Chapter 165

Trapped in this ridiculous sandwich, I move my head in order to escape as quickly as possible.


"Hmm! Senpai! I'll step back so don't move!"

However, if you move a little, the two of them will cry out.

"Nah, huff, huff! Don't even make a sound!"

I was about to tell her to back off quickly, but my breath seemed to irritate Amasawa and she jumped up and down, tickling my face.

I had no choice but to stop moving, and Amasawa moved, but I could see her sanctuary in my pitch-black field of vision, so I hurriedly closed my eyes.

"Are you okay to move now?"

"Hmm...I'm going to put on a skirt and pants, so don't open your eyes."



I move my head while saying this. Nanase's breathing can be heard from behind me, but I tried not to pay attention to it.

"Okay, then Senpai, you can open your eyes."

When Amasawa said that to me, I opened my eyes and saw Nanase, who was trying to put on her shorts and exposing her inner sanctum.

I closed my eyes in a panic, but it was clearly burned into my memory.

"Amasawa-san! It's cruel of you to say something like that when I haven't finished yet!"

"Nanase-chan, who pulled down my skirt and panties, was worse!"

You're welcome.

"Oh, that's true, but... ah, it's okay to open it now."

When I opened my eyes after hearing this, I saw that both of them were blushing.

"What really caused senior to fall? Is he ignoring the laws of physics and causing miracles?"

Amasawa tells me that, but I'm frustrated because I can't deny it.

There must be someone at higher power who's responsible for always doing lewd things like this!

"Well, Nanase-chan was at fault this time, so I won't complain, but why don't you fix the way you fell?"

"Ugh...but if you weren't trying to take a picture, I wouldn't have touched you!"

"Well, that's true, but there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

"Wait. Originally, it was my fault that I pushed into Nanase."

In the first place, she didn't fall, so it wasn't Nanase's fault, and if I hadn't done that, then Amasawa wouldn't even try to take a picture.

"No. I-I don't really care."

When Nanase said that even though she seemed embarrassed, Amasawa opened her mouth.

"That's right. Nanase-chan, you seemed to feel really good when  senpai penetrated you. You're definitely a lewd person, right?!" She said while grinning, teasing the poor girl even more.

"Please don't say anything weird! I'm normal!" Nanase couldn't take it, and shouted with all her might.

But it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more rather than this little devil.

"Well, I'll leave it at that... I have something to do so I'll go now, but Senpai, please act according to the laws of physics, okay?"

"Amasawa-san, I'l telling you that I'm normal. You have to believe me!"

Amasawa gives some innovative advice and leaves, but Nanase didn't stop her yelling.

"In any case, Nanase is completely innocent, so it's not your fault." I tried to provide some comfort because her face looked like... she was doubting life.

"N-no...I'd appreciate it if you could just... forget about it right away!"

She says it like that, but it will be quite difficult to forget. Her slightly haired pussy's... completely burned into my memory by now.

"...I'll try my best. For now, I'll go to wash my face under the tap."

After all, I was sandwiched between two girls' private parts. I have a bit of a female smell, and it's impossible to watch a first-year student study in that condition.


"You don't need to apologize. It's my fault."

While saying this, I turn on the nearby water faucet and wash my face. The cool water wakes me up.

"Huh... it's really bad every time."

It's just causing trouble for Nanase.

I rub their butts through their shorts, even putting my face inside it, make Nanase suck my dick even though she fell down, put my hands inside their shorts, fondle their breasts, and kiss each other's cheeks.

I felt so sorry for her, doing things like sucking her nipples, taking off her shorts, and sticking my face in her private parts.

"No, no. There have been a few cases where I've been bad, but there have been times when Nanase obviously felt good, so I don't think she has any intention of suing me. At least, Isshiki didn't do it, even after all that... stuff I did with her." I was muttering quietly to myself.

That helps. Even though it was all due to force majeure, if I kept repeating things like this, I might be found guilty.

"Well, then, please excuse me. I have an appointment with Horikita-senpai and Ayanokoji-senpai from my senior's class..."

Nanase says as she tries to leave, but the next moment a gust of wind blows up and her skirt is blown up, revealing her blue shorts.

At the same time, the scene inside the shorts came to mind vividly, and heat pooled in my face.

"S-excuse me!"

Nanase turns bright red like a boiled octopus, clutches her skirt, and runs off when the wind subsides.

While I couldn't get that scene out of my head, I headed to the library and headed to the place where I met the first years last time, but everyone was already there.

"Sorry I'm late. Well then, let's get started right away."

"Yes. By the way, Senpai, your hair is all wet. Did you have a pool class?"

"No, the fortune-telling sandwich just came true."


Five people had question marks in their heads after hearing my words. It goes without saying, but I don't intend to be completely honest.

"It's nothing. Rather, I've made a countermeasure printout, so I'll have you do it."

While saying this, I handed over the printout.

"A lot of these are questions I learned in junior high school."

"Most of the questions that will appear on the test for you first-year students within a month of entering the school will be reviewed questions from junior high school. So, regarding the questions written on the preparation handout, for mathematics and science, from now on, you will be asked to do these questions.

In terms of English, I included questions that junior high school students tend to make mistakes in, since this is the foundation of what they learn in middle school and third year high school students.

For social studies, I included important topics that are covered in public junior high school textbooks.''

As for private junior high schools, the speed of progress varies depending on the school, and at least it is definitely faster than public junior high schools.

I don't think the school is as bad as it is based on a private junior high school.

"For the Japanese language, I created basic questions based on the questions that our second year students learned in midterm. The goal is for everyone to score 250 points or above.''

The highest academic evaluation of the students here right now is D+. So, according to Chabashira-sensei, it seems that you can get D rank from 200 to 249 points, but I would like to increase it a little more just to be sure.

Isn't the test a one-shot deal?


"Then let's get started. The time limit for each subject is 20 minutes, and the first one is social studies, but once you finish and there's nothing left to review, you can hand the test for that subject to me and move on to the next one."

As I said this, I handed out the papers and encourage them to start. While watching this, I opened the OAA app.

Most of the students other than Class D have already decided on their pairs, but I have to decide quickly.

However, it's called Paper Shuffle, and this school has created a trend of rescuing small fry.

Even for talented students, if someone drops out, they will lose a lot of class points, so I have to help them.

(Next time, would you like to suggest whether we can create a system where students below a certain rank in OAA will not be penalized when they withdraw from the school?)

Well, it will probably be rejected immediately. If that happens, the overall motivation to help small fry will drop significantly, and there is a high possibility that the number of students dropping out will increase.

While I was leisurely thinking about these things, I was thinking about my future plans while looking at the students who had an academic ability of C- or lower in OAA.

Since, by choosing the B or above category, my class could be penalized.

"Um, it's over."

At this point, one student finished, so I closed my phone, took the test paper, handed over another one for the next subject, and started grading.

After that, the other four students also receive test papers and grade them, but all of them have a good understanding of the basics.

This way, I can increase their core without having to work too hard.

I would have hated it if there was someone with a flat head like Yamauchi, but it seems my fears turned out to be unfounded.

Well, I don't think anyone would be that stupid, even in the 1st year D class.

His level of growth is the same as Sakura's, but unlike her, Yamauchi is annoying, he always sexually harasses girls, tells lies that are easily discovered, and he is a talented person who can deduct our points every time he takes a special exam.

Unlike Sakura, who is simply incompetent, it is inevitable that Yamauchi, who makes people uncomfortable, will disappear.

By the way, what is Yamauchi doing now? I hear he's being kept in a temple deep in the mountains, but I don't think he'll ever get better.

"Phew... I've finally made it down the mountain. After that, I'll use the money I stole to go to the Advanced Training School and kill Hikigaya, Koenji, Matsushita, and Yamamura..."

Haruki Yamauchi heads towards the station with a dangerous glare in his eyes.

Yamauchi, who had reached the limit of his harsh training, stole a knife from the kitchen and money from the chief priest's room in the middle of the night to take revenge on Hachiman and his friends for putting him through this.

When he arrived at the station, he tried to get on the escalator to go to the ticket gate, but...

(Wow! It's black!)

He gets excited when he sees the inside of the skirt of the high school girl who was riding earlier.

His sexual desire was pent up because he couldn't even masturbate in the temple.

Yamauchi wanted to see more, so after making sure no one was behind him, he approached the high school girl and bent down.

And that's when I was able to check how deep the butt was. The high school girl senses a displeasure, so she turns around and sees Yamauchi bending over and placing his right hand on his crotch.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa! Peeking! Pervert!"

Yamauchi thinks it's bad, but before he can respond, that high school girl screams.

What's more, a station employee happened to be near the end of the escalator, and when he approached, he saw Yamauchi bending down and placing his right hand on his crotch.

"Station staff! Please help me! He's peeping!"

When the girl screams, station staff come from the office and four station staff surround Yamauchi.

"I'll have you come to the office for a little while."

"W-why? It's obviously her fault that she's wearing such a short skirt!"

As expected, Yamauchi doesn't show any of the results of his training and ends up giving it a shot, just like he did at Advanced Training High School.

When Yamauchi yelled, the knife he had put inside his uniform fell to the ground. The next moment, the station staff's eyes changed color...

"Seize him!"

Two people begin to restrain Yamauchi, one of them pulls out a smartphone and begins to call the police, and one kicks the knife, sending it out of Yamauchi's reach.

"Let me go! I have to kill Hikigaya, Koenji, Matsushita, and Yamamura! Let go!"

Yamauchi's ugly screams echoed through the station, but the security guards did not loosen their grip.

Needless to say, Yamauchi was arrested by the police who arrived, and both the temple and his family home were notified.

He was immediately sent to a juvenile training school, but at that time, his guardian declared that he was isolated, saying,  "This boy has finished the compulsory education, so I don't know anymore!'' and yelled at him even more.


However, Yamauchi did not know this at the time.

He kept screaming at the juvenile detention center, and his release date kept getting delayed until he was finally released three days before he turned 20.

Immediately after being released from prison, he snatched a bag from an old man who was passing by, went straight to a sex industry, and had sex with a prostitute who looked exactly like Chiaki.

As if by chance, he plays forcefully and ends up having a real creampie, breaking the rules even though it's a Yakuza-funded sex shop, and ends up being taken away by men in black and his life ends.

That's the future awaits for the boy named, Yamauchi Haruki.

Who lived no more.