
Two guns, which gave him three shots, a pocket knife, my hands and legs" Kruxe thought as he moved as quietly as he could, the several sounds of combat from other areas of the dock doing a good job of helping to muffle his advance.

If the location where the warehouse had been placed was one which saw a lot of traffic, that would have been a boon for Kruxe and made his work a lot easier, but alas, it only made sense that the warehouse was quite removed from an area with easy public access, after all the goods it held needed to be kept safe.

Feeling the two weapons in his hand, Kruxe did a check of his means and then though he nodded his head he gave the pistol in his left hand a doubtful look.

Though he understood the basics of using flintlock pistols which entailed how to pull the trigger and fill the powder hole, Kruxe had never had to do so before considering his stubborn attraction towards arrows and then the unbelievable nature of his double barrel gun.