Calm Before The Storm

Since the advent of the Akrafena pirates and commander Alejandro, Kruxe hadn't come across any as strong as Maruge, not to talk of an E rank seeker.

Kruxe's time after leaving his father had taught him how Cletina and the likes who stood on her level were rare in the central continents and in no way had he ever thought that he would encounter such a monster amongst a bunch of smugglers.

In Kruxe's mind, any E rank seeker that dwelled within the central continent was a treasured guest anywhere and Kruxe was more than sure that such an accomplished person would like to enjoy the fruits of his labour, but the information the screen before him was showing, revealed that his thoughts had been wrong.

How he had missed the E rank on Katrina's name, Kruxe could only chalk up to his narrow-mindedness and his desire to watch Rollins fight, but with speed, he forgot about the cause and moved to find a solution.

"First thing first, where is the E rank seeker."