Cafeteria II

With only a couple of more step before her, and the panther ganging in on her. She reached out her hand and in an instant her whole world turned pitch black.

They only thing she could remember as her life flashed before her eyes was the door she was so close to reaching.

Her body still ran, headless, yet determined as it made it to the door. The panther like creature stopped a few feet from her body and watched as it slumped and knelt before the opening. Blood shot out of her neck like an erupting volcano, soiling the earth with her essence.

A small monster landed not far from her body, in its maw was Aino's head. She wasn't even granted the privilege of seeing what ended her as it swallowed her head.

The panther like creature sneered at this new monster that appeared out of nowhere and swiped its prize. The creature had a satisfied look on it's face as stared up at the panther. 

The panther could literally see as Aino's head was digesting in the creature, its stomach acid made quick do of any hard tissue in her head as it melted her skull and everything till there was nothing left.

This new creature had no eyes or nose, it was twice the size of Aino's skull, its maw had large sharp fangs sticking out of it. It looked like a ball but half was solid, forming its head, black as the night with tiny tentacles enveloping it.

Its lower half was green and see through, that was where the panther watched Aino's head dissolve. The tentacles around the creatures head stretched out and began to rotate. The speed at which they did looked like the wings of a helicopter.

As the spun quickly the bloby ball creature's body slowly began to rise in the air. The panther let out a hissing sound and thorns at it. The thorns pierced the creatures belly, but it didn't go out, instead the bloby creature digested the thorns.

The panther sneered as it flew away. Once the creature was out of sight it approached Aino's body. It loomed over her body for a while, its head nudged her body a little and it fell to the side. A smell caught its attention and it began sniffing at her corpse.

Satisfied it opened its maw and picked up her body, it threw her up in the air and opened its mouth wide. Her corpse lazily went up in the air and came down, landing inside its mouth. The panther closed its mouth, crushing her bones and flesh as it chewed on her remains.

It sniffed the air and looked at the direction Nour and the others ran to. It let out a low purr as it slowly followed their scent. The same scent it picked up from Aino's remains.




The cafeteria was just ahead of them, Nour looked around them as most of them tried to catch their breath. Before them where a couple of vines, but no monsters in sight.

"The cafeteria is just ahead of us" Nour said to the others, the sun had already set and it was getting hard for them to see "If need be we may have to spend the night there" she explained "Hopefully help comes" she added as she looked over at the cafeteria

"What if there are monsters in there?" Luella asked.

They all went silent, "We have to risk it, or we might as well die out here" Nour said boldly as she took a step forward.

"Avoid the vines" Kai heard Entity said and nodded.

"All we have to do is quietly make it to the door without alerting any creatures around okay?" she told them and looked around "Let's go" she said and began to move.

The other's followed after her, mere feets to the door Mika pulled Kai back, Kai turned to face Mika. He shook his head and whispered "This is too easy," he looked at the cafeteria door "It's far too quiet in there Kai, I say we turn back" he added.

The others heard him and stopped, Nour froze in place, her hand mere inches from the door handle, "Oh please" Jason scoffed and walked up to the door "Whatever's in there can't be as bad as what took that puny classmate of yours" he added.

Nour heard a low rumble coming from the other side of the door, a drop of sweat trickled down the side of her face as she took a step back.

'Come to think of it' she thought to herself 'It is awfully quiet' she tried to peer past the door but unfortunately couldn't see anything 'What is covering the door?' she asked herself as she looked at the cafeteria door, a black substance seemed to be covering the entrance.

"Why can't we see the inside?" Melanie asked.

Jason stomach let out a growl and he groaned "You are all paranoid to me" he shot at them "We'd have to eat eventually, tell them Alex-" he kept mute when a roar pierced the air.


"Fuck this!" he cursed as he held the door handle "If you don't want to enter fine" as he spoke Nour looked at the door and began to back away slowly, and so did the others except Alex.

"Don't open it" Nour whimpered as she backed away, she could feel her heart beating heavily in her chest "Don't open it" this time her voice came out in a plea.

"Nour" Javier called out her name softly but she didn't seem to have heard him as her breathing became frantic.

Mika looked at the door and immediately he felt as though something had gripped his heart, his breath became laboured as he clung to Kai "Smoke..." he whispered softly.

Kai heard him and looked down, black smoke seemed to be slowly pouring out from the small opening at the door. His green eyes glowed slightly and then he saw it "Don't-"

Jason ignored the warning and immediately he opened the door, a huge thick smoke rushed for him, instinctively he took a step back and so did the others who had already given him a good running distance.

 Multiple hands shot out of the smoke and nothing told anyone their next course of action as Eira was the first to turn and run, Javier carried Nour swiftly and began to run, Kai pulled Mika and ran and the others immediately scattered.

Jason tried to run but the hands caught him and pulled him into the cafeteria. 

Kai could feel Mika's heart beating irregularly, he closed his eyes and felt the buildings around them. His eyes darted over to a building close by and he ran for it, the others saw him and followed after him.

They heard overlapping screams as they ran, Kai dodged all the vines as he ran towards the building, Javier and the others did the same, jumping and moving past the vines even with Nour in his arms, he was a bit slower than the others but he still moved with speed and agility.

As Alex ran he heard Jason scream and looked back, his eyes widened in shock at what he saw.