
Days went by quietly, Lily and 935 started their day early with a morning jog, it was something 935 had seen on tv and wanted to practice , Lily joined him for the fun of it till it became their little routine.

Sometimes they'd even jog to the edge of town, almost going to the next town, they'd pick up breakfast and return. If it were during school days after breakfast they'd freshen up and Lily would drive him to school. During holidays she'd freshen up and go out, leaving 935 to himself.

935 would either spend his days watching tv, reading or he'd go outside for a walk from time to time. During the holidays, he'd lie in the snow quietly to meditate or call out to Entity.

He did wonder why Entity had stopped talking to him, but he'd remember that Lily said people needed space, so he thought Entity needed space.

The Billy the bully passed by sometimes throwing snowballs at him, but 935 always ignored him and went about his way.

935's days were quiet, he'd go to school and come back with Lily. Thanks to Lily he had been eating and sleeping well, he increased in weight and height, some even said he was quite the size for a 10 year old. Day's turned to months and months to years.

It was a chilly afternoon, two days after Christmas, 935 was sitting by the patio drawing on his sketchbook. A snowball from no where suddenly hit the book, his pencil flew out of his hand and unto the floor.

935 looked up with a frown on his face to see Billy, he had another snowball in his hand and a smug look on his face.

"Come on green eyed freak, show me what you got" Billy taunted him and laughed.

935 stood up and turned to leave, till yet another snowball hit him on the back of his head. 935 turned and glared at Billy.

Billy laughed loudly "Oooo I'm petrified" he teased and rolled his eye, "Stupid freak" he added and started laughing.

935 stepped down from the patio and scooped a hand full of ice. He compressed it with his hand and threw it at Billy who was still busy laughing.

What 935 didn't notice was that he had pressed the ice so hard that he hardened it and he threw a ball of ice at Billy, not a snowball.

The ice ball hit Billy straight in the face and he fell to the ground. 935 walked up to him to see Billy lying unconscious on the ground with his nose red and bleeding.

"Hey!!" 935 heard someone yell, he looked up to see a chubby old man with grey hair walking up to them. This man was not only Billy's father, but he was also the landlord. He went by Sow, so people called him landlord Sow.

Not just his tenants though, most of the people in the town called him that, apparently he owned a lot of land in the town.

Sow walked up to 935 and his son Billy, they moment he saw his son on the floor unconscious with his nose bleeding he turned and slapped 935 hard on his face. The slap made him look the other way, 935 turned and looked at the landlord with a frown.

"You little beast" the landlord scoffed "Is this what your wore of a mother thought you" he cursed out.

"Don't call her that" 935 said with a frown on his face and the landlord smiled.

Sow faced 935 and came close to his face "What was that you little rascal?" he asked "Telling your elders what to do now is it? Seems like I have to teach you how to behave since your mother's too busy sleeping around to teach ya" Sow said as he rolled up his sleeves.

Before he could even face 935, a punch landed straight on his stomach, the force sent him flying and crashing on the next compound's wall. Sow coughed out blood as he landed on the ground.

He looked up to see 935 infront of him, he had yet to process what just happened when he was lifted off the ground and hit against the wall again.

Sow landed on the ground coughing, he was all fours as he coughed out blood. Sow let out wheezing sounds as he tried to catch his breath, he was even sweating in the snow.

"I told you not to call her that" he heard 935 say as he sat on the cold ground with his back against the wall. Sow looked up at 935 who had a cold expression written on his face "Please..." Sow said quietly.

935 held Sow by the neck and said "No body, no evidence" Sow's eyes widened, he was certain that that meant 935 was going to kill him. 935 too engrossed in what he was doing to notice Lily pull over by the house.

Lily stepped out of the car to see Billy on the floor with his nose bleeding "Billy Sow?" she asked no one but herself as she walked up to him, she used her feet and kicked him. Billy let out a weak groan and she sighed out loud with a hand to her chest, "Thank God he's alive" she said and looked around only to see 935 trying to squeeze the life out of her landlord.

"Stop it!!" Lily yelled as she rushed over to 935.

"Kai I said stop!!" she ordered and immediately he let Sow go and looked at her.

Lily quickly helped him up "I'm so sorry sir, my boy doesn't know his own strength." she said with a strained chuckle.

"Hands off me" the man said and pushed her away, he rubbed his neck and glared at her "I want you and your stupid son out of my house by next week or i'm calling the cops" he ordered as he glared at 935 "Little shit" he muttered.

"Yes sir. Of course sir!" Lily said politely as she waved him off.

Sow went and picked up his son before walking away.

Lily turned and faced 935, he could see the disappointed look she gave him. "You've been a bad boy" she said admonishing him.

The moment he heard those words he clenched his fist, a shiver went down his spine as he looked at her.

"Now I have to punish you" she said sternly.

935 glared at her and clenched his hand to form a fist, his body became tense. Was all this a facade? He thought to himself as his mind raced through his next move depending. Would he really be sad if he crushed her windpipe and just ran before she tried anything? His train of thoughts were cut off when he heard her say.

"No dessert tonight because of what you did" she simply said and turned around.

935 stared at her, shocked, his body eased and he released his fist as he watched her walk away. His facial expression was one of disbelief, No dessert? That's it? he asked no one but himself in his head.

"Aren't you coming?" he heard her call, he looked to see her stretching a hand towards him with a warm smile.

Reluctantly 935 took the hand and followed her back inside. 935 sat down on the living room couch, while Lily went straight to the kitchen, she got a bottle of water from the fridge and walked back to him.

"Why'd you do it?" she asked as she opened the bottle of water and drank from it. 935 looked at her, she leaning on the dining table facing him.

"He called you a wore" 935 said before he began to explain what happened, to her. When he was done he asked, "Are we really leaving?" 935 said softly "If he wants an apology I'd say sorry for what I did" he added.