
Everyone of the remaining students slept quietly, some still prayed in their hearts even as the laid down to sleep.

Nour tossed and turned on the floor even in her unconscious state.

"ßiseeee §aaaaæ aňœøsss..."  whispers in strange voices disturbed her rest.

"ţëækkk₪.... shaæa... c!!!!!ll!!!" She heard again, blood dripped from her nose as images began to flash in her mind.

She saw strange people and things, the flashes stopped when she saw the silver haired girl from before.

There were bodies of humans everywhere and in the middle the silver hair girl stood, her back facing Nour as the wind blew her dress and hair.

Nour couldn't even tell the colour of the dress anymore because of the blood that had bathed it.

The tips of her fingers were like sharp straight claws, blood dripped from them as well. To Nour's surprise her silver hair looked untouched and untainted, even though her entired body and clothes were drenched in blood there wasn'ta single drop of blood on her beautiful silver hair. 

Though she wasn't facing Nour, fear slowly began to engulf Nour. Her heart raced as she looked around and saw the mangled and torn of bodies of the people around.

No one needed to tell Nour the culprit of such a massacre, each body loomed more mangled than the last. For the one's whose face she could make out, from the expression etched on their faced their death was neither swift nor without pain, rather it was the opposite.

"þ×əær§... ļłəə×" She heard the whispering voices again and before she could even understand or think of what was said the girl turned and faced her.

Fear engulfed her body, the girls eyes were pitch black as though she was staring into a never ending abyss that held nothing but anger and maddening rage.

"ץæßəe" The voices told her, she didn't need a translation as she took to her heels the moment the girl lunged for her.

Nour ran as fast as she could, but for some reason she felt as though brick weighed down her legs. They were so heavy that it deprived her from moving in her normal speed.

To make matters worse she tried to leap over the dead bodies and hold herself from tripping.

Her efforts proved fruitless, with nothing less than thirty steps she tripped and stumbled.

Quickly she sat up, her body, hands and the side of her face covered in blood. She felt her hand touch something squishy, reluctantly she picked it up only to lay her eyes on a bloody human tongue.

Nour made quick do of it as she flung it to the side, she looked up to see the silver haired girl mere feeds away from her.

She could feel her heart at the back of her throat as the girl lunged for her. Her breath seized as she awaited the inevitable.

The girl had blood on her face and she smiled at Nour wildly, revealing her blood stained fangs. Her outstretched hands got to Nour first, her claws began to make home at the back of Nour's neck.

"uliפessss c§eםrrıcc"  the voices whispered again.

"NOO!" Nour cried out and sat up. Her breath was as unrhythmic as her heart beat. Each frantic in its own way, her body was drenched in sweat as she clutched her chest and even looked at her body for any signs of the blood that stained her before.

"Nour" Javier let out in a soft whisper as he placed a hand on her shoulder, he was taken aback when she let out a yelp and jumped away from him.

She felt something moist down her nose, she touched it. She quickly swallowed her gasp and cleaned it off before anyone noticed.

"Is she alright?" Javier heard someone ask and turned to see Mika and Kai standing, staring at him.

Javier cleared his throat and got to his feet "Y-yeah" he stuttered and walked up to Nour "Nour" he said softly.

She seemed to have frozen in place, before she turned and faced Javier with tears in her eyes. She didn't even let him say anything before she hugged him.

Javier wrapped it arms around her, welcoming her sudden embrace.


"I don't wanna die" Alex mumbled as beads of sweat formed on his body.

*And you don't have to* 

He heard a voice say in his head "shut up" Alex snapped at the voice. He shivered on the floor as he felt his blood boil inside him.

*Listen to us Alex, you don't have to go through this alone...* 

It whispered while Alex was busy biting his nails "I-i don't?" Alex asked reluctantly.

*Yes... of course not, drag the others with you...*

Alex shook his head, his body quivered as blood began to run down his nose.


"Is Nour okay?" Luella asked as she approached them, Lukas, Eira, Antoine, and Melanie.

"Mmmm" Javier replied with a nod, "i guess yesterday is still bothering her" he added as he slowly sat down, with Nour still in his embrace.

Lukas brought out the food they water they managed to find and they all slowly began to eat.

"Alex isn't awake?" Luella asked Antoine

Antoine scoffed and said "He cried all through the night and finally shut up in the morning, I'm guessing he'll be out for a while" while he shoved chips and smacked down his mouth.

"Eat wisely," Melanie advices "we don't have much on us" she added and Antoine lowered the bag of chips from his lips.

Nour ate slowly, she felt something roll down her back and reached for her neck only to wince, she brought down her hand to see her fingers laced with blood.

'Shit she cursed mentally as she quietly cleaned the blood on her skirt.

"Where you really born with that eye colour?" They all heard Luella ask and looked to see her staring at Kai.

Kai didn't even look at her as he quietly ate his food.

"Why did you hide it?" Luella kept on probing even though Kai showed no signs of answering her "Its like a freaky monster thing" she added and Kai looked at her.

"Stop it" Nour said "We don't need quarrels right now Lue, so please, just stop" Nour said in an exhausted tone. "We can't stay here forever too, we have to find a way to leave school grounds, probably make our way home or to a safe bunker, I bet evacuation processes have begun, the sooner we get out of here the better" Nour explained.

Everyone kept quiet as they thought of what she just said, the silence was disrupted when a phone rang, they all looked in Kai' s direction.

Kai brought the phone out of his bag "Is it your mum?" Mika asked.

Kai shook his head and got up "It's Shen" he replied and walked away, they watched as he entered a different room to answer the call.

Antoine brought out his phone as well and began to use it.

"We should probably wake Alex up since we may move soon, who knows a monster might just break in" Javier explained.

"I'll do it" Lukas said and got up.


*Alex, do you think they trust you? Or like you? They want you gone....*

"Shut up you're lying" Alex retorted

*We both know I'm not. And once they find out what you did even if you don't die, they'll kill you, after all you did do it to their friend, their very own class..... Mate....*

Tears filled his eyes "I didn't know she'd do that"

*But you didn't stop either did you?* 

"I-I" Alex tried to explain but he didn't know what to say.

*You have always been a monster.* The voice said in a mocking tone

"No... Please..." Alex sobbed

*Hahahaha, even if I don't condemn you your kind will, such is the way of you humans.*

"Yo Alex!" Lukas called out to him.

With Lukas only a few steps away fro Alex Nour heardy槧hhhaaaaa..... u₩₩₩raaaa"

"Alex wake up" Lukas said and took a step forward

"Lukas get back!!" Nour yelled and got to her feet...

(AN: Hi guys)