Chapter 87

"Well, Senpai, thank you for inviting me."

After eating lunch, I leave the restaurant and bow to Pres Nagumo.

"No, I'm glad I got to hear some interesting stories. I'll invite you again."

Chairman Nagumo says so, but if possible, I would like him to invite me when there are fewer people.

I don't like eating with a lot of people.

"Then, Miyabi-kun and the student council, please do your best."

"Ah. Aren't you guys going to karaoke after this?"

"That was my plan, but I'm a little tired so I'll pass. I want to go home and sleep."

Asahina-senpai, one of the four girls who is not a member of the student council, makes a pass like that.

"Eh, Nazuna is retiring?"

"Sorry Sorry"

"I see... ah, Hikigaya-kun. Do you have anything to do after this? If not, could you please take Nazuna to the dormitory?"

One of the girls makes such a request. Well, I was planning to go home after I had eaten, so that's good.

"I don't mind."

"Nice to meet you...Ah, don't become a wolf, okay?"

"No way. What do you think I am?"

I couldn't help but respond to the female senior's words.



"Reincarnation of Makoto Ito"

"I'll kill you, bastard!"

I'm used to hearing the words Stallion and God, but I can't ignore the last word and end up dropping the honorific language.

He says there are good and bad things to say in this world.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I said a little too much just now."

While I could hear the commotion from around me, my senior, who said I was the reincarnation of Makoto Ito, apologized without getting angry at my murderous remark.

"No. I'm sorry for my rude behavior. However, I won't give up on them and will take responsibility."

Even if I were to become pregnant with three children, I would not throw them away, but instead would attend the birth and raise them properly.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Pres Nagumo spoke to me, looking suspicious. Most of the students had expressions similar to his.

Some of them are smiling bitterly, but I guess they like anime.

"If you're interested, please google it later. Preferably after you've finished your student council work."

At least it's definitely not something you'd look up before work.

After saying that, I exhale and look at Asahina-senpai.

"...If you want to go back, I'll send you home, but if you think I'll become the send-off wolf, please refuse."

"It's okay, it's okay. It doesn't look like you're that hungry, so send me home."

"Understood... then."

"Nice to meet you. See you then."

Asahina-senpai called out to her friends and started walking, so I bowed my head and followed Asahina-senpai.

"Sorry? You had to go out of your way to come with me."

"No. I had finished my personal business. If Pres Nagumo hadn't invited me to dinner, I would have eaten alone and returned to the dormitory."

Well, I was able to eat a surprisingly delicious hotpot, and I have no complaints.

...Well, now that I'm alone with Asahina-senpai, I guess I'll ask what I want to ask.

"So, Asahina-senpai, do you dislike Pres Nagumo?"

When I say that, Asahina-senpai stops and looks at me. When I looked into her eyes, there was a hint of interest.

"Why did you think that?"

"It's the eyes. In the other girls' eyes, there was a look of adoration towards Pres Nagumo, but in Asahina-senpai's eyes, there was a strong look of dismay."

At least there was no tinge of adoration, and even though she was a friend of Pres Nagumo, it didn't mean she was a loyal subject.

"Ahaha. There really are people who understand people's characteristics by the color of their eyes. Going back to the topic, I don't hate Miyabi. I just want to see his hurt eyes at least once."

No, you don't like him, do you?

"Of course, I think Miyabi's ability is amazing. He took all of us who entered class B and raised us to class A, giving us a huge lead."

That's certainly true. Pres Nagumo's class used to be B class, but he is now A class, creating a difference of over 500 class points over his former A class opponent.

From that,  Pres Nagumo's skills are undoubtedly admirable.

"But I think he's getting too carried away. Besides, I want him to stay steady and maintain the current situation where he's guaranteed a win, without giving chances to other classes."

Well, I guess so. Pres Nagumo likes individual battles and intends to give a chance to those in lower classes, but some of Nagumo's classmates want him not to do anything that could upset the current situation where victory is certain.

It's no surprise that there are students who think so.

He may be amazing, but the other students may not be.

Of course, they were originally in class B, and I think there are some students who are excellent, but there are also students who are inferior to the students in class B, who were originally in class A.

"I thought Horikita-senpai would be able to break Miyabi's nose, but it seems impossible."

"It can't be helped because it's from a different grade."

I'm only in my first year, so I don't know how much the second and third years will be involved, but it's likely impossible to interfere too much.

"Well, maybe so. For now, I want to graduate with peace of mind and still have an A class, so I guess I don't want Miyabi to get too carried away."

"Is that so? I heard that President Nagumo was in control for the second year, is that true?"

"It's true. I'm sure there are people who hate him, but I don't think there is anyone who would be against him."

(I will be removing President or Pres. It's too annoying while typing)

It seems that Nagumo has more power than expected. Arisu and Ryuen also dominate the class, but they don't dominate the entire grade.

If you think about it that way, regardless of whether he's smart or not, Nagumo probably has the upper hand in terms of charisma.

"By the way, are there any students who are really good in their first year? Honami is the only one I know."

"Well, there are quite a few, but I don't think there are many who can take on President Nagumo."

President Nagumo hasn't seen it, but there are definitely other genius.

If we could fight in one year, it would be Arisu, Ayanokoji, Koenji, and Ryuen... No, Ryuen would have dropped out, so it would be three.

However, Koenji has no desire to fight, so it's actually Arisu and Ayanokoji.

However, I don't want Arisu to be in a pinch, so I'll ask Ayanokoji to do his best.

Nagumo also has his eyes on Ayanokoji, so it must be too late.

While we were talking like that, the second year dormitory was approaching, so we should say goodbye here.

"Then I'll excuse myself now."

"Thank you...Ah, if you don't mind, would you mind exchanging contact information?"


"It's some sort of connection. Shouldn't you make connections with upperclassmen? I also want to have connections with first-year students other than Honami."

I'll think about what you say. It was certainly something I wanted to connect with upperclassmen.

Furthermore, although Asahina-senpai is in a position close to President Nagumo, she is not influenced by him.

This is an excellent property among excellent properties.

"Okay, please."

I said as I took out my cell phone and handed it to Asahina-senpai. At the same time, Asahina-senpai hands me his cell phone, so I type in my contact information.

"If you have any questions, feel free to ask. If you have any questions I can answer, I will."

When she says that, I nod and give each other our phones back. That was then.

"T-!" Asahina-senpai suddenly falls towards me as if she tripped over something, so I close the distance a little and try to support her.



The next moment, I stepped on a stone and stumbled, unable to support Asahina-senpai as she came toward me...



We just falls to the ground. At the same time, a pain ran through my back and I closed my eyes, but when I opened my eyes, I felt a soft touch on my right hand...

"Hey... look at that..."

"Asahina pushes Hikigaya down, and Hikigaya starts massaging Asahina's butt..."

"I wonder if they'll try their hand at not just the first year but also the second year..."

"Isn't that God's new date…?"

A nearby student who appeared to be a second year student looked at me with a horrified look on his face. at the same time...

"Yay… Anh."

I realized that my hand was massaging Asahina's butt, not through her skirt, but over her shorts.

"I-I'm sorry!"

Even though I was being pushed down, I hurriedly let go of her hand and apologized.

"Ahaha...I'm not particularly angry. It was my fault for falling in the first place."

Asahina-senpai replied even though she was walking away from me.

The bowl seems big, but it's bright red, probably because she's  embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry. If you want points, I'll pay them."

"It's fine. If I had to force it, I'd like you to forget it as soon as possible."

That being said, it's really hard to forget that...well, if the person wants me to forget, then let's try to forget.

I don't know if I can forget it even if I try.

"I'll do my best."

"Yeah. Well then. Thank you for accompanying me."

Asahina-senpai said as she trotted into the second-year dormitory. I saw them off and headed towards the first-year dormitory as fast as I could, even though I was attracting attention.

After arriving at my room and taking a breather, I put the things I bought today in my desk drawer and locked it.

I don't want it to be found out before Christmas.

I sit on the sofa, turn on the TV, and relax. Last year's winter vacation was the worst because my little sister was so annoying. I'm grateful for such a peaceful time.

While I was watching TV for a while, I heard a crunching noise coming from the front door, so I got up from the sofa and headed to the front door, where I found Hiyori, Arisu, and Masumi.

I thought that the three of them had come back together and tried to call out to them...

"Hachiman (kun) (kun). What does this mean?!''

The three of them pulled out their phones and showed me a picture of me massaging Asahina-senpai's butt while being pushed down by her.

After that, I explained the situation and got them to understand, but it goes without saying that the three of them were even more pampered than usual.