Chapter 96

3rd day of training camp

"Huh, sleepy..."

I don't know if it's someone whispering, but I can hear it in the kitchen.

Those words are what everyone here is thinking.

During training camp, players are required to wake up at 6 a.m. but that is just the basic wake-up time.

The small group that makes breakfast has to make food for the large group of nearly 40 people, so they wake up nearly two hours early and work hard to make breakfast.

As a result, I wake up after 4 o'clock and work hard to make breakfast, but most of the people in the kitchen are sleepy.

Additionally, it was early in the morning in January, so it was pitch dark and cold outside. To be honest, it's much harder than class.

"I see. Your breakfast repertoire is way too boring."

I usually have a thick tongue from eating Hiyori's delicious breakfast, so I can't help but grumble while cutting vegetables.

Honestly, I want to eat something hearty in the morning to keep me energized, but the menu I've been given is just like yesterday, a healthy meal based on one soup and three side dishes, which is definitely not enough for a high school boy.

"...It's better than being on a deserted island."

Then Kito, who was cooking the tamagoyaki next to me, grumbled.

Every time I think about it, this guy doesn't look like a high school student, right?

But is it a deserted island?

It's true that back then I was also eating vegetables and fruits that were growing on the island, but it's better than back then...huh?

"What? You A class were provided with supplies by Ryūen, but you didn't have any food?"

"Ah. I searched for food on a deserted island with just daily necessities."

If that's the case, it's no surprise that they're used to poor quality food.

Once this special exam is over, I decide to go back to cooking and enjoy the feast Hiyori has prepared.

About an hour and a half later, we had made breakfast for nearly 40 people and ate it with the upperclassmen, but it was only natural that we felt really depressed when we thought that we had to make breakfast one more time.

The last class on Saturday afternoon was endurance running.

This is part of building up physical strength in preparation for the relay race. Then, after Sunday, we will run once on a mountain road for the test before the actual race.

So, now I'm running on the ground...

"Hey. Are you guys okay?"

Shijo turns around and talks to Morishige and Sugio, who are lagging behind. He is breathing heavily as he tries to bite in, but it seems like he can't.

Well, since the two of them are relatively obese, I had somewhat expected it.

"Shall we slow down for now?"

"I see. It's not the actual show, so it's okay."

While saying this, we slow down our pace a little.

I'm afraid of what will happen if they force themself and get hurt.

"Here, slow down and breathe. Hee hee hee hee hee."

"That's breathing for childbirth..."

Kito makes a tsukkomi.

"Just kidding"

(But childbirth...)

At the same time as I thought about this, images of Hiyori and the others lovingly stroking their swollen belly appeared in my head.

I hope there will be a future where Hiyori and the others will give birth to my child.

If she looks like Hiyori and the others, her looks will definitely be the best.

Even if the child looks like me, it's obvious that the child the three of them will give birth to will definitely be cute.

Ah, I hope that time comes soon. If I could have a child in addition to the three women I love, I'd be even happier.

Even as I thought about this, I slowed down and continued running around the field until the time was up.

After several hours...

"I made you wait."

"It's okay, don't worry."

Afternoon classes were over, and it was finally time for dinner. Before going to the dining room, I parted ways with the rest of the group and headed to the courtyard.

To hear information about the girls' group from Matsushita.

"I see. Well then, please tell me right away."

"Yeah. First of all, if I were to talk about something that caught my attention, I think it's a small group made up mainly of girls from class 2-A."

"This is a group that reports directly to Pres Nagumo. What's wrong?"

"Yeah. It's a group of 13 girls from class A and one girl from class B, but the composition of the large group they belong to is strange."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't say that the small group of first-year students in that large group is organized well. The girls in my class are Shinohara-san, Sato-san, and Mori-san, and the students in other classes are also a little weird.''

Shinohara, Sato, Mori...In addition to the lower-ranking students in Class D, the students in other classes are also a little strange...

"Which third-year small group belongs to that large group?"

"In the third-year small group, there was Tachibana-senpai, a former member of the student council. The rest are unknown people."


Tachibana-senpai... it's getting more and more suspicious.

When President Nagumo proposed a bet, the two that came to mind as candidates for expulsion were Fujimaki-senpai, No. 2 in 3-A, and Tachibana-senpai, a former member of the student council.

The reason is that Pres Nagumo is showing his respect towards Horikita-senpai. He is quite competitive with him.

However, Horikita-senpai has no desire to fight with Nagumo and just parries him.

In that case, judging by Nagumo's pretentious attitude, it wouldn't be strange to think that he would destroy someone in 3-A in order to get Horikita-senpai serious.

And if you're going to crush them, it's best to crush Fujimaki-senpai or Tachibana-senpai, who are the main players, rather than the small fry of 3-A.

However, in this exam, Fujimaki-senpai is in the same group as Horikita-senpai, and that large group has a "small group created to get first place" that I belong to, so the possibility of getting last place is extremely low.

Therefore, Fujimaki-senpai will not be targeted.

Tachibana-senpai, on the other hand, is a girl, and since this exam is basically conducted separately for men and women, it is almost impossible for Horikita-senpai to intervene.

In addition, within the large group that Tachibana-senpai belongs to, the small group of second-year students is made up of students directly under the direct control of Nagumo...

It smells pretty bad. If my intuition is correct, I might arrive at the correct answer.


Matsushita seemed to have been thinking about this for a long time, as she spoke to me with a puzzled look on her face.

"Oh, my bad. I was thinking about it for a while."

"Did you have an idea?"

"That's about it. By the way, do you know the composition of the small group that Tachibana-senpai is in?"

"I don't know that much."

"Then please check the composition of the group and the class to which the person in charge belongs."

"Roger that"

If my prediction matches Matsushita's investigation report, the problem can be solved at once.

However, I'll use the connections I have to find out. It's not that I doubt Matsushita, but it's necessary to increase credibility.

"Okay, now that we're done talking, let's go to the dining room."

While saying this, I try to return to the school building from the courtyard, but before I can, I trip over a stone at my feet...


It leans forward and falls, engulfing Matsushita. After a while, my vision went black and I felt a pain in my stomach.

"Ow! It hurts..."

It appears that Matsushita has also been damaged. This was a bad thing.

(Why is it so dark even though I don't close my eyes?)

That's when I tried to look up.

"Yay...! Anh!"

I hear a roar. I quickly woke up wondering what was going on and saw Matsushita lying on the ground.

When I looked directly below, I could see Matsushita's feet directly below.

At the same time, I understood. I was burying my face in Matsushita's private parts through her pants.

Matsushita, on the other hand, straightens up, places her hands close to her private parts, and glares at me, turning bright red.

"...You pervert!"

"...I'm sorry."

That's all I can say in response to Matsushita's insult. With Ichinose and Asahina-senpai, don't I throw up surprises like this too often?

"How can you forgive me?"

"I promised to get 30% of the wager, but I'll forgive you if you give me 50%."

In other words, if you get 1 million, you should pay 500,000 instead of 300,000.

To be honest, I don't like it, but this time it's all my fault, and if Matsushita tells Hiyori and the others, they'll definitely get upset and it'll be hard to get them back in a good mood.

"I understand. However, you can't Hiyori and the others regarding this matter."

"What do you mean, Hachiman-kun?"

On the way, I heard a low voice from behind, so I turned around...

"Please answer my question,  Hachiman-kun?"

"I never thought that Matsushita-san would also fall victim to Hachiman-kun's lucky perversion."


There were Hiyori and Arisu with big smiles on their faces (but their eyes were at absolute zero), and Masumi was looking at me with a look of trash on her face.

Ah, I feel like this is a sign of death.

Hiyori and Masumi grabbed my hand while I was dripping with cold sweat.

"For now, let's go to the dining room...I'll hold your hand tightly so you don't fall."

"...Hachiman's idiot"

"Matsushita-san. Our Hachiman-kun apologized. As soon as the training camp is over, he will transfer the points as a consolation prize."

Arisu bowed to Matsushita, and Hiyori and Masumi grabbed my hand and took me to the dining room.

After that, I apologized profusely and was somehow forgiven, but the entire dinner I was made to be eaten by three people (which happened to be mouth to mouth), and in a sense, I was subjected to a public execution.


"See you guys then."

Chut, tut, tut

After eating dinner, I kiss the three of them goodbye in front of the access road that leads to the branch.

Fortunately, there were no people around, so it wasn't a problem. Well, I don't think it will make much of a difference whether there are people there or not, since I've already kissed quite a lot in public.

"Yes. Well, I'll see you tomorrow."


"Good night Hachiman...I love you."


"I'll meet you after lights out."


After saying that, the three of them kissed back and left towards the branch.

I saw them off until they were out of sight and headed to my room.

When I returned to the room, no one was there. Since I was making out with the three of them in the dining room until the last minute, it's easy to assume that they went to take a bath first.

I take out a change of clothes from the bag on my bed and leave the room.

When I went to the changing room, I heard a commotion coming from the bathroom.

It wasn't particularly noisy until yesterday, but was there some kind of problem?

Despite my doubts, I took off all my clothes, wrapped a towel around my waist, and entered the bathroom.

Then, in the center of the bathroom, Albert was standing proudly, and Sudo was kneeling nearby.

When I closed the door, wondering what was going on, most of the boys started looking at me.

"Hey, look, it's Hikigaya!"

"What?! God appears!"

"If it's the guy who ate Sakayanagi, Kamuro, and Shiina…!"

What is this situation? I don't understand the translation at all.

While thinking about this, I spoke to Ayanokoji who was nearby.

"Ayanokoji. What is this situation?"

"We were comparing the size of male genitalia, and Albert had a huge lead over Sudo.''

Is it okay to include Albert in the participation frame? Albert was already wrapped in a towel, but even without looking, it was easy to imagine that he was number one.

If that's the case, based on our current conversation...

"If it's Hikigaya, maybe…!"

"I'm sure God can defeat Albert…!"

"Show me your power!"

"God! God! God! "

Is that what you mean...

To be honest, I'm not interested in such a meaningless fight, but if I refuse, I'm likely to get ripped off, and since the God Call has already been born, it would be more troublesome not to participate.

I sigh and put my hand on the towel, and the area becomes quiet. I took the towel, aware that I was irritated even though I normally prefers silence...

"B-you idiot!"

"He's on the same level as Albert!"

"It's definitely God!"

"If you throw something like that into Sakayanagi, won't she die?!"

Cheers erupt from the surrounding area. I thought I was big, and Hiyori and the others said it was big, but I didn't think I was on the same level as Albert.

And some people said things about Arisu, but I'm not particularly offended.

The first time I held Arisu was on the day of the sports festival, and when I held her, it was so tight that Arisu actually cried because it hurt.

Now that I had sex with Arisu multiple times, the problem has gone away, but for nearly a month since the sports festival, Arisu has been saying that she feels pain at the same time as pleasure.

While thinking about this, I wrapped myself in a towel and was about to wash my body.

"Hahahaha. It's a decent size, isn't it, Hikigaya Boy? Then you'll be able to subdue Little Girl."

Koenji, who was washing his body, said this while brushing his hair. If you say mine is that good, then you can assume that Koenji's is even bigger.

"No, Koenji. So how big is yours? Or is it just a mouth and not a big deal?"

Sudo, who was defeated by Albert earlier, attacks Koenji.

"That's a stupid question. I am a perfect being in every way. Naturally, I am the ultimate man."

"What exactly?"

"Huh. There's no need to fight. There's no one better than me, so there's no need to shed blood for something pointless."

"It's not really a big deal when you say something like that, is it?"

Although such a voice came out, Koenji's expression remained calm.

"I'm not supposed to show it to men, but it's a one-time service."

I don't need that kind of service.

While thinking this, Koenji removes the bath towel wrapped around his waist.

At the same time, a bright light appeared. A sword covered in a dyed blonde lion's mane... No, it's no longer a club.

The impact was so great that a shuddering atmosphere flowed out of the bathroom. I see, Koenji is definitely the ultimate.

In his perfect form, I wouldn't be able to survive.

Actually, I'm glad mine wasn't that big. If I were to enter Arisu like that, she might ascend to heaven in a serious sense.

In any case, the battle is over, so I'll wash my body.

"Kuku. Wait, Koenji."

The moment I sat down in the chair and washed my body in the shower, the person I waited for was Ryuen who was warming his body in the jet bath.

"Do you really think you can beat me?"

"No. I can't beat you either. But there might be one person who will put up a good fight, right?"

What? seriously?

"Huh? Who is that?"

Koenji also seems interested and talks to Ryuen.

"Well, then. But if I'm not mistaken, there's only one other person here who's hiding his abilities by wrapping himself in a towel."

Ryuen says so, but Ayanokoji is the only one here who doesn't have a towel wrapped around his waist... He seems like he wants to defeat Ayanokoji in any way possible.

In any case, it seems foolish to focus on such a trivial match any more, so I take a shower and start sweating.

And just as I was about to wash my hair with shampoo, a commotion broke out in the bathroom.

"Take it off! Take it off! Take it off!"

When I turned around, most of the boys called out to Ayanokoji.

When I looked into the bathtub, I saw Ryuen with a sadistic smile on his face, but most of the time he called out to me.

Even during the desert island exam, he called out to the people around me to get Hiyori to kiss me.

And I will never forget that stupid song! Ryuen called using his classmates at the sports festival with Hashimoto.

While thinking about this, Ayanokoji finally removes the towel...

"Oh, seriously..."

What appeared was an existence equivalent to Koenji. The commotion from earlier had subsided as if it were a lie, and everyone was looking at Ayanokoji.

Ryuen looked wide-eyed as he didn't expect this either.

"This is amazing. To be honest, I was impressed that a Japanese person would compete on an equal level with me."

"It's like a showdown between T-Rexes..."

That's a nasty confrontation.

"It seems like you guys have become living witnesses to history. But strictly speaking, I'd probably win. If you were to compare it to a T-Rex, it would be based on the number of prey you've eaten, or the difference in experience points...well, experience points. If you just look at it, Hikigaya Boy, who sleeps with three people every day, would be number one.''

"It's not every day. It's only three days a week at most, so it's not that many."

"It's too much! "

When I complained about Koenji's mutterings, more than 90% of the boys in the bathroom gave me tsukkomi.

I don't understand.

I washed my body and soaked in the bathtub, feeling a little irritated in my heart, but I couldn't really relieve my fatigue because my eyes hurt.

Same time...


"Nishikawa? What were you looking at earlier?"

Masumi, who is soaking in the bathtub in the girls' bath, looks at her classmate Ryoko Nishikawa suspiciously.

"Maybe it's just my imagination, but Kamuro-san, aren't your breasts bigger than they were during summer vacation?"

Nishikawa, who stayed in the same room as Masumi on a cruise ship during summer vacation, saw Masumi's breasts many times, and she felt that they had grown since then.

"Then what?"

"No, Hikigaya-kun is massaging you really hard."

"Not at all. Whenever Hachiman takes a bath, he massages my breasts for about 20 minutes, so he keeps on...ha!"

Masumi realizes that she's complained, but it's already too late, and all the girls near Masumi, including Nishikawa, are grinning.

"Oh well. It seems like Hikigaya-kun is quite naughty, but what do you really think? Sakayanagi-san and Shiina-san."

Nishikawa thinks Masumi won't answer, so she asks Arisu and Hiyori questions.

At the same time, Masumi thought it was bad. There is no doubt that the sadist Arisu and the natural nuclear warhead Hiyori will raise alarm bells when Masumi could calmly reveal herself.

She panicked and tried to stop them, but Arisu was one step faster.

"It's true that Hachiman-kun is naughty, but Masumi-san also shows lewd behavior when Hachiman-kun attacks her chest. Hey Hiyori-san."

"That's right. When Hachiman-kun fondles Masumi-san's breasts, she begs to play with her nipples, too, and when Hachiman-kun sucks Masumi-san's breasts, she looks happy and wraps her arms around the back of Hachiman-kun's head and hugs him."

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa! "


The sadist and natural nuclear warhead's words create cheers in the bathroom and make Masumi blush.

"Kamuro-san is begging!? What, I want to see that!"

"I mean, God really likes sucking breasts!"

"Don't you have any other interesting stories?!"

"Well...she's the most spoiled among us. When Hachiman-kun goes to the bathroom, she fidgets anxiously, and when he comes back, she hugs him and kisses him."

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa! "

Cheers go up again.

"Huh! It's annoying! Sakayanagi isn't much different, right? Most of the time, you don't like being treated like a child, but you sit on Hachiman's lap and say,  "Hachi-kun, I love you,'' like a child. Above all, you can see Sakayanagi licking that thing like a child licking candy!"

"Kyaaaaaaaaaa! "

"What… Masumi-san…!"

Masumi's counterattack elicits a third cheer, and Arisu is unusually distraught.

"Is Sakayanagi-san a spoiled brat?!"

"Sakayanagi-san calls Hikigaya-kun Hachi-kun! She's so cute!"

"And that's…that's right?!"

The girls' excitement goes through the roof. In proportion to this, Arisu and Masumi looked down while turning bright red.

Hiyori, a Hachiman's woman like Arisu and Masumi, smiles when she sees the commotion.

"Hehe...Looking like this, it looks like I've gotten rid of the fatigue from the classes."