
A bullet was shot at the soldier's head, causing his downfall. 935 heard the sound of a helicopter before it came into view. It rose, behind the man that pointed a gun at him. The helicopter shone a bright light at them as it hovered over the building.

Thanks to the light of the helicopter they all could at least see clearly. Stone turned to face the man "General" he muttered.

The general had a frown on his face "Deserters must be dealt with immediately" he commented.

"They even kill their own" The voice snarled.

935 glared at this new appearance. The general took a step forward, his gun still pointed at 935 "On your knees with your hands above your head." the general said calmly.

935 scoffed at the general's words.

The general stood beside Stone "Help the injured men into the helicopter, I'll hold him off" the general said.

Stone saluted, he turned to carry out the orders when he heard someone call out his name. "Stone!" He and the general's gaze were fixed on 935 while the others evacuated.

"You forgot one" 935 said waving the soldier's face in the air with a smile on his face. Stone frowned, he was about to say something when...


Something wet landed on Stone's face, Stone slowly raised his hand to his face and peeled the thing on his face off. He swallowed hard when he saw the face of his fallen soldier in his palm. A lump formed in his throat as he remembered the look on the soldier's peeled-off face before he was dragged away.

"MOVE!!" The general barked as he took a step towards 935.

935 took a defensive stance, his right hand was slightly forward while his left hand was raised to cover his face. His elbow was bent, which created a protective barrier while his knees were bent a bit for agility.

In the eyes of a well-trained general who had been through many fights, this didn't go unnoticed. The general was somewhat pleased, he knew all too well that for 935 to be able to position himself like that, he had at least something up his sleeves.

"Who taught you that move boy?" the general asked as he maintained a safe distance while the others headed for the helicopter.

"No one, I passed by the guard's training room sometimes" 935 replied as he waited for the general to strike first.

The general nodded his head and dropped his gun. He suddenly ran towards 935. A few steps away from 935, he jumped towards him. 935 put his hands together to cover his face before the general's foot landed heavily on 935's hands, the force not only shattered his bones but forced him back a few steps.

The general didn't give him a chance to breathe, he immediately rushed for him and landed a blow to his abdomen. The force lifted him in the air, and he spat out blood as he landed on the floor wheezing and clutching his abdomen.

The general had a smile on his face "Sorry kid, nothing in this world is fair" the general commented as he slowly advanced towards him.

935 coughed out blood as he felt the damage that blow did to his organs, his body eased a little when he felt his insides start to heal, and his shattered bones mending themselves, that was when he pondered on the general's words.

"Nothing is fair" the general heard 935 mutter before a laugh followed suit.

The injured soldiers reached the helicopter, and a soldier let down a rope ladder for them, as one made his way up, he looked left only to see a ventilator shaft hurtling towards him. The shaft knocked him straight off the ladder and down the building.

The cry of the soldier stole the general's attention as they watched him fall to his death.


The soldier's body landed on one of the tanks, crushing every bone in his body upon impact. Blood poured out of his eyes, nose and mouth.

They all faced the general and 935, none of them had the guts to go up the ladder after what just happened to the first person.

The general looked back at 935 who was already on his feet. "Motherfucker!!" the general cursed.

"If you beat me, you and your men can take me and go back safely" 935 challenged "Don't beat me and you can all die trying to escape me"

"We are officially screwed" a soldier commented and swallowed hard.

The general could see the seriousness in 935's eyes as he spoke and without warning he lunged at 935, his fist aimed for 935 face to land a punch.


A loud thud was heard as the general's fist landed on a thick plate of metal, the sounds of bone cracking didn't escape the ears of 935 nor the general, as the general quickly took a step back.

The general held his left arm as he looked towards 935, on the metal before 935 was the general's fist imprint.

"I thought we were fighting hand to hand, involving such things isn't fair you know" the general advised as he stylishly massaged his broken arm.

935 let out a chuckle as he looked at the general "You said it yourself general, nothing in this world is fair." 935 said as he touched the mark the general left on the metal. "I said you should beat me," 935 explained, "I never said it should be fair" 935 added with a smile.

"Careful, your combat force is weak, and your regeneration has become slow. Finish this quickly and leave" The voice warned and 935 nodded in response.

The general charged at 935, he tried to punch 935 but a metal was put before him, he immediately held himself back and instead kicked 935's leg, this caught 935 off guard and he found himself falling to the ground.

The general didn't let him fall as he used his hand to push the metal away and landed a heavy kick on 935's chest.

935 felt his ribcage crack and break within him, as he landed on the floor. He quickly stood up only for punch to land on his face. This time 935 stood his ground instead the punch only barely cracked his skull as he held the general's arm and ripped it straight off.

Everywhere was silent as the two engaged each other. The only sound that could be heard was the helicopter propellers as they spun quickly in the air.

The general took a step back, blood spilt out of his shoulder, and his breathing became heavy due to the increase in blood loss.

935 ran towards the general, the general tried to kick him away only for 935 to hop on the general's leg and use the hand he had ripped off to hit the general's head.

The general staggered back a few steps, blood dripping from his mouth, he looked up only for 935 to pierce his fingers into his eyes, the general groaned as 935 pulled his eyes out of their sockets.

The soldiers watched as their general began to blindly wave his injured hand in the air, in an attempt to fight back.

"General to your left!!" The general heard a soldier call out, he turned to his left and...



(Author's note: Come on guys give him a bit of encouragement, or don't you like what's going on? Are you unentertained? Your comments would be encouraging, send more. Who knows I may release another chapter today)