Demon II

935 stood on the bar railings of the stairs with a smile on his face as he watched them. He leaned forward and fell face first down.

The soldiers climbed the flight of stairs cautiously, they head a wheezing sound, by the side they caught a not so clear view of something falling down. A soldier looked down but didn't see a thing. He faced the others and shook his head only for a bullet to pass straight through. From the back of his head it made its grand exit out his forehead. His body frozen by deaths sudden embrace.

His body fell to the side and off the stair railing, his body landed with a loud bang as his skull caves in on him and splatters. The soldiers swallowed hard as they looked back to the soldiers former position to see 935 staring at them with a smile.

The bullet hit not one but two as another soldier crumbled to the ground. "27" They heard 935 say as he took a step forward. Instinctively they all took not one but two back, they even pushed Stone back.

Stone frowned at their reaction "What are you all waiting for kill that demon!!" Stone yelled as he pointed his gun. 935 jumped over the railing and down before the others could react in time.

"What the fuck are you idiots doing?!!" Stone yelled angry "We only have one job, obtain the subject and return it back to the lab" he added.

"At what cost?" they heard a voice ask from behind, Stone squinted his eyes as he tried to pick out who just spoke but the soldiers gave way for him, they stepped aside for Stone to see the soldier. Stone looked past them to see a tall dark man with a gunshot wound to the eye.

The soldier saluted Stone "I'd like to leave sir" he said with a straight face. Stone walked up to him "Say that again" Stone ordered.

"I'd like to leave sir!!" The soldier repeated in a louder tone. "I have a family sir and dying for an unknown cause is not fair to them sir" he added with a salut.

Stone let out a sigh, he could see the stern look on his face "What's your name soldier?" Stone asked in a calm voice.

"Tobi Andrews sir!" the soldier replied Stone as he used his one good eye to look at the others.

"Well Tobi, if you leave now you'd be a disgrace" Stone said firmly but his words didn't seem to demotivate Tobi even for a bit.

Tobi frowned and replied his commander saying "I'd rather be a disgrace right now sir and know i can find another means to provide for my family back at home, than die and have my body thrown like i was never a part of something sir" Tobi's tone was bitter as he spoke "We cannot win over that thing sir, i don't want to waste my life so Director Cross can have his fun with the toy he lost" Tobi added with a salut as he removed his badge and the camera on his side pocket.

Tobi looked at his comrades and saluted them before saluting Stone once more, he gave Stone his badge and camera and turned to leave. As he was walking he heard Stone say "Wait!" making him pause, he turned to look at his commander "Do you want my gun as well sir?" He asked.

"No" Stone replied dryly "You'll need it." He added as he turned to face the others "I hope you live a long healthy life Tobi. Let's go soldiers." Stone said as he continued up the flight of stairs.

"Yes sir!!" Tobi yelled, his voice echoed off the halls. He watched the others turn and follow their commander before he walked away.

While Tobi headed down, Stone and the other soldiers headed up in search of 935, meanwhile in the White room, they all watched his display and Black was not in the least happy.


"Yes sir" Cross answered.

As Tobi walked down the stairs, 935 suddenly landed in front of him, he took a step back as his breathing became frantic, "Please" he let out.

935 took a step towards him and he walked back, "I am not interested in hunting you I swear." Tobi pleaded as he slowly got down on his knees and reached his pocket. Quickly, 935 got to him and pressed his shoulder.

"Ahhhh!!" Tobi screamed as he heard a bone in his shoulder crack "It's not a weapon it's not a weapon." Tobi let out quickly and 935 eased up a bit. Tobi pulled out a picture and showed 935.

935's gaze moved from Tobi to his shaky hand holding the picture. 935 took the picture from him and stared at it. "Those are my two beautiful little girls right there" Tobi explain, "and the woman beside me is my lovely wife, Catherine" he added as he swallowed hard.

935 gave him a skeptic look "Please, I don't want any of this. My wife is pregnant, if you wanna break my legs sure, just please let me go back to my family." Tobi pleaded.

935 gave him a glance before he looked at the picture, he pointed a gun at Tobi, Tobi's eyes welled up, as he closed them tears streamed from his eyes. He suddenly felt as 935 walked past him, he opened his eyes and turned to see 935 walking away "Thank you!!" he yelled as he got up.

He may have lost the picture, but he was glad that his didn't lose his life, he quickly hurried down the stairs.

Meanwhile as the soldiers walked up, 935 suddenly climbed their railing and threw a soldiers down, they quickly turned as they heard the soldiers scream before his body crashed with a big bang down the stairs.

They aimed their gun at 935 and fired, 935 jumped off the railing and clung to the walls, they fired at him as he crawled on the walls and landed on a soldier's shoulder, the others seized fire only for 935 to yank the head of the soldier off his shoulder and throw it at the other soldiers.

The others backed off as their comrades head landed on them, his blood stained their uniforms till it landed on the ground and rolled to the wall.

"Don't give him a chance, shoot" Stone said as he started to shoot at 935, 935 used the body he just beheaded and ran towards the soldier, using the body he rammed at them and tossed a few over the railing to join their comrades down.

Tobi was hurrying down, only for him to hear screaming, followed by the falling body of six soldiers followed by a loud thud as their body kissed the ground. "Well fuck" he cursed as he quickened his pace.

The soldier's bullets pierced the beheaded soldier's body till 935 dropped it, Stone fired aiming at 935's head, the bullet hit his eye and 935 staggered backwards, his head was down and blood dripped out of his eye socket.

"We have to get to higher grounds" Stone ordered. "Everyone hurry to the roof" he said as he made his way up in a haste. The other soldiers followed him except one who stood and watched 935. The bullet that made its home in 935's head dropped to the floor, he looked at the soldier that stayed behind and the soldier watched as the eye Stone had shot out got healed instantly.

935 rushed for the soldier, the soldier on the other hand pointed his gun at him, he had a frown on his face as he faced the charging 935. Images of how his comrades fell one by one flashed through his mind "You bloody demon. DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!" he yelled as he shot at 935, the bullet hit 935 and he was thrown back, his body landed on the floor with a big thud and slid down the stairs.

The others were too busy running for their lives to notice. But those in the White room watched, their breathing halted as the soldier approached 935, Cross and the others could feel their hearts in their throats as they thought the soldier had finally made an end to the rampaging experiment.

The soldier stood above 935 and bent to check his body, he reached out a hand to check if 935 was still breathing and the moment his hand touched 935, 935 opened his eyes and shoved his hand into the soldiers chest. The soldier could feel as 935's small fingers wrapped around his heart.

His gaze met that of 935's who had a bright smile on his face and he could see the joy in 935's eyes as...

(Author's note: Thoughts anyone? Votes anyone?)