Chapter 98

"Hmm... tut... it's almost dinner time so we should go back."

I stopped intertwining my tongue with Hiyori and said that.

"Well, I didn't expect you to kiss me for hours."

As Hiyori said, I spent most of my holidays near the lake kissing my three lovers.

I was currently kissing Hiyori, but I also kissed Arisu and Masumi next to me so much that their lips were covered in saliva.

"Did you think I wasted my time?"

""No way''''

The three of them immediately deny it, but I have the same opinion. The time I spend with these three people is time that I can't replace with anything.

"Good then. Let's go home then."

After saying that, I walked along the road illuminated by the sunset with the three of us.

I have classes again tomorrow, but thanks to today's day off, I'm at full capacity, so it's not a problem.

I will be able to take on the challenge in my best condition.

2 hours later...

"Come on, let's go take a bath now."

After having dinner with my three girlfriends (of course we shared some food), I returned to my room, grabbed my underwear and bath towel, and headed to the bathroom.

Yesterday we compared their sizes, but today I would like to spend some time quietly.

Actually, Hiyori and the others told me that I was huge, but I never thought that I would be on the same level as Albert.

As I was walking down the hallway thinking about this, I was tapped on the shoulder from behind.

When I turned around, Matsushita was there.

"Hey, Hikigaya-kun. Do you have some time?"

"Did you understand about the case?"

"Yeah. So hang out with me for a little while."

Matsushita told me so, so I headed to the courtyard where we had decided to have a discussion.

I didn't feel any sign of anyone, probably because everyone was taking a bath at that time.

"Then let me hear it right away."

What I asked her about the person in charge of the group that Tachibana-senpai is in and the composition of the group.

"The person in charge of the group with Tachibana-senpai is 3-B Igari-senpai, and the group consists of 12 people: 1 person from A class, 3 people from B class, 4 people from C class, and 4 people from D class.''

"Is Tachibana-senpai the only one in Class A?"


"I see. Considering that, it would be possible to eliminate Tachibana-senpai."

"Huh? How?"

"It's simple. If we get group members other than Tachibana-senpai to collude, and then cut corners during the actual exam with a small group of second-year students, we can destroy them along with them."

There are two conditions for a student to be released. "The large group to which the target belongs will be brought to the bottom'' and "the small group to which the target belongs will fall below the border line set by the school.''

For the former, there is plenty of room if the small group of 2nd and 3rd year students cut corners, and for the latter, if everyone other than Tachibana-senpai cuts corners, there is plenty of room.

If that happens, Igari-senpai, the person in charge, will be expelled from the school, but if a student other than Tachibana-senpai reports to the school that  "Akane Tachibana gave playful instructions and stirred up the group,'' the school will also take her out.

"I understand that. But will Ikari-senpai cooperate? Doesn't that mean that Ikari-senpai will also be expelled?"

"Pres Nagumo will probably pay the private points needed to avoid expulsion. He has nearly 10 million points, and since he controls the entire second year, he should be able to prepare 20 million easily."

If all second-year students were to give points, it would be a little over 100,000 per person.

"I see. Maybe Class A will also use their points to rescue Tachibana-senpai, but if that happens, Class A's funds will decrease."

Relief for dropouts is 300 class points and 20 million private points.

However, if my thinking is correct, the private points paid by Class B will be replaced by Nagumo, so the loss will only be 300 class points.

A class, on the other hand, has 300 class points and 20 million private points.

Although there is no difference in class points, B class has an advantage in terms of private points.

Since private points are important in special exams, there is a possibility that B class can get a seat in A class.

In other words, the 3rd year B class also has benefits.

This strategy also benefits third-year C and D classes. After all, both A and B classes will lose a large amount of class points.

I think there will be one or two more special exams, but it might be a chance to turn things around.

Of course, this is just my theory, but since such a bet was proposed, the target would most likely be Tachibana-senpai.

So Nagumo will probably be questioned by the 3-A guys after the exam is over, but he'll just play it off and declare war on Horikita-senpai...

I guess that's the point.

(Well, my idea is probably right, so I'm grateful for the extra income.)

However, it hurts that I will have to pay half of the price because I let Matsushita be a lucky lewd person.

"Thank you for the information. Well then, from now on, you will keep an eye on Tachibana-senpai's group and make sure to show Arisu an excellent scene in class starting tomorrow."

Then, if Arisu gives me the loan when I move up to A class, there will be no blind spots.

"Understood. Come to think of it, there are two things I would like to ask you, Hikigaya-kun."


"You're good friends with President Nagumo, but aren't you interested in the student council?"

"I talked to Hiyori and the others today, but I'm planning on getting the position of student council president. When that happens, you can join."

"I don't mind, but if you're going to have three lovers on the student council, don't make out with them while you're at work, okay?"

Matsushita says this with a glare. I don't understand.

"Don't worry, I won't."

I'm not saying absolutely. I don't know if I can resist it either, and I don't have the confidence to refuse if the three of them try to tempt me.

Well, I'm busy with student council duties, so I probably won't do it.

"That's fine, but...then the second question is. Judging from Hikigaya-kun's personality, it's obvious that he'll drop a bomb when he rises to class A, but what kind of bomb will he drop?"

As expected from Matsushita. You know what I'm doing.

"There is a possibility that D-class information will be sold to A-class in a test where class points are changed. Well, before that happens, I will eliminate Yamauchi."

If you take that as a souvenir and move up to A class, you'll become a rock.

"Well, Yamauchi-kun is the weakest in Class D to me, so it's only natural."

Yamauchi seems to be the weakest in Matsushita's class. Well, I also agree with you,

"As for Yamauchi, I plan to make him feel completely hopeless before expelling him from the school, so I will continue to make preparations.''

"Ah, I guess it's because of  Sakayanagi-san."

"Of course. The crime of insulting my girl by calling her disgusting is heavier than the earth itself."

To be honest, I would like to cut off both of his limbs and make him into a daruma, but if I do that, I might be sentenced to life in prison or the death penalty, so I stopped.

"Well, I also want Yamauchi-kun to disappear."

"Hmm? Do you have any kind of grudge against him?"

"He has a disgusting way of looking at girls, he spouts nonsense, is very annoying, he's vulgar, has no common sense, and to be honest, he's the most hated of all the boys. And by far the most unpopular among boys."

"Is there even a ranking like that?"

"Among girls. By the way, Hikigaya-kun is definitely number one in the ranking of stupid couples, and he's always in the top three in the ranking of people you don't want to be your enemy."

"It's a mess."

Well, I won't deny it. A small amount of growth can be seen from Sudo and the pond, but no growth can be seen at all in the mountain area.

"Anyway, I've answered your questions, so it's time for me to go. As I said earlier, I'll leave it to you to keep an eye on Tachibana-senpai's group and report on any abnormalities."


Matsushita nodded, so I started walking toward the bathroom.

By the time I got to the changing room, I was looking forward to spending time with Masumi tonight.

Late at night, I leave the room after making sure the students in the same room are asleep. Then, I walked silently down the hallway and left the school building.

The person I will be spending time with tonight is Masumi.

Masumi is usually cool, but she's the most spoiled of her three lovers, so if I don't hurry, she might get bored...!

As I was thinking about that, I heard footsteps coming from the side of the building where the girls were sleeping, so I hid behind a nearby water pipe.

There's no electricity near the water supply, so it's unlikely they'll find out.

The footsteps stopped near the water supply, but there was no sign of any further movement, so I guess they didn't notice my presence.

After waiting for a while, students came out of the school building where we boys were sleeping. I can't see your face because it's pitch dark.

And the two shadows get closer.

"How is it, Igari? Is everything going well?"

"Yeah. When Tachibana-san gave the instructions, I made a mistake on purpose and everyone is complaining. So I think we can take her along on the last day. How about that?"

"My small group and Nagumo's small group are fine. Koenji, a free student, is a problem in the first-year small group, but the big group won't be at the bottom, so there won't be any expulsions."

"That would be great. I won't waste the chance Nagumo-kun gave me and will push Tachibana-san into a corner."

I can hear such a conversation. I don't know the man's true identity, but he's probably a third-year B-class student in the large group to which Nagumo belongs.

And the girl is Igari-senpai, and judging from the content of the conversation, I guess she's trying to crush Tachibana-senpai just like I thought.

With this, Igari-senpai and Tachibana-senpai will definitely be nominated as expelled students, and I will receive 1 million...or rather, half will be given to Matsushita, so it will be 500,000.

The two of them spoke a few words while trying to keep their spirits up, and then they both entered the school building where they were sleeping.

Then, realizing that the presence was leaving, I stood up and headed to the kitchen.

There was a little light in the kitchen, and Masumi was already there.

Perhaps she noticed me too, and her cool expression changed to a sullen expression, and when I approached her, she kissed me.

"'re late. I missed you so much."

"On the way, there were other students besides us who tried to meet up secretly."

"Then I can't help it… Hmm, Hachi-kun…"

After Masumi says that, she kisses me. She's already in full masturbation mode.

Masumi mode is a mode where she call me Hachi-kun and their mental age decreases.

Masumi is cool and unfriendly at school, but when she's with me she takes on a girlish expression, and when she goes into Masumi mode, she becomes childish.

Every Masumi is the best. Everyone is different and everyone is good.

"You're such a spoiled child, Masumi."

"Because I want to be pampered by Hachi-kun... Hey Hachi-kun."


"You had sex with Hiyori the day before, right?"

"That's right...I guess you too?"

"Hmm...I can't hold back anymore."

Masumi says so and takes out a rubber band and medicine from her jersey pocket. It looks like she's fully prepared.

"...Don't make too much noise."

Even as I say this, I take off Masumi's jersey, revealing her underwear, and then take off my own jersey.

They both put on their underwear and hug each other. It's cold in the winter night wind, but Masumi's warmth overrides the cold.

"Hachi-kun…I love you."

"I know. Me too."

Following those words, we began to seek each other.


"But a walk at night isn't so bad. The stars are so perfect you'll never see them in Tokyo."

"It would be romantic to have a date in a place like this. Honami-chan, you don't have anyone to date."

"Nyahaha...I guess I haven't found anyone like that at the moment."

Under a starry sky, four girls from class C, Honami Ichinose, Chihiro Shiranami, Asako Amikura, and Yume Kobashi, were taking a walk outside the school building.

The four of them belong to the same small group, but they can't sleep and are taking a walk.

"Anyway, our group is made up of classmates, but it seems like it would be difficult to have separate classes."

"It seems like the group Koenji-kun is in is quite dangerous when it comes to boys."

"Hmm...H-hachi-kun, faster..... You're so b-big!


"What's wrong, Asako-chan?"

"No, I feel like...I heard a woman's voice over there."

"It's in the kitchen. Shall we go?"

The four of them head towards the kitchen, unable to think of any particular reason to refuse Shiranami's words.

Then, as they got closer, the voice they heard got louder, and realized that it was close to a whisper, so they went to the kitchen, feeling suspicious...

"Nnnn! Nnnnnn! Nnnnnn!"

There, Masumi Kamuro from A class and Hachiman Hikigaya from class D were standing on top of each other, their lips touching.


"W-what the!-"

The four of them hid in the shadows, their eyes widening at the unexpected sight.

"(Ah, that's so naughty...!)"

"(And to be able to do it outdoors during training camp…!)"

"(Real God...!)"


Normally they should stay apart, but since the four of them were at an age where they were interested in such things, they watched Hachiman and Masumi's affair with full interest, even though they were blushing.

Meanwhile, the two of them continue to act.

Hachiman is shaking his hips while lifting Masumi with both hands, and Masumi is resting her back against the wall in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Hachiman's neck and shaking her hips while kissing him.

The two parted their lips, perhaps because they were trying not to make a sound, or because they were having trouble breathing after kissing for so long.

"Ah! I love it! Hachi-kun is so cute! Nah! More!"

"I understand, so don't shout idiot!"

When Masumi cried out, Hachiman looked as if he had no choice but didn't stop moving.

After a while, the two press their lips together again, and when they find it hard to breathe, they part again.

At that time, the two always looked happy.

When four people were watching this repeat...

"Mmmmmmm! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"

Masumi seemed to have reached the finish line and let out a loud voice before jumping up and down.

At the same time, Hachiman hugs Masumi tightly and kisses her.

Then, she returns the kiss while bouncing, and the sound of water echoes in the kitchen.

"Hmm... Hachi-kun... Hachi-kun... Chuu."

Hachiman returns the kiss while looking at Masumi, who is completely spoiled.

After kissing for a while, Hachiman eventually distances himself from Masumi.

At the same time, the thing that had been attacking her until just now was exposed, and the four people who had been peeping felt their faces become explosively hot.

"(Ah, there's a rumor that he's on par with Yamada-kun...)"

"(It's completely different from the one I saw a long time ago...)"

"(Or rather, Koenji-kun and Ayanokouji-kun's are better than that?)"

"(It's so big...!)"

The fact that Hachiman, Ayanokoji, and Koenji are so great has already been communicated to all the boys and girls, and the four of them had heard about it, but seeing it in person was even better than they expected.

As they couldn't take their eyes off the two of them, Masumi lowered her posture...

"(I-I can't do it anymore. Shall we leave?)"

Ichinose says as Masumi begins to clean it with her mouth, perhaps sensing her limit.

The three of them turned bright red but nodded and left the kitchen, paying close attention not to make any footsteps.

"Well, it's almost time to go back."

After completing the act, I put on my underwear and jersey while erasing the smell.

I felt a fever during the act, but as soon as it was over I felt a sudden chill.

Staying longer than this can lead to a cold.

"...I want to be with you more."

When she says that, it seems like I'll relent and spend time with her, but I turns into a demon.

"No. Staying up late is the enemy of beauty. I'm sure I'll love you no matter what happens to your body, but a beautiful figure is the best."

"Hmm...I understand."

As Masumi says that, she puts on the underwear hanging next to her and puts on her jersey.

When I get changed, she hugs me in my arms. I find it endearing to see her dissatisfied...

We walked slowly and finally reached the place where we parted ways.

"See you tomorrow then."

"...kiss me"

"Yes... hmm"

"Hmm...see you tomorrow"

"Oh, see you tomorrow."

After saying that, I entered the school building, returned to my room while being careful not to make any noise, and went straight to bed.

I have to be patient for the next few days, do my best.