Chapter 136

When I entered the room, I saw Ayanokoji and Chabashira-sensei sitting across from each other, but Chabashira-sensei looked at me with surprise.

"I knew Mashima-sensei was coming, but I didn't hear that Hikigaya and Sakayanagi were coming."

"They knew about this incident and came with me. I haven't heard the details yet..."

"There's no problem. The two of you are not unrelated."

Mashima-sensei replied as he looked at Ayanokoji.

On the other hand, Ayanokoji replied with no expression on his face.

I sit down and pull Arisu onto my lap.

The atmosphere was indescribable, but there were only four seats in the reception room, so it couldn't be helped.

"…Now let's get to the main topic, in addition to the notice from Chairman Sakayanagi, I will ask him to explain the contents of the secret meeting that will take place during the thank-you party."

Mashima-sensei pretends he didn't see it and asks Ayanokoji a question.

I'm grateful that I can read the atmosphere around that.

Well, putting that aside, it can't be helped that Mashima-sensei and Chabashira-sensei are concerned about this kind of situation.

"We gathered at a busy time to discuss the true identity of Acting President Tsukishiro and his intervention in the end-of-year exams.''

The two teachers looked confused at those words. Well, it would be natural if a student suddenly said something like that.

"I heard that you had something important to say, but... are you making fun of us?"

"I may have some thoughts, but please listen to Ayanokoji-kun until the end."

After Arisu replies to Chabashira-sensei's question, she asks Ayanokoji to continue speaking.

Ayanokoji nods, and then explains that he was the reason why Chairman Sakayanagi restrained Tsukishiro, that the class vote was an exam to get him expelled, and that the end-of-year exam was for chess.

I explained that he intervened but failed and changed the difficulty of the Chinese and typing questions and took away the protect points, and that we joined the discussion because Arisu was dissatisfied with the boring intervention.

After explaining everything, the two teachers had difficult expressions on their faces. Chabashira was the first to speak.

''...To be honest, I have a strong feeling of disbelief. However, the fact that the three of them went out of their way to create this situation, and since Hikigaya, who has no interest in anyone other than his lover, is here, it's unlikely that it is a lie."

I guess so. Personally, I wanted to pretend that I didn't notice the discomfort at that time, but I understood Arisu's desire to come out and win.

The fact that I'm here for the sake of Arisu, lends credibility.

"That's right. Judging from Sakayanagi's personality and way of thinking, she would have thrown out all the exams if she wanted Ayanokoji to win on purpose. There is no point in lifting him up if he is prepared to lower his own evaluation."

Of course. There's no need to go out of your way to talk about something suspicious in a place like this or at a time like this.

"But that doesn't mean there's no way to confirm whether it's true or not. At least, it's not something I can accept with the materials we have now."

What Mashima-sensei is saying is natural. Without conclusive evidence, it will be extremely difficult to gain cooperation.

"It's true that the situation at the school has been strange since Acting Director Tsukishiro came, and I don't think that the three of you would tell a useless lie, but there is no basis that

he even cheated to get a student expelled. It's hard to believe it if

I don't know why he's trying to do this or who Ayanokoji really is?''

Everyone in the room looked at Ayanokoji at Mashima-sensei's words.

I don't think he would be honest about the White Room. Or rather, even if he were to talk about it, there is a high possibility that it would be dismissed as a joke.

While thinking this, Ayanokoji remained silent. Deciding that he cannot speak, Mashima-sensei looks at Chabashira-sensei.

"Do you know about Ayanokoji?"

"When Ayanokoji entered the school, the Chairman told me that he was a special student and to report any problems. Also, his father was a person of authority and did not want Ayanokoji to enter this school. , it seems that the Chairman Sakayanagi  semi-forcefully granted admission.''

Well, it's pretty much as expected.

However, there is one thing that doesn't make sense. If you want to go that far and get Ayanokoji expelled, you shouldn't let him leave the White Room in the first place.

I don't know the details of what kind of facility it is, but it probably has strong authority over the government, so it would be foolish to let this guy pass.

"My father is acquainted with Ayanokoji-kun, and he enrolled him in this school because he was concerned about the unfortunate circumstances in which he was placed, but now that this is becoming a problem, my father has been ordered to refrain from acting, and Tsukishiro has become the acting director of the board."

"You can't just go out of your way to protest something like that to the school."

"His father has already notified Ayanokoji to expel from school. I had a meeting with the chairman and his father in this room. If you have any doubts, please check the surveillance cameras."

And Ayanokoji and the chairman refused?

Even if they didn't do that in the first place, they could have just kidnapped Ayanokoji when they entered the school, right?

"...I understand the story. In short, it seems like the father is trying to take his son back...but there is a lack of reality in trying to expel him from school in this way."

Well, I can't help it. It would be unheard of for the president to be restrained in order to expel his son from school.

"Mashima-sensei. I can't help but disagree, but this is reality and the only truth."

"It's true that there's no evidence. But it's enough for the teachers to keep an eye on Tsukishiro, so I'd like you to do it even if you have doubts. If you decide it's white, you can withdraw immediately."

You won't believe it, but if I can at least get it to work, I'd be grateful enough.

At this point, Chabashira-sensei looks at me with surprise.

"Anyway, I can't believe Hikigaya is that passionate about anything other than his girlfriend."

"Chabashira-sensei, you're misunderstanding. I'm only cooperating because Arisu, is dissatisfied with the outcome. If she doesn't move, I won't either."

My top priority is my three lovers, and I don't think I'll waver on this. In addition, if Arisu is in a pinch due to this incident, I plan to cut off Ayanokoji and help Arisu.

While I was replying like that, Mashima-sensei closed his eyes once and then looked at us.

"What if I refuse to cooperate?"

"In that case, it will be difficult to prevent Acting Director Tsukishiro from cheating, so we have no choice but to create an environment that makes it difficult for him to cheat. Fortunately, we have a collaborator called B class, and a sacrifice called C class, who will become D class next month."

Mashima-sensei and Chabashira-sensei's eyes twitched at Arisu's words.

However, I understand what Arisu is trying to do.

There are various ways to expel Ayanokouji, but the most likely one is to slip into the chaos of a melee between all classes and deliver a deadly blow.

In a melee, you need to be on guard in all directions, but it's tough to be on guard 24/7.

The countermeasure is to concentrate on attacking one class and avoid it being a melee.

And Ichinose's class is the perfect person to be criticized.

Originally, Arisu was planning to attack Ichinose and the others together with Ryuen.

And my class will probably abandon the alliance before the second year.

Even if we continue to team up with C-class, we won't be able to defeat the AB alliance.

They would think it would be foolish to continue the alliance.

In any case, if the alliance is broken, my class will probably take advantage of it and hit Ichinose's class to avoid losing, but if that happens, it will be a 3-on-1 situation, and the element of melee will fade, and Ayanokoji will also be able to respond to Tsukishiro's stab.

We can strengthen our vigilance.

If there's a problem, it's the exams where new first-year students come from the White Room and are paired with them, but I can't really help out with that, so I'd like Ayakoji to do his best.

"But even if you take that into account, we'll still have a hard time. In fact, the school allowed him to cheat on the end-of-year exam."

Ayanokoji adds to Arisu. After all, it is extremely difficult for students to disobey the president. This can't be helped.

"...Well then, let's keep an eye out for any involvement of Acting President Tsukishiro in the upcoming special exams and written exams. There's no way the school could fraudulently change the content or exams."

During the discussion, it was decided that Professor Mashima would join us.

If even one person in a teacher's position is on your side, the situation will be much better.

"However, Mashima-sensei was just given a pay cut this morning for violating the rules for the end-of-year exam, so wouldn't it be better to stay out of trouble?"

Chabashira-sensei says that, but most likely it's about judo in a match between Class B and Class C.

Apparently Tsukishiro didn't like it.b

"Yesterday's incident and the incident I just talked about are the same. If I judge that it is dangerous for the students, I will stop it. If there is any injustice, I will correct it. As a teacher, it is natural, and I am always prepared."

Mr. Mashima is serious. In fact, when I was injured, he was fair in judging the perpetrator.

The other three, Chabashira-sensei, Sakagami-sensei, and Hoshinomiya-sensei, had their personal feelings exposed.

"...If Mashima-sensei's decision is that firm, I'll cooperate with you as well. I won't reveal this story."

"I'm grateful for that. It would be troublesome if Hoshinomiya-sensei asked about it."

Chabashira-sensei and Mashima-sensei's eyebrows twitched at those words, but it seemed like a game of bingo.

Chabashira-sensei and Hoshinomiya-sensei often play around with each other, but to me, Hoshinomiya-sensei's feelings towards Chabashira-sensei include hatred.

In addition, it would be troublesome if it became known that Arisu and I, who are bashing Ichinose, are in the same camp as Chabashira-sensei.

"For now, I plan to be on Ayanokoji-kun's side until my father's restraint is lifted. I originally intended to make the C-class unable to recover, so I will use it to protect Ayanokoji-kun."

"Sakayanagi. It's the same with Hikigaya, but it can't be helped tactically to hit students from other classes, but don't go too far."

Mashima-sensei warns me. Well, once Arisu, Ryuen, and I decided to crush Totsuka, Kushida, and Ichinose, we did it thoroughly.

It's only natural that they should be careful.

Arisu only smiled meaningfully at Mashima-sensei's warning.

Seeing Arisu like that, Mashima-sensei sighs and then opens his mouth.

"Lastly, I would like to confirm that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by Acting Director Tsukishiro, right?"

"It's probably already deleted."

"Then I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens next."

Well, it would be too stupid for him to act so flashy and not destroy the evidence.

At this point, Chabashira-sensei looked at the clock and then looked at us.

"It's almost 30 minutes. We can't leave the thank-you party forever, so it's time for you all to leave. We'll leave after a little while."

"Got it"

We nod and leave the drawing room.

"For now, I've got a backer and an observer, so things are better to some extent."

"Mashima-sensei is in charge of the first-year homeroom teacher, so he will be close to the acting director.''

"However, his strong sense of justice may be a negative factor."

What Ayanokoji said is correct. For better or worse, Mashima-sensei is too serious, and he may go into things too deeply, but that's what worries me.

"Well, that's not something we, as students, should interfere with, so we should just wait until they become second-year students..."

Look at Ayanokoji once.

"I'm sure Ayanokoji owes me something, right?"

This guy, who brought trouble onto me when I played chess with Horikita before the end-of-year exams, owes me a debt.

"But didn't I return it during that day when Horikita was about to pun-

"Ow!" I stepped on his left foot.

"Don't try to be a smartass!" I scolded him angrily.

"No violence!" Ayanokoji cries in pain, but I ignored it and gave Arisu a look.

She grinned evilly, as if  understanding my intentions and raised her cane to step on Ayanakoji's right foot.

"Stop! Stop! Please don't bully me, okay? What are your demands?" Ayanokoji replied hurriedly, trying to save his other foot from getting crushed.

Since he asked me like that, I took a breather...

"It's simple. Teach me all the combat techniques you learned in the White Room."