Doubting The Will

Withpout the sun, the moons and stars were free to galivant around the world, and while they prouncrd about, the oppressed celsestial bodies had no qualms showing off just a bit of raidnace to the world.

Sitting at the top of a tree of a very high tree was Kruxe and while Jalhoran lazily sat donw below scracthign at his chin and probabaly thinking about what next he will eat, Kruxe who sat high up, had dispersed to the sense of the world as hje had buried himself in darkness energy.

Whether ti was taking it in and fillifn his body with darkness or breathing it in and fueling his mind, Kruxe mutlitsaked and he id for 6 hours straight before his voice then decie from the top of the tree.

"Jalhoran, I believe this is where we go our seperate ways, thank you for leading me all the way here, but from this point, I must continue on my own."