Chapter 128

"I'm home"

"Ah, welcome home. Dinner is gratin, but please wait a little longer."

"Ah. I'm looking forward to it... hmm."

I kiss Hiyori in the kitchen, and she happily accepts and kisses me back.

After kissing Hiyori, I did the same to Arisu and Masumi in the living room and they kissed back.

"Welcome home, Hachiman-kun. How was your match with Horikita-san?"

"I win. So if chess is chosen, I'll play tomorrow."

"I see. Hashimoto-kun will be a tough opponent for Hachiman-kun, and I think he can compete with Ayanokoji-kun from an early stage."

Arisu laughs happily, but will he be chosen?

There is a good chance that it will be chosen, but there is also a good chance that it will not be chosen.

(Well, it doesn't really matter which class wins.)

Many of the events selected by Class D are aimed at students who specialize in one area.

Examples include basketball, swimming, archery, and Chinese.

What's more, there are rules for winning in archery, etc., and in Chinese and swimming, the victory condition is ''the class with the best student'', so there's a good chance of winning.

My prediction is that it will probably be a close battle until the end, and no matter who loses, the class points won't decrease much.

"By the way, is Masumi going to appear in something?"

"I'm planning to participate in basketball against Hachiman's class. Well, with my academic ability, I won't be useful if it's an event that my class chooses."

Well, I guess so. Masumi's academic ability is slightly above average, but she is not good enough to be selected for the event.

On the contrary, her athletic ability is quite high among girls even though she is a girl...

"You usually jump on me, so maybe you're good at sports that involve jumping."

"That's right. Masumi-san shows us a wonderful bounce every time Hachiman-kun pokes us."

"I'll blow you away!"

When I engaged in mild sexual harassment with Arisu, she glared at me.

Well, it may be our fault now, but it's true that Masumi likes the cowgirl position.

"That was bad. I was just kidding."

"I was really serious though!"

Arisu giggles and teases Masumi.

Masumi stares at Arisu, but then she seems to have thought of something and looks up at me.

"Hey, Hachiman. Sakayanagi is bullying me and it's really painful. So, could you please punish Sakayanagi by behaving like a stranger with her for a while?"

"What...! That's cowardly, Masumi-san."

Arisu approaches Masumi with an unusually panicked expression on her face. Maybe it's okay to tease her a little.

"Calm down, Sakayanagi-san. Don't push yourself too hard even though your body is weak."

When I warned her in a gentle tone, Arisu turned her gaze from Masumi to me, but she looked a little frightened.

"Y-you're kidding, aren't you…?"

"No. Sakayanagi-san needs some punishment.

''I'm sorry...! I apologize, so please call me by my name...!''

"I understand, I'm sorry, Arisu."

Seeing her begging like that with teary eyes, I gave in and called out her name. I'm weak-willed.

"Hachiman-kun is so mean...please stop calling me by my last name."

"I understand."

When I gently hug the sullen Arisu, she gradually regains her composure and turns her gaze towards Masumi.

"You have gone too far this time, Masumi-san! It's true that I have some regrets for teasing you earlier, but don't you think it's a little too much?!"

"There's no need to hold back in a love match. I'm sorry, but I won't compromise in order to become Hachiman's legal wife."

Masumi says that and hugs me.

"No way...I will become Hachiman-kun's legal wife."

Then Arisu hugged me too. At the same time, Hiyori came out of the kitchen and when she saw us, she hugged us as well.

"Hehe, everyone seems to be getting along well. Please join me in the mix."

Hiyori, who has a strong natural ability, says things like that, but I find it soothing.

"Hiyori. It looks like Ryuen will be the commander tomorrow, but will there be a penalty for you who were originally scheduled to do it?"

''From what I heard from Sakagami-sensei, if the student who came to explain the command center prepares a substitute student, the original student will not be able to participate in the event.''

Does this mean that Hiyori won't be able to participate in the C-class academically oriented events?

"But it's okay. Until today, the people participating in the C-class academic ability-based events have been studying seriously, so I'm sure they'll be able to compete well."

Hiyori must be really confident in making such a declaration.

The B class may unexpectedly win outright.

With that thought in mind, I continued to receive hugs from the three of them, cultivating my courage for tomorrow.

The next day...

The day of the exam has finally arrived, and we students are gathered in the classroom.

"Then, we're going to end HR. The command tower, Ayanokoji, should go to the multi-purpose room, and the other students should wait in the classroom and follow the instructions of the teacher in charge."

After saying that, Chabashira-sensei leaves the classroom and a male teacher comes in to take her place.

I don't recognize him, so he's probably a teacher for upperclassmen.

"Once the event has been decided, the control tower will inform me of the students who will be participating, so please follow my instructions when moving and changing clothes. Also, you are free to come and go as you like, including washing your hands."

The male teacher says this while unfolding the monitor. The monitor is pitch black, but then it brightens up.

It lists the favorite events selected by both classes, with Class A's


Flash mental arithmetic

Chemistry test

Physics test and Mathematics test.

Class D

Typing, Archery Basketball, Swimming, Chinese.

It's pretty much as expected.

Meanwhile, the monitor changes.

''Flash Mental Arithmetic''

Required number of people: 2 people

Time: 30 minutes Rule... Victorious commander of the class who competed for accuracy and speed using arithmetic calculations and took first place ... You can change the answer for just one question.

Apparently it started with flash mental arithmetic. Suddenly it's an A class event.

The male teacher puts his hand on the earphone in his ear and nods.

"The command tower has designated Chiaki Matsushita and Rokusuke Koenji. The two of you should head to the multipurpose room."

Matsushita and Koenji stood up after receiving such instructions.

"Good luck, Matsushita-san."

"Matsushita-san will be fine."

"Koenji, don't slack off!"

"Be serious!"

Encouragement is given to Matsushita and scolding is given to Koenji.

However, Koenji leaves the classroom humming. Previously, Koenji said that if I signed a contract to pay him 500,000 yen, he would try to win, but D-class probably won't pay him so he will cut corners.

Thinking this, I looked at the monitor and saw a multi-purpose room appear, and a moment later, Matsushita and Koenji entered.

Then, a female student who doesn't know Katsuragi comes in from Class A.

I can't believe they would hire Katsuragi from the beginning, who probably has a grudge against Arisu for expelling Totsuka.

Well, since I am talking about Arisu, she would have threatened to crush her classmates if he let go.

While I was thinking this, four people took their seats and answer sheets were handed out. Then, the monitor in the multipurpose room lights up and a number is written on it.

The first problem was a problem that anyone could do, in which the numbers 6, 9, and 1 were displayed for 5 seconds each.

However, while the three other students were writing their answers on the answer sheets, Koenji was the only one who folded his arms and closed his eyes.

That's the expected reaction.

"Fuck that bastard!"

"I really can't believe it!"

There will be some booing in the classroom, but those who haven't been active up until now are probably in no position to complain.

In fact, it's easy to predict if you look at Koenji so far.

While I was thinking about this, the problem progressed, and from the third question onwards, six two-digit numbers appeared.

I could still do this, but the problem started from the 5th question.

The fifth question had six three-digit numbers, and the sixth question had eight three-digit numbers, so I stopped thinking about it.

No matter how much I put effort into math, I'm not good at it, and I've never done flash mental arithmetic.

Looking at the monitor, Matsushita and Katsuragi were answering questions even though they were worried, the A-class girl seemed to be giving up, and Koenji was still closing his eyes and folding his arms.

Finally, the final question comes, and for the final question, 15 three-digit numbers appear at a pace of 1.5 seconds, leaving the three people on the monitor, except for Koenji, dumbfounded.

When all the questions are finished, Matsushita and Katsuragi, who are both wearing intercoms, write new notes.

This is advice from the command tower.

"Fufufufufu. Flash mental arithmetic is quite an interesting game... By the way, the answer to the last problem is 7619, right?"

While the teachers were collecting the answer sheets, Koenji said this confidently.

I'm not sure if it actually fits.

Then, when the teacher finishes grading on the monitor, she opens her mouth.

''As a result of the tally, 1st place went to Chiaki Matsushita who answered 9 questions correctly. It's a victory for D-class."

At that moment, cheers rose from the D-class.

Well, it's only natural that she won.

Amid cheers, Matsushita and others  disappear from the monitor, and the screen changes...


Required number of players: 1 person, time: 1 hour (out or lose)

Rules...Same as normal chess rules. However, the time available does not increase after the 41st move.

Command tower: You can give instructions at any time and for up to 30 minutes using the time you have.

The next item will be revealed. I never thought chess would come here...

"The commander has appointed Hikigaya Hachiman. Head to the first conference room immediately."

Well, it looks like it's my turn.


"By the way, is it Chiaki Matsushita-san? It seems like there are some really talented people in D-class. I had my eye on Katsuragi-kun, but this was unexpected."

In the room where the control tower gives instructions, Arisu is talking to Ayanokoji as if she just learned of Matsushita's existence.

She was not saying this to Ayanokoji, but to the teachers Hoshinomiya and Sakagami who are witnessing the incident.

By saying things like this, she is less likely to be suspected of being a pawn of Hachiman.

"Did you know that we were in contact with Katsuragi?"

"No. I didn't know that, but I thought that if I was in the D-class's position, I would contact Katsuragi-kun. That's why I warned him that if he betrayed me, his classmates would be wiped out...well, he lost without cutting corners. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Katsuragi answered 8 questions correctly, including the 7 questions he answered himself and 1 question answered by Arisu, the commander.

She had judged that if there were fewer than 5 questions, he had betrayed them, but with this number of correct answers, it is clear that he was serious about it, so Arisu has no particular intention of carrying out a purge.

"In any case, it's great that D class won in an A class event."

Arisu says that, but she's not in a hurry. She is simply enjoying the situation.

From Arisu's point of view, even if she loses her protection points, she won't have any complaints as long as she can compete with Ayanokoji with all her might.

While we were having this conversation, the next event was announced. "chess"

Required number of players: 1 person, time: 1 hour (out or lose)

Rules...Same as normal chess rules. However, the time available does not increase after the 41st move.

Command tower: You can give instructions at any time and for up to 30 minutes using the time you have.

The moment the event was announced, a feeling of joy arose in Arisu's heart.

This is because it is the only event in which the control tower is heavily involved, and it is an event that is suitable for deciding the match with Ayanokoji.

"Now, this is an event that requires a lot of involvement from the control tower, so how will you fight?"

"Unfortunately, I'm good at chess."

I still clearly remember being in that white room, beating the crap out of people at chess.

I guess what he says like this is a precaution against the witnesses.

When it was time to choose the participating students, Arisu chose Masayoshi Hashimoto.

She was teaching chess to several of her classmates, but Hashimoto was the most skilled among them.

Once the selection time has passed, the participating students of class D will also be revealed.

Ayanokoji chose Hikigaya Hachiman.

Although he is a few steps down compared to Ayanokoji, it is still a reasonable judgment since he is several steps above most of the students in A class.

"Are you sure it's Hachiman-kun?"

"Chess is the best way to use Hikigaya."

With Hachiman's potential, he would be able to achieve a certain level of results in any event, but since there were almost no students in Class D who could play chess, Ayanokoji had no intention of using anyone other than him for chess.

Before the exam, when Horikita was planning to take Hachiman's place, he was even considering giving up chess.

"I see. I can't let my guard down with this."

Arisu has never lost to Hachiman in chess, but his ability is one rank higher than Hashimoto.

I don't know about Ayanokoji's chess skills at this point, but there's no doubt that he's quite capable, so depending on the timing of his intervention as the commander, there's a good chance she'll lose.

But Arisu didn't feel bad. She doesn't deny that she hates losing, but she finds it more thrilling and interesting to compete in games where there is a chance of losing.

(It's called a battle between Class B and Class C, and there are a lot of interesting things happening these days.)

Thinking of this, Arisu gazed not at Hiyori... but at the wall in the next room where Ryuen and Ichinose were facing each other, until the chessboard appeared on the monitor.

"The first event is boxing, and the winner will be in class B."

In the classroom next door to where Ayanokoji and Arisu are facing each other, Ryuen and Ichinose are facing each other across the computer, and the voice of Mashima, the homeroom teacher for class A, echoes.

Originally, Hiyori was supposed to be in this room, but Hiyori made Ryuen the command tower on her behalf.

When Ryuen came without Hiyori, a feeling of fear arose within Ichinose.

Since the commander of a defeated class has the penalty of expulsion from school, Ichinose thought that the student with the protection points would be the commander, and Hiyori was listening when the explanation about the commander and the opponent was called, so unconsciously I felt relieved.

However, on the day of the actual performance, Ryuen's arrival creates fear in Ichinose, and even the teachers can see that Ichinose is losing her cool.

"Then let's start the next event."

The second event is announced along with Chabashira's words.

"English test"

Required number of people: 5 people Time: 50 minutes rule...Solve a set of problems within the scope of English learning in the first year and compete for the total score.

Control Tower...You can answer one question instead.

The first event was boxing, which was chosen by Class B, and they lost, but this time it was the event chosen by Class C, and from Ichinose's point of view, it is an event that they should not lose.

There is a time limit for student selection in each category, with each student being given 30 seconds.

The number of participants for the English test was 5 people, meaning they were given only 2 minutes and 30 seconds to choose a student, and if they could not choose a student by that time, they would be chosen at random.

Meanwhile, Ichinose doesn't rush and chooses five people: Asako Amikura, Yui Ninomiya, Tetsuya Hamaguchi, Katsumi Tokito, and Hitomi Tsube.

She had decided in advance and it took her less than 30 seconds to make her choice.

All that was left to do was wait for the time limit to arrive and find out which student Ryuen had chosen, but there were less than 30 seconds left.

"Ichinose. There's still time, but don't pick the wrong players, okay?"

Ryuen speaks from the other side of the computer.

"It's okay. I didn't do anything wrong."

Ichinose, who guessed that the purpose was probably to put pressure on her, replied while maintaining her composure.


"I see. In that case, there will be five participants: Amikura, Tsube, Hamaguchi, Tokito, and Ninomiya. I think it's a good choice, right?"


Ryuen's words made her feel like she was being showered with cold water.

She is filled with a sense of surprise as all the students of her choice have been correctly nominated.

However, the next moment the selection time ran out, so Ichinose was unable to make any changes.

The audio-visual room is then displayed on the computer monitor, and the students nominated by each other sit in their seats.

Then, when the test begins, Ryuen talks to Ichinose.

"I see, Ichinose. Did you get a thrill out of shoplifting?"


Suddenly, a bomb is dropped.

No matter how much she confesses her sins to her classmates, it doesn't change the fact that she feels guilty, and since Ryuen was able to guess which student she chose earlier, Ichinose's old feelings of guilt come back to life.

"No, I've done bad things, but I've never committed a crime, so I wanted to ask criminals how they feel when they commit a crime."


Ryuen's happy voice resonates in Ichinose's heart, making her want to run away right away.

What I remember is the scene when I was shut in.

"Don't go that far, Ryuen. I allow conversations between command towers, but it's too malicious."

Chabashira tries to stop him, but Ryuen doesn't care.

"Is there a penalty for having a malicious conversation?"

Actually, there is no such rule.

A war of words is also a tactic, and for Ryuen, who is not afraid of being expelled, a penalty is neither painful nor itchy.

He snorts at the two teachers who can't argue with him, and then begins to provoke Ichinose again.

After a while, the time finally came, and the teacher in the audio-visual room gathered the test papers and began grading them.

After a while, Mashima opens his mouth.

"Now, I will announce the results of the English test. The total score for C class is 409 points."

It received 409 points out of 500, and the average score for participants was 81.8 points. The average score for the English class in regular exams is just over 70 points, so from Ichinose's point of view, she's satisfied with the results and her mental state is a little better from being blamed by Ryuen.


"And Class B has 417 points. Therefore, Class B will win."


Ichinose was taken aback by Mashima's next words. She never expected to lose in the event they had chosen.

"Kuku, this is my second win."

She heard Ryuen's happy voice, but Ryuen thinks this is a natural result.

This is because when Ryuen received information about the favorite event from the C-class spies through Hachiman and Hiyori, he thought that he should win the academic ability test prepared by the C-class.

Then, together with Kaneda and Hiyori, they looked at the grades of their classmates and encouraged students who were good at English and Japanese history to study harder.

If you look at the academic ability of the students in Class B as a whole, their grades are poor, but if you look at just one point, there are quite a few students who are at the top of their grade.

Hiyori and Kaneda begged these students to refrain from club activities and play activities until today, and received their consent.

As a result, it barely beat the C class.

Moreover, this is not a free victory; it will give hope to the B class who won in their opponent's event, and despair to the C class who lost in their own.

Battles require all sorts of factors, including troops, equipment, and tactics, but morale cannot be underestimated.

Throughout history, there have been many battles in which morale overcame an overwhelming difference in strength.

Therefore, there is a high possibility that the remaining five games will also be advantageous.

However, Ryuen did not loosen his grip and opened his mouth.

"Damn, I never thought you'd lose to those idiots in the studies. Maybe you taught your classmates how to shoplift and neglect their studies?"

"I'm not doing that... everyone is working hard to win...!"

"You try so hard and lose to these idiots...haha! That's cheap hard work."


Ichinose can't say anything and looks down at Ryuen's provocation.

She has no intention of denying the efforts of her classmates, and is not satisfied with Ryuen's words, but she was frightened by Ryuen's attack and was unable to counterattack effectively.

"Now, it's time for the next event. Let's have fun, Ichinose."

Ryuen's harsh voice echoed through the room, and all Ichinose could do was tremble.

Which one will the goddess of victory smile on?