Chapter 138

"Hmm...well, three minutes have passed, so let's go to the next game."

I say this while pulling my tongue out of Matsushita's ear.

Matsushita in question turned bright red and was out of breath. Did I attack a little too much?

"Huh...hmm, Hikigaya-kun is so merciless. Sakayanagi-san and the others are usually attacked like this...?"

"Yes. When Hachiman-kun attacks, he attacks."

"I'm telling you, don't complain about this action, okay?"

This time I only did it because it was a punishment game. Additionally, Arisu and the others didn't approve of the change, so there was no reason for them to complain.

"I understand. It's a punishment game, so Hachiman-kun isn't at fault. But looking at Matsushita-san, it seems like she was given a hard punishment."

Well, from Matsushita's point of view, it was a sudden attack on her ears.

Arisu sympathizes with her, but if she's going to hold a grudge against me, she should hold a grudge against Masumi, who came up with such a punishment.

"Then how about some poker next time?"

"Poker? I only know the simple rules."

"I don't know the details either."

Apparently Masumi and Hiyori don't know the detailed rules. Well then it can't be helped

"Then how about a simple rule that allows you to change things without coins up to two times?"

Then it'll end quickly.

When I suggested that, everyone agreed, so Matsushita finally got back on her feet and took the first five cards, so I followed suit, and when everyone had taken them, I checked the cards, but...

(Oh, it's Full House!)

It was a full house. If this is the case, the probability of it breaking is close to zero.

"I don't change."

"Neither do I."

"Neither do I."

"I'll pass too."

"I'm fine too."

Forehead? Why don't you all change?

Maybe I'll lose this too?

Even though I thought so, we announced the card...

Me → Queen and 10 Full House

Hiyori → 13 4 cards

Masumi → Heart Flash

Matsushita → Flash of spades

Arisu → straight from 3 to 7

Comparing the hands that the five players made in poker, Hiyori's 4 card is the strongest and Arisu's straight is the weakest, so this time Arisu will receive a penalty game.

"Is it me? Well, I guess it can't be helped."

Arisu smiled bitterly as she reached into the box and pulled out a piece of paper to check.

But she soon stiffens. Well, what did you pull?

As I was wondering this, Arisu turned bright red and glared at me while trembling. Judging from that reaction...

Woohoo! 'Let's get the tools ready.'

"It's Hachiman-kun after all! What kind of punishment game are you writing?!"

Arisu yells and slams the paper down.

When I looked at it, it was exactly as I expected, and it said that she would "become a baby for 15 minutes and indulge the opposite sex (with tools)."

"Ah, baby... and there are tools... Kuku...!"

"I-I feel sorry for you, but please do your best...hehe."

Masumi and Matsushita are holding back their laughter, but their mouths are loose.

"Arisu-san, you'll be able to turn into a cute baby, please do your best."

On the other hand, the natural Hiyori gives words of encouragement, but from Arisu's perspective, Hiyori's encouragement is likely to be more damaging than Masumi's.

"No matter what, you lost, so get off your chest."

While saying this, I pull out giant baby clothes that fit Arisu's body, a pacifier, a baby bottle, and a rattle from the back of the closet.

Seeing this, Masumi and Matsushita had tears in their eyes as if they had reached their limit of laughter.

"For now, please go to the changing room and change into baby clothes."

"Please be prepared for the next game...!"

Arisu turns bright red with anger and shame, but as if she has no intention of going against the punishment game, she grabs baby clothes and heads to the changing room.

In the meantime, I go to the refrigerator and fill the baby bottle with milk.

"Hey, when did you buy it?"

"A while ago. Yesterday I dressed her up as an elementary school student, but I also wanted to dress her up as a baby, but I never thought the opportunity would come this soon."

Today is truly a lucky day. I'm so lucky that tomorrow I might be unlucky.

I heard footsteps coming from the changing room, so I looked there...

"Well. You're cute, Arisu-san."

Arisu comes in wearing baby clothes.

Hiyori compliments her sincerely, and Arisu glares at Hiyori in embarrassment.

"...! Fufu...!"

"Well, I can't do it anymore…!"

And Masumi and Matsushita can't help but laugh, hitting the floor as they laugh.

I just hugged Arisu and put her on my lap.

"Come on. Please indulge me as much as you want from now on."

"It's humiliating, but it's a punishment ga-

"No, no. Babies can't talk, right?''

"Damn it! .... ah~''

Arisu looks embarrassed and nods slightly at the end, making a baby-like sound. She's crazy, super cute.

In that case, I'll become a father too.

"Good, good. You're so cute... I think you're hungry. I'll give you some milk."

While changing my tone, I pointed at her with a baby bottle filled with milk.

"~~~~! Ugh!"

Arisu turns bright red with embarrassment, but without protesting, she nods, puts her mouth into the baby bottle, and begins drinking milk.

It looks exactly like a baby. I took a  picture with Arisu doing it.

When Arisu drinks about half of it, she takes her mouth off the bottle, so I wipe her mouth with a handkerchief and gently pat her head.

"Good girl, I'm looking forward to seeing you grow up..."

"Mmm, ah"

When I said that while kissing Arisu's forehead, Arisu turned away as if she was being unfaithful.

That gesture was so endearing that I picked Arisu up with one hand and made her suck the pacifier with her free hand.


Arisu blushes with embarrassment and glares as I hold the pacifier in her mouth, so she doesn't look intimidating at all, just cute.

"Arisu is really cute~ Let's do your best to become a good wife in the future~"

I say this to Arisu while making a rattle sound.

Arisu trembles when she hears a rattling sound, and Masumi takes a picture of her with her cell phone camera.

In a sense, it will be a weaker point than Masumi's shoplifting joke.

However, if Arisu and I have a child, if we inherit a lot of Arisu's blood, it will likely turn out to be a cute, silver-haired child like Arisu, so I can't help but look forward to it.

Well, no matter what, I want Arisu and my child to maintain their pure and innocent personalities.

I'm confident that I can love any child, but I get scared when I think about what would happen if their personalities were distorted and a few screws came loose like ours.

As I was pampering Arisu with these thoughts in mind, the alarm went off and Arisu immediately took off her pacifier.

"It's time, so it's over. I'm going to change!"

Arisu gets up as quickly as possible and heads to the changing room. Judging from her expression, she seems to be humiliated.

"Ah, it was fun. I wish you'd put a diaper on her too!"

Masumi says something like that, but I think I'd seriously get killed if I did that... Well, in a way, I'd like to see it.

As I was imagining this while feeling scared inside, Arisu came from the changing room, changed into civilian clothes.

However, there were many blue streaks on her forehead that showed her anger.

"Fufufufufu... It looked like you had a lot of fun, Hachiman-kun. I was so embarrassed I almost died!" Arisu laughed creepily, but it wasn't funny at all.

"But it's a punishment game, so there's no reason for you to complain."

"Yeah. I understand. That's why I'll give you a punishment in return!"

That's what I'm saying, but as long as I don't end up in last place, it won't be a problem, and even if I end up in last place, I'll be fine as long as I don't lose the lottery.

"Then let's play the next game. I would like to play poker again."

Arisu makes such a suggestion, but since I have no particular complaints, I cut up the cards and deal out 5 cards each...

(Tsk. Don't you have a pair?)

Unlike before, there wasn't even a pair.

If this happens, I have no choice but to bet on change.

With that in mind, I changed hands twice, but the card in my hand was still a pig.

If this happens, I'll reveal the card hoping that someone else is also a pig...

Matsushita → two pair

Masumi → One pair

Hiyori → Full House

And Arisu...

"It's a royal straight flush."

It was an unexpected royal straight flush and the strongest role. There is no cheating. Because I dealt the cards.

It was my loss anyway. Arisu's words are becoming reality.

(No, it's still okay. As long as you don't draw a losing lottery, there's no problem.)

"Now then, Hachiman-kun. Please draw the lottery."

Arisu happily holds out the box, so I pull out a piece of paper, praying that it will be a better punishment game...

"Put on a collar and be the dog of the person who is shortest in height among the other four people for 15 minutes.''

It's definitely a losing lottery, yeah.


"Hehehe… I never thought that Hachiman-kun would pull the punishment game that I wanted him to play…"

Arisu laughs happily and holds up the paper I pulled out...

"Put on a collar and be the dog of the person who is shortest in height among other four people for 15 minutes.'' written on it.

After all, it's a punishment game written by Arisu. When it says that the dog will be the dog of the person who is the shortest in height, it is obvious that it was written by Arisu, who is the shortest among us.

"Hehe, Then, as promised, I will turn you into a dog!"

While saying this, Arisu takes out a blue collar with a leash from her desk, then grins and holds it out to me.

To be honest, I don't want to do it, but since I made Arisu play the punishment game, I have no intention of running away and quietly attach the collar.

"Is this okay? Besides, even though dogs don't usually wear clothes, I'll reject requests to take them off."

"Of course. As long as Matsushita-san is here, I won't ask for anything like that. Also, from now on, you'll walk on all fours and can't speak human language."

Well, since I told Arisu to pretend to be a baby, that's what I'll do.


I decided to walk on all fours and pretend to be a dog.

"Hehe, that's cute. Now, let's take a walk around the room."

It was good. As expected, I wanted you to refrain from going out of the room.

Although I felt relieved inwardly, I started walking without going against Arisu.

At the same time, Matsushita was laughing happily and closing the distance.

"Ah, it's been a while, Sakayanagi-san. Did you get a new dog?"

That's what she's saying, but I guess it's because I'm fulfilling my role.

I guess it's like a friend I met while taking a walk, based on the situation.

"Good mood, Matsushita-san. That's right, this is Hachi, who I recently started keeping. Hachi, please say hello."

In other words, you should say hello in dog language...


"Oh, you're so cute, so good."

Matsushita smiles and pats my head. Masumi and Hiyori who were behind her were laughing happily, but from my point of view it was extremely humiliating.

"Yes. Please sit down."

That's what I was told, so I sat down.

Then, without a moment's delay, Matsushita crouched down.

At that time, the black shorts that were inside Matsushita's skirt were visible.

"Hachi, your hands."

Meanwhile, Matsushita puts her hand on me and says something like that.

I was frankly irritated, but I didn't show it on his face and put my hand on her face.

"Oh, good boy, good boy!"

As Matsushita praises them, Hiyori and Masumi get up and go to the kitchen, where they bring out a plate of ham and milk.

"Are you hungry?"

"Please eat if you like."

Does that mean you can eat without using your hands?

"Thank you very much. Hachi, we shouldn't let this generous favor go to waste. Enjoy!"

Arisu smiles and urges me to eat, so I reluctantly eat more of the ham on top and drink the milk.

At that time, the way the four of them looked at me was filled with compassion, and it was really embarrassing...

(Quickly finish...)

With this in mind, I continued to pretend to be a dog, taking walks without disobeying Arisu's orders, being groomed, and performing tricks...

"It's time. Let's end this."

When the end time finally came, I removed the collar and returned to walking on two legs.

It was the longest 15 minutes of my life.

"Anyway, Hikigaya-kun was quite cute!"

"Leave me alone. You humiliated me too, didn't you?"

"Good. It's a punishment game, so let's move on."

Matsushita says this as she begins to prepare the playing cards.

Next time I'll escape from the punishment game...

2 hours later...

"Now then, let's play the last game."

I've played a few games since then, but they were pretty hard punishment games.

Masumi, on Matsushita's orders, became a sex girl for 15 minutes and made our abdominal muscles collapse...

Hiyori called me and Matsushita papa and mama on my orders, and Arisu and Masumi looked at us with envy...

Arisu seductively licked the banana at Hiyori's command, stimulating my rationality...

At Masumi's orders, she had Arisu herself, who was the shortest in height, massage her chest in front of the other three, and we were subjected to various punishment games.

And only Matsushita did not receive a punishment game. She has gone from 1st to 4th place, but she hasn't been beaten even once, so I would like to give her a punishment game at the end.

"Then how about without the old lady at the end?"

"Well, I didn't do the old lady removal. That's good."

The other three people don't object to Matsushita's proposal, so I start dealing cards.

At the beginning, me, Matsushita, and Masumi have 11 cards, and Hiyori and Arisu have 10 cards, but after discarding the pairs, Matsushita and Masumi have 7 cards, I have 5 cards, and Hiyori and Arisu have 6 cards. It became one piece.

I don't have a joker in my hand, so I have the best advantage, but luck is important when it comes to picking old women, so I don't know yet.

"Then, Hiyori-san, who came in first place last time, please draw Masumi-san's card."

Hiyori nods and receives a card from Masumi, and she discards the card she drew and the two cards from her hand.

Next, Arisu receives a card from Hiyori, but instead of discarding it, she hands it to me.

It's impossible to see through Arisu's poker face, so I draw a random card and when the numbers match, I throw it away.

Now I have 4 cards, and when Matsushita draws my card, I have 3 cards.

After that, they exchanged cards for a while, but everyone had a good poker face, and I couldn't really tell who had the joker.

I look at Arisu's cards even though I have doubts. The only card in my hand is the 6 of Clover.

If Matsushita has a 6, it will only go up for a while.

While thinking about this, Arisu pulled and the Joker came out.

When I looked at Arisu, she had the same expression as usual, but her mouth was slightly distorted by a millimeter.

I was able to see through it because I usually watch Arisu, but I don't think a third party would be able to see through it.

I also pointed the card at Matsushita without showing any smug expression on my face, and without hesitation Matsushita drew a joker, but without changing her expression, she thrust the card at Masumi.

Then Masumi draws a card but does not discard it, Hiyori draws Masumi's card but again the card is not discarded, and Arisu draws Hiyori's card.

But again, no cards were discarded. I don't think so, but is the Joker spinning?

I look at the four cards in Arisu's hand and touch them one by one, but Arisu's expression doesn't change.

So, I was reluctant to draw a card and it was 6 of spades.

"Ah, it's up."

While saying this, I discard all the cards in my hand. 1 out.

"Oh, Hachiman-kun is in first place? Next is Matsushita-san's turn, but in this case, please draw Arisu-san's card."

"Yes, yes"

Matsushita nods and takes the card, but without discarding her hand, she hands the card to Masumi.

When Masumi draws a card...

"Ah, it's up."

It seems like there was a pair, so she discarded two and ended up with one remaining.

Therefore, if Hiyori pulls, she will move up to 2nd place.

"Ah, I'm up too."

It will be higher than Hiyori.

Now it's a one-on-one battle between Arisu and Matsushita. Arisu has two cards and Matsushita has three, and it's Arisu's turn to draw a card next.

When Arisu draws, the bill is not discarded and she puts her hands behind her back.

In other words, it seems like she pulled an old man.

Matsushita then takes one of Arisu's three cards, but puts her hands behind his back and shuffles it.

While everyone is paying attention, Arisu takes a card from Matsushita's hand, but...

"I win."

It looks like she has all the pieces, so she discards the pair and only has one left.

Then, it's Matsushita's turn to draw, so Arisu wins.

"Ah. I wanted it to end without a punishment game, but I can't help it."

Matsushita smiles bitterly as she draws Arisu's card and discards the pair.

Only Joker remains.

"Then, Matsushita, pull the paper."


Matsushita puts her hand into the box I handed her, pulls out a piece of paper, examines it, but freezes.

It seems that there is a punishment game written that is quite outrageous.

Arisu and Masumi opened their mouths while Matsushita silently checked over and over again.

"I think I understand, but..."

"There are no retakes or passes."

Well, I've been embarrassed many times, so I don't think there's any point in running away.

"Okay. So, ha."

As I was thinking about this, Matsushita took a deep breath and approached me...

"Don't complain about it later... hmm."

Just like that, she puts her lips on mine.

I stopped moving due to the unexpected blow, and Hiyori and the others looked stunned.

Forehead? W-what do you mean?

Why are you kissing me all of a sudden?!

While I was wondering, Matsushita wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine.

At that moment, Hiyori and the others restarted, and Masumi pulled Matsushita's back.

"Ah, what are you doing all of a sudden...!"

Matsushita, on the other hand, looks dissatisfied and thrusts a piece of paper at her.

"I was just following the punishment game, Look."

When I looked at it, it said, "Hug the person who won first place as a blessing and give them a sweet kiss.''

I didn't write it, and Matsushita and Masumi probably didn't write it either...

"I'm sorry...I wrote this because I wanted Hachiman-kun to do it."

Hiyori looks apologetic and apologizes. Well, there's no way Arisu would write such a gentle punishment game.

"Then, everyone hated it when we played the penalty game, and every time they said there was no redraw or pass, so I thought I shouldn't play it.''

The three of them had difficult expressions upon hearing Matsushita's words.

Well, we asked for a change almost every time, and each time we were suppressed.

"...Well, it's true that we also told each other not to run away from the punishment game, so I guess it can't be helped."

"That's right. But Matsushita-san, no matter how much your escape route was blocked, did you feel any shame?"

Well, I guess so. Normally, it is not strange to feel shame or avoidance.


"Hmm. I don't think I feel like saying that because Hikigaya-kun embarrassed me many times when I was involved in his lucky lewd falls."

Instantly, the temperature in the room drops to absolute zero.

When I look, I see Hiyori, Masumi, and Arisu looking at me with cold eyes.

"I see. By the way, are there any troubles that we don't know about?"

Too bad, there were a lot of troubles that the three of them didn't know about, and we had to do something to keep them quiet...

Thinking so, I panicked and tried to stop it, but it was too late...

"Well, I guess when I fell down, someone kissed my ear, fondled my breasts and butt, and buried his face in my shorts."

My death is confirmed.

A few hours later, I was humiliated by Hiyori and the others, with my arms and legs chained to the bed until morning.