
The lights came on and Mika walked out of the bathroom, Kai walked in with some clothes in his hand, he dropped the clothes on the bed and walked into the bathroom.

Kai locked the door and walked over to the sink, he had wrapped the hand that was stabbed with a cloth. The moment he unwrapped it and turned on the tap, blood seeped out of the wound. Kai furrowed his brows as he watched the water turn red and run down the sink.

Unlike the normal colour he remembered it to be, the blood from his hand was dark read, almost looking black. It seeped for a while, and when it stopped the wound from the knife healed instantly.

Was the blade laced with poison? He thought to himself as he washed his hand and took his shower from there.

When he came out he saw Mika reading on table, he walked over to him and grabbed some books from the table. Mika watched as he went to the bed by the window and sat down to read.


Peter entered the backseat and shot the door, beside him was Lily, she had a deep frown on her face as she looked out the window.

Peter brought out a handkerchief from his jacket "Are you okay?" he asked as he reached to clean her face but she pushed his hand away.

Peter let out a sigh as he pulled her towards him and started cleaning the black liquid on her face. Lily scoffed as she looked at him "What was that thing?" she snarled.

"That thing was the target" Peter replied as he cleaned her face.

"That was not human Peter" she said as she looked at him dead in the eye. Peter paused as they stared at each other for a few seconds. The sound of the front door opening caught their attention, they turned to see Burns entering the car.

"Get out" Peter said in a cold voice, Burns gaze moved from Peter to Lily before he retreated away from the vehicle and shut the door.

"Peter i'm telling you-" Lily began but he cut her off.

"I'll look into it" he replied "Never expected the target to be this aggressive, and his blood and well..." Peter paused for a second and looked at Lily's neck, she had bruises on her neck and hand marks indicating the grip that was put there. "Does it hurt?" he asked her in a soft tone.

Lily looked away and shook her head as her hand rubbed her neck "Not really" she murmured.

"Let me see" Peter said and pulled her towards him, he looked from the bruises on her neck to her lips, he found himself drawing closer to her face when his phone rang, snapping them both out of their trance.

Lily faced the window as Peter brought his phone out of his jacket and picked the call, he suddenly yelled for Burns and Burns quickly got into the car.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked concerned.

Peter looked at Burns "Drive" he ordered and Burns immediately started the car and drove away.

"Peter" Lily called with a stern look on her face.

Peter lowered his gaze and said "I just got word that some assassins are headed to your place" the moment Lily heard those words she froze, her breathing became frantic as her heartbeat quickened. "Kai" she whispered in a soft tone as she placed a hand on her chest.

Burns drove as fast as he could, weaving through traffic to get to her house. Peter tried his best to calm her down.

The moment they reached the house gate Lily fidgeted as she tried to input the gate codes. Peter grabbed the phone from her and typed the password, Burns zoomed in, the moment they parked the car in front of the house Lily sped out and raced to the door.

Peter carried a gun and followed behind her. Lily fumbled as she tried to open to the, the moment she did she stormed inside. Her ear rang as she looked around the house, there was no sign of anyone.

She could feel her heartbeat as she rushed up the stair, Peter of course followed her. Kai and Mika were busy ready when Lily suddenly burst into the room panting. They both looked at her, the first thing her eyes landed on was Kai, she didn't even notice Mika's presence when she rushed towards Kai and hugged him.

Mika watched as she embraced him while Kai had a bland look on his face at the sudden intrusion. Peter quickly but his gun behind him and walked in to see Lily hugging Kai. He looked to the side and saw Mika staring at him.

"Peter?" he heard Kai call out and looked at him, "Lily?" Kai said as he pulled away from her embrace "What happened? And didn't you say you were coming back tomorrow?" he asked as he looked at Peter, "Why's Peter here?"

Mika was shocked to hear Kai say so many words, but not as shocked as he was when Lily barged in. Peter cleared his throat and stepped in "Well um, your mum heard there was a fire at home, so she rushed back worried" he said as he walked up to them.

Lily checked his body for any signs of injury "Did anyone stop by the house? Are you alright? " Lily asked as she searched his body.

Kai held her hand and stood up "I should be asking that" he declared "What happened to your neck?"

Lily paused as she placed a hand on her neck, she looked around and saw Mika still sitting down staring at them "Who are you?" She asked in a stern tone.

Mika immediately stood up "Good evening ma'am, my name is Okkotsu Mika" he introduced. As he stood, Lily observed his features, from his injuries to the bruises and marks on his neck.

She turned to Kai and asked "Did you do that to him?" her voice was one of surprise as her eyes moved from Kai and Mika.

A few minutes later.

They were all downstairs, Peter attended to Mika's injuries while Lily and Kai talked. Kai explained everything that had happened to Lily, Peter received a call from Burns that the perimeter was clear and there was no sign of intrusion or a fight.

Peter told him to return but have men stationed outside just incase the assassins where to return.

Lily dropped a tray of orange juice on the table and they each took a glass except Mika, Lily dropped his own in front of him and sat beside Kai, "Is he a friend of yours son?" Lily asked Kai.

"No we are just classmates" Kai answered as he took a sip of his juice. Mika slowly reached for his cup but paused when he heard Lily say "Konbanwa"

Lily and Mika stared at each other and she smiled "You are Japanese right, Okkotsu Mika?" she asked.

He nodded and said "Half, my dad is English"

Lily nodded "Will I be seeing you often?"

Before Mika would reply Kai interjected "No"

They all looked at Kai as he glared at Lily, "Great then" Lily said with a smile "Since he's like this i'd like to invite you to dinner tomorrow, and if you don't mind the weekend as well"

"Lily" Kai called out, but she stood up and went to see with Mika.

"You see i know he probably keeps his distance from the rest you but he's a really sweet child, i'd love the both of you to be friends Mika" she explained with a smile, "The fact that he let you into his room means you have a rough chance too, no one-"

"Enough!" Kai yelled and stood up "I'm going to bed" he said as he dropped the glass of juice and went upstairs.

"You need some rest as well" Peter told Mika, Mika nodded and went upstairs.

Peter stood up and brought a first aid kit before he sat beside Lily, "They look cute together you know" he heard her say, he brought out a medicine from the box and slowly rubbed it on her neck.

"Don't force the kid to make friends" Peter adviced and she chuckled.

"I know" she said and looked at him, she suddenly hugged Peter, burying her face in his neck "What if we got here and he was... dead" Lily said in a shaky voice.

Peter slowly wrapped his arms around her "He's fine Lil" he said as he rubbed her back in a comforting manner.

Lily began to sob "I was so scared you know" she sobbed "What if..." she pulled away from Peter and looked at him "What if something had happened" she asked with tears in her eyes.

Peter pulled her into his embrace "Nothing happened okay, stop worrying" he assured her.

Meanwhile outside a few feet under Kai's shed one of the soldier's opened his eyes. His vision as blurry at first, but soon cleared up to see himself in a dimly lit room. Not far from him was a wall where guns, pistols, explosives, and arrows hung.

On the opposite side of the wall were some medical appliances, saws, axes, knives and some other weapons. He looked to the side to see his teammate, naked unconscious and cuffed to the wall, on both hands and legs.

In front of him were large monitors with almost every view of the house playing at the same time...