Quick Thinking

*** Have an idea about my book, comment and let me know***



After the shots, all was silent and Maruge was left looking at Seth with shock, and then he let him go as his hands moved to his neck.

"How" the man tried speaking, disbelief in his eyes but blood came running out of his mouth.

Though Kruxe had bitterly fought through the pain and successfully gotten both the man's hands occupied, Maruge had still been quick to notice when a gun had appeared in his hand, but alas he was now in a tight spot

With unbelievable reflexes, one born from the need to survive, Maruge had moved his head to the left and dodged Kruxe's first shot but then to his surprise, there was another shot from the double-barreled gun.

The fact that Seth had been able to even fire a shot was still a shock to the man, not to talk of two shots, two shots from a gun that had already fired two earlier shots and was supposed to be empty, but alas even if he had known, there was nothing he could do.

That moment when he began wanting to twist and dislocate Kruxe's arm, he had lost the battle.

With heavy breaths and little tears already going down his red eyes, Kruxe quickly scampered off the ground and turned to Maruge who was still holding onto his bleeding throat.

With the voice in his hand flatly telling him it wasn't going to offer any help, Kruxe knew he was on his own, and after grinding his head for a method of survival he had thought to use one of the unique and unbelievable features of his pistol.

With a thought, he had stored it away, and then after making sure he had gotten both of Maruge's arms busy, he had moved his left arm.

At first, his left arm had moved like it was a simple random action from the pain he was being put through, but then a pistol had appeared in it, and not wasting a second Kruxe's finger pulled the trigger.

With the distance between the two of them, Kruxe had expected a sure hit and kill with the first shot but Marge had overturned Kruxe's mind by actually still being able to predict and dodge the attack by moving his head to the side.

Thankfully right from the beginning, Kruxe had intended to offload all two newly automatically reloaded shots, and with Maruge's head already moved to one side, he had neither the time nor space for a second dodge and so could only be hit.

With Maruge having been able to use his bare firsts to stop one of his shots and only take minimal damage, Kruxe had decided to aim for the man's mouth, but well with all the pain wrecking his body, accuracy was far from his strongest point at that moment and he could only make his peace with having hit the man on the neck.

With heavy breaths from just surviving, Kruxe ran towards Maruge who had fallen to his knees and delivered a punch wanting to quickly end the enemy.

The punch hit, and while Kruxe regretted his actions as his hand hurt like he had punched Iron, deep regret further filled him when Maruge's right hand shot out in a flash and grabbed him by the neck.

In the excitement of the moment, Kruxe had gotten sloppy, he had gotten too confident in himself and arrogant in his victory, wanting to quickly finish off Maruge like he was some already downed animal.

Maruge's arm clamped around Kruxe's neck with an iron grip, the man letting out growls as his throat and mouth was flooded with blood.

With the gun in his hand, Kruxe began rapidly pulling the trigger, wanting it to fire but alas there were still several seconds left before it fully reloaded, seconds which Kruxe did not have.

Maruge's grip had tightened on Kruxe's neck and he could already feel himself choking.

With blood flowing down his lips, and neck, Maruge looked at Kruxe with hate, growls coming out of his mouth, and then just before the man finally snapped his head off, Kruxe's gun disappeared, and with all his strength, Kruxe shoved his hand into the growling Maruge's mouth, the barrel of a gun appearing where the back of his head should be almost immediately.

With Kruxe's latest move, shock once more appeared on Maruge's face, his eyes finally closing while his grip on Kruxe no longer tightened, but that didn't mean he let him go.

As the man's eyes closed, he began falling to the ground, the weight of his body pulling Kruxe whose neck his hand was still wrapped around along with him.

"Urghh" Kruxe cried as he fell to the ground, having long pulled his hands out of the man's mouth and now had them on the man's hand which was on his neck, trying to pry his finger apart.

With some effort, Kruxe was able to lose the already tight grip and ease his breathing process, but it took him a few more seconds to successfully pry off the dead man's fingers one by one.

All through the process, Kruxe was forced to look at the bloody and messed up image of the man whom he had grotesquely killed, and when he finally got his neck free, he rolled over and threw up.

In just a matter of minutes, he had been put through scenarios he had never faced in his life and had his first kill

Kruxe's body shivered and heavily trembled as the images of Maruge's bloody and destroyed mouth filled his head.

Kruxe's mind was being stormed with a barrage of images and thoughts when the ship he was on fired off three canon shots at the same time their loud sounds ringing in his head.

With a sort of shock, Kruxe immediately pushed himself standing on his knees oxygen and looked around, vigilance and fear in his eyes.

"No one came to check on us"

Kruxe was still stunned by this fact before his mind further relaxed and he remembered the sounds of canon which he could hear falling around the ship.

"That voice did say it was raining cannonballs outside," Kruxe thought as he staggered to his feet.

Not wanting to ignite any further ill reaction from his body, Kruxe rapidly looked away from Maruge's body, sent his pistol disappearing, and then began moving around.

"Where is the next hatch," Kruxe bitterly thought, he could still remember the words of the captain returning, he had only been able to defeat Maruge due to his gun's ability to appear and disappear, else even with both his hands tied, Maruge would have killed him with ease.

Thankfully Kruxe and Maruge's fight while painful and later bloody had been very low on the destruction side, so they hadn't destroyed the ship and made Kruxe's search harder.

Frustration was beginning to build up in Kruxe when his eyes looked to the right of the ship and just near a bulkhead he saw a cutout section on the floor.

Not wasting a moment Kruxe quickly walked over to it, bent down, and with effort slid it open, and as fast as he could, he went down the ladder.

Kruxe was now on the bottom deck of the ship, and though it was lacking in illumination when compared to the upper deck, it at least still had illumination.

It took Kruxe's eyes a few seconds to adjust to the light, and when he was done, a shocking image entered them.