Chapter 133

"The food is ready."

At 7pm, I grab my food and head to the living room.

"Thank you. Hiyori-san's food is great, but I'm also looking forward to the food that Hachiman-kun will make for me."

It was Arisu who answered that, and she seemed to be happy. It's just me and Arisu in the room.

Hiyori and Masumi are back in their original room. As Arisu requested, I asked them to leave me alone with Arisu, and I bowed my head to get their approval.

Well, they asked for a lot of things in return, but most of them were things I wanted to do, so I gladly accepted.

I realized once again that if you love each other, you will be able to accept the demands of the other person easily and be happy.

Then, just as I was about to arrange the food and eat it, my cell phone started ringing. It wasn't my phone that rang, but Arisu's.

"Hello, Father... Yes, I gave Ayanokoji-kun your contact information earlier... Yes... Yes. Well, I'm sure Ayanokouji-kun will do that... Well, of course I'll participate... Yes. ... Huh? he's there, I'll give him the phone.''

As soon as she said that, Arisu thrusts her cell phone at me.

"My father wanted to talk with Hachiman-kun."

I have no choice but to accept it when she says so, so I pick up the phone.

"I'm on the phone, this is Hikigaya Hachiman."

"Good evening. I've heard reports about you, but this is the first time I've spoken to you like this.''

"I agree"

Well, if you were in the chairman's position, it wouldn't be strange if he received reports about me dating Arisu, being stabbed by Kushida, and having his arm broken by Watanabe.

"First of all, I apologize. I heard from Ayanokoji-kun that you were also caught up in Tsukishiro-kun's plans.''

From the chairman's point of view, he probably regrets that his substitute prepared a test full of cheats while he himself was under suspension.

"Don't worry about it. However, your daughter seems to be in a very bad mood, and I have no intention of letting them do what they want."

"Really. It seems like you don't want to go any further than this, but I want you to be concerned about Arisu. She's quite aggressive.''

Indeed. But I have no intention of refusing. As Arisu's boyfriend, it is natural for me to protect Arisu.

"Of course. I also deny the White Room. Ordinary people can become geniuses depending on their environment, even if they don't have the best education or instructors."

I've heard from Arisu that the White Room is a facility that gives ordinary people the best education and mentors to turn them into geniuses.

Arisu considers herself a genius, and believes that if a genius defeats a White Room student, she can negate the White Room.

There's nothing wrong with that idea, but I'm not a genius, so if you're going to deny White Room, it's best to show that there are ordinary people who can defeat the genius even without the best environment.

''You must have heard about the White Room from Arisu, but the weak members of Sobu Junior High School are scary.''

The chairman says something like that, but do you really mean it?

In other words, I know the weaker members of Sobu Junior High other than me...

"Chairman. Judging from your tone, is Isshiki Iroha among the new first-year students who will be entering next month?"

I don't know since I graduated and entered this school, but she has been persecuted just like me, and I haven't heard of any persecution against anyone other than her.

"Oops. Well, since I made a gaffe, I will say that she will also be enrolling at this school next year.''

The chairman said she was scary, but it seems like she has become quite strong as well.

I've heard good information about this.

When establishing a connection with new first years, it's best to center around her.

"I won't ask about that for now. You said earlier that your daughter would be participating, but will Ayanokoji meet the chairman and accompany you there?"

''No, it's tough in my current position. I introduced him to Chabashira-sensei, who I had explained a little bit about when enrolling him, and Mashima-sensei, who has a strong sense of justice, and asked him to meet him during the thank-you party for the graduates. Arisu seems to be planning to participate in that discussion.''

Well, the thank-you party will probably be centered around the third-year students, their homeroom teacher, and the president.

It would not be strange if one or two first-year homeroom teachers were left out.

"I see. Then will I be allowed to participate as well?"

"Yeah. Ayanokoji-kun also said that he wanted to use Hikigaya-kun's power.''

I don't really care if you're using me.

I'm also researching whether he can be used against various people.

But I don't think you can use me for free.

"I see. Well, I'll also think about how to use Ayanokoji if he's planning to use me. Anyway, is this what we're talking about?"

"Oh, one last thing. This is a completely personal matter, but are you seriously considering marriage with your three lovers, including Arisu?"

I get asked such questions. It seems like the chairman knows as well, but of course the answer is already decided.

"Of course. I want to marry all three of them, but if their parents object, I'll do whatever it takes to get them to approve. If by any chance they don't approve, I'll take them and elope with them."

I have unwavering confidence in this.

I'm determined to no longer hide my feelings and overcome all obstacles.

"I see. It looks like you're really serious about this. Well, as long as Arisu is happy, I'm not going to say anything.''

"That's fine. I've answered your question for now, but would you like to talk with Arisu?"

"No. I've told her everything, so it's okay. Well, it might be tough starting tomorrow, but please do your best.''

After saying those words, the call ends, so I try to hand the phone back to Arisu, but notices that she is turning bright red.

"What's up?"

"What's wrong with say something like that to my father... idiot!"

"It's fine. After all..."

While saying this, I hugged Arisu and put my face next to her ear.

"The four of us have already given our hearts and minds to each other, so there's no need to be embarrassed. Or unlike Hiyori and Masumi, you haven't given your all to me yet?"

When I said this in a strong tone, Arisu shook her head slightly.

"That's not true...I gave everything to Hachiman-kun, and I don't regret it..."

She clings to me while saying this, so I gently pat her head and pamper her. I know that Arisu has actually given her all to me, but when she actually says it to me, I feel a rush of happiness and it feels good.

"That would be great. I don't regret giving everything to you either."

"Hmm...that's more than anything."

When I bite Arisu's ear, she jumps up and down.

That also drives my desire.

"Well then, let's start eating again. I'll have Arisu for dessert."

Arisu blushed even more at those words and looked up.

"I-Isn't it early...? After taking a shower..."

"Whether you shower or not, you'll take another one in the morning. And I'll be busy tomorrow."

Anyway, I will contact Ayanokoji tomorrow morning.

Up until now, I had been communicating behind the scenes, but since I will be cooperating with that creep along with Arisu, I should be more proactive than before.

While saying this, I lift Arisu's chin with my hand and lean my face closer to her.

In places where there are no third parties around, it's easier to attack Arisu aggressively because I'll get a cuter reaction.

"Do you not like it?"

"...I don't dislike it."

"Then it's decided. I'll pet you all the way until morning, so show me how cute you are."

"Uh... I guess I can't help it. In return, please love me a lot."

Although Arisu says she can't help it, she loosens her mouth and looks up at me with a glossy gaze.

After kissing Arisu gently, I returned to the table. Today will be a frustrating day for Arisu, so I'll have to help her relieve some stress.

Even with this in mind, I continued to eat dinner.

After the meal, I ate Arisu for dessert as promised and enjoyed myself until morning.

At that time, I had Arisu do various cosplays and plays, but when I went out of my way to ask her to wear children's clothes with a school bag that I had bought online, she hit me in the vitals with a cane and it hurt like hell.

Well, in the end, she reluctantly accepted my request, so my pain was blown away.

However, if she behaves like that with school bags and children's clothes, I think I'll probably get killed if I give her baby clothes and a pacifier, yeah.



I heard an electronic sound, so when I opened my eyes, I saw the white ceiling that I saw every day, and I recognized it as my room, so I turned off the alarm on my alarm clock.

Then, when I recognized Arisu while hugging my body without any clothes on, I gently stroked her beautiful silver hair.

Her curly hair is smooth and beautiful like silk. Just touching it makes me feel happy.

"Good morning Arisu."

After a quick greeting, I kissed her good morning and resumed stroking her hair.

After I pet her for a while, Arisu also wakes up and when she sees me, she smiles kindly.

"Good morning, Hachiman-kun. I had a happy night... hmm."

She kisses me good morning, so I hug her tightly. Her delicate body looks like it could break easily, so I hug her gently so she doesn't feel any pain.

"Okay then. Let's take a shower then."

While saying this, I carry Arisu in my princess arms and carry her to the bathroom, sit on a chair in the bathroom, and then have Arisu sit on my lap.

In the mirror, a silver-haired girl who looks like an elementary school student is sitting on the lap of a man with slightly rotten eyes.

From an outsider's perspective, the picture looks like it would be a police incident.

However, since there was no third party watching, we took a shower and washed off each other's body fluids from all over their bodies.

2 hours later...

"Okay, then let's go."

"Yes. Let's go."

After ventilating, washing, and having breakfast, Arisu and I get ready to go and leave the room

Then, when I headed to the lobby, I saw Hiyori and Masumi on the lobby sofa, and when I approached, they came over...

"What happened to you guys?"

Hiyori was shiny and Masumi was gushing. It's clearly an after-the-fact atmosphere.

"Good morning, Hachiman-kun. Actually, I was feeling lonely last night, so I tried to fill the loneliness with Masumi-san, but Masumi-san also looked so lonely, so I couldn't help but eat her."

"Hiyori is too aggressive when it's just the two of us. Sakayanagi looks cute..."

Apparently the two were having sex together. That's interesting.

I'd like to hear more details, but we can't talk dirty in the lobby, so we leave the dormitory and head to school.

At that time, I glanced at the other first-year students, and found that the students in Class A and B were very excited, but the students in my class were a little less excited, and the students in Ichinose's class, who failed yesterday's exam to Class D, were attending a wake.

It gives off a death-like atmosphere.

"Aren't the students in Ichinose-san's class doing well?"

"This time, Ichinose-san classmates can't be too dissatisfied with her policies."

Arisu is right.

In this exam, Ichinose's class lost 1 win, 6 losses, but the B class fought fairly, except for the physical test in the 5th game.

If the fifth game had been canceled, it would have been 0 wins and 6 losses.

Thinking about it that way, if there is any responsibility, it is the student who participated in the event selected by Ichinose's class and lost, and Ichinose is not responsible.

But no problem.

Due to this incident, Ryuen also returned, crushing Class D's hopes evne more.

Ideally, I would like to move on to the special exam that will take place during the summer vacation.

"But if you're Ichinose, instead of blaming her classmates, she would take responsibility herself."

"I guess."

Masumi says so, but she's not wrong.

Ichinose would say that it was a mistake on the part of the commander based on her personality.

Some people might say that she is a good-natured person or a good person, but to me, her excessive good-naturedness can only be called stupid.

It's important to have a sense of responsibility, but it's out of the question to take on responsibilities that don't concern you.

"It would be better if Ichinose-san hadn't come to this school."

"Well, this time it's enough to lower morale."

More importantly, it's more important for me to contact Ayanokoji in public.

I don't care about the D-class, which I can crush right away if I want to.

While replying like that, we arrived at school.

There is also a graduation ceremony today, so the third grade teachers are busy moving around the gymnasium.

We enter the school building, change our shoes in the shoe rack, walk down the hallway, and arrive in front of Class A.

"See you then, Hachiman and Hiyori."

"Excuse me...Ah, Hachiman-kun will talk to Ayanokoji-kun later, but I have something to ask of him then."

With that in mind, Arisu asked me to do something that she had already told me.

The content is rather vulgar, but it's important from Ayanokoji's position, and it may be unbearable for Arisu, who wants a battle without interference, so I don't have any particular complaints.

I nod at Arisu before saying goodbye to the three of them and heading into my own classroom.

Around 30 people have already gathered in the classroom. Ayanokoji stares blankly out the window.

The four people who usually hang out with Ayanokoji are about to approach him, so I go ahead and talk to him.

"Yo Ayanokoji"

At that moment, everyone in the classroom turned their attention to me, but I ignored them.

Ayanokoji, on the other hand, gives me his usual expressionless expression.

"Do you need something?"

"It's a thank you and a suggestion. As for the thank you, I guess it's because Arisu was satisfied with your chess skills that were better than I expected. As her boyfriend, I appreciate it."

"No. Honestly, I was at my limit trying not to get lost"

"It's amazing when you're fighting Arisu. She was having fun too, so let's play a rematch with her again sometime."

It is important to create an excuse to meet Arisu and let the students in this class hear this.

Now, even if Ayanokoji meets Arisu, he can use the excuse that it's chess-related.

"I don't mind as long as that."

"Then that's fine. Now, let's get to the point... you should be under me."

Those words caused an uproar from his classmates.

In reality, Ayanokoji is better than me, but even though his outwardly rated ability has gone up a little, I'm probably better than him, so there shouldn't be any discomfort.

"Wait, what does that mean?!"

Horikita, who knows a little about Ayanokoji's true potential, intervenes.

If she knew Ayanokoji was serious like Arisu and Ryuen, she would do her best to stop me.

However, it would be troublesome if Horikita was all concerned about him, so I ignored her.

"What do you think? I wanted a private army too, right? Why don't you work part-time until I move to Arisu's class?"

I continue talking with Ayanokoji without looking at Horikita.

"A part-time job? Can you give me points?"

"Well, basically. I can also ask Arisu to introduce you to other girls from Class A. So how about enjoying your youth from there?"

In fact, there is a possibility that Ayanokoji's rating has gone up among the girls in A class due to this result.

It's not like there aren't some people who are quite enthusiastic about it, and I don't think there will be that much dissatisfaction when Arisu makes introductions.

"Wait. I won't accept that."

"You don't admit it? That's strange. Last time I checked you cheated on Ayanokoji and slept with Sudo. So, no matter who Ayanokoji is with, it's his freedom. Or is Ayanokoji dating someone? If that's the case, I'll retract my previous statement."

"....No. I'm not dating anyone." with Suzune" Sudo, muttered quietly on his desk, with his face bright red.

".... Hikigaya-kun! Is there really something wrong with your brain like I previously thought?! How many times do I have to tell you? That I am not interested in stupid things like dating!" Horikita shouted out loud, her voice echoing in the classroom.

Her face was red with anger or shame, I didn't know?

Then all of sudden she tried to hit me with a punch with an inhuman level of speed, I was barely able to dodge it!

Where did this ridiculous speed come from?!

"You! Come back here, I'll definitely make you pay this time for harassing me!" Apparently, Horikita was quite furious and have no intention of letting me go.

I looked towards Sudo for help, but he looked a little lost. So, I looked at her deskmate Ayanokoji.

"....." Ayanokoji. 'I really don't want to help him. It's Hikigaya's own fault, right?'

He was still holding a grudge.

Hikigaya immediately understood.

This bastard! Don't stay quiet!

He glared at Ayanokoji, his eyes telling, "I'll definitely complain to Arisu and make sure to get you in trouble!"

"....." Ayanokoji.

"...." Karuizawa. Oh, She was furious. Kiyotaka obviously told her that his relationship with Horikita was just like a leader and her henchmen.

But she was deceived!! She glared at both of them, especially Horikita who looked like she wanted to step on Hikigaya.

".....Horikita, calm down. You know how Hikigaya's right? There's no point in correcting him. Besides, I would like to clear this misunderstanding, in front of everyone that Horikita and I never dated, we're just good friends," Ayanakoji said, trying to convince Horikita who still looked reluctant and glared murderously at me.

"....." Sudo. Oh, his son was standing proud in all of his glory, his mind busy in dreamland.

"Anyway, Horikita, you're a criminal on par with Ryuen for interfering with and denying other people's friendships!"

"... Hikigaya-kun, I think y-you should stop talking!" Hirata tried to intervene, who was revived by Ayanokoji but his cries went futile.

Many classmates looked at Hikigaya with admiration, their eyes saying "You're so brave."

Some girls were even gossiping, about hearing this unexpected news of a love triangle?

Their eyes were sparkling, while looking at Horikita with curious eyes wanting to know every single detail about her cuckolding Ayanakoji.

"...Don't bullshit me! It's only natural that I'll stop you from trying to set up a honey trap for my classmates!"

Honey trap? What is this idiot talking about?

"Are you an idiot? If you're going to set a honey trap, you'll set it on trash that has never been useful and will never be useful, rather than someone like Ayanokoji who won against Arisu."

It would be effective if it was set on

a trash like Yamauchi, who was in trouble, but a honey trap would not work on a student with a certain level of ability.

And Ayanokoji is a person on the side that doesn't work.

"In the first place, if you have time to complain to me, why don't you reflect on what happened yesterday?!

You keep attacking me, but you lost your own match, so you have no right to yell at me!"


After making sure that Horikita was silent with regret, I turned to face Ayanokoji.

I don't know what happened to Sudo, but I'm thankful that he's in a daze at the moment.

"Going back to the topic, it's fun to spend time with a woman. If you become a lover, you'll be happy every day. Having a lover will increase your motivation to become stronger."

In fact, I feel like I want to be able to help Hiyori and the others in case they are in a pinch.

When I talked about that much, the color of the three people's eyes changed as they looked at me.

One color is anger and two colors are anxiety.

One of them was Karuizawa, Ayanokoji's pawn, she was glaring in this direction for a while but now it was suddenly directed towards me with a ferocious look on her face, and her eyes were saying, "Don't introduce this idiot to a woman!''

Matsushita, noticing Karuizawa's gaze, had a wry smile on her face.

To put it bluntly, it's scary, but this time I'm not trying to harass Karuizawa.

Sato and Sakura are the ones with a worried look in their eyes.

Sato was dumped by Ayanokoji at Christmas, and according to Ayanokoji, Sakura has been in love with him since the first semester.

And this time, Arisu's order is to harass these two, or more precisely, the small fry who have a crush on Ayanokoji.

The reason for this is simple: relying on Ayanokoji during exams and other events may hold him back and make it difficult for him to stand up to the acting director's harassment.

If it was creep, it would be possible to reject her coldly, but if his true nature spreads and a rift is created, there is a possibility that he will use that rift to harass him, so Ayanokoji probably doesn't want to be too cold-hearted.

After all, they harassed Ayanokoji in various ways in order to get protection points from him.

It is self-evident that they aim for the slightest gap.

Therefore, Arisu's plan is to make it difficult for third parties to rely on Ayanokoji by denying them in a roundabout way.

"Motivation? Yes, motivation may be important. But there are some things I'm concerned about."


"It's fine if you're clearly in love with someone, but if I'm going to interact with girls through someone else's mediation or at a group date, are there any types of girls you recommend or don't like?"

Ayanokoji glances at Sato and Sakura for just a moment while asking the question I wanted.

This guy understands my intentions...Is his insight a monster as well?

"That's right. I recommend a woman who has the same hobbies as you, or something you're interested in but haven't done before."

Absolutely on this one.

No matter how good she looks, if she doesn't speak to you, it's no fun.

In fact, I became friends with Hiyori through reading books, and I also got into Arisu's hobby of playing chess.

"On the other hand, what you can't do is that, at this school you should never accept a girl who doesn't have the ability. If you take a girl who doesn't have the ability as you or worse even lower than you, there's a high chance that she'll rely on you and hold you back in the special exams that will become more difficult in the future.

That's because, in this class, most of them are small fry with no merits.''


Sakura and Sato jump at those words.

In fact, with Yamauchi gone, Sakura has gained the position of being the number one small fry in her grade, and Sato is also at the level of being in the bottom 10 of class D.

Both of them seemed to be aware of it, and listening to what they just said must have driven a wedge into their hearts.

"Well, if you clearly like her, forget what I just said. What's important is your own feelings. Even if you're a small fry, if you fall in love with them, be honest."

"I see. I'll use it as a reference. Also, regarding the topic of working under you, I'm not thinking about it at the moment."

Well, it's only natural that your rating will go down if you take it here. But no problem.

"I see. Well, I won't force you, but if you change your mind, you can always call me."

The purpose is to make it seem to the third party that I like Ayanokoji.

If I do this, even if I talk to Ayanokoji in the future, a third party will think it's a solicitation.

I leave Ayanokoji's seat and sit in my own seat.

At that time, Horikita and Karuizawa glared at me, so I bowed slightly to Karuizawa and waited for HR in the morning. I can understand why Karuizawa is angry, but what's Horikita's problem?

Is she jealous about Ayanakoji meeting other girls than her?

I looked towards another problem child, Sudo who hadn't said anything to me even though I ridiculed Horikita.

But his desk was empty, and nowhere to be found in the class.