
"I will talk, I will talk." a voice with suprising pitch sounded aput and for some second silence diescedn in the tent whoch had been fillwed with nothing but screams and curses some seconds ago.

After coming in and checking in on her tools, the black haired woman had processed to circle her captives proceeding to give them a run down of the kind of pain they were about to feel if they reamiend silent and when she was done, she went init action.

"desperate fro answers, the woman had gone fiull throttle on the men, making them feel as much pain as she could withign the limited tome hse had decie to allocate to each person, but to her shock, the woman found herlsef met with faoure after torturing 3 people.

For men who knw nothignother than the muddy village thyey were born in and the stones and mines whoch they dug, the woman hadnlt expecte them to began spitting out every infor sge wanted from them after inflciating just a bit of pain.