Flying Ship Pirates

You don't seem impressed with the ship, I know it looks old and excessively used, but I'll have you know that she boasts 20 ready to fire cannons" a completely clothed fat man to Kruxe's side said constantly looking between Kruxe and the ship which was in the distant waiting for an impressed look to climb onto Kruxe's disappointed face.

Hearing Jalhoran's words, Kruxe turned to the man with a deadpan look which shut him up and then he faced back the ship in the distance.

After his first exchange with Jalhoran which ended with him putting the man into a wall, Kruxe had needed to beat the slow idiot a few more time to convince him that he was completely superior to him and should be respected.

"Though he is dumb, Jalhoran does have some serious strength unfortunately, he's disgustingly slow and has zero fighting moves, he fights like a barbarian."