Chapter 83

Sunday is a complete holiday.

Moreover, since the final exam is already over, I don't have to think about the details, so I don't have to strain my brain.

In addition...

"Yeah. The bandage has been removed and you'll be fine. However, you haven't moved for a long time, so you'll need to rehabilitate for a while."

Today is the best Sunday because the doctor told me that the wound on my left hand caused by Kushida's biting has completely healed.

However, I still have a big scar on my hand, and I haven't used it for a long time, so I wouldn't be able to use it for simple tasks, but for a fight.

"Okay. Thank you very much for your help."

I bow to the doctor and leave the examination room. Hiyori and the others aren't accompanying me today.

It would be a bad idea to ask them to come with me on Sunday.

I completed the procedures in the lobby and left the hospital. Since it's Sunday, there are a lot of students in the shopping mall and it's lively.

In addition, perhaps because the special exam at the end of the second semester is over, it is even more energetic.

While watching such students, I headed towards the shopping mall and walked along the road surrounded by various stores.

(I got discharged from the hospital today, so I'm going to make a little effort and buy some high-quality ingredients... Well, that's fine, but I need to prepare some ingredients that will increase my energy.)

Hiyori and the others have been saying for a long time that they wanted to love each other as much as they could after being discharged from the hospital, and I feel the same way as all three of them, so I have to try to live up to their expectations.

Well, it's still early in the afternoon, so I'd like to wander around a bit.

With that in mind, I entered the bookstore. Usually I head straight to the paperback section, but today I head to the section with specialized and academic books.

The reason is to increase knowledge.

Not only is it important to succeed at this school, but a variety of knowledge is a weapon in preparing for after graduation.

I've never been good at science subjects, so I don't know much about them, but it might be a good idea to take this opportunity to learn programming.

I also want to improve my English skills.

Although I did well in the test, when asked if I could speak to foreigners, I found it impossible to speak fluently.

However, that would be difficult for me, who will leave Japan in the future and live in a country where polygamy is recognized.

That's why I want to master the language of the country I live in and English that can be used anywhere in the world.

(In that case, I need to decide where to move as soon as possible.)

For me, as long as I can have polygamy, I'm fine with it anywhere.

To put it in an extreme, I wouldn't be dissatisfied even if I lived a primitive life on a deserted island with the three of them.

In fact, it might be a good idea to be able to flirt with the three of them all the time without having to work.

However, the top priority is the country that the three of them desire. If three people say, "This country is good,'' I will bury my bones in that country.

While thinking about this, I grabbed a few specialized books, went straight to the corner where books about foreign countries were sold, grabbed a book from countries where polygamy is legal, stood in line at the cash register, and then left.


At that time, I lost nearly 100,000 points, but I have no particular regrets. Because knowledge is important.

After making an expensive purchase, I leave the bookstore and wander around, but eventually I stop in front of a store that sells decorative items.

(This is the store where the three of us bought rings before, but I'll look into it in preparation for Christmas presents.)

I turn around and enter the store.

"I bought a ring before, but which one should I buy this time?"

If possible, I would like to see the happy faces of the three of them.

The smiles and gratitude of these three people are irreplaceable to me.

Then I look around the store, but I can't quite decide. It's not that there aren't any good ones, it's that there are so many good ones that I don't know which one to choose.

"(I can't help it. Should I ask the clerk?) Excuse me?"

I speak to the female clerk who is arranging the items facing the showcase. Then the female clerk turned around and...

"God...hey, excuse me. What is it?"

After calling me God, she apologizes and tries to fulfill her role as a store clerk.

"...Yes. Actually, I'm looking for  Christmas presents, but which decorations at the store do you recommend that are suitable for Christmas?"

"Well...are there three decorations to buy? Do you need more?"

Didn't this clerk implicitly hear that there were other women besides Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi?

"No. Only three."

"Okay. So if it's a decoration suitable for Christmas..."

After the clerk made that introduction, she began to introduce me to the recommended products.

After 10 minutes, I decided on presents for the three of them and made reservations to receive them on the 23rd.

After several hours...

"Huh... I guess it's time to go home."

I made a reservation at a decoration store and enjoyed my day off by watching movies, going to an arcade, eating sweets, and shopping at the supermarket for energy-boosting ingredients.

After that, all I have to do is go home and make love to my three fiancées until the morning, and it'll be perfect.

With that in mind, I start walking towards the dormitory. It was still before 5 o'clock, but perhaps because it was December, the sun was starting to set and it was getting quite cold.

It was quite warm during the day, so I wore light clothes and felt cold.

Let's go home early and warm up, I thought as I quickly headed to the dormitory and went straight into my room.

When I entered the living room, Hiyori and the others also noticed my presence and started looking at me.

"I'm home"

When I say hello, the three of them approach with smiles. Masumi, who is very athletic, was the first to arrive, and she hugged me.

"Welcome's been a while since I hugged you like this..."

While saying this, Masumi tightens her embrace. I wasn't hugged when I got hurt, but I'm too happy to be hugged for the first time in a while.

"That's right... Masumi's warmth... feels good."

I also hugged Masumi and we hugged each other. It's great to have a hug after such a long time.


Me too. My life up until I entered this school was so shitty, I don't know if it's a reaction to that, but I'm so happy every day that I feel like I'm going to die.

At this point, I feel eyes on me, so I look to the side and see Hiyori and Arisu looking at me with wistful eyes, so when I move away from Masumi, Hiyori hugs me, and I hug her back too.

"Ah...please hug me a little tighter."


As I tighten my embrace while saying this, Hiyori jumps up and down, and then, not to be outdone, I tighten my embrace.

The pleasant smell of the sun, the soft warmth, and the sensational breath of her body are whittling away at my rationality.

After hugging each other for a while, I felt the pressure of people looking at me from the side getting stronger, so I moved away from Hiyori and approached Arisu, who was looking at me with a wistful expression, and hugged her tightly.

Arisu's small body fits perfectly in my arms, and it feels great to hold her in my arms.

"...It feels good. I'm starting to like you even more..."

After saying that, Arisu hugs me back and starts kissing me.

"Ah. I also like you more than yesterday."

This feeling grows stronger with each passing day. It's so wonderful to love people and be loved by others.

I have no memories of being loved since I was a kid. My younger sister Komachi was always given priority.

When we went out to eat or went on a trip, I was the only one staying at home, and they never came to my entrance or graduation ceremonies, and I was given far less pocket money.

When I was in elementary school, I was bullied even when I didn't do anything, and the teachers turned a blind eye.

When I entered junior high school, I was subjected to a barrage of abuse and violence due to the bad relationship I developed from rescuing a dog.

If being loved was happiness, then I wish I had been born to a different parent... No, if I had been born into such a family, I wouldn't have attended this school and I might not have met Hiyori and the others, so I can't really say.

Well, now that I'm loving and being loved like this, I guess it's good.

With that thought in mind, I savored the happiness I had now.

After several hours...

"Well, why don't we wrap this up now?"

At 11pm, we sat around the table and researched the country we would live in in the future. It's not like you have to decide right away, so there's no need to rush.

"That's right. It's late at night, so it's time to go to bed."

Hiyori nods and the other two also clean up the things on the table.

After cleaning everything up, I go to bed first. There is no problem since I have already brushed my teeth.

Then, the three of them get on the bed, but before hugging me, they take off their pajamas and change to their underwear.

All of them are clearly in their underwear, and it seems that they are all ready for the battle.

For dinner, I ate a lot of energy-boosting dishes like oysters, soft-shelled turtle, and garlic, so I was fully prepared.

"'s been a while, but thank you."

"Please love me with all your heart..."

"If it's you, I don't mind getting messed up…"

The three of them approach me with captivating expressions. I have no intention of rejecting the requests of these three people, and above all, I personally want to eat them for the first time in a while.

"Ah...I won't let you sleep tonight."

With those words at the end, I hugged the three of them and began to prey on them without hesitation.

At that time, I thought that I was a god.



I can hear the sparrows chirping from outside, and when I look out the window next to me, I see a beautiful sunrise. It's a beautiful place to start the day.

But instead of being fascinated by it, I look forward and see something more beautiful than the sunrise.

"Hehe, the weather is nice today too."

Arisu says that and climbs on top of me. Arisu's body is petite for a high school student and her style is that of a middle school student, but her fair skin is so beautiful that I falls in love with it.

"It's a perfect sunrise to start the week."

It was Hiyori who said that and hugged my right arm. Just like Arisu, she is not wearing any clothes, and is completely spoiled.

The usual Hiyori is ladylike, but the current Hiyori is cute and alluring at the same time.

"That's right... It's the best morning to be held in Hachiman's arms like this."

The person who said that and hugged my left arm was Masumi.

Masumi also comes in close contact with my body, fully exposing her outstanding figure with her bare clothes.

It's great to see Masumi, who is usually cool, hugging me in her arms and intertwining her legs with a glossy expression on her face.

Since the morning, three naked beautiful girls have been intertwining their bodies with me, who is also naked... Which erotic game is this from?

Well, this is reality.

"Good morning... but it doesn't mean I slept."

In fact, me, Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi haven't slept at all.

We've been on top of each other ever since we got on the bed.

But I don't feel sleepy. After all, each person played 3 rounds, for a total of 9 rounds.

It's been a long time since I've been in pain, so I feel like I've gotten rid of it, but to be honest, my lower back hurts.

"That's right. Hachiman-kun was like a beast today."

"You're truly unparalleled."

"Still, you were kind to me."

No wonder. If I give it my all, there's a possibility that Arisu will break, so I don't plan on making it hard.

Even as I thought so, I stroked the heads of the three people clinging to me in turn, and they smiled happily.

"Ah... it feels so good. Please kiss me good morning too."

When Arisu said that and stuck out her lips, the two people on my left and right also closed their eyes and stuck out their lips.

Chut, tut, tut

So I follow the three people's requests and kiss them in turn. At first, I was embarrassed when I kissed them, but now that we're engaged, I don't feel any shame, and in fact, I've started kissing them more actively.

The three people who received the kiss had glossy expressions on their faces and kissed me back.

I've kissed you hundreds of times during the night, but I never feel like I'm getting tired of it.


"It's only 5:30, but I'm going to get up soon. I want to wash the sheets."

After letting go of my lips, I said that and got off the bed, and the three of them followed me out of the bed without any clothes on, so I grabbed the sheets and headed to the changing room, putting them in the washing machine and washing them.

Then, after taking a bath and taking a shower to wash away the sweat, I handed the shower to Hiyori and the others who were waiting next to me.

As a result, the three of them begin to sweat, but the scene is truly utopian.

All three have completely different styles, but each has a different charm, and it's hard to choose one over the other.

I don't think I'll get tired of watching it.

With that in mind, I watched the three of them until they finished washing, and after taking a shower, we ate Hiyori's delicious breakfast, and the four of us headed to school together.

I am looking forward to the winter vacation that will start soon.


D-Class is excited, probably because it's just before winter break. After Chabashira-sensei finishes HR, everyone starts talking about their future plans.


Rattle rattle...

When Chabashira-sensei was about to open the classroom door, the classroom door opened and Ryuen came in from the hallway.

Moreover, he brought along a large number of his entourage.

As a result, the atmosphere in the classroom disappeared and silence descended. Of course, Ryuen was ostensibly the one responsible for Kushida's expulsion.

I'm just a victim, and the only D-class students who know that I teamed up with Ryuen are Matsushita, Karuizawa, Ayanokoji, and Horikita.

And no matter how much of a traitor, anyone would be wary if the person who expelled the student entered the classroom.

Chabashira-sensei only glances at Ryuen and the others and leaves the classroom. It would be okay if a big scuffle broke out right away, but it was just students from other classes coming.

However, the students can't take their eyes off Ryuen and the others. Seriously, what did you come here for?

They must have come to look for the mastermind, but I didn't expect them to come so foolishly like this.

"What's this? This is Class D."

Sudo was the first to react. Maybe it's because he almost got framed before that he reacted quickly.

Hirata tries to intervene, but before he can, Ryuen snorts a laugh.

"Stay back, you idiots. I came here to warn you D-class."

"A warning? What are you saying?"

Sudo is shocked, but Ryuen doesn't care and looks around the classroom. At that time, he makes eye contact with me, but he quickly averts his gaze, so I'm sure he's not aiming for me.

At this point, Ryuen moves his face at a certain point, and when I look in that direction, a student gets ready to go home and leaves the classroom without worrying about Ryuen's presence.

At the same time, Ryuen and the others laughed lightly, then signaled to their friends with their eyes and left the classroom.

When Ryuen and the others leave the classroom, the heavy atmosphere disappears and a commotion arises from the classroom.

"Hey! It looks like that guy Ryuen is doing something dangerous. Would you like to come with me?"

"I mean, what are they planning on doing to Koenji?!"

As Ike and Yamauchi said, what Ryuen and others noticed was Rokusuke Koenji, who was at the top of his class.

But why Koenji? It's true that Koenji's potential is beyond standard, but he's even worse than me when it comes to coordination.

Does Ryuen really think that Koenji is the mastermind?

His selfishness is even greater than mine.

I would cooperate with the class if it would benefit me, but Koenji is the type who prioritizes his own feelings over profit.

He's a person who won't do something if he doesn't want to do it, regardless of whether it's beneficial to him or his class, so it's impossible to think of him as the mastermind.

(Even if Ryuen decides that Koenji is the mastermind, it's still quite obvious. For now, let's report to Arisu.)

Having made that decision, I quickly left the classroom and walked down the hallway.

I can't see Ryuen and the others anymore, but that's not a problem. They're conspicuous, so you'll know where they are right away.

At this point, Arisu comes from the direction of travel and smiles at me.

It's crazy, it's so cute I feel like I'm going to die.

"Hachiman-kun. If you don't have any plans after school, why don't you go to the shopping mall? Hiyori-san and Masumi-san are both in club activities today, so I can have Hachiman-kun all to myself."

"...I don't mind that, but I'll report it just in case. Ryuen came to my class a while ago, and it seemed like he had something to do with Koenji."

When I say that, Arisu nods as if she just heard something interesting.

"That sounds interesting. Are you still in the classroom?"

"No, when Koenji left the classroom, Ryuen and his subordinates followed Koenji."

While we were talking, Ayanokoji, Horikita, Sudo, Yukimura, and Miyake passed me and headed down the stairs.

Apparently in case something goes wrong.

"There's a change of plans. Let's go see the commotion before we go to the shopping mall."

Yeah, I thought you'd definitely say that.

"Yes, yes"

"Then please hold me like a princess. There's a possibility that I won't be able to catch up with my legs."

"Yes, yes"

While saying this, I hugged Arisu like a princess. I'm not ashamed of myself for making such a shocking statement at the sports festival, something I wouldn't have known about when I first entered the school.

My existence is already treated as a god in this school.

Then, after putting Arisu down in the shoe rack, she changed her shoes, and after changing her shoes in the same way, I held Arisu like a princess in my arms again and left the school building.

"Hehe...I feel like a princess somehow."

"Then I have to become your prince."

"It's already happened. I hear from Hachiman-kun that Koenji-san is a free person, but what does he do after school?"

"Now then. When he first started school, he used to go around shopping malls with upperclassmen girls, but not anymore."

Well, that's probably why he stopped interacting with the upperclassmen, because he has already talked about private points that will be bought and sold upon graduation.

But seriously, I can't imagine what daily life is like in Koenji. I know he trains occasionally, but that's about it.

With that thought in mind, I passed through the school gate and walked down the tree-lined path on my way back to the dormitory, when I spotted a lot of people sitting in a rest area a little off the road.

When I headed over there with Arisu in my arms, Arisu opened her mouth.

"It's quite an interesting combination."

At the same time, everyone turns towards me. Some of them look at me with shocked expressions, but I don't care.

"It's like you planned the timing, Sakayanagi. Weren't you on a date with God at the shopping mall?"

Ryuen narrows his eyes as he says this, but Arisu has a cool expression on her face.

"Please don't say that. It's not like I shouldn't be here. Besides, Koenji-san is the main character this time, right?"

Well, the members of B class are surrounding Koenji, so I guess Koenji will be the main one.


"It seems so. I don't mind, little girl."

"...What's that?"

Wow, it smells like trouble.