There Is Always A Second Shot

"This doesn't look good, should I stay here or get going" Kruxe thought as he grimly watched the battle between Van Croix and his enemy.

Given the fact that he had already injured Van Croix earlier and that the other man had complimented him on his shot, without Kruxe even having a say in it, the man opposing Van Croix had suddenly become his ally and directed him to stand back and watch him defeat Van Croix.

With the several exchanges that had been going on between the two, Kruxe had gotten enough time to observe the both of them and now he had an idea of what his supposed ally looked like.

Thick black hair on the head, well-carved sideburns leading to black beards that rested on the chin of a fine middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man possessed a larger-than-normal build but was of average height and his body possessed a strength and agility that would leave many with wide eyes and loose jaws.