Chapter 78

"Hey, look."

"Ah... she's definitely thinking about something bad, right?"

"That's right. She didn't reflect on what she had done and tried to enslave our god."


In the morning, Kikyo Kushida goes to school feeling angry because of the bad comments she hears from those around her.

But she doesn't show her anger. Because of Ryuen's betrayal and Matsushita's video, Kushida doesn't have a single ally, so even if she gets angry, there will be no damage to her.

(Don't be silly! Why do I have to go through this? This is all Ryuen, Matsushita, and Horikita's fault for enrolling in this school!)

From a third party's perspective, she secretly vents her anger, which is extremely unreasonable.

She thinks she has no fault whatsoever. It's refreshing in a bad way.

Kushida noticed that she had just arrived at the school building.

(What? I feel much more hatred than yesterday)

Kushida, who is sensitive to malice, looked around again and saw that most of the students were glaring at her, but upperclassmen were also mixed in.

(...What is this? What... I'm sure...)

Kushida noticed that students were gathered on the bulletin board near the entrance.

Because of that, there's a high possibility that someone wrote something important there...about herself.

As Ryuen's face appears in Kushida's mind, two girls leave the bulletin board and head towards Kushida, but when they see Kushida, their gaze changes as if they were looking at trash.

While Kushida is irritated by this, the two girls try to pass by Kushida, but...


As she was passing by, one of the girls stepped on Kushida's foot and bumped into her shoulder.

"Ah, sorry."

"Don't worry, don't worry. Well, it's a devil, so it's fine."

The two girls apologize to Kushida without any apology and leave the place.

Kushida's irritation rises due to her excessive attitude, but she has doubts about being called a devil. And even though she was being glared at, she approached the bulletin board...

"W-what is this..."

There was a piece of paper.


At the same time, Kushida was forced to understand why she was being treated with even more hostility than yesterday.

There was a sign posted on the wall that told her the secret she didn't want anyone to know and urged her to ostracize herself.

At the same time, Kushida's anger reached its peak and she quickly walked towards the shoe rack.

Then she slams on the shoe closet door and walks down the hallway, only to find the same notice on the bulletin board in the hallway.

(Don't be silly! With this, I'll be bullied until I'm expelled, and even after I'm expelled, it's going to be hell!)

It is said that Kushida's bad deeds should be spread to the world even after she graduates or expels from the school, but if that happens, whether she graduates from this school or is expelled, only hell awaits her.

I can only imagine that Ryūen would do something like this...

(Ryuen must not know my secret... If that's the case, it's extremely likely that Ryuen has teamed up with Horikita or Ayanokoji.)

Deciding to do so, Kushida takes out her cell phone and sends a text to Horikita and Ayanokoji calling them to the back of the school building.

In some cases, with the intention of destroying several of my classmates.

But Kushida didn't know.

She finds out that Chiaki Matsushita, who shot the video that led to her destroying the card she owns, is watching from behind her.

When Ayanokoji and Horikita are seen looking at their phones at the same time in the classroom, I receive an email from Matsushita at the same time.

"Kushida-san went to the back of the school building, what should I do next?"

Behind the school building? Well, the basic idea is to choose a place where no one will notice.

I reply, "It's okay if you don't do anything, so you can round it up.''

At the same time, Ayanokoji and Horikita leave the classroom together, so I keep a distance and follow them.

Ayanokoji probably noticed, but it's okay because he also agreed to destroy Kushida.

Then, the two of them arrived at the back of the school building, and while I watched from the shadows, they faced Kushida.

"So? What do you mean by that?!"

Kushida glares at the two with murderous intent.

"I'm sorry about the poster, but I don't know about it. It's been there since I arrived."

"Me too. Isn't this Ryuen's work?"

"Ryuuen doesn't know my secret. Only two people know. Are you trying to take advantage of the fact that I'm hated? Or are you teaming up with Ryuuen?"

"I swear I'm not teaming up with him."

"I don't know. In any case, my future life will be in turmoil because of that poster, and I'm going to reveal the secrets of several of my classmates!"

"Then reveal it, you devil!"


When I raise my voice, Kushida screams, so I step out of the shadows.

Then, Kushida glared at me with disgust, and Horikita's eyes widened as she didn't seem to notice that she was being followed.

Ayanokoji had his usual expressionless face, but he was aware of my presence.

"You, devil. It has been decided that you will turn all the students into enemies, and that you will be attacked regardless of whether you graduate or leave the school. How do you feel?"

"Don't be silly! If only you would listen to me for free..."

"That's quite an unreasonable grudge. Well, when I think about your dark future, I feel guilty."

Actually, I don't feel guilty at all.

Kushida's expression becomes shocked at those words, and she turns her murderous intent towards me.

"I can't believe you prepared that poster...!"

"Ryuen was the one who spread it to school, but I was the one who wrote the content."

Kushida's murderous intent intensifies. Horikita starts talking to me.

"From the way you spoke, were you working with Ryuen-kun?"

"Yeah. After the sports festival. We promised to cooperate with each other if we were to cut Kushida out."

"Then about Matsushita-san's video..."

"That's right. If Ryuen reveals the evidence of her betrayal, the only person Kushida can rely on is me, who doesn't hate Ryuen.

And I thought that if Kushida were to team up with me, she would definitely blackmail me, so I asked Matsushita to record it."

At those words, Kushida begins to tremble and gnash her teeth in anger.

It seems quite humiliating to have everything in my hands.

"So Kushida-san was in your hands. But why did you know Kushida-san's secret? Were you also working with Ayanokoji-kun, who was planning to expel Kushida-san?"

"I'll give you one piece of advice. If you want to talk about secrets, the ideal place is a karaoke box, and it's best not to do it at school, even late at night."

"...So you were eavesdropping."

"Bingo. So, back to the topic, Kushida. If you want to reveal your classmate's secret, then do so. Horikita is the only one who would be in trouble if that happened, right?"

They are all together now because they have a clear enemy named Kushida, but if Kushida is prepared to take others with her and reveals the secrets of several of her classmates, the class will fall apart.

However, the only people who would be in trouble if they were separated are the students like Horikita who are aiming for class A, and for me, who will be moving to other class, there is no problem at all.

In fact, I'm lucky because one of my rival classes disintegrates in the air.

In other words, Kushida's fate is narrowed down to two possibilities.

"I will continue to be persecuted until I drop out without revealing my classmates' secrets, and my true nature will be known even after I drop out.'' and

"I, who revealed my classmates' secrets and then pushed into a corner.''

Either she will not please the school, she will amplify the anger of her classmates whose secrets were revealed, she will continue to be persecuted until she is expelled, and even after she is expelled, her true nature will be known.''

First, Ryuen exposes Kushida's betrayal and steals Kushida's trust.

Next, I induce her to blackmail me, and once I have her threaten me, I make the fact public and show my classmates that Kushida has no remorse, while stealing Kushida's negotiation card and blackmail material against Ayanokoji.

And in the end, I reveal Kushida's secret, reminding her that revealing the secrets of her classmates only makes me and Ryuen happy, and takes away Kushida's final trump card.

As, she'll only be persecuted in both of cases. So, It doesn't matter she reveals secrets or not.

If she did Class D is destroyed, which benefits me.

In the end, my plan is to steal all the weapons Kushida has and attack her thoroughly.

In fact, Kushida has lost all her credibility, negotiation skills, and trump cards.

Well, it's worthless to me and Ryūen.


Kushida, who is no fool, seems to understand my point of view. She makes a voice filled with resentment, but...

"Haha. You look nice. But don't forget that your own actions were at fault in the first place, Kushida."


At this point, Kushida seems to be unable to hold back and picks up a nearby stone and swings it down as hard as she can.

It's easy to avoid a blow like this, but I don't dare to dodge and take the hit.

This caused a dull pain in my left shoulder, but I ignored it...

"One shot is one shot."

I then slammed my fist into Kushida's pigeon tail.


"Grrrr! Oh...!"

When my fist slammed into Kushida's pigeon tail, she stumbled backwards and tried to put her hand to her mouth, but before she could do so, she vomited on the ground.

"It's miserable. Well, it suits the devil."

While saying this, I took a picture with my cell phone and sent it to Ryuen's cell phone.

If Ryuen saw the email, she would laugh so hard his abs would be torn.

"Now, leave Kushida alone and you guys should go back to your classroom."

I said this to Ayanokoji and Horikita, but aside from this robot, Horikita's expression is grim.

"'re doing this too much!"

"Really? This girl also hit me with a rock, so we're mutual."

The hit was in the shoulder, but depending on where it hits, there's a possibility of death, and Kushida probably overdid it.

"You should have been able to dodge it with ease. You probably took the attack in order to attack Kushida-san, right?"

"If I dodge and hit her, and the school finds out about it, I might be expelled, but if I hit her after taking a huge blow, at least I won't be expelled."

As for the suspension, I don't care because the most I'll get is a reduction in class points.

"Well, Kushida doesn't give a damn. After all, since she committed violence herself, it's obvious that she will be punished...Still, you seems quite dissatisfied."

"Of course, I am! In my mind, my policy was not to eliminate Kushida-san, but to gain her trust and make her an ally."

"I don't know about that. You're free to think about whatever you want about Kushida, and I'm not going to deny it, but my policy is to eliminate Kushida."

If Horikita were my boss, my actions would be a violation of orders, but in reality, Horikita and I are students and we are on equal footing.

"You may have had some thoughts about your relationship with Kushida, but that doesn't matter to me. From my point of view, I'm going to eliminate anyone who could be a hindrance to me."

I'm sure other students have the same idea. Horikita tried to gain trust through persuasion since she had a connection with Kushida, but from a third party's point of view, it was decided that I would choose exclusion over persuasion, which is an uncertain factor.

"And as a result, there will be no more betrayals in the future, and I should be thanked instead, there is no reason to hold a grudge against me."

Moreover, since it has proven to everyone that Kushida is a completely bad guy, all of her classmates are hostile towards Kushida, so even if Kushida is expelled, they won't be apart.

Even people like Ike and Yamauchi didn't dare to open their mouth in support of Kushida in the class.

"That's sophistry. If you eavesdropped on the bet, you should know that Kushida-san won't interfere."

The bet was that if Horikita outperformed Kushida in math, Kushida would no longer interfere.

Well, it would certainly be effective if Horikita-senpai was used as a witness.


"That's only until Horikita-senpai graduates, and once the third year graduates, Kushida will definitely break her promise."

It's a verbal promise after all.

Kushida, who betrayed her class by teaming up with Ryuen, would have no problem betraying Horikita-senpai once he graduates.

"Well, I destroyed all of Kushida's weapons, so there's no point in talking about it. What I'm doing now is to drive Kushida, who has no value, to the point where she's expelled from the school, and exclude her from betraying the class again. And if you're against it, I will conclude that you're also a traitor."

"...Are you serious?"

"That's right. Kushida, who has lost her trust, is just a hindrance. If you want to move up to A class, it would be best to look ahead and push Kushida until she is expelled."

"These words don't sound good from someone who cornered Kushida-san in this way..."

"It's Kushida's fault for betraying her class in the first place. In your case, it seems like you want to move up to class A, so why don't you forget about Kushida and think of a way to let your cheater of a boyfriend do his best?"

At least the situation will be better than it is now.

"Boyfriend? .....Hikigaya, how many times will I have to explain?....Sigh

That's too much of an overestimate. I'm not that big of a person."

At this point, Ayanokoji refutes my opinion with a blank expression...

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe you. No matter what you say, I think you're the most perverted and creepiest person in the class. So, you are capable!"

"What kind of logic is that?..." He

was really dumbfounded.

At the very least, it is certain that Ayanokoji is using Horikita as a cover.

The success of the class is mostly attributed to Horikita, but it's easy to tell that this is a lie since Horikita was incompetent up until the sports festival.

Ayanokoji, on the other hand, I learned that something was wrong with the guidance room incident, and there was no way that the man Arisu recognized was incompetent.

At this point, the bell chime rings. It would be best to return to the classroom soon.

Having made that decision, I head to the classroom, but Horikita is heading towards Kushida.

It was kind of you to run up to the person who tried to expel you from school.

Well, from Kushida's point of view, it would be the ultimate humiliation.

So, I realised Horikita's also quite a sadist person.

"That's a pretty rough approach. It's a good thing because Kushida's behavior was too problematic this time, but if you continue this way, there's a chance that the class will turn against you."

As I was walking down the hallway to go back to the classroom, leaving Kushida and Horikita alone, Ayanokoji came up next to me and said.

Like me, Ayanokoji seems to have a good personality when it comes to leaving Kushida and Horikita alone.

Well, regardless of that, what Ayanokoji is saying is definitely true.

This time, I created and amplified the malice toward Kushida. Using malice as a weapon is a powerful method, but it is also a gambling method in which there is a possibility that malice will be directed at you if you make a mistake.

But well...

"It's not a problem. When I was in middle school, the whole school was hostile to me. It's not a big problem if my classmates are hostile to me."

The stupid thing I did in the service club ended up being known to my seniors and juniors, and the whole school became my enemy.

The only exceptions would be Totsuka, Zaimokuza, Kawasaki, and after I left the service club, there would be the arrogant juniors who got into trouble because of the service club, and the student council officers at the time.

"...Is that why you were placed in Class D?"

"I'm not saying absolutely. Also, I would like to ask you a question. Why do you act for the sake of the class without showing up?"

I don't understand that. If he has no interest in moving up to A-class, he won't cooperate at all, and if he wants to move up to A-class, he should fully utilize his powers without hiding them.

On the other hand, Ayanokoji seems to be doing various things using Horikita as a cover, but I don't understand that part.

"I have a lot of things too."

It seems like he has no intention of answering. If so, you shouldn't pull it.

I'm not going to force myself to ask this creep, I'm afraid it will be troublesome if I know about his problems.

"Then I won't ask you any more. Also, I think Ryuen will start messing with you soon."

Ryuen is searching for the person who is manipulating our class behind the scenes, but the person he is looking for is most likely Ayanokoji.

"I know. It's starting to get annoying here too, so I'm going to attack him."

I thought he would just ignore it, but I received an unexpected reply. Judging from his tone, it doesn't seem like he has the slightest intention of losing, but is this some kind of plan?

"I'm looking forward to it. Well, if you're going to win, I'll ask you not to destroy him. Ryuen's behavior is annoying, but he's still worth using."

Although I have a close relationship with Ryuen, we somehow use each other, and it would be a shame to lose him.

"In the case of Ryuen, I can't say anything because he won't give up unless I do it thoroughly. Also, Horikita will complain to me if you build a friendly relationship with Ryuen, so please do it in moderation."

"We haven't built a friendly relationship. We're just using each other, being careful not to get eaten by each other."

When partnering with someone like Ryuen, it is important to not be greedy about profits, and to prioritize the level at which you can quickly recover from the damage caused by betrayal.

Kushida and Katsuragi got involved too deeply and suffered irreparable damage, but to me they're just idiots.

If you're going to team up with Ryuen, you'll have to maintain a reasonable distance.

"In other words, you should aim for A class on your own without cooperating with Horikita."

"If I do something like that, I'll stand out. I'm a no-frills type of person."

I say it often.

If they were to do whatever they wanted, they would just pass the special exam without contributing anything to the class.

Or rather, you say you don't like it because it stands out, but if you say it this way, you can save 20 million yen if you don't take into account the fact that it stands out, right?

(This guy is really scary after all. I want to get rid of him, but he's different from the other small fry and should be stopped.)

At the very least, it's probably different from the Totsuka, Kushida, and Katsuragi I've criticized so far, so it would be wise not to get involved.

"I see. Personally, I would like you to stick to your principles to the end and not contribute to the class."

"I also don't want to act for the sake of the class, but there are reasons why I have no choice but to act."

While having this conversation, we entered the classroom and sat down in our respective seats.

However, Ayanokoji won't move if you eliminate the reason why he has no choice but to move, then it might be better to eliminate it.

To be honest, Ayanokoji is extremely creepy, and Arisu wants to fight, but I don't want him to move.

As I was waiting in the classroom thinking about this, Chabashira-sensei came into the classroom and started the morning HR session.

Horikita was a little late, probably because she was carrying Kushida to the infirmary, but needless to say she glared at me.

I ignored it like usual.