Chapter 63

"Ah, I'm coming back to life..."

I soaked in the bathtub and couldn't help but cry out from how comfortable it was.

I was pretty tired from today's sports festival. Not only did I participate in more than 10 events, but I also received attacks from Ryūen in events such as bo-tatoshi and cavalry combat.

"I'm tired too. I'm not good at exercise..."

Hiyori, who was cuddling up to me, said that and let out a sigh. Well, maybe Hiyori is a hard-core exercise freak.

"But it was a fulfilling sports festival. Hachiman-kun called me an important person, so...

'' Bufo!

"H-Hiyori. Please refrain from sudden surprise attacks."

"I'm sorry. But I was really happy. Hachiman-kun..."


"Could you please say that again?"

Hey! Are you serious?!

"N-no. That's..."

"You don't like me?"

Immediately, Hiyori's expression became sad. Seeing that expression made me feel sad too, so I reflexively hugged Hiyori.

"I'm just embarrassed, but I don't hate you. I seriously think you're important. I want you to believe me."

"...Yes. I also consider Hachiman-kun an important person. Please let me stay with you forever even after graduation."

Hiyori put her arm around my back and we hugged each other. Although neither of us were dressed in the same way, there was a strange sense of peace between us.

That was then. Just when I thought I heard someone from outside the bathroom, the bathroom door opened and Masumi entered.

"...What's the situation?"

Masumi stares at us hugging each other. Her counterpart, Hiyori, looks at Masumi while still hugging me.

"I just realized that Hachiman-kun and I are important to each other."


Masumi exhales and begins to wash her body using body soap. She is silent, but she is strangely scary.

As I was looking at Masumi while being hugged by Hiyori, Masumi also finished washing her body and entered the bathtub.

"Hey Hachiman. What about me?"


"You said, you care about me at the borrowed race. Is that true?"

"...Ah, it's true. I care about you."

Since I told Hiyori earlier, I no longer feel embarrassed about what I say.

"...Yes. Thank you. I feel the same way. Hachiman is important to me too."

As soon as I said that, Masumi hugged me from the side. I'm really happy to hear things like that.

So I move my right hand from Hiyori's back to Masumi's back and hug them both. The three of them are naked and hugging each other, but they aren't particularly embarrassed; in fact, if Arisu is also here and I want the four of them to hug each other.

I won't say it absolutely, but I can't help but feel that Arisu cares deeply for me as well.

20 minutes later…

"I see, Masumi. Did you leave Arisu behind?"

I ask Masumi, who is hugging me in the bathtub. Since Hiyori was about to get carried away, she is out first, so I am inevitably alone with Masumi.

"I was told I could go home first. What? Are you worried about Sakayanagi being alone with Ayanokoji?"

"...Well, Ayanokoji is just so creepy."

"That's a lie. The truth is that you don't like Sakayanagi being alone with a boy, right?"


I won't deny it. I'm not dating Arisu, so there's no point in complaining about who Arisu is spending time with.

I can understand that in my head. I understand, but I have an uneasy feeling in my heart.

"Surprising. Hachiman gets jealous."

"Don't that bad?"

"Nothing special? Even I get jealous when Hachiman gets along well with Sakayanagi and Hiyori."


Masumi's words make me feel embarrassed. No matter how much I am, I'm not so stupid that I can't understand what Masumi is saying.

Originally, I understood the feelings of Masumi and the three others.

Because we lived together, took baths together, and kissed. It would be foolish not to notice the feelings of these three people.

However, it's the first time I've been told something so clearly like this, so I can't help but feel embarrassed.

"Hey, Hachiman. I know you'd be jealous if Sakayanagi was alone with a guy, but would you be jealous if I was alone with a guy?"

Masumi attacks me without mercy.

"What? You want to humiliate me?"

"It's fine. I was the one who was humiliated in the borrowing competition."

Gah, if you say that, I can't refute it.

"...I will. Even if I know it's out of line, I'll still be jealous."

"Well, I'm not interested in men other than you."

"I...I'm leaving now."


I was so embarrassed that I broke away from Masumi's embrace, got out of the bathtub, and went to the changing room.

I feel like I'm going to pass out if we continue to have that kind of exchange in the bathtub any longer.

Then, I quickly wiped my body, changed into my jersey, and when I left the changing room, the front door opened and Arisu came back.

"I'm back"

"Welcome back Arisu... It looks like you had a really meaningful time."

When I looked at Arisu, she seemed to be having fun. I don't know what she talked about with Ayanokoji, but from Arisu's point of view, it was definitely a meaningful time.

"Yes. I think I'll be able to enjoy this school life, which was boring except for spending time with Hachiman-kun."

"I see. Seriously, what kind of relationship do you and Ayanokoji have?"

I know that Arisu unilaterally knows, but beyond that I don't know anything at all.

"I'm sorry, but I can't tell you right now. I don't doubt that Hachiman-kun will spread the word to anyone, but if Ayanokoji-kun's information leaks out, it will be something I don't want."

Arisu apologizes apologetically, but shows no intention of giving in.

Apparently it's something she can't really talk about.

In that case, I won't force myself to ask. If she can't say it now, it means she'll tell you eventually, so let's wait until then.

"Okay. But if you're in danger, just tell me right away. I'll do my best to help you."

"Maybe you're worried?"

"of course"

I'll answer right away. I can't help but feel anxious if I think about what would happen if Arisu was actually in danger.

"Thank you. I'm glad that Hachiman-kun is worried about me."

"There's no reason for you to thank me. Besides, are you going to take a bath?"

"I'm not sweating so it's still good."

By the way, Arisu wasn't participating in the competition. It's understandable considering her physical condition, but it would be easier for her not to participate in even one event.

"By the way, Hachiman-kun. I'll ask you again, do you really think that I'm important to you?"

You too... Hiyori and Masumi are also suspected, aren't you?

"Of course. I care about you."

"Really? Then kiss me."

Arisu closes her eyes as she says this, but I actually cares about her and has kissed her hundreds of times already, so I just kissed her normally.

"Hmm... Thank you. Hachiman-kun is important to me too."

While saying this, Arisu hugs me, so I gently hug her back. After all, Arisu is the best at holding like this.

In the end, I continued to squeeze Arisu until Masumi got out of the bath.

After several hours...

"I see, Hiyori. After all, how much strategy did Ryuen have for the sports festival?"

"I'm concerned about that too. He didn't really move this time, but he was acting up a lot."

I asked Hiyori while rinsing my mouth. After eating dinner, we decided to go to bed early today, and even though it was 10pm, we brushed our teeth before going to bed.

"Well? We had various strategy meetings after school, but I didn't participate because I wasn't interested, so I don't know."

Well, I see. I can't imagine Hiyori participating in the sports festival strategy meeting that she's not good at after school.

"Also, I'm good friends with the three main players in the other classes, so I'm floating in class B."

"At least Hachiman-kun isn't the main force. He's talented, but he doesn't have any passion for the class."

"I won't deny it. I just get away with things that don't have a clear benefit to me, and I don't think I'd sacrifice myself for the sake of the class."

"Certainly, I can't imagine you working so hard for your class. In a sense, aren't you just as independent as Koenji?"

"Wait, Masumi. I'm not as selfish as him."

I think I'm selfish, but I think I'm cute compared to Koenji. Koenji didn't participate in the exam on the deserted island or at the sports festival, so I'm definitely better than that guy.

"Sorry, I said a little too much."

"Please stop making such bad jokes. Next time you say something like that, I'll call you a maid girl, just like Koenji."

"Stop, really stop."

Masumi makes a disgusted expression. Arisu, on the other hand, seems interested and talks to me.

"I see. Shall I call you maid girl too?"

"Don't be so naughty Sakayanagi...!"

Masumi shows her anger. Was I teasing a little too much?

"It was my fault, Masumi. Please forgive me, I apologize."

"...Then, Hachiman, don't kiss Sakayanagi from now on."

"You have great courage, Masumi-san. Are you trying to make me angry?"

When Masumi said that, a blue streak appeared on Arisu's forehead. What? Are you angry just now?

"Both of you, please calm down. We'll probably all get through this tonight, so let's get along."

Then Hiyori intervenes by saying something I don't understand.

Along with this, Arisu and Masumi erase their anger, but what is the point of getting over it together?

"Well, don't fight before you go to bed. Or rather, it's time to go to bed."

While saying this, I get up on the bed, but the other three still don't get up.

Just as I was wondering what was going on, the three of them suddenly started taking off their pajamas.

Then, when she's in her underwear, she climbs onto the bed.

There was a strong light in the eyes of some of them, probably due to their ki.

"Oh, what happened to you guys?"

"Did you forget what I told you at lunch? If you won first place in the 200-meter dash..."

"...Doing something erotic or something?"

I thought it was a joke, but judging from the atmosphere of the three of them, it seemed like it was serious.

"Also, You have to take responsibility for doing that in the borrowing competition."

Is that what you mean by responsibility?!

I thought I should definitely go shopping with her!

"N-no...that's for a man you like..."

"Are you serious? It's true that we didn't say it directly, but Hachiman-kun understands, right?"


Even though I have a hard time trusting other people's goodwill, I'm not stupid enough to not understand the feelings of Hiyori and the others who live with me, take baths with me, and kiss me.

"Then shall I say it again?"

When Arisu said that, the three of them took a breath...

"I love you, Hachiman (kun).''

After saying that, cloudiness covered my heart. This is the first time I've been told their feelings clearly...

(It's more embarrassing than I imagined...!)

It's really embarrassing when someone you care about expresses love for you.

However, the three of them didn't care about my embarrassment and took off my pajamas.

"Wait...are you seriously going to do it?! Isn't it usually after I choose someone?!"

I would understand if I had to give up 100 steps and choose one person, but three people at the same time?!

"It's okay. I don't care if Hachiman-kun makes Hiyori-san and Masumi-san his mistresses."

Wait, you idiot. Don't say the word "mistress" within 30 seconds of someone confessing to you.

"Wait, Sakayanagi. Could you please stop calling me Hachiman's mistress?"

"That's right. I am the legal wife."

It's because they're hitting it in different places!

"Okay. Now, let's let Hachiman-kun decide."

When Arisu says that, everyone looks at me with glossy eyes. Then she takes off my pajamas and leaves me in my underwear.

Ah, this is completely...

"Wait a minute. I don't deny that I'm interested, but dealing with three people at the same time is completely unexpected, and I can't believe I'll be able to respond to them in such a friendly way... You're taking my pants off so fast! At least be kind…Ah, ahhh!

"A real harem king!!"

What the hell?! Who said that? Are those guys here again?!

"That's why all virgins serve our king!!"

"Shut up! It's annoying?!"

"Hachiman-kun, please stop shouting. It's already embarrassing enough!"

I was silenced by Hiyori.