Chapter 131

"As a result of the tally, Class B won with 506 points for Class B and 495 points for Class C. With this, Class B's 4 wins and victory in the special exam are confirmed."

"I lost..."

Ichinose staggers in disbelief at Chabashira's words.

Four events have been held so far, but the C class has lost all of them.

The first event was boxing, which was selected by Class B, and the skilled players of Class B, who are used to fighting, won by a landslide.

The second event is an English test chosen by Ichinose's C class, but here the B class students attack without any tricks, which upsets Ichinose and the C class students.

The third event was wrestling, which was chosen by Class B, who instantly killed Class C with a power play that took advantage of their physical differences.

The modern Japanese language test was chosen, with no one left behind in class C, but they lost, albeit by a narrow margin.

From Ichinose's point of view, this is an important exam to help rebuild the depressed C class, but even when they compete in their own arena, they still lose.

What's more, Ryuen only says bad things about Ichinose, and since the exams have started, the B class students have been fighting fair and square without any tricks.

This is causing even more damage to Ichinose.

"The winner of the exam has been decided for Class B, and as I said before, there will be transfer of class points, so we'll do all seven events. Now, I'll announce the next event."

"Physics test"

Required number of people: 7 people

Time: 50 minutes Rule...Solve a set of problems within the scope of physics study in the first year and compete for the total score.

Control Tower...You can answer one question instead.

It is also the event chosen by C class. Although Ichinose is shocked, she chooses students to try her best not to lose any more class points, but...

"The ones you chose were Onoda, Yamaguchi, Imaizumi, Himeno, Kazama, Hosoi, and Kageyama. They seem well balanced."

Ryuen accurately guessed the students she nominated.

She feels that everything they do is in the hands of Ryuen, and she feels a strong desire to run away.

Then, the participating students took their seats and were about to start.

"Sorry! My stomach suddenly started to hurt!"

A boy from class B rushes out of the classroom.

"Ah? Takahashi's bastard, did he run away in front of the enemy? What about this case?"

Ryuen speaks to Chabashira in a grumpy voice.

"Since he has already been nominated, a substitute will not be allowed and Takahashi will be disqualified. Six people from Class B will take the test."


Ryuen clicks his tongue at those words, and Ichinose realizes that she feels a sense of relief, even if it's rude.

Because the number of people has decreased, we have an overwhelming advantage.

While thinking that, the exam begins...

"Sorry! I feel sick, so please let me go to the bathroom! "

"My stomach is at its limit! Let me go to the bathroom! "

During the exam, some students complained of not feeling well, and in the end, four students from class B and two from class C abandoned the exam.

"I bet you're going to imitate me quite a bit."

Ryuen makes a voice filled with anger.

The voice wasn't as teasing as before, and Ichinose jumped up and down.

"I can't believe it was intentional for you to be so unwell. So you had two of your classmates pretend to be sick so they wouldn't think you were intentionally targeting mine?"

"I-I didn't do anything like that...!"

"Even if you didn't do it, there's still a possibility that some students would be dissatisfied with your methods. After all, you're helping trash like Shiranami."

"Tch, don't say anything bad about Chihiro-chan..."

"I was just stating objective facts."

While he was dissing Ichinose like this, the exam continued and eventually came to an end.

"As a result of the tally, Class B has 246 points and Class C has 390 points, so Class C wins."

Mashima declares C-class victory. But this is natural.

After all, 5 people took the test in class C compared to 3 people in class B.

"Tsk. If we were in perfect condition, I could have won, but you acted like this..."

Ichinose couldn't respond to Ryuen's words. She didn't give any orders to degrade B-class, but she couldn't deny that someone who was dissatisfied with her did it on their own.

It may not be until the second semester, but now there are cracks in the unity of Class C.

It's also hard to imagine that Ryuen attacked Class C, forced Class B students to pretend to be sick, and then pinned the blame on herself.

The reason lies in the scoring results.

Class B had 3 students with 246 points, and Class C had 5 students with 390 points, but the average score per student was 82 points for Class B and 78 points for Class C, making Class C lose.

In other words, it's clear that Ryuen is seriously planning on winning the whole thing, so Ichinose has a vague idea that her classmates acted on their own.

(Damn, that's a shame. If you want to sue, then I will sue too)

Ryuen smiles when he sees B class's victory.

In fact, he was thinking of giving a laxative to the C class students.

However, the person who executed it was a C class student.

He knew that Hachiman had obtained a spy from Class C, so Ryuen used that knowledge to give an order through Hachiman to administer laxatives to the students in the event that the spy would be participating in.

The event that the spy participates in is a chemistry test, and if the B class wins when the chemistry test is selected, Hiyori orders the four participants to pretend to be sick and withdraw.

Since the number of participants is lower than that of Class C, the idea that the people who are dissatisfied with Ichinose are making their own decisions becomes more believable.

As for the spy, he was one of the seven people who took part in the chemical test.

I don't think he was among the five who took part in the test without abstaining.

It is possible that one student was given laxatives, and the spy himself pretended to be sick to abstain.

But Ryuen has no intention of looking for spies. It would be more rational to leave them alone and receive more information in the future than to look for them and make them unhappy.

Even if Class C were to complain to the school, the chances of them being expelled from the school are low, since even though the person who gave the order was Ryuen, the perpetrator was a Class C student.

The existence of a spy may be discovered, but from what I heard from Hachiman, if he finds out, he plans to vent all his dissatisfaction with the C-class to gain sympathy from the mid-ranking class.

Ryuen thinks this is a really good method.

In fact, the C class students who adore Ichinose are Ichinose's best friend and the weaker members of the class.

The stronger students are irritated by Ichinose's methods, and the middle-ranked students who are likely to be in trouble because of the weaker ones are dissatisfied with Ichinose and the weaker members of the class.

There is a high possibility that you are holding it.

If the spy was found out and the spy vented his dissatisfaction, Ryuen predicted that the weak and the students who had been given laxatives would go mad.

However, the mid-level players are not as aggressive, but are more likely to share their dissatisfaction with the weak and blame the weak.

Therefore, if the spy is found out, the idea of directly denying the weak will become widespread in the C class.

Ryuen believes that Ichinose understands this, albeit vaguely, so it is unlikely that she will complain to the school.

"Well, that's fine. Now, let's start the next event."

When Ryuen says that, the monitor changes and the event is announced.


Required number of players: 3 players Time: 10 minutes rule…One match is limited to 3 minutes. Winner format control tower...You can replay any match only once.

"Is the 6th race the event of our choice? Then feel free to do so."

Ryūen will select three people: Daichi Ishizaki, Takumi Oda, and Hidetoshi Suzuki.

Even among B-class members, these three are used to fighting.

On the other hand, Ichinose chooses three people: Makoto Sumida, Haruto Yonezu, and Norihito Watanabe, even though she feels gloomy.

Once the two have finished selecting the participating students, Majima and Chabashira inform the teachers in Class B and C of the events and participating athletes, and the dojo is displayed on the monitor.

Ten minutes later, six students gather at the dojo and the match begins, but Ishizaki, the leader, easily passes three students and the match ends.

Even if they used a rematch with the involvement of the control tower, they still lost.

B class now has 5 wins and 1 loss.

If Class B wins in the last event, Class C will lose 150 points with 6 wins and 1 loss.

B class will receive 150 points plus 100 points as a victory bonus, for a total of 250 points.

"Now, it's the final match. I guess you thought you had an advantage when your opponent was decided, but now all you can do is pray. It's a shame."

Ichinose cannot deny Ryūen's encouragement.

She thought she could win if everyone in the class worked hard, but she was in a desperate situation.

Even in the subject they chose, the fact that they were able to win after losing two was an accidental victory, and it is extremely likely that they would have lost all of them if it hadn't been for the accident.

Meanwhile, the final event is finally announced.


Required number of people: 1 person Time: 4 minutes (maximum of 3 matches 12 minutes) Rules: Control tower similar to normal judo ...

Match results can be invalidated and restarted only once.

The moment the announcement was made, overwhelming despair increased within Ichinose.

To think that at the very end, the event that we had discarded from the beginning was chosen...

"Haha! Judo at the end! You have it!"

Ryūen operates his computer while laughing loudly. The obvious choice is "Alberto Yamada''.

In a fight where there are no rules, no one wins against Albert; in judo, even he, Hachiman, and Sudo would not be able to win, and Koenji and Ayanokouji, who could probably win, were D-class students.

In addition, it comes with insurance that allows you to invalidate the results only once.

Ichinose loses her will to fight against Ryūen, and the time is up without being able to choose a student.

If a decision cannot be made within the time limit, it will be a random selection, but as a result, the representative from Class C will be "Chihiro Shiranami.''

Seeing this, Ryuen gets excited.

"Ha! This girl is so funny. C-class trash is being run over by Albert. Even the mid-level class of C-class might be looking forward to it. After all, they threw away the points they had saved to help this trash. It's no wonder they hold a grudge.''


Ryuen's provocation makes Ichinose almost burst into tears, but she desperately holds back.

The fact that she lost by a huge margin makes her realize that her emotions are a mess just thinking about her best friend doing judo with Albert.

"Now that the event and participating students have been decided, let's tell the teacher in the classroom."

Ryuen laughs and looks at the two teachers.

Chabashira tries to put her hand on the communication device, but Majima stops her.

"This event will be a win for Class C. Therefore, the result of this special exam is 6 wins and 1 loss, a victory for Class B."

Mashima decides that this match is too dangerous and puts a stop to it.

"Hey, hey. It's probably because the risks are high, but sports come with risks."

"No. It's likely to lead to an accident."

Albert's physical strength is among the best in school, while Shiranami's physical strength is among the lowest among the girls.

If done incorrectly, there is a possibility of lifelong after-effects.

"Tch what a joke, even the teachers are helping this trash!"

Ryuen clicks his tongue but does not pursue it any further.

Since he is a student, the teacher's orders are absolute.

"Now that the exam is over, should I go back to the classroom?"

"No, you can go straight to the dormitory today."

When Chabashira said that, Ryuen got up and started walking, but he put his face next to Ichinose's ear...

"Well, this is what a leader looks like without abandoning the small fry and seeking friendship."

After whispering those words, he leaves the room.

Those words made Ichinose's tears go beyond their limits.

"Guss... uh...!"

Ichinose sheds tears on the computer.

This is the result of her attempt to change her mind during this exam, and she can't stop crying.


"Ichinose. We have to clean up, so don't cry and leave immediately. You'll get in the way."

Mashima and Chabashira begin to clean up.

Chabashira, who sees Ichinose's homeroom teacher Hoshinomiya as a rival, tells Ichinose some harsh words and urges her to leave the room.


Ichinose quickly leaves the room crying.

Mashima saw Ichinose like that and let out a sigh, thinking that he would be forced to deal with Hoshinomiya's complaints tonight.