Chapter 151

It's after school, so I head to the gymnasium where the social gathering will be held. It's a observation rather than a participation.

When I entered the gymnasium 10 minutes before the social gathering, I saw that a large number of people had gathered.

Judging by the numbers, there must be about 50 people.

There are about 20 second-year students in Ichinose's class, and from what I can see, they all have good communication skills.

However, since Shiranami, who usually attends Ichinose, is not present, it seems that she was excluded from participating in the exchange event.

As for the other second year students, Hashimoto from Arisu's class is leaning against the wall, but he's probably observing like me.

So, no one from Ryuen's class came, which was as expected.

And I'm the only one in my class... no, Ayanokoji, Horikita, and Sudo are just coming over.

However, the students who participate in this exchange meeting are students who are worried about their academic ability, so they will probably leave immediately.

With this in mind, I waited in a distant place, and when the time came to start, Ichinose stepped forward, followed by Isshiki.

At the same time, 12 students lined up behind Isshiki at a distance and bowed in the same way as Isshiki bowed.

This shows that the students are in good hands, and the second-year students, including Ichinose, have expressions of astonishment on their faces.

But I feel the same way. I didn't expect to be able to take such command on the second day of school...

When we looked at the 12 students in OAA's 1st year C class, 9 were idiots with low academic ability, and 3 were students with high academic ability but lacked quick thinking and social contribution.

Considering this, it means that Isshiki, as a leader, takes the initiative to help students who are anxious.

However, Ichinose knows that Isshiki is my junior, so she is probably wary to some extent.

I'm curious about how to deal with that... huh?

In front of my vision, Isshiki was shaking hands with Ichinose and talking about something, and while doing so, the two of them glanced at me, and Isshiki smiled, but did she say something about me?

In any case, I wasn't close enough to hear it, so I guess I'll listen to it later.

"Once again, I'm Isshiki Iroha, a 1st year C class member. Nice to meet you, Ichinose-senpai."

While speaking, Iroha held out her hand to Ichinose.

"Nice to meet you too. But I didn't expect Isshiki-san to come."

Ichinose replied while holding Isshiki's hand.

"Well, if you think about my senior's self-centeredness, that's true. But now that I'm the class leader, it's dangerous to have too much of an individualistic mindset. If you don't act for the sake of others, you are disqualified as a leader, and the individualistic thinking of you seniors will be of no use in this exam.''

"Ah, ahaha...I understand what you're saying clearly."

Glancing at Hachiman next to Iroha, Ichinose could only smile bitterly at the merciless vitriol she spat out towards Hachiman.

But it cannot be denied.

As a second year student, it's easy to imagine Hachiman's careless attitude, saying,  "Save the weak? You know, it's your fault for not studying regularly.''

"In any case, thank you for giving me this opportunity today."

After saying that, Iroha bowed once again, and the C class students behind her also bowed.

Iroha then returns to the C class students, but Ichinose can't help but be horrified by the fact that she has brought the class together on the second day of school.

The smile that Iroha showed at the entrance ceremony was the same kind of smile as Hachiman, Ryuen, and Arisu, so it was obvious that she had no mercy, but I never imagined that she would be able to put things together this quickly.

Even Ryuuen, who likes violence, took nearly two weeks to become the king of her class.

Ichinose is convinced that Iroha, who is not only ruthless but also has the qualities of a leader, will definitely become the eye of the typhoon for the first year students.

After shaking hands with Isshiki and Ichinose, the meet-and-greet began, but as far as I listened to them, they didn't talk about the special exam, but about what it was like to be at this school and what kind of junior high school life they had until last year.

Start telling a story.

Well, it's natural for the content of the social gathering, but with things like this, we'll have to wait until the end to decide on pairs, but it's not my hobby to wait that long, so I leave the gym ahead of the others.

Hashimoto, Ayanokoji, and the others will probably leave the gymnasium in a little while.

I don't have anything to do and I'm bored, so I thought I'd go to the gym and do some self-training, so I bought a sports drink from the vending machine and walked down the hallway while drinking it.

Then, I turned a corner and was about to head to the first grade classroom that I had used last year.



"What the?"

A girl comes around the corner and bumps into me. As a result, the sports drink in my hand splashed on the girl's uniform, and the juice in the girl's hand splashed on my uniform.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to the corner... Is that, Hikigaya-senpai?"

The girl with red hair and twin tails apologizes, but she calls me by my name.

"No. It was my fault that I wasn't careful enough. Also, since you know my name, does that mean I'm a candidate for a pair?"

My academic ability is A, so it's no surprise that I'm known.

"Well, I'm Ichika Amazawa, a first-year class A student. My academic ability is A, so why don't we team up together? We met here through some kind of connection, and I don't think it's impossible for us to get into the top five if we team up."

That's how she introduces herself, but it's probably not a lie.

You can easily spot it by looking at OAA.

It's true that if two people with A grades in academic ability team up, it's not impossible to earn the 100,000 points given to the top five groups.


"I'm sorry, but it's not something I can just decide on my own."

"Oh, were you worried about someone in your class who didn't do well?"

"That's the place."

In fact, there is a contract with Horikita, and if I pair up a student with high academic ability, I will forfeit 500,000 yen as a penalty.

Even if you are in the top 5, if you receive a penalty, you will lose 400,000 yen in profit.

However, Amasawa seems to understand the situation and nods with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Then, I'm going to the cleaning shop at the shopping mall now, are you going too?"

The school provides two uniforms, but I always take them to the dry cleaners if they get dirty.

It's not expensive, and it's clean the next morning after you order it.

"Then please guide me~"

Hearing that, I nod, change my shoes, and head to Keyaki Mall.

"Anyway, it's unreasonable for seniors to bear the risk of being expelled, regardless of us, isn't it?"

"Well, there'll be penalties regarding  expulsion in the future special exams, so you have to be careful too."

There was expulsion as a penalty for mixed training camps and end-of-year exams, but it can't be helped that you think it's unreasonable.

Well, compared to Forest exam, it's lenient.

"Well, I'm strong so I'll be fine, right?"

Amasawa may be acting like that, but you can see the confidence in her eyes.

I guess she never thought in the slightest that she would fall out.

Curious about Amasawa's attitude, we arrived at the dry cleaners and handed him our jackets.

Now I can go and pick it up before going to school tomorrow.

"Then I'll go now. I've caused you trouble."

"Ah, wait, Senpai. The last thing I want to ask is, is there a training gym or a fighting gym in this shopping mall?"

"There's no fighting gym, but there is a training gym. I was planning on going there, so I'll show you around."

"Thank you. I've been busy studying for entrance exams, so my body has become sluggish. Also, if the senior has no problem can we train together?"

Amasawa says something like that.

She considered me as a pair, so she must know my academic ability and, by extension, my status in OAA.

And even though her physical ability is rated A, I'm sure I'm quite strong enough to take on a challenge.

Then it's not a bad idea to accept it.

It looks like Ayanokoji will be worried about the special exam for a while.


"Thank you. I'm looking forward to it."

Amasawa smiles and thanks me as I head towards the gym.

When I arrived at the gym, I went inside and pointed to a group of folded jerseys.

"There, borrow a jersey and entered the pink door."

"Got it"

Amazawa enters the women's locker room with a red jersey, so I rent a private room and then enter the locker room with a black jersey.

Then, while getting dressed, I started OAA and looked at Amazawa's page.

1-A Ichika Amasawa (Amasawa Ichika)

Academic ability A (87)

Physical ability A- (83)

Quick thinking ability D + (38)

Social contribution C + (57)

Overall B (68)

I see. She is just like me, with high academic ability and physical ability, but not quick thinking and social contribution.

Well, I might be able to make contact with the 1st year A class by taking advantage of the Kumite I'm about to do.

With that thought in mind, I quickly changed my clothes and left the changing room.

"Well, I'm glad I was able to make contact sooner than I expected. Now, I'll be able to see the person that Ayanokoji-senpai has trained."

Amasawa left the girls' locker room with a happy smile.


I changed into a jersey and waited in front of the private room when Amasawa came out and showed her around.

"Hey, is there a room that can't be seen by third parties?"

"Recommended for people who don't want other classes to see them training."

"I see, then let's get started right away."

Amasawa throws her bag and takes a stance.

As far as I can see, it doesn't have a specific shape, so I guess it's a stance that suits her.

Well, I've also been researching all kinds of martial arts, and while I've been beaten up by Ayanokoji, I've been building a style that suits me.

Then it was time to show my stance.

Amasawa's smiling eyes widened, and I instinctively sensed danger, so I reflexively kicked her with my right foot.

At the same time, Amasawa also kicks, and their legs collide with each other, but...

(What is this stupid power...)

To a third party, it might look like we're competing with each other, but it's clear that she's more powerful than me.

It hasn't broken, but if it continues like this, it seems like it will be pushed through with a creaking sound.

I stepped back and fired a straight shot with my left hand. On the other hand, Amasawa seemed to have easily parried it...


She gives me a chop to the left with her right hand. This caused a severe pain that made me think it was going to break.

However, it's obvious that I'll be crushed if I try to defend myself, so while I writhe in pain, I forcefully move my left arm and slam a backfist into Amasawa's side.

"Oops! Don't do it, Senpai."

As I rubbed my numb arm, I saw Amasawa still holding back even after receiving a backfist.

My power has decreased somewhat due to the pain, but even if you take that into account, the reason why she's so strong is because Amasawa's specs are on an order of magnitude, right?

"You're too strong, aren't you? Who are you...?"

I don't think so, but is she an assassin from the White Room?

"In my case, my father is an elite member of the Self-Defense Forces, and my mother is the instructor at a Chinese martial arts dojo.''

Amasawa says such things. I don't know if that's true or not, but it's strong enough to make me think it's true.

(But not bad)

The same goes for Ayanokoji, but the fact that there are people who can become strong like this means that you can reach that realm too.

Thinking of this, I smiled even though I felt the pain, and set out to attack Amasawa.

5 minutes later…

"Haa... haa... haa, haa..."

There are two men and women in a private room. However, Hachiman's entire body is in tatters.

He has taken multiple blows and is gasping for breath, and there are internal bleeding spots on his body hidden under his jersey.

On the other hand, the female Amasawa has been hit by Hachiman's fists several times, but she has not received that much damage and has an overwhelming advantage.

"I had a lot of fun, but I think it's time to give up."

Amasawa says in a playful tone, but she doesn't let her guard down and her eyes aren't smiling. Because...

"Give up? That's stupid. I can't throw away the chance to level up."

This is because I laugh happily and dismiss Amasawa's suggestion.

(If I look at senior's ability, he's above mid-level in my generation. But I'm far more troublesome than them)

That is Amasawa's true intention.

Most of the classmates who fought with me inside the White Room looked at me with fear in their eyes as they were beaten up by me.

However, even though I was beating Hachiman up, I couldn't see any fear; instead, I could see only joy.

The look in his eyes shows that he truly thinks of me as a bundle of experience.

(According to my senior's data, it was written that he was particular about the strong, but this is more than I expected.)

When I enrolled in this school, Tsukishiro showed me the data of all the students.

It included not only her blood type, date of birth, and class she belonged to, but also the junior high school she graduated from and what kind of junior high school life she had.

According to Hachiman's data, when he was a member of Sobu Junior High School, he was always exposed to malicious intent and was in a weak position, but just before entering the High School for Advanced Training, he exposed the bullying, corporal punishment, and all the darkness that existed behind the popular group.

It was revealed that since he entered the school, he has been obsessed with his position as a powerful person and is constantly improving himself.

However, she had not expected that strength would be so important, and Amasawa's interest grew.

"(However, it's more dangerous than this, so it might be a good idea to knock him out)"

In previous battles, Hachiman had used a crazy strategy of counterattacking while receiving attacks, but with this situation, it was obvious that he would repeat this until he passed out.

Amasawa wants to see Hachiman's future, so he has no intention of destroying it.

Therefore, I decided to knock him out and end it.

She then begins to close the distance with Hachiman. Hachiman, on the other hand, swings his left fist at almost the same speed as when he started, even though his entire body is in tatters.

Amasawa also takes her hat off to his tenacity to the extent of forcing him to disguise his pain.

However, Amasawa didn't intend to be fooled and moved her head to avoid it and then landed an uppercut on Hachiman's jaw.

It's a strategy to shake his brain and knock him out.




Immediately after Amasawa's uppercut, Hachiman bites his tongue as hard as he can before losing consciousness.

Blood stains Amasawa's face, but she is astonished by his tenacity, which is more than she could have imagined.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that finally appeared, Hachiman hit Amasawa's Hato with a straight right.


Amasawa gets hit by Moro and is sent flying backwards. Even though she has been training ever since she could remember, if she were to get hit by a pigeon tail, she would still feel intense pain.

I was slammed to the floor, but I ignored the intense pain and forced myself to sit up, taking a stance...



As Amasawa called out to him, Hachiman fell to the ground on his back and showed no signs of moving.

Amasawa approaches Hachiman and touches his chest, but she can feel his heartbeat, so he is not dead.

His body must have reached its limit due to repeated attacks and defenses, and he must have passed out.

"You've finally fainted~, but that's not the kind of blow you want to unleash on a cute maiden~"

As I said this, I rubbed my stomach, which was feeling a lot of pain.

However, contrary to her words, she has a satisfied expression on her face.

His tenacity to the point of biting his tongue in order to keep himself from fainting, and the final blow further pique Amasawa's interest.

"Well, senior is the one who keep picking fights with the White Room student."

The White Room is a facility that gives birth to geniuses by giving thorough education to ordinary people, and creates important human resources for Japan, and the management of the facility believes that they have prepared the best educational system and environment.

However, although Hachiman is an ordinary person, he does not want to be in the position of the weak, so he has been self-improving almost entirely on his own, and his growth rate has exceeded that of most White Room students.

His existence would be extremely unpleasant.

However, from Amasawa's point of view, Hachiman's presence is preferable.

From her point of view, she likes who she is and takes care of herself in the White Room as best as she can, as

to not lose her own self like others.

She hates the existence of the White Room, which is not supposed to have a heart.

She had been intrigued by Hachiman, who picks fights with her, even before she entered the school, and today's kumite made her even more interested.

Amasawa approaches Hachiman and takes off his clothes.

"Please grow up more, Senpai♡"

It would be a great feeling, if someone from the outside world was able to surpass the person that every white room student was trained to do.

With a seductive smile on her face, Amasawa grabbed the first aid kit in the corner of the room and began treating Hachiman.