Cropping Problems

"Where is this from?" Alejandro said, asking the one question that was on everyone's mind.


Rather than answer, Kruxe had the gun in Alejandro's hand disappear and appear in his hand. 

The feat made Alejandro take a step back in caution, but he found it unnecessary as all Kruxe did was drop the gun once more.


"I can summon and unsummon this gun. There are a lot of things I keep secret about me, and I will tell them to you, but the one thing you need to understand is that I really have nothing to do with your daughter's kidnapping, and I hope you can understand that."


There, Kruxe had done it, he had taken himself from the frying pan to the fire.

 Extra lives, an inspection skill, the ability to summon and unsummon a gun with infinite ammo, by the time he mentioned all these things and the weird voice in his head, Kruxe was more than sure that he would be locked up in some place and experimented on for all eternity.