Wake Up, I Wanna Leave

"How long has it been since he was last conscious."

"Around 16 hours doctor."

"Okay, that is not too great news, here is what will happen, you'll....'


"His fever has gone down but his eyes still look rather weak, keep him on his current medication."


"How much longer, try to see if you can establish contact with him."


There were memories of Kruxe having opened his eyes several times, but these memories were rather faint and the details difficult to remember, so this time when Kruxe opened his eyes and stared up at the white ceiling, he didn't put much thought into why it looked rather familiar, as if he had seen it before, instead Kruxe let out a groan as he did a check on his body.

"God my body feels so weak and stiff, like I'm hardened flesh without bones."