
The car was silent as it drove through the city streets. 935 could see that unlike the town he stayed in before whereas the sun began to set people closed up shop, and started to head home, on the contrary this was a time when people opened their shops, the roads where busy and people still filled the streets.

He saw performers, ranging from human to animals "Is that a monkey?" he blurted out as he looked out the window, the monkey was walking on a thin plank upside down, using his hands as feet.

As it got darker, more lights got turned on, to him it was almost as though stars were flickering around him, he smelt everything. Taking in as much as he could.

While 935 was watching the outside world as they drove through Lily started at the driver who was looking at her through the rear view mirror.

"Yīqiè zhǔnbèi hǎo le ma?" 935 heard Lily say in a foreign language and tone, but he did as though he didn't hear a thing, feigning to be utterly engrossed in what he was seeing.

Lily had asked the driver if everything was ready and he nodded. The driver brought out a box and passed it to her, she opened it and after viewing its content closed it and put it beside her, away from 935.

935 turned and asked "Did you say something?" he inquired, staring at her.

Lily smiled "Yes but not to you" she answered.

"What language was that?" he asked

"Mandarin" she replied curtly.

"Can you teach it to me?"

Lily chuckled "Oh you just love learning now don't you?" she teased.

935 fell asleep after a while, an hour later the car pulled up in front of a gate, Lily opened the box the driver had given her and brought out a phone, she turned it on and after typing some figures in the gate opened and they drove in.

The drove in to a huge compound, the car passed by a majestic fountain before he pulled over in front of a big house.

Lily turned to carry 935 but the moment she touched him he opened his eyes and slowly got up, "Come down, you can sleep in your room" she replied as she watched him cover his mouth as he yawned.

935 got down from the car with his backpack.

"Xiè le" Lily said before getting down with the box and a bag in hand. She quickly put the box inside her bag and walked over to 935.

"Come let's go in" she said and held his hand as they walked up to the front door. There was a keypad by the door, she typed some digits into it and the door unlocked.

Lily and 935 walked into the house and the lights turned on, the moments the door closed they heard a clicking sign, a sigh that the door was locked. There were boxes in the living room with Lily's name on it, "Are those our stuff?" 935 asked as he opened some of the boxes.

Lily nodded, as she looked around. "We should head to bead, we can explore everything tomorrow" Lily said as she walked up to 935. "Come, let's see your room" she said with a smile.

935 followed Lily and they climbed a flight of stairs, after walking a couple of steps they stopped in front of a door, 935 opened the door to see some boxes with his name 'Kai' on it, the bed was huge, but not as big as the room. He walked in and looked around.

He saw a door and opened it to see a big bathroom and inside the bathroom was a large wardrobe and mirrors, he noticed one thing he didn't even have to turn the lights on, the moment he opened the bathroom door, the lights went on.

The colours on the wall was cream white, he walked out to see Lily sitting on his bed waiting for him to finish looking around, not far from his bed was a big table and there was even a makeshift sleeping area by the window.

"I see you love your new room" Lily said as she stood up from the bed. "More things are coming, if there's anything else you need we can get them tomorrow, you should get some sleep" she added with a yawn as she walked to the door.

"Goodnight" She heard him say, she turned and gave him a sleepy smile. "Goodnight" she replied before she opened the door and walked out of the room, leaving him to himself.

Lily walked down the house halls, she opened a door and closed it, there were lost of boxes in her room, she walked up to her bed and dropped the bag she held on the bed before she sat down and removed her shoes.

She massaged her heel before she got up and began emptying the box, taking out everything and putting them in order. After a couple of hours she was left with the last box, it was a lot bigger than the others.

She knelt down and opened it, it was full of guns and explosives, Lily let out a tired sigh and shook her head, "Nope, not tonight" she said out loud to no one.

She dragged the box into her bathroom and put it in the wardrobe. She quickly changed from ther and stepped out of the bathroom with fresh clothes, and a towel around her hair.

The sound of her phone ringing made her pause, she removed the towel from her hair and put it over her shoulder. She climbed her bed and fished her phone out of her bag, she saw the caller ID and smile.

"Hello" she said in a sweet tone.

"Oh please Lily" the person on the line scoffed "You really had to kill him huh?"

Lily chuckled "He was collateral damage, besides it's not like he didn't deserve it" she answered and the person stayed quiet "Peter, don't tell me you are angry" she teased.

She heard him sigh over the phone "You truly are a Valkyrie" Peter said dryly "Are you and the kid there already?" he inquired.

"Yeah" she said as she slumped on the bed "He says thanks for the lenses"

"Sure" Peter replied curtly.

"So" Lily began "How did Sow die?" she asked with a mischievous chuckle.

"Well, Old Sow was put to rest by one of the people who owed him money, we found out about a plan to kill Old Sow so we just helped the guy push it, his plan would have failed put after tweaking it a bit for him, decimating his alibi and planted your gun and other substantial evidence he has been arrested already, paid him off a bit to ensure nothing went wrong, our people ensured he had a safe trip to jail, no questions asked. He'll be gone from this world by next week tops" Peter replied.

"Wow" Lily exclaimed "You are just amazing, no one makes a puzzle like you, you know that, you solve them, them scatter them, amazing" Lily praised.

Peter coughed over the phone "You did a clean one so it was easy" Peter said planely.

Lily smiled, "I am thinking of getting Kai home schooled"

"Why? You know he needs to be out there and experience the-"

"Before you start about his social skills and emotions and memory and blah blah blah" Lily said cutting him off "He socializes and-"

"He's 10 and he only talks to us Lily" Peter admonished, cutting her off. "And that's if we speak to him, or ask him questions" Peter declared.

"Doesn't matter, at least he speaks. Look the idea is just till high school nothing else, I just need you to send over some teachers for him when the time is right," Lily explained. "Let him get settled in properly."

Peter said nothing, she already knew he'd be against the idea but she wanted to tell him anyway. They talked all through the night not just about 935 but other things as well.