A round fire ball hurled towards earth, it broke through the earth's stratosphere and ozone and crashed into the sea.

A secret group of elite scientists pulled the meteor out of the ocean, unknownst to them they had uncovered a big mistake.

The meteorite was brought to a secret facility.

Experiments were carried out on the meteorite.

The scientists tried multiple times to achieve their goals but they failed every time.

On the 935th try he was born.

 The scream of a woman echoed through the lab's walls as the baby inside tried to pry her open.

She felt her insides boil as the baby kicked and turned.

The scientist infused water into her, to their surprise the water helped.

After a few painstaking hours he was born.

He had beautiful dark skin and emerald green eyes, his eyes emitted so much joy and happiness.

They called him... 935


In a secluded room, 935 slept, monitored by 4 guards outside the room and a camera inside.

A scientist walked in with a tray. The moment she approached him, he opened his eyes.

She approached the six month old baby and knelt before him.

He watched her, she had a facemask on and her hair packed in a tight bun, she wore white gloves on her hand. 

He gave her a puzzled look as she picked something from the tray she brought. It was a scalpel.

She reached for his baby fingers, using the scalpel she made a small cut on his thumb and then used a cotton swab to cover it.

The swab soaked his blood in. Tears welled up in the baby's eyes as he looked at his finger.

He began to cry and the moment he screamed the scientist was suddenly flung to the wall, she smashed her skull on the wall and fell.

Her head bled out.

The baby's tantrum didn't stop there, he kept on crying, the walls began to shake and a gas suddenly crept into the room from the walls.

The gas reached the baby, knocking him out.

Scientists and guards rushed in. The guards went to check on the scientist only to find out she was dead.

The other scientist checked the baby 935 only to see the cut on his finger completely healed as though it was never there.


935 opened his eyes to see himself surrounded by scientist with facemasks covering their face.

He felt a pain on his abdomen and looked down to see his stomach wide open and the scientist pulled out his kidney.

He tried to struggle but his body was strapped in tight to the table.

He couldn't even scream due to the pipe on his mouth, tears streamed down his eyes.


935 tried to escaped.

"Shoot!!" a soldier yelled but another scientist refuted him.

"Don't" the scientist contradicted and the soldier lowered his gun.

935 tried to pry the door open.

"Shoot" a voice said, they turned to see a man in black, he had grey hair neatly packed back, he wore glasses that made him look like a professor.

"Director" the scientist and soldier said together.

The Director ignored them and looked at 935 "You've been a bad boy 935, if you come back i won't punish you" the Director addressed 935 calmly but 935 glared at him.

"Oh well i tried." The Director said and turned around "Shoot him till he can't regenerate" was the order the Director gave before walking away.

The scientist gave 935 a sad look before walking away, leaving 935 with the soldier.

The soldier rained bullets on the young 5 year old, he screamed and begged but soldier followed the order till he noticed 935 was barely breathing.

935's eye was shot out of its socket, he laid there, his heart barely beating. He could barely breath as he felt his blood leave his body.

He closed his eyes, embracing the darkness.

"Don't" he heard an echo in his head "Don't let them win. You must live!" the voice urged him.

Weakly 935 opened his eyes to see scientist approaching him.


Every time 935 tried to escape he would be punished, either his limbs will be cut off until he is too weak regenerate them.

Sometimes he is assaulted by bullets, or they put explosives inside his mouth and his head explodes.

They invented different methods to punish him with every attempted escape.


935 gave him a skeptic look "Please, I don't want any of this. My wife is pregnant, if you wanna break my legs sure, just please let me go back to my family." Tobi pleaded.



They heard an ominous laughter from the darkness. "16" They all heard the voice say. "16 scared little soldiers begging to go to their mummy. Hahahahahahahaaaa" They heard from the darkness. Suddenly the door suddenly began to crease and wrinkle before their very eyes.


935 staggered towards the road, only to be hit by a car.

He gets flung away, a sharp tree shard pieces into the back of his head smashing the chip inside his head.

He stares at the car as it zooms off, his eyes close shut.

After a while a car stops in front of him.

A woman comes out of the car and rushes over to him.

"Oh my!!" she exclaimed as she quickly carried him.

She checked to see the back of his head bleeding. Quickly she rushes back to her car and puts him inside.

She drove him to a hospital.


935 opens his eyes to see a woman sitting by the bed he laid on.

She sees him awake "Oh great you are awake" she chimed as she held his hand.

He looks at her hand as she gently holds his

"What's your name?" She asked him "I'm Lily" she said with a smile.


"Green eyed freak" a boy taunted as he shot a snowball at him.


"Stop it!!" Lily yelled as she rushes over to 935.

He had a man pinned to the wall with an arm wrapped around the man's neck.

"Kai i said stop!!" she ordered and immediately he let the man go and looked at her.

Lily quickly helps the man up "I'm so sorry sir, my boy doesn't know his own strength." she said with a strained chuckle.

"Hands off me" the man said and pushed her away, he rubbed his neck and glared at her "I want you and your stupid son out of my house by next week" he ordered before storming off angrily.

"Yes sir. Of course sir!" Lily said politely as she waved him off. She turned to give 935 a disappointed look. "You've been a bad boy" she said admonishing him.

The moment he heard those words a shiver went down his spine.

"Now i have to punish you" she said sternly.

935 glared at her and clenched his and to form a fist, he body tensed.

"No dessert tonight because of what you did" she simply said and turned around.

935 stared at her shocked, his body eased and he released his feet as he watched her walk away.

"Aren't you coming?" he heard her call, he looked to see her stretching a hand towards him with a warm smile.


"Let's go Kai, now that i have a good job we have to leave okay?" Lily said as she cupped his cheeks.

"I know you like this place but over there i can take you to school and get you everything you want" she said as she knelt before him.

"I promise you we'll be happy together" she added as she placed her forehead against his.


"What about now?" he heard the kid say "Are you scared?" 935 looked up at the man, his green eyes practically glowed.

The man's heartbeat quickened at the sight of his eyes, instinctively he took a step back, air seemed to have frozen in his longs, his ears seemed to have caved in on itself as the world around him suddenly fell silent.

The only sound he could hear was his own heartbeat, even in the cold he could feel beads of sweat forming on his face.

"Th-this... this c-c-can't be happening" the man stuttered and ran inside his house.


"What are you doing?" Peter exclaim. The liquid let out a shriek before it was burned to crisp, leaving nothing but a dark dent on the table.

Lily looked at him panting "Have you gone mad!!" she yelled "Why the fuck would you want to touch that thing?"

"I-I don't know it was like" Peter looked at his hand "Like it was calling out to me"


"Nowhere is safe Raven" Isabella said looking at Melanie as her neck forcefully twisted to the side "If it speaks to you ignore it"


She slowly raised her head to look at Luella, blood began to leak from her eyes and they turned red "Fight it" Isabella said as she pushed Luella away and fell back.