Aged Like Wine

The camp was set up by merely a few actions taken through Zero's own inventory, summoning the remaining tents along with a healthy campfire that burned with a lively, orange flame. 

Just standing near the exuberant flame provided multiple buffs: 


Still, there was one problem–

"We only have three tents now," Zero remarked with his hands on his sides, looking at the expensive bases. 

"I call dibs on this one–!" Vangrave shouted, running into one. 

Hanma was quick to respond, rushing into another one, "Hey–then this one is mine!" 

Like complete children, the two action-addicted players vanished into their tents, leaving Zero and the blonde-haired thief looking at the same one. 

"Guess we're sharing," Zero breathed out, ruffling his own hair. 

"Huh–?" Kiwi reacted, her face reddening at the mere mention of such an idea, "Together?--"