
935 opens his eyes, he lazily gazes at the ceiling, painted in a neutral tone, illuminated by soft overhead lights. He turned to his left to see a rolling stand with an IV pump delivering fluids through a clear tube to a needle in his arm.


The rhythmic hum of the machine was the only thing that could be heard in the room. From what he could see above the hospital blanket, a bandage was wrapped around his neck and arms.


The room remained silent, with only the occasional beeping sound from the monitoring equipment. He hears a moan and looks down to see a woman sitting by the bed he laid on.


She slowly opens her eyes and sees him awake "Oh great you are awake" she chimes as she holds his hand and sits up "You slept for two whole days, I began to wonder if you'd ever wake up." she teased.


He looks at her hand as she gently holds his. He gives her a puzzled look.


"What's your name?" She asked him "I'm Lily," she said with a smile.


They both stared at each other, neither said a word as they maintained a steady gaze. Lily waited patiently for him to speak but he kept mute.


She let out a sigh "Are you mute?" she asked inquisitively only for 935 to raise a brow at him. Lily opened her mouth to speak but the sound of the curtains being shifted caught both their attention.


A doctor shifted the curtain and walked in, 935's eyes widened, his pupils dilated and his gaze froze as he focused on the doctor.


His muscles tensed and he tightened his jaw, he could feel his heartbeat increase as he remembered the scientist in the lab upon looking at the doctor.


His hands began to tremble, he wanted to move his eyes moved around the room for the nearest object he could use for his defense. Before he could do anything Lily stepped in.


"Let's talk outside doctor," She said as she stood up and quickly pulled the doctor out of the room.


935 let out a sigh as his muscles eased a bit. "Where am I?" he thought to himself as he looked around the room.


After a few minutes, Lily walked in to see him by the window removing the bandages around his arm, he didn't seem to have noticed her walk in until she spoke "What are you doing?"


935 startled by her sudden presence, quickly grabbed a needle from the tray on the table and pointed it at her.


Lily had a smile on her face as she walked towards him, he glared at her, his eyes threatening to hurt her if she moved any further. To his surprise though she kept on walking towards him.


"Stop," 935 said, the moment he spoke she halted and her smile widened.


"I see," she said "So you can talk" she added as she sat on the hospital bed, "If you can talk then, do you mind telling me your name?" she asked again "I told you mine earlier but I guess you where still a bit out of it to reply me, yes" she added with a genuine smile.


935 slowly lowered the injection he held as he stared at her.


"Do you know what happened to you? When I found you, you were seriously wounded" Lily said as she stood up from the bed and headed toward him.`


935 watched her movements as she knelt before him and began to wrap his arm back up, "Where are your parents? Where you attacked? Do you remember what happened?" she asked as she finished wrapping his arm and stood back up, but 935 kept mute with his gaze lowered.


Lily let out a dry sigh, as she saw no sign of a response from the young person before her "Parents?" she heard him say and she quickly knelt before him and cupped his cheek.


"Yes, yes parents, P-A-R-E-N-T-S, you know mummy and daddy," she said with a curious face.


935 looked at her for a while before he shook his head, he watched as Lily's face turned sad "They didn't make it huh?" she said in a low tone.


935 kept quiet and just watched her reaction, suddenly she pulled him in and hugged him tightly. "Sorry," she heard her say.


935 stood, frozen by the sudden embrace. She felt warm as she wrapped her hands around him.


The door suddenly flew open and the doctor stepped in, 935's face turned serious as he tightened the grip on the injection, but a hand suddenly wrapped around his small hand.


"He's a friend," Lily said as she pried his fingers from the injection and held his hand.


"Any luck?" the doctor asked as he walked up to them.


935 suddenly found himself being lifted in the air and Lily's arms.


"Lily careful, he is still hurt!!" the doctor yelled in an alarming tone.


"Relax Pete" Lily said shrugging off the doctor's worries and walking to the bed "He's a warrior" she teased as she sat 935 on the bed.


935 had an astonished look on his face, the doctor walked up to him and began to examine him, 935's attention was entirely on Lily who had a smile on her face as she looked at him.


Pete asked 935 some basic questions like who he was, his name, where he lived, how old he was etc but he didn't have any answer. After some scan and test the doctor walked back in with a paper and handed it to Lily before Lily and him walked out of the room, leaving 935 alone.


"She's not afraid of me," 935 said in a low tone.