Chapter 120

After school on the day after the exam announcement date, the chime rings to signal the end of class, but most of the students sit down to discuss the special exam without getting ready to go home...


Hirata, who usually leads the discussion, is the first to get ready to leave. The girls try to stop him, but Hirata just goes home.

"I won't wait. We're going to have a discussion now. Go back to your seat."

Horikita stops calling.


"Right now, focus on the special exam rather than him."

The girls sit down at those words, but while looking at that scene, I get ready to go home and stand up.

"You're going home too."

Karuizawa is talking to me.

"I have good intentions. If I were there, you wouldn't be able to discuss this because you would worry about leaking information, right?"

I really think so about this. Even if I stayed, someone would be concerned about my existence and point it out.

"Well, I guess so. By the way, what is our winning rate?"

Those words drew attention from my classmates, but...

"Well, there are four classes, from class A to class D, and each class has a certain amount of small fry that are of no use to them, but there are a lot of small fry in our class. It's hard to judge."

The important thing is to hit this small fish in the event that they are particularly focused on among the 5 favorite events that they have prepared.

If we don't do that, it will be difficult for us to come out victorious in the event they have chosen.

"You're really pissing me off!"

When I checked, there were about 10 people staring at me, but there was no problem even if they glared at me.

"I don't really care. It's true that people who don't change after being told by the school that D-class is defective are small fry, and the fact that they're staring at you is that they think of themselves as small fry."

Normally, if a school that the government puts emphasis on calls a defective product, it would give up the stigma, but most of the students in this class were ignored by the school, and in special exams they only do what someone tells them to do.

Objectively speaking, it's probably a small fry.

"Anyway, it would be troublesome if I participated, so I'll just go home. If I'm selected for the actual event, I'll fight with all my might."

After saying that, I leave the classroom. Ayanokoji himself is probably considering having me in the actual performance, but Horikita is probably against it.

If that happens, it will be difficult to choose me. If I had to choose, I would wonder why I chose Hikigaya...

While I was thinking about it, I noticed a C-class boy walking towards me from the front.

I know about the C class students, but I don't know their names. Since everyone knows the main strength and supporting roles of each class, this guy is probably a mid-level class.

I thought it was just right, and when I approached the two, they noticed me and became wary.


"...What are you planning?"

I was suddenly glared at, but my words and actions were just my words and actions.

But I don't really care and move on with the story.

"If you don't want to talk about unnecessary things, I'll tell you straight to the point, work under me."


Perhaps because the content was unexpected, the man looked stunned.

"Didn't you hear me? I told you to follow me and give me information about Class C from now on."

When I say it again, the man seems to have restarted his life and gives me a sharp look.

"I don't know what you're aiming for, but do you think I'll accept a suggestion to betray my class?"

"I think you'll take it. Especially someone like you, if you don't betray your class, you'll be killed by your class."

"...What does that mean?"

The man seemed to listen, perhaps because the words were unexpected.

"Before that, let me confirm, are you a person with no class, no military strength, and no legwork?"

"...It's hard to say that I'm excellent, but at least I'm not at the bottom."

"I guess you're a mid-level class after all. Then it's better to betray them with a quick attack."

"I don't understand. Why would you recommend betrayal to me, a middle-ranked person?"

"I told you earlier. Even if you continue to do your best for C-class, Ichinose will kill you."

"Don't be silly. Ichinose would never do something like that!"

The man gets angry at my words, but will he remain the same after hearing everything I have to say?

"It's not like she's going to take direct action. Ichinose's top priority is to avoid expelling her classmates, but that means protecting the class's well-being is her top priority."

Take a breather...

"However, as you found out during the class vote, Ichinose ran away from the exam with her top priority being to protect small fries. And there will probably be exams in the future where the weak will be weeded out, but Ichinose will lose her legs each time. It's obvious that you need to protect yourselves. If that happens, the mid-level class will be the ones who will have to bear the most burden in order to help them.''

"This is..."

After saying that much, the man's anger softens slightly.

"I don't know if you heard me talking to Ichinose before, but Shiranami should be expelled from that exam because she both showed low potential and caused you to lose 100 class points for the two exams held during summer vacation. Even though there was a clear answer, Ichinose borrowed nearly 10 million yen from President Nagumo to help Shiranami.''

To put it bluntly, that's a bad move.

In the first place, it is disqualifying a leader to run away from a special exam in such a hurry.

"Ichinose, the leader, should have turned her heart into a demon and cut Shiranami away."

The person who led the class in that exam should have ranked their classmates and make sure that the lowest-ranking student was expelled from the school, without considering their personal feelings.

"As a result, you guys have completely lost the points of C class and are in debt of nearly 10 million. If the next exam comes with expulsion as a penalty, Ichinose will move to help the weak."

"No way...!"

The man's eyes widen when I say that much. I think he understood what I meant.

But I will say it clearly here. Doing so would cause damage to the C-class bonds.

"If Ichinose moves to help the weak, the weak will be saved, but there is a risk that the middle class will be expelled. And since they are in debt, there is a good chance that they will be expelled without being able to use their private points for relief.''

In fact, the possibility is high. Ichinose will probably try to save everyone from expulsion, but the first choice is definitely for the small fry.

And because the strong can survive on their own, the mid-level class is the most dangerous.

In addition, due to Ichinose's personality, she urges everyone to help if one person is in trouble, but this could result in the middle-ranked class being expelled from school.

"What are you going to do? If you're going to work under me, I can ask Arisu to prepare 20 million yen so you can transfer to Class A right before graduation."

It's difficult to save 20 million, but that's only if you save it on your own.

It's not impossible to save 20 million yen per class.

Class A students are paid nearly 100,000 points each month. In other words, if we keep the current points, the entire A class will be paid nearly 4 million points per month by the school.

If you add in the rewards from special exams and club activities, you can easily save 20 million yen in six months.

I'll save 20 million yen myself.

Matsushita can receive a loan of points from A-class, but even after deducting her portion, A-class will still be able to prepare 20 million yen for C-class spies.


When I saw the man, unlike before, he acted like he was thinking about it without immediately refusing.

This is what he probably thinks.

Although it is an attractive proposal, there is a possibility that it will be abandoned...

What? Well, this can't be helped because normal words and actions are just words and actions.

However, it would be enough to think that one of Ichinose's yes-man group was given some space to think.

While we were talking, Ichinose came out of the C class classroom with several girls around her.

Then, when she noticed my presence, she probably felt a bad feeling and came towards me.

(It's high time. Well, I've planted the seeds, so I guess it's a good thing.)

"Well, you don't have to reply right away. If you feel like it, please contact me."

While saying this, I handed the man a memo with my contact information on it, glanced at Ichinose and the others as they approached, and then left.

(I need to plant seeds for a few more people.)

There's no need to get a spy. The important thing is that the seeds germinate, even if only a little.

In fact, the boy from earlier was also a bit reluctant at first, but as he listened to the story, it became obvious that he was beginning to think that he might become a victim of Ichinose's policies.

For the C-class, whose selling point is unity, it would be enough damage even without becoming a spy.

I walked down the hallway in search of my next target.


"Hey, Sumida-kun. May I ask what you and Hikigaya-kun were talking about?"

After Hachiman leaves, Ichinose questions Makoto Sumida, the boy Hachiman spoke to.

There is anxiety in her expression.

Sumida, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment as to whether he should speak, but decided to do so as he had something he wanted to say to Ichinose.

"Hikigaya told me to become a spy and abandon C-class, and that Sakayanagi would arrange for me to join A-class.''

Ichinose wasn't that surprised, perhaps because she had expected those words, but Ichinose's entourage widened their eyes.

"As expected...I was the one who got ahead of myself and caused dissatisfaction with the class, so it's only natural."

"Oh, it's not Honami-chan's fault! We are also responsible for agreeing to this in any way!"

"No. It's my fault... So what do you want to do, Sumida-kun?"

Ichinose looks apologetic, and her entourage looks at Sumida with sharp eyes.

"Hikigaya left before I could reply, but I don't think he wants to talk to me at the moment. If I gets cut off by a lizard's tail after becoming a spy, it's not worth it."

Those around him breathed a sigh of relief at those words, but Ichinose's expression did not change.

This is because although Sumida is saying that for now, he is also implying that he may become a spy depending on the future.

In addition, he said he didn't want to be cut off by a lizard's tail as a reason for refusing to talk to him, but Ichinose understood that he was dissatisfied with Class C when he didn't say that he couldn't cut off the class.

But I can't complain. Because it's my fault.

"But Ichinose. It's true that I can't trust Hikigaya and Sakayanagi, but what they're saying is definitely right."


Shiranami looked down as Sumida's words.

"Chihiro-chan! don't have to say anything openly!"

While Shiranami looked down, Amikura warned with anger mixed in.

"Actually, that's true. Hikigaya has a bad personality, but other than that...his grades, physical ability, and sharpness of mind, he's one of the best student in our year."

Hachiman always ranks in the top 5 in his grade in written exams, and at the sports festival, he shows off his high physical ability by taking first place in all the general events and dominating Sudo, and judging from his past actions, his observational skills are outstanding.

"Ichinose, I don't mind if you put your classmates first, but from now on, you won't be too quick to help them, you won't put an unreasonable burden on us, and you won't interfere with your personal feelings when it comes to expulsion issues. Is that understood?"

"What do you mean, don't interfere with your personal feelings? Does that mean I should abandon my classmates if someone objects?"

"No. Let's say two people were expelled from the special exam."


"If there are only two expelled students who can use the rescue measures, Shiranami, who usually hangs out with Ichinose, and me, who don't usually interact with Ichinose that much, then will you cut out Shiranami, who has lower potential than me?''


Ichinose's eyes widen at Sumida's words, but Sumida continues talking.

"This is just an example, but if multiple students are expelled and you cannot use relief measures for all of them, give priority to the students with the highest ability. I don't want you to choose someone to use relief measures just because they are close friends."

"...." Ichinose.

Although what Sumida is saying is correct in terms of strategy, Ichinose feels reluctant to discriminate based on ability.

Ichinose is reluctant to agree to Sumida's words, even though she knows that they are right, because if there are multiple expulsions and relief measures cannot be used for all of them, she wants to draw lots without holding grudges.

"That's all I want to say. It may be tough, but I don't want to be expelled either."

After saying that, Sumida left the scene, but Ichinose was unable to stop him.

What Sumida is saying is logically correct. In fact, Ichinose thinks it can't be helped that her classmates are dissatisfied with her policies.

However, that doesn't mean they can't change their policy to the point where it's only natural that the weak like Arisu, Ryuen, and Hachiman will be discarded.

"Maybe I shouldn't have been the leader after all…"

I couldn't help but whisper that. Ichinose's entourage is panicked by this.

"Oh, that's not true! There's no way anyone other than Honami-chan could be the leader!"

"That's right! Honami-chan will definitely beat Sakayanagi-san and Hikigaya-kun someday!"

Ichinose's expression does not change after receiving such encouragement.

She and everyone else in her class are aiming for A class, but at the moment she can't see any vision of being able to beat Arisu or Hachiman.

She couldn't even find out anything new about the contract either.

In fact, because of the incident in February, she's starting to see visions of her classmates being expelled from the school.

(No, I have to protect my classmates no matter what...!)

Although Ichinose believes that her ideas are objectively wrong, she simply cannot choose to abandon her weaker classmates.

(I have to win this test no matter what)

If I lose, their dissatisfaction is likely to be even greater.

(It's okay. Ryuen-kun is not the leader of B class, so there is still a chance to win)

Ichinose was also wary of Ryuen coming when deciding on her opponent, but since it was Hiyori who came as the commander, she became convinced that Ryuen had truly stepped down as leader.

Class B is making trouble for their own class, but Ichinose thinks that if they don't react and concentrate on the real thing, they have a chance of winning...

(But I have to be careful and tell everyone in class tomorrow that I want their cooperation.)

In that case, the most troublesome thing would be a traitor who might leave the class, and tomorrow she would have to ask her classmates to believe in her until the end of the year exams are over.

Ichinose managed to push aside the anxiety in her heart and think about her plans for tomorrow.

In reality she didn't change at all, even though she wanted to hear everyone's opinions but after hearing them her mind goes blank.

As they are against her own policies, about abandoning the weak.

So, instead of growing after the in-vote exam. Ichinose was deteriorated even further by Ayanakoji's words to not let anyone drop out.

And let her continue with her naive ideals about saving everyone.

"Then please contact me whenever you feel like it. There will only be one person on a first come, first served basis."

Saying that, I handed the memo with my contact information on it to the girl in Class C.

However, although she has a complicated expression on her face, she puts the note in her pocket without tearing it and leaves.

(It's going well)

That's what I thought. So far, I have called 10 students from Class C to betray the class and handed them a note with my contact information.

Two out of ten people got angry and tore up their notes, but the remaining eight didn't throw away their notes.

In other words, even if these eight people cannot trust me, it means that they are a little dissatisfied with Class C.

(With this, if a spy is obtained, the C-class will collapse. Even if I cannot obtain it, the bonds of the C-class will be damaged.)

The fact that 8 people received my information means that 20% of Class C is dissatisfied with Ichinose, and there may be students who are also dissatisfied with her that I haven't negotiated with.

There may be.

If this is exposed, the C class will be damaged.

And I'm planning to make the first person a spy, but if I manage to get a spy, it's only natural that the C-class will fall apart in the future.

If that happens, the dissatisfaction of the students who were wondering whether to become spies will explode, and the blast will hit Ichinose and the small fry in the class.

It was because of Ichinose's methods that a spy was released, you should cut out the small fry, we were idiots for following you, don't let us wipe your ass...

If that happens, will Ichinose change her policy to follow the consensus of her classmates and cut out the small fry, or will he be honest, not change her policy and continue to brainwash people, or will she step down as leader?

They probably won't change their policy.

I don't think that Ichinose, who ran away from the class voting exam, would choose to cut down the small fry, and if she were to step down as leader, the replacement might switch to the method of cutting out the small fry, so she can't step down.

In the worst case scenario, Ichinose might think about dropping out of school voluntarily, but in that case, people can say,

"Are you going to go ahead and borrow nearly 10 million yen from President Nagumo, and then dump the entire debt on your classmates and run away?''

She wouldn't choose to run away.

In any case, I have enough support for the C class at this point.

Arisu and Masumi are in class A, Hiyori is in class B, and Matsushita is in class D, and they give me information.

In addition, if an informant from C-class appears, the strategy I can formulate will become even more specific.

Now, I need to think of a way to connect with the new first-year students who will be entering next year.

(Basically, we make contact after showing our ability in a special exam, but if possible, I would like to make contact immediately after enrolling.)

But this is quite strict. After all, new students don't know about class points for a month after enrolling.

And although it wasn't explicitly said, since we haven't heard anything about class points from our seniors, there is a possibility that there will be a penalty if we talk about class points before May.

Therefore, if we are to make contact, it would probably be after May, but if that happens, other classes and upperclassmen may also make contact, and there is a high possibility that it will become a quagmire.

Not to mention, I have a bad reputation, so some students might be wary of me.

"Ah, at least... I wish she had enrolled."

When I was in junior high school, I pictured an arrogant female junior who was being bullied just like me, winking at me.