Mysterious Eyes

[No there isn't, just like the name, the heavenly body isn't something that one can just manipulate and even now the only reason why you even have a chance of acquiring it is due to the influence of the mad pirate's power which is me in you.

My presence acts as a bridge that gives you a chance at this higher power.]

Hearing Clait's words, Kruxe stopped with his incessant pleading and rubbing of his palms together and stood to his feet.

"Fine," Kruxe said his tone bitter, "But still what would you say my chances are of getting this heavenly body, and please be real.

[I would say twenty per cent.]

"That is low" Kruxe mumbled and he sat on the bed, he rubbed his hand on his forehead and then he fell back flat.

"In a way, perhaps it would have been better if you hadn't told me about this heavenly body" Kruxe muttered, his words intended for Clait, and like it knew Kruxe needed no reply, Clait remained silent.