Without asking whther he wsnetd to see it or not, a notification signifying the completeion of one of his missions requirements popped up and with a heavy mind Kruxe had fallen asleep.

Kruxe's initial plan had been to sleep for as long as possible, perhaps even roever to avoid returnifn ti the reality where he had wioed oit score of humans fr power, but like the ghsost ifhis victim had arisen and decie that hye could never sleep, about two hours later, the boy's eyes shot open and with a grunt he poushed himself to his feet and began moving.

At night even without Kruxe doing anythugn, just by virtue of him having darkness energy moving through his body, the ghost town which utahare village had turned init was clear in his eyes, and this detail was just limited to what was around him, but to the entire village.