
"Wow, you're still alive Kruxe said squatting beside the body of Eva and pulling off the black cloth which covered her face.

"What are you doing" Eva wheezed out, as Kruxe exposed her face to the world.

Sure, they were still in the square box and had the darkness to protect them, but his actions were still very much against protocol.

"Did you see how I killed him?" Kruxe asked out of nowhere, not caring for her discomfort.

"Yes, I heard the shots and I could make out the gun in your hand" Eva replied without thinking annoyance on her face.

"Now If you're down with your dumb questions then quickly help me, I think the bastard hit my spine, I am kind of paralyzed at the moment."

"Ehh, sure I'll help you in good time, but first I have a couple of other questions," Kruxe said reaching for his head and taking off his own mask.