Chapter 111

When I returned to the dormitory and headed to my room, Matsushita came down the elevator at the same time. I look around, but there's no one else but us, so Matsushita comes over.

"Nice timing. Please come to my room for now."

While saying this, I unlocked my room and let Matsushita in.

Then I went into the living room, but no one was there right now.

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No, I can't ask someone who has a broken bone to do it. I'll make it myself."

"Then I'd like some Japanese tea."


Matsushita heads to the kitchen, so I throw my bag on the bed, sit on a chair, and talk to Matsushita.

"So? Since it's about you, have you already formed a group with girls?"

"Well, I'm in a 7-member group with Karuizawa-san at the center. Well, I might merge with another group from now on, or I might be the only one in a different group."

Well, if you want to avoid expulsion, it would be ideal to form a group.

However, joining a different group carries a huge risk if you are found out.

If you're a beauty in all directions, there's a possibility that you'll get a lot of critical votes.

"For now, you'll focus on expanding the group's power, and when you discuss..."

"I will explain the risks in the event that Hikigaya-kun leaves the school in a timely manner, and guide so that Hikigaya-kun does not receive any critical votes."

Can you really understand the extent of that?

"But if I do it that way, I can reduce the risk of Hikigaya-kun expelling from school, but aren't you going to take action to expel students who should have been expelled from school?"

"Of course I will move, but if I explain it myself, it will seem like it's for self-preservation. I'll let Karuizawa prepare for that and let it flow naturally."

If Karuizawa, who has a strong voice, works, there will be no suspicion that it is my strategy.

"Well, that's number one. By the way, since you have a broken bone, you won't use the tactic of inciting the dropouts to provoke violence, threatening to sue the police, and collecting the settlement money, right?"

"What's wrong with that?"

If Watanabe hadn't broken my arm, I would have incited the dropouts to become violent, but with a broken arm, it's dangerous.

I'm not that stupid. More importantly, Hiyori told me to be careful.

"Hey, I want private points too, so if Hikigaya-kun doesn't provoke them, and not thinking of taking the points, but is there a way to do that without making it seem unnatural?"

It seems that Matsushita was also thinking about this strategy. Well, Ryuen and I used the settlement to gain millions of private points. It's no surprise that she's interested in that strategy.

However, if Matsushita, who doesn't usually provoke others, did this, it would seem suspicious, so I would like her not to provoke others...

"Well, it's okay."


"Students who have been expelled from school will almost always yell, "We won't accept a test like this!'' or "I don't want to be expelled!'', right?"

Well, if it's around Koenji, it seems like they'll leave gracefully without making any noise.

Besides, Arisu and Ryuen seem to be leaving indifferently.

"Well, I guess so."

"In response to such a scene, Koenji, who is sitting next to you, will definitely tell you that it's ugly and that you should leave immediately, and if you use that tactic, you should protect Koenji when the expelled students attack Koenji.''

Koenji will definitely tell you that, so you should use that.

It looks dangerous, so if you stop him, your classmates won't be so suspicious.

Well, Horikita, who knows that Matsushita is my pawn, will probably notice, but it's not that big of a problem.

"I see. If I protect him well at that time, I might even be able to negotiate a settlement."

In fact, if Matsushita were to protect Koenji and get injured, and Matsushita announced that she would file a complaint with the police, the parents of the expelled student would likely seek a settlement.

If you fight in court, you will never win.

While we were talking, I heard the door open from the front door, and a little while later, Arisu and Masumi came in.

Hiyori is probably talking with Ishizaki and the others.

"Hey, Matsushita-san. Are you having a strategy meeting with Hachiman-kun?"

"That's about it. Oh, I'm boiling water right now, do you want something to drink?"

"Then I'd like some tea, please."

"I want coffee"

After saying that, Arisu and Masumi put their bags on the bed and approached me.

"I'm back, Hachiman-kun. I love you."


"I'm home, Hachiman. I love you..."


The two of them just exchanged their greetings, kissed, and sat on either side of me.

Matsushita then brought me a drink with an astonished look on her face.

"Please do it in moderation. Isn't Shiina-san with you?"

"I was told to go home first. Matsushita-san, please do your best to keep Hachiman-kun from expelling from school during this exam."

"Of course. I want to make money too...I don't want to lose my employer."

"There's no need to say it again, right? The best relationship is one in which each uses the other."

Connections based only on financial matters can sometimes become strong.

Matsushita will work hard as long as I prepare a reward.

"By the way, Sakayanagi-san, do you mess with other classes?"

"I don't have any particular plans."

"No, you, right after school, you got into the C class and said to Ichinose,

"This is the perfect opportunity to delete Watanabe-kun, who threw away 5 million private points for getting emotional, right?"

Masumi says this while looking bored.

She does it in keeping with Arisu's personality.

However, from the C-class's point of view, this is a provocation, but objectively, this is a kind advice.

As Koenji said this morning, if a student were to be expelled from a regular class, there would be a huge penalty of 100 class points, but this time there is no such penalty.

If you think about the class without getting into personal feelings, this is the perfect exam to delete the most unnecessary students.

"Well, Watanabe would probably rank among the top rank if they were to choose an unnecessary student from class C."

"Probably at the top rank, is there any other person?"

"Watanabe and Chihiro Shiranami are my top two."

Immediately answer Matsushita's question.

"Is that because she was nominated by Hachiman-kun in the honoree test?"

"That's one thing, but when I asked Ryuen earlier, it seems that Shiranami was also the leader of the desert island test."

The class that is given the leader position during the desert island test will suffer a loss of 50 points.

"So, because of Shiranami, Class C actually lost 100 class points?"

"That's right. I've been investigating the leaders of other classes and their aides, but Shiranami's grades are average and her athletic ability is low."

Each class leader tends to have students with high potential close to them.

Arisu has Masumi, Hashimoto, Kito, and others.

All three have high athletic ability and decent academic ability, so they are probably at the top of their grade in terms of overall ability.

In the first place, there are many students in A class who have high overall ability. Well, sometimes the problem is that there are a lot of smart people.

When Ryuen was the leader, there were Hiyori, Ishizaki, Alberto, Ibuki, and Kaneda.

Hiyori and Kaneda have low athletic ability but have good grades, while Ishizaki, Albert, and Ibuki do not have high academic ability but have high athletic ability and are used to fighting, so they are sufficient as a force.

Ichinose has Kanzaki, Shibata, Shiranami, Amikura, and Kobashi by her side, but other than Kanzaki and Shibata, they are just close friends of Ichinose, so they don't have high potential and don't feel like a threat.

Then, Shiranami was the reason for losing 100 class points, so it is convincing enough that she is an unnecessary student.

"Also, I believe she was in the same art club as Masumi, but are her works of a level that can increase class points?"

Those who participate in club activities have the potential to earn private points and class points through tournaments and competitions.

If Shiranami can work on a work that is good enough to earn class points, then Watanabe will be the most unnecessary student in class C.

"No. If I remember correctly, she's at a level where she can't even get private points."

Masumi answered yes. That would be a good match against Watanabe.

Although Watanabe's potential is not low, he was the cause of the loss of 5 million private points.

Shiranami didn't have high potential considering she was close to Ichinose, and was the reason for the loss of 100 class points.

If you want to delete someone in C class, you should delete one of them.

"I see. I heard good things about that..."

Arisu laughs happily when she hears my story. Masumi is shocked to see Arisu and looks at her.

"What? Are you going to provoke her tomorrow too?"

"No. After the exam is over, I'll tell Shiranami-san what Hachiman-kun said earlier, prefaced by saying, ''I'm glad you didn't get deleted as an unnecessary student.''

That's disgusting.

Isn't that heartbreaking for those involved?

Well, I've decided to completely destroy the C class, so I won't say anything about it.

Instead, I have to think about my class. If a deal is made between Nagumo and Ichinose, I'll have to move quickly.

I was thinking about future developments while drinking the tea that Matsushita had brewed.

One day has passed since the additional special exam was announced.

Compared to when the additional special exam was announced, the D-class seemed to be less excited, but they didn't seem to be panicking.

This means that groups have been established in various places, creating a sense of security.

However, the school doesn't know about the students' circumstances and continues with classes as usual, so we are also taking classes seriously as usual.

Then, the return HR was over, so I finished getting ready for the return trip and headed to the shoe rack.

As I was changing my shoes and heading to the hospital in the shopping mall, my cell phone started ringing in my pocket.

When I took it out, it was an email from Nagumo.

If you look at the contents, there is a sentence that says,  "Since Honami has signed a contract, I will return the remaining points,'' and an image file is attached.

When I looked at the image file, it was a photo of a contract.


Miyabi Nagumo (hereinafter referred to as "A") and Honami Ichinose (hereinafter referred to as "B") conclude the contract as follows.

1. Party A lends Party B 9,064,289 private points.

When the conditions of 1 are met, Party B and the students in the class to which Party B belongs will vote 20 votes each for Hikigaya Hachiman and Ryuen Kakeru in the praise vote for other classes in the in-class voting test.

If the conditions in 2 are not complied with, Party A will nominate three students from among the students Party B belongs to, and the three nominated students will voluntarily withdraw from the school.

4. Party B will refund 9,064,289 private points to Party A by 9:00 a.m. on September 2nd of this year.

5. If Party B fails to refund 9,064,289 points by the deadline, Party A will announce the penalty at 4 p.m. on the deadline.

2nd year A class Miyabi Nagumo

1st year C class Honami Ichinose

Witness Tomoya Mashima

That was the content of the contract.

It's not impossible to get 9 million refunded by 9am on September 2nd of this year if you can keep the current points.

The current number of class points for C class is 528, which means 52,800 private points are given to each C class student every month.

This means that the entire C class will be paid 2,112,000 points.

And now it's early March. The payment date is the 1st of every month, so this month's private points were paid, but private points will be paid six times by the deadline...April, May, June, July, August, and September.

In other words, if they can maintain their current class points, they will have more than 12 million private points in the C class by the deadline, so although their life will be harder than usual, they will be able to repay the loan.

Of course, if you increase class points, repayments will become easier, and if class points decrease, repayments will become harder, but this is not a strict repayment plan.

In addition, there is a proper section on voting for other classes. If Ryuen and I don't get 20 votes each, there will be 3 expelled students, so I'm sure the C class people will vote for us.

However, Ichinose is beyond good-natured and stupid for going to such lengths just because she doesn't want her classmates to be expelled.

She's a really huge disappointment in my eyes.

Class C only has Ichinose as a yes-man, so it's okay, but if it were in another class, it wouldn't be surprising if a riot broke out.

Well, for me, the risk of expulsion has been greatly reduced, so I think it's a good thing.

Anyway, now we can move on to the next strategy, but first we have to go to the hospital and get tested.

I'll leave the strategy behind. Also, I'm going to put off showing the C-class hell.

I headed to the hospital while sending an email to Hiyori that Ryuen was mostly okay.

30 minutes later…

"Ah, my arm feels better."

I leave the examination room and exhale. I'm not completely healed yet, but I no longer need a cast, so I feel a little better.

While thinking about this, I turned my phone back on, which had been turned off since I was at the hospital, and found that I had received an email from Hiyori a while ago.

Looking at the contents, it says, "I would like to hear more details, so please come to karaoke after the hospital. Room number is 102.''

After confirming this, I immediately headed to the karaoke box, said a few words to the staff, and entered room 102.

When I got inside, Ishizaki and Ibuki were there in addition to Hiyori, and as soon as Ishizaki saw me, he approached me.

"Hey! Is it true that Ryuen-san is okay?! It's not a lie, right?"

"Calm down and don't bring your hot face near me."

After pushing Ishizaki back with my right hand, I take out my phone and open the email I just sent.

"I'm telling you, this is an important matter, so please don't make it public."

While saying this, I put my phone on the table in the center of the room, and all three of them looked at it at once.

"Wow! Ryuen-san gets 20 praise votes from C class! With this, Ryuen-san is in a safe zone!"

Ishizaki is getting really excited, but even though this guy is officially supposed to have defeated Ryuen, is he normally a B-class player who gets away with it without getting beat up?

"Or rather, how do you know about the contract between the student council president and Ichinose?"

"It's simple. It's 9 million points in the contract, but I paid 4 million of them."

That's what I answered in response to Ibuki's question.

As someone like me who paid nearly half of the points lent to Ichinose, I should have the right to know.

"But why did Hachiman-kun lend 4 million yen? I mean, if you want to attack Class C, I think it's better not to lend them points and to have them drop out."

There is nothing wrong with what Hiyori is saying.

The most damaging thing for Class C is the expulsion of a classmate.

"Well, there are many things."

I can't say that Nagumo did it to get Ichinose into his hands.

"More than that, I'm sure there are seven students in your class who can give Ryuen a praise vote, right?"

"Yes. And if there are 32 students who intend to vote for criticism, and only Class B votes, Ryuen-kun's score will be minus 25 points."

"But with this contract, Ryuen-san's score will suddenly drop to -5 points."

"By the way, me and my friends will also give praise votes to Ryuen, so it will be minus 3 points. So, what are you guys going to do?"

"What are you talking about?"

Ishizaki has a question mark in his head...

"If Ryuen is in the safe zone, that means someone else will disappear, right? You should decide who to choose and control the votes."

Since this is a test to eliminate one unnecessary student, he has no choice but to choose someone.

"Ah, I see... who do you think is better to expel Hikigaya?"

"You idiot! Why are you asking that from someone in a different class?"

As Ibuki said, I don't know most of the students in Class B, so it's impossible for me to name them.

However, I can give advice on how to eliminate such students.

"There are three types of students who are suitable candidates. First of all, there are the problem children in the class."

This goes without saying. Students with bad behavior that would reduce class points are good candidates.

"There are so many problem children...I can't choose."

That's it. Most of them were problem children when they were under Ryuen.

"Then, the next person is the one who has been campaigning against Ryuen since Ryuen retired. If Ryuen is to remain, students who are strongly against Ryuen should be eliminated. That way, from next time onwards, Ryuen will be left behind. It makes things a little easier."

At least the students who are against Ryuen's expulsion need to be retained.

"Then maybe around Nishino or Manabe…"

It seems that Ishizaki has narrowed down the candidates to two.

"Third. This is completely personal, but if any of the two people you just mentioned is complaining about the relationship between me and Hiyori, please delete that person."

If Ryuen leaves the school, the contract he previously made regarding Hiyori will also be cancelled.

If that happens, other people might interfere with the relationship between me and Hiyori.

"Then it's Manabe. She hates Shiina, who is the most vocal girl in class B, and I hate her too."

Ibuki immediately answers. If Ibuki's story is true, there is nothing wrong with erasing it.

"Just to ask, is Manabe an excellent student?"

"Not at all. Her grades and athletics are average, and she just has a decent position in the girls' group."

"Even among boys, people hate her for being bossy."

"Then it's decided with Manabe. As for the boys, there would probably be someone who will accept to criticize her, and as long as Hiyori coordinates the girls, there won't be any problems."

"I understand. There are some girls who don't like Manabe-san, so I'll talk to them about it."

The story seems to have concluded. With this, Ryuen will definitely no longer be expelled.

I also get 20 votes from the C class, so I think it's 90% okay, but as long as I have the remaining 10%, I can't feel at ease.

However, there is no need to panic.

Matsushita's preparations have already begun, and the D-class has a bad impression of the target.

(Preparation is done by Thursday, and Friday, the day before the exam, is the key.)

With that in mind, I helped Hiyori and others with their secret maneuvers.