Advanced Intelligence

Each of the colossuses were of rotten, blackened skin, with weapons stitched in place of their hands. "Fee" had giant battle-axes on the end of his arms, while "Fum" wielded frightening hammers capable of flattening a man easily. 

Zero jumped up, flipping back as he caught himself on his hands as one of the massive hammers crashed down into the tiles. From an upside-down view, he saw the large edge of the axe accompanied by the lipless grin of a giant sweeping in. 

He pushed off the ground with his hands, jumping up as the huge axe swept across the floor. As soon as his feet reunited with the ground, the colossal shadow cast over him brought his gaze up to find another slam of a hammer coming from the twin giant. 


He brought himself out of the crushing object's way as the chunks of the smashed tile flung wildly through the lair. 

"Keep it up. This is valuable data," Frankenstein remarked, observing casually from the back.