
His feeding, lodging, and means to search for a pirate crew and a certain pirate were all reliant on Kruxe's money, and now that he was robbed, Kruxe couldn't imagine what he would do.

With a one-tracked mind, Kruxe swung open the door of his room and rushed out of it, speeding past the several people he met in the corridor and heading for the stairs which he descended with haste of steps, not caring for the descending and ascending individuals he pushed out of his way.

"Hey you, stop, ahhhhhh" the several people who were walking up and down the stairs screamed as they found themselves being thrown to the side and to their feet, but unfortunately, the perpetrator had no care for them.

When there were just about 5 steps left for Kruxe to finish his descent, he leapt over the railing of the stairs, not having the patience to make a clean descent, and when he landed, he bolted for the receptionist's desk.