
Broken roofs, broken doors, broken walls, if there was one thing all the objects in Dana's house had in common, it was that there was something broken about them.

Combined with the horrible conditions of their houses and their muddy floors which was common throughout the whole town, anyone who saw this place would have only one word for it, 'a pig style"

Fortunately, Dana was ignorant to the truth of how horrible her life was, so she was able to form a smile on her face as she moved, the little girl thinking of meeting her father.

Though it took her close to two minutes of going passed several houses and mud-covered people, the little girl eventually made it to her father's work place and she couldn't help but smile, after all her father worked in of the most beautiful place she had ever seen, a quarry.

Unlike the town which was covered in mud, the area where Dana's father worked was filled with dry hard ground and most importantly, stones.