Masumi, on the other hand, responds without being scared.

"I just don't want Sakayanagi to say anything more annoying. How about you, Shiina? You agree with me right?"

"yes, I'll go"

"...Well, that's fine. It would be nice if the three of you could play together. I'll be playing chess in my room and look at the ring."

When Arisu says that, Hiyori and Masumi turn their fighting spirit towards Arisu.

On the other hand, Arisu smiles, her fighting spirit is back at full throttle, but what is this really about?

Actually, I am surprised that Arisu likes her ring much more than I expected.

All I could do was sigh as I looked at the three of them.

The Next day...

"It's hot...I want to get into the pool soon."

We're heading to the pool under the scorching sun, but it's seriously too hot.

"Well...Ah, I can see it now."

As Hiyori said, the entrance to the pool comes into view. And a commotion can be heard from inside.

Judging by the volume, there must be quite a few people.

"Where will we meet after we get changed?"

"I think Hachiman will get changed faster, so stay where the girls come out of the changing room."

"Okay. See you then."

While saying this, I part ways with the two of them and head to the men's locker room.

At the same time, the three D-class idiots, Sudo, Ike, and Yamauchi, were running towards the pool in a hurry.

(What are they doing? They're clearly acting too suspicious.)

However, the three of them are already gone, and it would be troublesome if they got involved, so I'll let them go.

Having made that decision, I quickly took off my clothes, changed into a swimsuit, and left the changing room...

"It's a complete entertainment facility."

I couldn't help but whisper that. It's usually a large pool facility used by the swimming club, but today there were vendors and other stalls, so it doesn't really feel like a practice facility.

While thinking about this, I headed to the place where the girls appeared and waited nearby.

At that time, various girls stared at me.


"Please wait."

Just as I thought I heard those voices, Masumi and Hiyori arrived. The swimsuits that the two of them are wearing don't seem to be anything special; they're the unsexy school-specified swimsuits they wear, but they look attractive, probably because the people wearing them have such incredible looks.

(A class and C...not class B can see the two swimmers every time they have swimming class. I'm jealous.)

Even though I was thinking about such stupid things, I welcomed the two of them.

"Don't worry, I didn't wait that long. So? Where do you want to play?"

"Why don't we just leave here for now? I just met Horikita and the others in the locker room and things were about to get complicated."

"What happened with Horikita and the others?"

"Yes. A lot of things were said about my relationship with Hachiman-kun, and in the end, she would get a seat in A-class."

"What are you talking about?...I don't think it would be possible for an idiot like her to do something like that."

I was taken aback by Hiyori's words. I don't think she can lead D class to A class.

To put it bluntly, Horikita is not a person who stands above others.

She has low control and high specs, so she would be better suited to working under someone.

"Well, I understand. Let's move on for now."

I don't want anything to do with Horikita either. When I look at her, she reminds me of Yukinoshita and makes me want to destroy her.

When I reply, they both nod and hug me in their arms. At the same time, I feel their soft bulges on my bare skin.

Before summer vacation, I might have been nervous and frozen, but ever since I returned from my trip, I've been taking a bath with Arisu, Masumi, and Hiyori every day, so I don't feel particularly embarrassed.

I took them with me and distanced myself from the changing room.

For the next hour, I swam with the two of them, played with a ball, floated around on a floating ring, and did various other things...

"Hey, you guys. I'm getting hungry and want to eat, so please leave."

I talked to the two people hugging me in the pool. Currently, I'm hugging two people who want to use me as a floating ring, but I'm getting hungry so I want them to leave.

By the way, the murderous intent from the boys around me hurts. Just now, Ike and Yamauchi were staring at me with bloody tears in their eyes.

Then, the two nod and leave, so I get out of the pool and start walking in the direction of the stall...

"Huh? It's Hikigaya-kun. What a coincidence."

When I heard that voice from the side, I looked and saw Ichinose wearing a school swimsuit.

Behind him are Horikita and Ayanokoji. I had heard from Masumi that Horikita was there, but I had no idea that Ichinose and Ayanokoji were there.

Is it because it's the end of summer vacation?

"What a strange coincidence. Aren't you with your classmates?"

Ichinose's class is the most cohesive, so I thought she would go with her classmates.

"They're not here right now because they're shopping for lunch over there."

When I was told to take a look, I saw a boy and a girl I recognized.

"Isn't Sakayanagi-san here? Even though she can't swim, I thought she was accompanying you and sitting in a chair."

"Arisu is at home. The three of us decided to come and play."

There was a lot of cheering when I talked about that, so I looked over and saw that a volleyball game was being held a little further away, and a blonde-haired man who was a participant was overpowering everyone with overwhelming skill.

It wasn't a match anymore, it was like a blond man's performance.

That blonde hair, I'm sure...

"Is he the vice president of the student council?"

I'm sure his name was Yakumo? I don't remember it because I'm not interested, but I've seen him in the corner of the podium during the school assembly, so I'm pretty sure he's a member of the student council.

"That's right. Nagumo-senpai, 2nd year A class."

Oh, it's Nagumo, not Yakumo.

"The vice president is actually the strongest student in the second year?"

I knew that the strongest student in the 1st year was Arisu and the strongest student in the 3rd year was President Horikita.

"Maybe so. He's the number one candidate for the next student council president, and he's extremely athletic and popular."

While saying this, Ichinose looks at the volleyball player, and it's true that he's a good-looking guy with excellent athletic ability.

This would be perfect for a student council president candidate.

"Despite his popularity, I didn't know about him until now. It's true that his athleticism is extraordinary, but I don't think he's amazing considering his popularity."

Horikita says so, but isn't that just because your information gathering ability is low?

Well, I won't say it because it would be troublesome if I did.

If you think so...

"Isn't that simply a problem with Horikita-san's ability to gather information?"

Hiyori drops a natural bomb and the air freezes.

(Hiyori, don't drop a bomb at this timing)

I guess it's not my fault for rushing in without thinking. Moreover, the bad thing about Hiyori is that she has no malicious intent at all.

Hiyori is so pure that her words sometimes become bombs. In fact, when Masumi first became a maid, an incredible bomb was dropped on her.

Horikita glares at Hiyori with a sharp gaze, while I am inwardly afraid of Hiyori's purity.

Hiyori, on the other hand, is in awe. I know she has no malicious intent, but from Horikita's point of view, that action is adding fuel to the fire...

Then Ichinose intervenes.

"Okay, you two calm down."

"I'm calm, okay?"

Hiyori replied with a strange look on her face. Ichinose smiles bitterly at this, Horikita makes her eyes even sharper, Masumi's mouth twitches, and Ayanokoji looks in a different direction as if he doesn't want to get involved.

After all, Hiyori is the strongest in a sense.

"Ah, haha...well, President Horikita basically stands out at this school."

Well, there's nothing wrong with that.

I've heard President Horikita speak many times, but I've never heard Vice Chairman Nagumo speak.

Judging from that, does the student council have too much power in the hands of the president?

For now, let's take advantage of Ichinose's topic.

"Well, I guess so. However, as far as popularity goes, I don't think there will be a no-confidence motion."

"I don't think so. Apparently, he competed with President Horikita for the position of student council president during last year's student council battle."

"You're quite knowledgeable."

"Because I joined the student council."


Hearing Ichinose's words, Horikita turns her eyes away from Hiyori and looks at Ichinose, but...

"Weren't you rejected in the examination?"

I heard that you were rejected at the first interview.

"Huh? Hikigaya-kun, how do you know that I failed the interview?"

"I heard the President mentioning Ichinose's name when I rejected President Horikita's invitation to join the student council, that you were rejected in the first interview.''

"Huh?! Hikigaya-kun, were you recruited by President Horikita?!"

Why's this girl so shocked?!

I was kind of surprised. I know I don't suit the student council, but isn't she too surprised?

By the way, Horikita is glaring at me, but I guess she is President Horikita's sister after all.

"Well, in my case, it's better to move freely than to stand on top of someone, so I rejected him."

"Well, if you're Hikigaya-kun, that might be the case. But it's amazing that President Horikita is recruiting you. He seems to place a lot of importance on the A-class title."

"Why are you talking about that? That's not true."

I only spoke to President Horikita once, but I didn't feel like he looked down on me, and I don't think he cares about class.

"Huh? But Nagumo-senpai said so."

"That's a lie. When I rejected President Horikita's invitation, I recommended Ayanokoji, who was there, and he said that Ayanokoji was also a candidate."

"Wait a minute. It's true that I was also recruited, but did you recommend me?"

"Well, I guess so."

Ayanokoji looks at me as if he's not expecting it, but from my point of view, he is one of the creepiest people in the year. 

'What have I ever done to this guy?' Ayanokoji was doubting life.

Whether it's the results of the entrance exam or whether Arisu is interested in him, I think he's a mysterious person.


As I thought about this, I saw Ichinose with a mysterious expression on her face.

It seems like I said something unnecessary.

I think it's better to end the conversation for now.

"Well, You got into the student council anyway, so please make the school more advantageous for me."

"Eh... ah... that's impossible. The student council doesn't have that much power."

"I was just saying that. Well, we're about to go. We'll see you again in the second semester."

"Yeah. By the way, Hikigaya-kun, how will you be doing from the second semester?"

"It's no different than the first semester. All I have to do is cooperate with the bare minimum and accumulate private points."

"Ah, You're going on your own after all. Didn't D class improve a lot on the trip?"

"Even if you can temporarily surpass class A, it's definitely impossible to maintain it until graduation. Like I said many times before, there are too many idiots in the class."

"But didn't A-Class lose in both of the special exams?"

"Then I have a question for you, the main forces of A and D… Well, if you compare Arisu and Horikita, who do you think is more capable?"

"Ah... that's..."

Ichinose smiles bitterly and slurs her words, but there's no need to blurt them out.

For those who know Arisu and Horikita, it's obvious who is more talented.

"That's what it means. So, I'm telling you Horikita's just a stupid girl in my opinion. Well, it's impossible to save 20 million right now, so there's a chance we'll run into each other in the near future, but in that case, please be gentle."

Finally, I said that and walked past the three of them, taking Masumi and Hiyori with me. 

At that time, Horikita glared at me with a terrible look on her face, but needless to say, I ignored her.


"So, Hachiman. What do you think will happen from the second semester?"

While we were eating at a table near the pool, Masumi asked me such a question...

"What do you mean? Is it about my finances? Or is it a movement between classes?"

"The latter."

"I don't know what the next event will be, so I'm just going to tell you what each class will do, but that's just my opinion, okay?"

When I say that, Masumi and Hiyori nod.

"First of all, as for Class D, since we are at the bottom, our policy of prioritizing accumulating class points remains the same. They have no intention of aiming for any class."

"Are you thinking normally and not aiming for the current C class?"

"Right now, They've fallen to C, but they're a former B class with high potential, and strong as a team, and have an upper-level compatibility with comparison to D class, so there's a high chance that they'll lose even if they try to go after them. If I were to go after one class, I'd choose Ryuen's over C class. It would be better to hit the B class led by him."

There's no denying that Ryuen is a formidable opponent, but his tactics also have a gamble-like quality to them, so there's always room for me to take advantage of them.

"Next is class C. It dropped from B to C, but since Ichinose is there, she probably won't be so desperate, so she'll probably focus on accumulating class points without rushing. The bottom line is class D. Because they have similar policies, it will be difficult for D-class to close the gap with C-class."

After all, the C class is upwardly compatible with the D class, so if they use the same tactics, the difference between them and the C class will widen even more.

"Is there an option to take back class B right away?"

"No. It would be foolish to challenge Ryūen in a hurry. Besides, it hasn't even been half a year since we entered the school, right? Even if we don't try to force ourselves to win now, it's better if we win in the end."

All classes are trying to move up to A class as quickly as possible, but from my point of view, they're too impatient.

No matter how high you get to A class, it's meaningless if you don't keep it until graduation.

If that's the case, I think it would be better to narrow the gap between you and A class to the bare minimum before graduation and take the plunge at the very end.

Winning with a difference of 100 points or more against the B class and winning with a margin of 1 point against the B class have the same value.

"So, it's class B, but Ryuen said that Arisu would be the last main dish, so I think they'll attack class C and D for a while and take a safety margin."

"I guess so. However, Ryuen-kun will want to crush Hachiman-kun, so please be careful."

"I know that."

Ryūen seeks victory, but he seeks not only victory from the strong, but also trampling the weak.

And since they said they would crush Horikita, there is no doubt that we D-Class, to which Horikita belongs, will also be targeted.

"Well, I'm not going to be defeated easily either. If the situation arises, all I have to do is use Horikita as a scapegoat because Ryuen wants to bully her."

"You're quite the scumbag, too."

"I won't deny it. But if you were in my position, I think Arisu would prepare a scapegoat, right?"

Then, if the scapegoat creates an opening for the enemy, Arisu will mercilessly attack her.

"I won't deny that."

"I agree"

Masumi and Hiyori answer immediately, which shows that they know Arisu's personality well.

"Well, we don't know what kind of exams will be held in the future, so for now it's enough to be as cautious as possible. And because of Katsuragi's fault, class A will probably go on the attack since the difference between class and class B is so close."

"I understand that, but it's also your fault that A-class is in trouble, right?"

"I won't deny that. As for the class that Arisu will attack, I honestly don't know because it seems like she's targeting every class."

There is a possibility that they will aim for the approaching B class, there is also a possibility that they will quickly crush the top C class except for the A class in terms of potential, and there is also a possibility that they will aim for the D class, which is far inferior in overall strength.

In fact, given Arisu's personality, there is a possibility that she will crush all classes in the end.

"So she'll probably decide which class to attack while steadily accumulating class points and completely unifying the A class."

"Masumi-san, haven't you heard from Arisu-san?"

"Not at all. Even though Sakayanagi listens to the opinions of third parties, there are times when she doesn't talk about the important parts."

Even so, there are many people who follow her, probably because Arisu has high potential.

"I see. Well, it's going to be rough from the second semester anyway. I'd be fine if I could just live in peace..."

Starting in the second semester, private points may be used for exams, and conflicts may arise within the class.

All I can say is that no matter what kind of test there is, it will definitely be a hassle.

Sigh...I just want to take classes normally, enjoy after school normally, and spend a peaceful night with Hiyori and the others.

"Well, given the school spirit, I guess it can't be helped. So..."

As soon as I said that, Hiyori approached me, wrapped her arms around my neck, hugged me close to her, buried my face in her chest, and stroked my head.

"I'll use my free time to heal Hachiman-kun, so please cheer me up."

When Hiyori says this, I can feel her motherly feelings in her heart, and I can feel her caring feelings in the way she strokes my head.

As I was being soothed by the warmth, I felt a slight shock run from behind, and then I felt a soft sensation in the back of my head.

"Today is the last day of summer vacation. So I'll do my best to make you feel less depressed."

Judging from the sound of her voice, Masumi must be hugging me from behind.

The softness of their breasts is felt in the front and back of my head, and my rationality is completely wiped away.

It's true that if things continue like this, I won't feel depressed anymore, but I feel like I'll start feeling horny instead, so I need to escape quickly.

"Ah...thank you for worrying about me. I'll be fine now, so let's go swimming."

I whisper as I escape from their embrace. To be honest, the murderous intent of boys is dangerous. Probably around 80% of the boys in the pool have murderous intent towards me.

If Arisu were there, I might be killed in the dark on a moonless night.

The two of them nod at my words without any doubts, but the murderous intent from the boys never goes away as they hug me in their arms as we go to the pool.

After several hours...

"Well, it's almost closing time, so I'm going to go home."

In the end, we played until the last minute before closing time and got out of the pool to go home.

Needless to say, it was a lot of fun.

"That's right. Sakayanagi looks like she's going to get sick if I don't go home soon."

Masumi says something like that, but is she that stubborn?

Wouldn't you rather enjoy your time alone?

"That's right. Let's go home early."

I agree with Masumi more than Hiyori, so are you seriously sulking?

"Okay, I'll give you back the float and the ball, so go change your clothes first."

While saying that, I grabbed my float and ball and headed to the rental place.

When I returned it and was about to head to the men's locker room, I heard the sound of water splashing in the distance.

"It's closed now! Please leave immediately!"

A voice that sounds like a guard can be heard. After a while, I hear the sound of water splashing again.

Who? What idiot goes into the pool at the last minute?

I was curious, so I headed in the direction of the sound...

"Ayanokoji and Karuizawa...what kind of combination is that?"

When I looked, I saw Ayanokoji and Karuizawa in the pool being scolded by the lifeguard. However, Karuizawa is smiling happily.

(Karuizawa is dating Hirata...but maybe they're not actually dating?)

(What about Ayanakoji? Isn't he dating Horikita?)

Am I wrong about both?

It's possible.

In fact, even though Karuizawa and Hirata have been dating since April, they still call each other by their last names, and I haven't seen them making out in particular.

(In that case, is the reason Karuizawa is dating Hirata to increase her status or to have him protect her?)

In fact, Hirata is popular in his class. Being able to hang out with Hirata like that is a great status, and it's enough for self-protection.

However, I don't know why she is with Ayanokoji. I can't imagine a top caste girl like Karuizawa going on a date with a plain man like Ayanokoji.

Also, when I met Ayanokoji earlier, Karuizawa wasn't there.

(In any case, Ayanokoji is starting to look more and more creepy... I guess I'll retreat for now.)

And, I realised that I didn't even feel sorry for Horikita. To be honest, she irritates me, so that could be the reason.

Besides it's her fault for dating a slut like Ayanakoji in the first place, right?

I have a feeling that if I stay any longer, things will get complicated.

With that in mind, I turned on my heel and headed to the men's locker room, quickly changed my clothes, and waited at the pool entrance when Masumi and Hiyori came out.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for returning the ball and float."

"Don't worry about it. Instead, let's go home quickly. It's too hot."

I was swimming in the pool a while ago, but it's hot now and I want to go home early and go back to my air-conditioned room.

"I see. Ah, but is it okay if I go to the shopping mall to buy some ingredients?"

"of course"

Hiyori, who cooks the meals every day, is looking for ingredients. There's no way I would object. Masumi seems to have no complaints about this and nods.

With that, we headed to the shopping mall before heading back to the dormitory.

There were a lot of students there, probably because it was the last day of summer vacation.

Meanwhile, on our way to the supermarket, two people stop at a jewelry store and look intently at the rings in the showcase.

This shop sells the ring I bought for Arisu before.

(After all, she wants it because she's a girl? Arisu was also happy.)

While thinking about this, I looked at the showcase and saw two people looking at a corner that wasn't that expensive.

I thought they were focusing on expensive things, but it seems that's not the case.

Should I buy it? Hiyori has been cooking for me every day, and since we started living together, Masumi has been doing housework like laundry, bathing, and shopping.

Yeah, it's cheap, so if it's good, I'll buy it.

They look at Arisu's ring with envy every day.

"If you guys want something, I'll buy it."

When I say that, the two of them turn around vigorously.

"Are you sure it's good?"

Hiyori says that, which is surprising. Given Hiyori's personality, I thought she would gently refuse and say, "I'm happy, but I feel bad for letting Hachiman-kun spend so much money.'' From what I can tell, it seems like she really wants the ring.

"Ah. I hope it's not too expensive."

You can spend up to 50,000 yen each, but no more than that.

"Then...can I buy this for you?"

"Is this good for me?"

Hiyori points to an emerald ring, and Masumi points to a ruby ring.

Both cost a little over 30,000. If that's the case, there's no problem.

"Hey. Clerk, are these okay?"

After saying that, I talked to the store clerk, had him take out two rings from the showcase, and purchased them by paying points.

"Then you go."

"Thank you...I'll take care of it."

"I'm really happy. Thank you."

Masumi blushes while Hiyori smiles and thanks me. I don't feel like I lost anything when I see them like that...!

Wait, what the!

In front of my eyes, two people were wearing rings on the ring fingers of their left hands.

Don't these guys understand the meaning of wearing a ring on the ring finger of the left hand?!




I couldn't say anything as I watched Hiyori smiling happily and Masumi gently stroking the ring. Sigh...

Arisu has already done it, so it's not good to stop them.

I let out a breath and took the two of them to my original purpose, the supermarket.

20 minutes later

"Oh my. Did you two get rings too? You're very kind, Hachiman-kun."

When Arisu said that to me with a big smile on his face (her eyes were at absolute zero), I just apologized and but she threw me down on the bed with surprisingly strong force.