
"CROSS WHAT IS GOING ON?" Black asked in a stern voice while Cross was busy on the monitor, he heard rumbling from behind the door and hastened his work.

"The experiment is out of control, i am heading to headquarters right now"

"I DOUBT IT'S SAFE THERE, HAVE YOU SEEN WHAT'S GOING ON AROUND THE WORLD?" Rover asked and Cross pushed a button, a monitor began to display several scenes around the world. Cross watched as monsters roamed and rampaged cities and towns.


Cross cut Rover off, "It's the egg" he said in a daze as he watched the chaos on fold

"WHAT EGG?" Black asked

"The meteor, w-we thought it was just a rock, but there's a living thing in there and right now i-i i think it's hatching" Cross explained.



"I don't know exactly" Cross said in a whisper, a loud thud steals their attention and Cross looks at the door, there's another thud again "I don't have much time, it's looking for me" Cross said as he pressed a few keys on a keyboard and a door opens on the wall.

"WHAT'S LOOKING FOR YOU CROSS?" Black asked puzzled.

"This may be the last time i converse through this phone, i need you to tell the other subject, no matter what, even if they have to lay down their lives, find 935, don't let it get him first" Cross said and packed a tablet and some things in a bag, he pulls out a flash drive from the monitor and runs to the door.

"When he's found, let's meet at the secret bunker out west" Cross added, before Black or Rover could interject he pushed a button and a red light enveloped the room. The moment he walked past the door it shut behind him.

The door was forced open by Kaitlin's vines and creature's rushed in to see the room empty, on the monitors where numbers counting down. Once the numbers reached zero the walls let out a gas. 

One by one the creatures began to fall, their bodies wilting as they gas passed them, Kaitlin's vines even shrunk back.


Several scientist brought the limbs and organs of 935 to the room the egg was kept in. 935's part where kept in containers and the moment those containers where opened, vines shot out of the egg and into the containers.

The scientists watched, as the vines touched the parts and organs in the containers it absorbed everything till there was nothing left, the vines then slowly retracted back into the egg.

A deformed human stepped into the room, its face was styled with boils, it knelt before the egg and said "C-crosss....gooonneeee" its voice eerie as it tried to make words come out of its mouth.

The room suddenly started to vibrate, vines roped the scientist and lifted them up in the air.

"No no no please no" one begged, thinking the egg was going to drain him like it did the other humans.

Another vine wrapped itself around his neck and pulled hard, detaching his head, his spine still connected to his head, dangled loosely as blood dripped from it.

A high pitch sound engulfed the room, and the entire building began to tremor, creatures both tiny and large rushed out of the facility in a hurry to do their master's bidding.


Agent Rivera opened the door into a lab, behind her was Peter and a couple other soldiers. Peter's eyes scanned the room, from the test tubes to the busy scientists. "Smells like home" Peter said with a chuckle.

Rivera cleared her throat "This is where you'll be working and-"

"Working on what?" Peter asked, cutting her off mid sentence.

"A cure" Rivera answered.

"Do you even know the cause of what you are trying to cure?" Rivera opened her mouth to answer but he continued "Do you even know how it's spreading?" he asked again "To cure something soldier, you need to understand it" he added.

Rivera looked at him and nodded "Thank heavens we have you then," she said and walked past him "Our scientist are currently trying to check what the cause is, but so far nothing" she said as she walked out of the room and they followed her.

"Not airborne, not transmitted by the infected itself" Rivera explained.

"What time does it take for one to show symptoms?" Peter asked.

Rivera turned and looked at him, she looked exhausted with bags under her eyes, on getting just to this facility they had to gun down civilians that had turned and they narrowly made it there intact.

"W-we, we don't understand it ourselves okay, it looked," she paused and let out a sigh "At first we thought it was just,-" Rivera looked around and said "Come with me" she turned around and walked away, Peter and the other soldiers followed him.

The went deeper into the facility till they reached a door "I'll go in with him, you all stay here" she ordered and entered the room with Peter.

"Oooo, some alone time, i'm flattered but your honestly not my type cupcake" Peter teased as Rivera shut the door behind them.

Rivera ignored him, she stood beside him "Look down Rubrics" she said and Peter looked down, the sight before his eyes made him stumble back.

It was a monster, bound by chains on almost every part of its body, its neck, hands, legs, waist, chest, multiple chains stuck on its back and forearm as well.

Peter slowly walked up, they were standing on a podium, over what looked like a makeshift lage cell, but to Peter it was nothing but a huge whole, and what was in that whole could tear down this building with just its fists.

It was huge, with thorns etched around its body, it looked up and instantly Peter's whole body was engulfed in fear. "No face?" he asked in a whimper.

"Yes" Rivera answered "That's what we may be up against if we don't find what's causing this" she added

"Look Peter, i know in your line of work you and i are enemies, but right now the world is going to shit, we have tried evacuating as much people as we can but in hours we have lost billions and more will fall" she said sternly "It's spreading and we don't know how, we need all the help we can get so please get your shit together and do something worth," she paused and looked at him "worth saving humanity" she added.

Peter scoffed and looked at her "Nice speech and all cupcake but humanity hasn't done shit for me" he snarled and turned to walk away.

"Do it for Lily then" Rivera said and Peter stopped.

"What did you say?" Peter asked in a soft tone, he heard Rivera scoff.

Rivera opened her mouth to say something, before she could Peter had already pulled her and had her pinned to the door by her throat.

She let out choking sounds as his grip got tighter, "Who is he?" Peter asked in a menacing voice. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he was not joking, "I will kill you and still be able to walk out of here bitch," he snarled "Now tell me who the fuck is down that ditch!" Peter ordered.