Come and show your brother how Baby usually plays.


 The sound of the clashing water made Luke ashamed and frightened, and she choked again

 Two clear jets of water sprayed out to hit the ground.

 "Okay, okay," Li Liyuan bangs the car door shut, his cock

 hard and sore, but his little darling was bullied so hard by his

 They were crying, and he put his arms around them and coaxed them along.

 "No more crying, no more crying, no one's going to see." - Good girl, baby.


 Luke huffed and puffed, she held her mouth in aggravation "Why are you this

 Like, it'll be seen.

 "No one, no one, how could I let anyone see my precious little

 Where's Luke."

 Kissing and coaxing, Li Liyuan held his hard cock and poked it in the dark.

 The grinding of Luke's pussy lips.

 "No, no way Luke pushed Li Liyuan and she went back toward the

 He looked out the window and begged, "I'll suck you off with my mouth.

 Come on, we'll do whatever you want when we get home, okay?"

 Li Liyuan pretended to be in a difficult position as he sculled his cock and reluctantly answered

 She agreed, "Okay," but in fact, she was already thinking about how she would go back at night.

 What a bully.

 Returning to the passenger side, Luke knelt on the seat and obediently took Li Li's

 The far-penetrated rod was in her mouth.

 The top is a little salty, it is her lewd water and Li Liyuan's prostate fluid, holding the glans hard to gulp, Luke licked and sucked, busy for a half hour Li Liyuan shot out.

 Swallowing the cum in her mouth, Luke dutifully licked up the leaked ones as well.

 After shooting Li Liyuan looked like he hadn't finished yet, he looked at Luke obediently swallowing semen and felt like he could immediately get hard and do it again.

 But there's a big dinner in the evening.

 Li Liyuan took out wet wipes and tenderly and meticulously helped Luke wipe her body clean, and also wiped the water and milk stains on the car, wrapping his arms around Luke's slippery and tender body to eat tofu while dressing someone.

 Driving to the parking lot of the mall, Li Liyuan pulled Xiao Luke, who was still a little weak-legged, out of the car.

 "What are you doing here?"

 "Buy you some snacks to eat ..." Li Liyuan looked a little unnatural, and by the way, buy something else.

 When checking out Luke followed Li Liyuan with a red face to put the condoms and several stockings from the shopping cart into the shopping bag.

 From the time Li Liyuan took the condoms and stockings, Luke was red-faced and embarrassed to speak.

 Until Li Liyuan restarted the car, Luke still had her head down.

 Brother Liyuan bought a lot of stockings ah ... all kinds of ...

 "Hmm?" Li Liyuan reached out and rubbed the top of Luke's head "Why haven't you been talking baby?"

 "No, no ..." A little apprehensively tugging at her clothes, Luke thought that she was going to be fed again tonight.

 Li Liyuan smiled a little, he lowered his voice "I'll take you home ..."

 A gentle nod.

 The car stopped at the entrance to the neighborhood, and Jin Wang came out of the duty room, where all foreign vehicles are registered.

 He looked at Luke in the co-pilot and had a bit of a hard time for a moment, he hadn't had a chance to keep cheating on Luke since the last time he fucked her.

 He looked at the Audi a6 that was gradually going away, hey, it's the same tall lad from last time, can't beat it at all.

 "Take a shower together, baby."

 Luke didn't even have time to reply and was directly carried by Li Liyuan towards the bathroom, Li Liyuan held Luke with one hand and took off his pants with the other.

 In the bathroom Li Liyuan in a happy mood fiddling with the well-behaved girl in his arms, straight to make Luke tremble and grunt and say no.

 Smooth, tender, flavorful and soft.

 After a hard bath, Luke sat on the bed in the bedroom, Li Liyuan was half kneeling in front of her gently putting on her stockings.

 These were pink pantyhose, and there were several pairs of them on one side.

 Holding Luke's pink and tender little feet, Li Liyuan couldn't help but kiss them, Luke was a little itchy and unconsciously moved her toes.

 The feet are fucking adorable too!

 "Baby, your feet are so long and beautiful."

 Luke moved her toes uncomfortably, foot control and all that was shameful.

 Pulling one of Luke's feet on his already erect rod, Li Liyuan boarded up and knelt on the floor, he kissed Luke's other foot in ecstasy, his voice low and husky "Come on baby ..."

 The tall and handsome young man in front of him was naked like this, kneeling in front of his bed with his flowing rod, Li Liyuan's body was very well built, and Luke was aroused by the beauty in front of her, and her pussy was spitting out water in waves.

 She stammered and retracted her foot "Wait, wait ..."


 Getting off the bed, Luke reddened and pulled open a small compartment in the closet full of her toys and absorbent mats.

 She didn't dare to look at Li Liyuan and padded her hands on the bed "This way, this way it won't get dirty ..."

 Li Liyuan frowned, why would Luke's family have this kind of thing?

 He stood up and took two steps to the front of the closet, seeing the assortment of jumping balls and vibrators in the cubbies.

 "Ah, don't, don't look!" Luke covered her reddened face, ah ah ah, it's too shameful to be discovered!

 Raising his eyebrows, Li Liyuan glanced at the bed reddened and ashamed Luke, reached out his hand, and casually fiddled with the toys inside for a while before picking up the biggest of them all, a vibrator.

 "This kind of thing is not as cool as brother's." Li Liyuan nodded roguishly at Luke's meat stick which was much thicker and longer than a vibrator.

 "Has, has not been used for a long time ..." Luke touched and explained "Is, is used before ... "

 "Baby is quite good at playing." Li Liyuan dumped everything on the bed in a brainwave "Come, let brother see how baby usually plays."