
 Luke held Li Liyuan's big meat stick standing tall with both hands and couldn't help but murmur "Brother Liyuan ... you're so big ah ... me, can I have a bite?"

 The girl she liked was sitting on her knees in front of her, her little hand gently jerking her big hard rod, and she was asking if she could have a bite.

 What man could resist that?

 Li Liyuan's hand, which had reached out to push Luke away, was uncontrollably placed on the back of Luke's head and rubbed against it.

 "Foo ..."

 Li Liyuan's meat stick only had a faint smell of lemon soap, bouncing from time to time in his hand, Luke impatiently clamped down on the flowing pussy, and stretched out his tongue to add to it.

 "Hummmm ..." the cock is again a hard jump, Li Liyuan in the heart to excuse himself, this fucking can not blame me ah, Xiao Luke such an extremely good really Nima no one can top, I, I can not fucking.

 Like a kitten drinking water, Luke used her tongue to lick Li Liyuan's huge and firm rod little by little, her small hand also softly jerked the pillar, and a pair of vacuumed big tits were squeezed in front of her breasts, wearing milky white stockings just like this obediently licked the huge sized, hideously hard root in front of her.

 Li Liyuan while wiping the blocked nosebleed, the visual impact on Li Liyuan is too big, tonight either nosebleed flow death, or overindulgence fuck Luke fuck death.

 "Contain it ... Xiaofu ..." Li Liyuan was a little bit fascinated, he held his cock with his hand, and the glans gently pushed open Luke's shell teeth.

 Luke looked up at Li Liyuan and obediently took the cock into her mouth gulping up and down and sucking on Li Liyuan's reddish flowing glans.

 Behaving and slutty, Li Liyuan's rod bounced hard in Luke's warm little mouth, and if it wasn't for the fact that Luke was gripping the pillar with her hand, it probably would have popped right out of her mouth.

 It's his girlfriend anyway, so he's not a fucking man for putting up with it anymore.

 The knot in his throat rolled up and down, Li Liyuan's hand trembled a little as he reached in from Luke's waistline, and his touch was slippery and warm.

 Finally grabbed the big tits that had been tormenting him all day, and I, holy shit, they were big and soft!

 Wooing softly, Luke let go of the big meat stick in her mouth, and her moist eyes glanced at Li Liyuan somewhat shyly "Brother Liyuan ... ha ah ..."

 The girl lowered her head, her eyelashes fluttering lightly, a thin layer of redness on her face, seemingly ashamed, Li Liyuan then saw Luke pulling on the corner of the shirt, pulling the shirt directly above her breasts.

 "Li, Liyuan brother ..." Luke blushed to the point of dripping blood "Here you go ..."

 Two round, plump breasts fluttered about in the air, white and tender, with flesh-colored patches on top of the nipples, and a bit of pink areola could be seen.

 "I, fuck ..." Li Liyuan had rarely seen such white and plump breasts even in AV, his slender fingers were uncontrollably attached to Luke's nipples, and then when he came back to his senses the chest stickers had already been thrown in the trash can by him.

 "Ah ... so comfortable ... Brother Li Yuan, touching the tits is so comfortable ..." Luke obediently held up his chest, letting Li Liyuan grab and play with his tits.

 "Help me, clip ..." Li Liyuan shoved his soon to explode cock into Luke's cleavage "Brother's cock is about to explode from you teasing him."

 Pink nipples high in the air, Luke obediently holding the white tender big tits clamping the meat stick up and down jerking, eyes flashing with worship and adoration looking at Li Liyuan.

 "Uh ah ..." Li Liyuan tilted his head with a sexy gasp, he couldn't, how could such a good and so sexy girl, simply control the human-animal desire?

 With a tissue to wipe clean the nosebleed, Li Liyuan pulled up Luke pressed under his body to block that small mouth that had been emitting seductive gasps, reached out and touched Luke's legs, Li Liyuan had completely given up the persona of a decent gentleman, anyway, Luke is so well-behaved, how to get her can be.

 "Little Luke ... brother loves you ..."

 "Ha ah ... Brother Liyuan ... me, me too ..."

 Li Liyuan sat up on his knees and held Luke's tiny feet in his hands, he placed them on the tip of his nose and sniffed them lightly, he couldn't help but kiss them with fascination "Your feet are so small ... so cute ... so fragrant... ..."

 Luke's slutty pussy gushed streams of lust as she watched her handsome male god cupping and kissing and sniffing her feet like a demented man, so, so exciting!

 "Ha ah, it tickles ... Li-Yuan brother ... ah ... don't lick ... "

 Putting the pair of small feet that made him fall in love with them on his crotch, Li Liyuan gently rubbed the silky stockings with his cock "Help me ... Xiaofu, baby ... use your feet to help your brother fight it out... ...OK ..."

 "Mmmm ..." The girl obediently took one of his long, thick ones between her feet, palms together, and stomped and jerked on it.

 "Hiss ... Oh ... Xiao Luke is awesome ..." Li Liyuan's throat knots rolled, this was the first time he, desired to enjoy foot sex, he felt a burst of tingling in the cracks of his bones.

 "Harder ... baby, step on me ..." Li Liyuan touched Luke's calf, the prostate fluid flowing from his glans soaked Luke's socks, and the pink color of his feet and toes Gradually cleared, Li Liyuan loved Luke's feet, every inch was just long enough for his aesthetics.

 "Brother Liyuan ... hah ah ..." Luke helped Li Liyuan's foot massage while rubbing her big tits, Li Liyuan's cock was long and hard, and the lewd water flowing out of her slit was on the leather sofa reflecting the lustful watery light.

 Li Liyuan touched from the calf to the thigh, then to the root of Luke's smooth and white thigh, then he hooked the top of the stocking and took it off bit by bit until Luke's entire foot was exposed.

 White and small.

 Pulling up one of Luke's feet, Li Liyuan pressed the palm of the foot against his face and took a deep sniff, the sweet smell belonging to Luke made his rod throb hard and hit Luke's other foot.

 "Keep pedaling ... baby ... don't stop ..."

 "Ha ah ah ... Liyuan brother ... ah ... no, don't ... on Oooh... don't, don't lick... ha... "Luke cried and tried to draw back her foot, but Li Liyuan's big hand clutched her slender ankle and effortlessly prevented Luke from dodging.

 "Don't hide, baby... ... Little Luke ... Let brother lick your feet ... Your feet smell so good, baby... . toes are so cute ..."

 Licking the entire little foot from top to bottom, Li Liyuan's two eyes glistened with a ghostly light like a hungry wolf in the middle of the night, his tongue licked through every crevice of his toes, and he couldn't help but take his toes into his mouth, sucking and licking them.

 Luke was itchy and numb, with a real unfamiliar pleasure coming from her toes, and all she could do was cry and moan and try to keep herself from pulling her foot back.

 The other foot was also placed in Li Liyuan's mouth and sucked and licked, Luke felt that she was nearing her limit, so she cried and begged Li Liyuan "Brother Liyuan ... Ha ah ah ah ... I, I'm hard ... . oooh ..."

 "What's up, baby ..."

 "Flow, flow so much water ... ooooohhhh ... down there ... uhhhhhh... ..."