Chapter 91

The third semester has begun. It's the last semester of the year, and judging from that, it's obvious that the difficulty level of the exams prepared by the school will increase.

However, I am not so worried about school exams. I don't want to be in the same weak position as I was in middle school, so I've improved my abilities in every way, and I have nearly 7 million private points, which are an important weapon, and I also have one of my girlfriends, Arisu.

I have connections, so I don't think there will be any problems.

However, this is just a test prepared by the school, and problems have recently arisen in daily life.

It is...

"Hachi-kun...I don't want to be separated from you for exams..."

It's about one of my lovers, Masumi.

I spent most of my winter vacation spending time with my girlfriends, Aria, Miku, and Hina-chan.

I have no regrets about that, but Masumi's spoiled brat has reached its limit.

Hina-chan and Aria are spoiled kids in their room, but I don't see them as dangerous.

The problem is Masumi. Out of the three of them, she's the one who wants me the most, and when I try to leave my seat to go to the bathroom, she looks at me with a very anxious look on her face, and when I come back from the bathroom, she looks happy.

I will come to pick you up.

To put it bluntly, Masumi is becoming dependent on me. This is an unexpected turn of events for Hina-chan and Aria, and they are at a loss as to how to deal with it.

Originally, it seemed like Masumi wasn't needed by anyone, and just like me, she didn't know that she could be loved by others.

Meanwhile, just as I changed after being loved by three people, Masumi probably changed after learning about love.

If that's all there is to it, there's no problem, but unlike me who restrains myself so that I don't become dependent on the three of them, it seems that Masumi didn't restrain herself and the bond is about to come off.

Going back to the topic, because Masumi is almost dependent on me, she can't accept the current situation and is full of anxiety.

The reason is that starting tomorrow we will take on the special exam that Pres Nagumo had mentioned before.

However, although I haven't heard the details of this special exam yet, the teacher has ordered us to prepare two jerseys and a few days' worth of spare underwear.

In other words, I can guess that they are holding a training camp for a few days somewhere, but since they don't sleep in a dormitory at night, they are definitely separated by gender, which Masumi probably doesn't like very much.

It's hard for me to sleep apart from my lover, but I have to put up with this.

Or rather, Aria was telling me with her eyes, "Do something.'' Certainly, the only person who can do something about Masumi is me, who is the object of Masumi's dependence.

"It's only a few days so please be patient."

"...I don't like it"

Masumi answers immediately. I feel like she's turning into an infant because of my own imagination...

"I don't like it either, but it's a rule. After the exam is over, I'll spend the whole day alone with you."

At that moment, Hina-chan and Aria's gaze became intense, and when I looked at them, their eyes told me that they were  "sly.''

However, Masumi seems not to notice the two people looking at her, and she nods with an anxious expression on her face.

"...I understand. I'll do my best, so please keep your promise."

"I know. I'll keep my promise to you."


Masumi's worried expression finally disappeared and she started to lick me, becoming a spoiled child.

It's been almost a while since we've been together, but she's such a spoiled brat...

Not only Miku, but also Hina-chan and Aria are likely to turn into yanderes by the time we graduate, so I might have to be careful. .

"That's so cunning... I feel lonely too, but you're treating Masumi-san special... Please give me some time alone with Hachi-kun..."

"I want it too, Hachi-kun."

They also come begging. Well, I have no intention of giving special treatment to just one person, so I'm not dissatisfied with accepting the requests of two people.

"I know. Don't worry, I'll prepare you all properly."

With that said, I patted the two of them on the head, and they twisted around as if they were tickled.

I was so relieved when I saw that. Actually, they're not as bad as Masumi, but I'm very dissatisfied with being separated from the three of them.

If possible, I would like to give up all exams and spend a sweet, sweet life with the three of them.

Seriously, once I graduate, living a self-sufficient life on a deserted island might not be such a bad idea. I'll be insulating myself from electronic devices, but since I don't have to work, I'll inevitably be able to spend more time with the three of them.

Even as I thought about this, I accepted the sweet attacks of the three people clinging to my body without resisting.


"Hachi-kun's body is warm..."

"I'm looking forward to having Hachi-kun all to myself."

"Hachi-kun...I love you...I love you..."

If things continue like this, I might end up becoming a spoiled brat or a yandere like the three of you someday.

Well, if that happens, then that's the case. Either way, I have no complaints as long as I can spend time with these  people.

The next day...


After getting ready to go to school, we headed towards the school building...not the school entrance. Of course, since we travel by bus.

Meanwhile, my three girlfriends are feeling low, but I'm also aware that I'm feeling low as well.

I told you to be patient last night, but I still don't want to be separated from you.

I head towards the school gate, aware that I'm feeling less excited, but perhaps because it's a joint class for all grades, there are a lot of students I don't recognize on the way.

All students will take the exam at the same time... Pres Nagumo hasn't told us the specifics, but let's brace ourselves.

At this point, they finally arrived at the school gate, but the students were already passing through the school gate and heading outside.

Basically, you can't go outside this school, so it's a rare case that you pass through the school gates. In fact, the only time I've passed through the school gate since I entered the school was when I went to a deserted island.

In other words, it is impossible to pass through this school gate except during special exams, graduation, or expulsion.

However, since there is a special exam this time, there is no problem, so I go through the school gate.

"The bus you ride is the one with your class written on it, so make sure you don't take the wrong bus.''

That's what the security guard told me as I passed through the school gate.

There are 12 buses lined up in front of me. There are 4 classes per grade and 3rd grade, so it's like 12 machines.

The last bus had 1-D written on it, the third bus from the back had 1-B written on it, and the fourth bus from the back had 1-A written on it.

In other words, the first bus from the front is a 3 year A class bus, and the second from the front is a 3 year B class bus... I guess it's something like that.

Then I arrived in front of the 1-A bus. Therefore, I bid farewell to Arisu and Masumi here.

"Then see you guys next time, after we arrive."

When I said that and greeted them, Masumi looked down and then came close enough to touch me.

I was wondering what she would do...

"See you later, Hachiman..."


She keeps kissing me.

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa! "

At the same time, a cheer goes up from behind. It was probably the girls who were trying to get on the bus.

"You...stop attacking me by surprise."

"Because you kissed Sakayanagi and Hiyori when we finished the desert island exam and when we got off the ship..."

Yes, it was. So all of a sudden… well, okay. It's only now that I'm noticeable.

"Well, that's fine. Well, I'll see you when I get a chance after I get off."

After saying that, Masumi gave a small nod and got on the bus. At the same time, Arisu also approached like Masumi...

"I'm going... hmm."


Just like that, we press our lips together. This caused another cheer to erupt from behind me, but I didn't care anymore.

"Ah. See you later."

When I returned the greeting, Arisu gave me a small smile before getting on the bus.

I saw them off and headed towards the bus behind me, taking Hiyori with me.

At that time, I looked towards the school gate and saw that most of the students were staring at Hiyori and me, not showing any signs of getting on the bus, but I guess they were staring at me and Hiyori because they thought we were going to kiss again.

Hiyori arrived at the bus she was supposed to take while sighing inwardly.

"See you later, Hiyori."

I say that and try to run away. It was a surprise attack earlier, but I don't want to be kissed while someone is staring at me.

However, before I could escape, I was grabbed by the hem of my uniform, so when I turned around, Hiyori was staring at me.

She realised that I seems to be thinking about running away.

When I stopped resisting, Hiyori wiped her eyes and approached me...

"If you have time... let's spend some time together."


They kissed just enough to touch, and at the same time a third cheer went up.

After kissing Hiyori, she enters the bus with a smile on her face, so after seeing her off, I enter the D-class bus.

At that time, the boys looked at me with jealousy and the girls looked at me in awe, but it happened all the time, so I didn't care.

After sitting in the assigned seat for a while, the bus departs. I don't know where I'm going, but I have to try my best.

Three minutes after I left, my cell phone rang, and when I looked at it, I saw a message from Masumi.

"I can not do it. I want to meet Hachiman.''

What the?!

Please hold on a little longer! It will also affect your future school life!

That's what I was screaming inside.


"I'm sorry to hear you're getting so excited, but please be quiet. I'm sure you're all wondering where this bus is going and what it's going to do to you. I'm going to explain that now." Bus Chabashira-sensei says this while I was chatting with three of my girlfriends about an hour after boarding the train.

At the same time, the classmates who had been friendly until just now fell silent and turned their attention to Mr. Chabashira.

"No way, we're on a deserted island again…?"

Ike whispers, but you don't want to take that kind of test, do you?

"Don't worry. That was the largest of the special exams. We're not demons if we do it that many times. However, as I'm sure everyone has guessed, you're going to have to take the special exam now. However, compared to a deserted island, life itself is easy.

Does that mean there are other conditions that are stricter than the desert island test?

"I'm going to take you all to a forest school. We'll probably get there in less than an hour. The sooner we finish the explanation, the more 'grace' you'll be given.''

The grace period means time to discuss the exam. That means you need to discuss it with your classmates.

"Up until now, special exams have been divided by grade. However, this special exam will involve interaction across grades over a seven-night, eight-day schedule. The name of the special exam is 'mixed training camp.'

It may be difficult to understand in some respects. I'll be distributing materials related to the exam.'' Mr. Chabashira says as she hands out the materials, but they are nearly 20 pages long and seem to be a bit of a hassle.

"I'll continue my explanation. The theme of this exam is mental growth. Through interacting with people from other grades and people you don't normally interact with, you will be asked to check whether you can deal with them and build smooth relationships with others. One of the major purposes of this exam is to develop ----

It's okay for students who are involved in club activities, but there are also students who don't interact with upperclassmen, and they probably interact through this exam.

Chabashira-sensei said that the theme was spiritual growth, but that was not the only theme.

This exam is a chance to gauge the abilities of upperclassmen and, in some cases, to make connections.

I have some contact with Pres Nagumo and Asahina-senpai, but depending on the situation, I might be able to get another connection.

"First, once we arrive at our destination, we separate the students into boys and girls, have a discussion with the entire grade level, and then have them form six groups.''

There are 80 boys in each grade. In other words, a group of 13 to 14 people.

"There are minimum and maximum limits on the number of groups. Please look at page 5 of the materials you have."

When asked to confirm...

If the total number is 60 or more and less than 70, the lower limit is 8 people and the upper limit is 13 people.

If the total number is 70 or more but less than 80, the lower limit is 9 and the upper limit is 14.

If the total number is 80 or more, the lower limit is 10 people and the upper limit is 15 people.

It is written.

In other words, the minimum limit for us first-year boys is 10 and the maximum is 15.

On the other hand, the number of first-year girls is 79 after Kushida dropped out, so the lower limit is 9 and the upper limit is 14.

"I think you already know, but since we need to create six groups for each gender, we need to mix them with other classes.There are also rules that require students from at least two classes in a group. "

"Are you going to force me to team up with the enemy and take the test?"

Ike grumbled, but that was probably the real thrill of this exam.

"That's what happens. Of course, it's okay to form a group with only students from your own class. If you include even one student from another class, it will work."

Chabashira-sensei says so, but it will actually be difficult. It's difficult to join a group filled with people from other classes by yourself.

I don't know about the content of the exam because I haven't read the materials yet, but the grouping may be quite confusing.

At this point, Horikita raises her hand and asks a question.

"Teacher, what kind of things do we do in groups?"

"Groups are like special classes held only at Forestry Schools, but they not only take classes together, but they also have a lot of content, such as cooking, doing laundry, bathing, and even going to bed together.''

The word causes an uproar. Well, we became cooperative at the sports festival, but that's only for some of the competitions.

However, this time it seems like the exam will involve sharing the joys and sorrows with students from other classes, and depending on the situation, it may be quite troublesome.

"The results of the special exam will be determined by the "comprehensive test'' that will be held on the last day. Please check page 7 of the document.'

'When I turned the page...

Judgment will be made based on the following four types.

• Morality

• mental training

• discipline

• Independence

Although it says so, these are also quite abstract items. After all, unlike what we usually learn at school, there are no clear answers.

There are explanatory texts for each item, but I cannot confirm anything that might be a hint.

I looked at the schedule and it looked like it was pretty tough: wake up → morning assignments → zazen → cleaning → breakfast → class → lunch → zazen → dinner → bath → bed. Moreover, the only day off for this training camp is Sunday, and there are classes on Saturday as well.

"Also, regarding groups, once the first-year students have created six groups, they will join the second-year and third-year students.In other words, in the end, there will be six groups made up of about 30 to 45 students from the first to third years. Groups will be formed. To put it simply, a group formed by the same grade is a small group, and a group formed by all grades is a large group.''

I see. Is this what President Nagumo said before? Each grade forms 6 small groups, and at the end they combine to form 6 large groups...

it's hard to believe that the grades will actually merge.

"And the result of the exam is determined by the average score of all the members of the large group."

In short, even if you form a good group among first-year students, if you lose among small groups from other grades, the results may be bad.

In that case, if you're going to pair up, it might be a good idea to pair up with someone who belongs to a club

I don't know many upperclassmen.

"At the end, we will announce what the test results will bring. Look at the next page."

Chabashira-sensei tells me to turn the page. According to the report, all students in large groups with average scores from 1st to 3rd place will be given class points and private points, while large groups from 4th place onwards will have their points reduced.

1st to 3rd place

1st place...10,000 private points, 3 class points

2nd place...5000 private points, 1 class point

3rd place...3000 private points,

The above will be paid to all members of the large group.

4th to 6th place

4th place...5000 private points

5th place...10,000 private points, 3 class points

6th place...20,000 private points, 5 class points

The above will be confiscated from all members of the large group.

"Also, the reward will increase depending on the number of classes and total number of people in the small group, so be sure to check that."

When I checked, I was told that if there were two classes of students in a small group, there would be no change, but if there were three classes, they would receive double the amount listed in the materials, and if there were four classes, they would receive triple the amount listed in the materials.

The multiplier also changes depending on the total number of people, so if 10 people are multiplied by 1, then 15 people is multiplied by 1.5.

"Also, there is a penalty for large groups that come in last place: they will be expelled. However, that doesn't mean that all of the large groups that come in last place will be expelled."

I guess so. If we did that, about 40 people would disappear.

"The criteria for expulsion is limited to cases where the average score of the small group falls below a borderline set by the school.''

In other words, even if you rank last in the large group, you won't be expelled as long as the three small groups are below the borderline.

In short, this is not an exam that will definitely lead to dropouts.

No problem then.

"If you fall below the border, the person in charge of the small group will ask you to leave the school.The person in charge will be discussed and decided within the small group.''

"Who likes this stupid exam?!"

Sudo exclaims, but due to the nature of this school, there should be a return for risk.

"There is also a big benefit. Students in the same class as the person in charge will receive double the reward."

That's a huge advantage.

Suppose that a small group of 10 people, 9 students from Class D and 1 student from another class, is formed, and the large group to which the small group belongs wins first place, with a student from the other class in charge.

If that happens, the reward that the D class students who belong to that small group will receive is...

Private points

9 x 10,000 = 90,000

class points



However, if you form a group of 15 people, 12 students from Class D and 1 student from another class, and have a student from Class D as the person in charge, the large group to which the small group belongs wins first place. Suppose you take it.

If that happens, the reward that the D class students who belong to that small group will receive is...

private points

12 x 10,000 x 3 (class number bonus) x 1.5 (total number of people bonus) x 2 (responsible person bonus) = 1,080,000

class points

12 x 3 x 3 (class number bonus) x 1.5 (total number of people bonus) x 2 (responsible person bonus) = 324

It becomes huge.

Well, I don't think it will work out that well, but the possibility is scary.

"The person in charge will be decided by tomorrow morning, but if it is not decided by then, all the students in that small group will be expelled. Well, in the past, there have been no stupid groups that were unable to decide on a person in charge."

Well, having everyone expelled is seriously the worst. If things get really bad, I'll probably decide by rock-paper-scissors or drawing lots.

However, a group that is not well organized and decides on a person in charge based on chance has a high chance of not functioning well during the exam period, so be careful.

"In addition, the person in charge who has been expelled from the school may take one person from the same small group with him."

"Huh!? Isn't that unreasonable!"

Ike shouts, but there will be some conditions for that as well. I think Pres Nagumo was the one who created this system, but there is no way the school would allow anyone to be taken along.

"Don't worry. The only students who can be taken away are those students who the school recognizes as being the reason why their scores fell below the average score. Unless they cut corners or boycott the exam, they will not be targeted."

In short, this exam is for me.

The important things are to "get into the best possible group,''  "don't be in charge,'' and  "stay serious during the exam.''

I personally won't make any money from this exam, so I'll just concentrate on completing it well and avoiding being expelled.

No matter how hard I try, I can't get more than 100,000 private points.

However, I know that Pres Nagumo was thinking about this exam, but is he also planning to use the companion system to destroy someone?

Well, there's no point in thinking about it now.

Now let's think about the instructions to give to Matsushita.

Since this exam will be conducted by gender, it will be difficult to obtain information about girls, so I will keep in close contact with Matsushita.

It is important to collect information in preparation for the future.

While thinking about this, I listen to Chabashira-sensei's story, and from then on, she talks about penalties for expulsion and remedies for expulsion.

According to this, if a student drops out, you will lose 100 class points, and if you want to save the student, you will need 300 class points and 20 million private points.

Well, it's not a very important story, so I'll just listen to it with a grain of salt.

It's impossible to save him anyway.

That's what I thought.

"Teacher! I first heard that men and women are separated, but how exactly are they separated?"

"There are two buildings at the forest school, the main building is used by boys, and the branch building is used by girls. It is prohibited to go to a separate building during recess or after school. However, only one hour of lunch is allowed for both boys and girls.''

What outrageous things did you say?!

In other words, I don't have much time to spend with Hiyori and the others!

I almost cried out in response to Ike's question and Chabashira-sensei's response.

At the same time...

"This exam is the worst..."

"It's extremely repulsive..."

"It's a lie...…"

Two girls riding the A-class bus and one girl riding the B-class bus were shocked by the lack of time for men and women to interact.